No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh21 - I want you to move in and live with me

KEIGHTY: Thank you so much for the ko-fi, lemontea! 🍋🫶 Enjoy reading DOGGIE! 🦮 Extra ko-fi chapter (5/10)

The nurse looked at the new Alpha patient in front of her. He was quietly sitting on the hospital bed, his messy bangs falling over his forehead couldn’t hide his handsome features. Even from a distance, one could tell he was quite a looker. However, his right hand was wrapped in a bandage, and there was a bruise on the corner of his mouth, giving him a rather disheveled appearance. BXcfed

As if noticing the movement outside, the young man lifted his head and looked over at her. He had gentle, dog-like eyes with light amber pupils and naturally drooping outer corners. Despite having multiple injuries and cuts on his lips and forehead, none of these added any fierceness to his face.

The young man’s overall gentle demeanor made it hard to associate him with someone who would provoke trouble.

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The nurse glanced through his medical records and advised:

“The anesthesia might wear off soon. It could hurt a bit too. You can take some painkillers.” Jcd261

“Avoid getting the wound wet for the next few days. Try to move your hand as little as possible.”

Ran Hang looked at the bandage wrapped around his right arm, his drooping eyes showing some frustration. “How long will it take to remove this?”

Nurse: “Four to six weeks.”

Ran Hang: “Does it really have to be that long?”


Ran Wenyin had just learned from the doctor that Ran An’s condition had worsened. If she saw him looking like this, who knows if she could handle it.

Nurse: “You have a fractured hand. If you take off the bandage too early, it will heal even slower.”

“Oh…” Ran Hang nodded to show he understood. Just as the nurse was about to leave, he suddenly called out, “Don’t I need to pay?”

The nurse stopped in her tracks. “Someone already paid for you.” exdKRX

Ran Hang was stunned for a moment. “Is he still here?”

When the thug hit him with a stick, he seemed to have a mild concussion and wasn’t fully conscious. He vaguely remembered seeing Huo Siming’s face, then hearing the sound of an ambulance. When his mind became clearer, he was already stitched up in the operating room, but Huo Siming was nowhere to be seen.

The nurse found it amusing. “How should I know? He brought you here. You should ask him yourself.”

With that, she closed the door behind her. O0GyhD

Ran Hang stared at the bedsheet, lost in thought…

Should he call Huo Siming? No matter what, Huo Siming had brought him to the hospital. He should at least say “thank you.”

Just as he was lost in thought, his phone on the bedside table vibrated with a “buzz!”.

He answered the phone. The anxious voice of his roommate Jiang Ming came from the other end: vdYPWA

“Hey, Ran Hang?”

“Are you still at the hospital? Ke Wenxuan said he hasn’t been able to reach you, and you didn’t answer his call earlier. I saw you left in a hurry. Is everything okay?”

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There was a moment of silence.

“I’m here…” PKgz5V

Ran Hang sighed almost imperceptibly, thinking that not only was he still at the hospital, but he was also admitted to it.

About twenty minutes later,

Ke Wenxuan and Jiang Ming hurriedly arrived at the hospital together.

“Did you call the police?” Qm1w6t

“Who were those people?”

“Why didn’t you tell us when something like this happened?”

Ke Wenxuan was very emotional upon seeing Ran Hang’s condition.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ran Hang slightly turned his head to avoid Ke Wenxuan’s gaze, the messy hair on his forehead covering the expression in his eyes… Jvgxdu

Pc ojma, rlcmf tlr qjgfcar’ vlnbgmf, tf tjr tjgvis wfcalbcfv Itjb Wljcukfc ab jcsbcf jgbecv tlw. Coafg jii, ktja kjr atf qblca bo yglculcu eq j yecmt bo vlragfrrlcu wjaafgr? Gffq vbkc, tf jikjsr tbqfv ab mbwqifafis glv tlwrfio bo atbrf ecqifjrjca qjra fnfcar. Pa kjr jr lo, ys cba wfcalbclcu atfw, atbrf yjv atlcur tjv cfnfg tjqqfcfv, jcv Itjb Wljcukfc kbeivc’a mbwf ab vlraegy atflg ilnfr.

But in the end, everything became a mess again, and he was still so disheveled.

It felt like he was trapped in a quagmire he couldn’t struggle out of.

Ran Hang instinctively clutched the bedding, his gaze somewhat unfocused. “Sorry, I…” zQPcdO

Jiang Ming: “This isn’t your fault. Why are you apologizing?”

Ran Hang pressed his lips together. “I’ve caused you trouble.”

When his lips moved, the bruise at the corner of his mouth started to hurt again.

Ke Wenxuan sat down beside his bed. “You can’t use your hand right now, can you? Jiang Ming and I brought you some food.” zD Pni

Ran Hang said, “Thank you.”

Ke Wenxuan looked at his heavily plastered right arm and asked, “Can you manage on your own like this? Does Auntie know?”

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Ran Hang: “Ah, I’m fine.”

“I haven’t told her about this yet.” eRMcHy

The first thing Ran Hang did after regaining consciousness was to call Ran Wenyin and make an excuse to cover up the situation.

He casually found an excuse, saying he might be back later.

Ran An’s condition was already worrying her enough. He couldn’t add more to her concerns.

As for how to explain to his mother and sister, what to do about the debt collectors, whether they would come again, and how to handle Ran An’s medical expenses… Z0Bra5

These problems weighed on him like a heavy boulder, making it impossible for him to think.

He had just gotten his stitches, and his head felt dizzy and heavy…

Maybe he would think about it after the anesthesia wore off.

…… H7eunM

Around the corner of the hospital hallway, a deep voice could be faintly heard. The man, dressed in a dark suit with his well-tailored clothing accentuating his broad shoulders and narrow waist, stood out.

His handsome appearance attracted many passersby to frequently glance back at him, but the indifference and aloofness in his deep eyes made him seem unapproachable. Not to mention, he was accompanied by two or three bodyguard-like figures.

It was as if the area around him was marked off as a secluded boundary.

“How are those people doing now?” Id4aLE

“They’re under control, President Huo.”

“Who’s behind this?”

“We’re investigating. We’ll inform you as soon as we have news.”

Just as Huo Siming hung up the phone, he caught sight of Lu Xiangtian, wearing a white lab coat, walking towards him. U54w1c

Lu Xiangtian had a naturally flippant air about him, which even his work clothes couldn’t completely conceal. He took off the thin-framed glasses on his nose and glanced down the hallway. “Where’s your mysterious A hiding?”

Huo Siming frowned, seemingly disgusted by Lu Xiangtian’s phrasing. “I see you’re really idle.”

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“Idle, my foot!” Lu Xiangtian’s expression froze. “I’m squeezing this in during a busy schedule, okay? And you were the one who called me over this time.”

Just a moment ago, he was asked to investigate a few things, and now he was getting this attitude. He realized that Huo Siming was really used to bossing people around. In the past, he would have been a perfect landlord… xjAtRa

And he’s not much different now.

Huo Siming ignored him and walked straight ahead.

Chu Yuan led the way in front of him.

Chu Yuan led him all the way to the end of the corridor and said to Huo Siming, “It’s this room, President Huo.” 9xHIvr

As soon as Huo Siming looked up, he saw the same Omega from last time sitting opposite Ran Hang, peeling an apple for him.

His movement to push the door paused. His expression visibly darkened.

Lu Xiangtian, standing beside him, could hardly wait to see who had managed to give Huo Siming a temporary mark without getting beaten up yet.

He craned his neck to look into the hospital room. “Whoa, a sunny boy, huh? So that’s your type… Wait… Who’s that next to him?” xLRJqG

Lu Xiangtian turned to look at Huo Siming with a mischievous expression. “Could it be that President Huo got cut off?”

Huo Siming shot him a cold glance, the warning in his eyes unmistakable, silently conveying a message.

——Shut your mouth.

Lu Xiangtian touched his nose. “Seriously, could that be his boyfriend?” uWG1eq

Huo Siming looked expressionlessly at the two people in the room. “I don’t know.”

Lu Xiangtian thought, classic Huo Siming—doesn’t even know if the other guy has a boyfriend and is just going to charge in like a bandit and take him away.

He gave a meaningful smile. “What if he is? What will you do then, President Huo?”

“Does it matter?” Huo Siming turned to look at Lu Xiangtian. His lips were pressed together, his dark eyes cold. “Only those who can stay together are called ‘boyfriends’.” VKHZf3

The implication was that he didn’t care about the relationship between this Omega and Ran Hang. Even if they liked each other, he could still break them apart.

Lu Xiangtian: “So President Huo plans to beat up the mandarin ducks?”

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Huo Siming sneered, “For problems that money can solve, there’s no need to ‘beat them up’.”

Lu Xiangtian: “……” T6w7Hv

“No wonder you’re the epitome of an evil capitalist.”

Inside the hospital room.

“You don’t need to trouble yourself anymore…” Ran Hang smiled sheepishly at Ke Wenxuan. “You and Jiang Ming should go back early. I’ll be fine on my own.”

Ke Wenxuan placed the plate with the apple slices on his bedside table. “Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own?” sJIZNU

“No problem.” Ran Hang moved his still-functioning left hand. “I still have one good hand, right? And my mom and the others are at the hospital too. If it really gets tough, I’ll contact her.”

“Thanks a lot for today, I really caused you trouble.”

“We’re all classmates, what’s there to be troubled about?” Ke Wenxuan picked up his bag and waved at Ran Hang. “I’ll head out first. Get some rest and reach out if you need anything.”

With that, he pushed open the door and left the room. s7EBeO

After closing the door, Ke Wenxuan adjusted the strap of his backpack. At the same time, he caught a scent of cool sandalwood. When he looked up, he nearly collided with a man.

The man was dressed in a suit, very tall, the kind who would become the focus of attention no matter where he was. Especially with those dark eyes carrying an air of world-weariness, there was a sense of detachment, as if he didn’t care about anything in the world.

At the moment their eyes met, Ke Wenxuan’s pupils constricted. He quickly turned his head and hurriedly left the corridor.

The man’s presence was so terrifying… JPzQc9

Just being close to him felt like being frozen.

Inside the hospital room.

Ran Hang was leaning against the headboard, feeling drowsy, when he heard the door turn. His long eyelashes fluttered as he groggily opened his eyes, thinking Ke Wenxuan and the others had returned.

“Why are you back… Huo, Mr. Huo?” swXYD0

Seeing who it was, he instantly sat up straight.

Meeting Huo Siming’s direct gaze, Ran Hang felt his face heat up. He lowered his head slightly and turned his eyes away…

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Why was it that he was always seen by him in his most disheveled state?

Huo Siming frowned imperceptibly at Ran Hang’s nervous demeanor in front of him. oMnRyl

His gaze fell on Ran Hang’s right hand, wrapped in a plaster cast. The Alpha’s lip was still swollen, and his fluffy chestnut hair was tousled from sleep. His pale complexion looked tired, like a sleepy little puppy.

Seeing the injuries on Ran Hang, Huo Siming’s fingers twitched slightly at his side, feeling an inexplicable itch in his hands…

Now he really wanted to know who had been the ones to hit him.

“Hello, I’m the doctor here, Lu Xiangtian.” Lu Xiangtian was the first to break the silence in the room. He extended his hand to Ran Hang in a familiar manner. cRedPL

“Ah, hello.” Ran Hang initially wanted to shake his hand but then realized his right hand was still in a plaster cast. He could only smile awkwardly at him.

Lu Xiangtian didn’t mind at all and retracted his hand.

After greeting Lu Xiangtian, Ran Hang remembered the important matter. “Mr. Huo, was it you who brought me here?”

Huo Siming responded with a simple “hmm” as an acknowledgement of the question. As he pulled up a chair next to Ran Hang’s bed and was about to sit down, he caught sight of the plate of apples on the bedside table. tVyJP2

He paused. His gaze darkened as he stared at the plate of apples, his brows furrowing unconsciously.

They were even…


Ran Hang was also taken aback. He sensed that Huo Siming seemed very interested in that plate of apples, but he wasn’t sure if Huo Siming liked apples, as his deep gaze gave the impression that he wanted to “see through” the apples. ismNCh

After hesitating for a moment, Ran Hang tentatively picked up the plate.

“Mr. Huo… would you like some?”

Lu Xiangtian struggled to suppress his laughter beside them, covering his upturned lips with his hand. He thought to himself, Mr. Huo wasn’t interested in eating apples. He was clearly jealous.

Huo Siming gave the plate of apples a cold glance. J0ZNOb



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Ran Hang awkwardly put the plate back.

Huo Siming sat down in the chair and leaned back, suddenly making the hospital room feel like a conference room. B6kmOC

Being looked at by Huo Siming made Ran Hang inexplicably nervous. He grabbed a cup of water from the cabinet beside him.

Huo Siming clasped his hands in front of his chest and began speaking slowly, “I came to see you today about that previous matter…”

“I’ve thought it over, and our previous way of interacting was indeed not suitable.”

Ran Hang’s expression froze, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. In order to ease his nerves, he lowered his head and took a sip of water. 5VhjHE

Then he heard Huo Siming, with a blank expression, say each word clearly:

“I want you to move in and live with me.”

“Cough! Cough! Cough!”

Ran Hang choked violently. VRIZ1q

The author has something to say:

President Huo, a different kind of straight ball

Translator's Note

kinda similar to the phrase “breaking up the lovebirds”. Mandarin ducks here figuratively refer to affectionate couples.

Translator's Note

Technically, it’s a pitch delivered on a straight line, with no curve to it.  Thus, here, it refers to Huo Siming’s utter straightforwardness XD

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  1. Hou Siming: let’s talk about business

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. ♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪ yeah~ go baby go bay~

    Anyways thanks for the update ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡.

  3. I wanna through a brick at this guy… Why’s he acting worse than alphas… They’re not that aloof ┻⁠━⁠┻⁠ミ⁠\⁠(⁠≧⁠ロ⁠≦⁠\⁠)