No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh19 - Why not just keep him by your side?

KEIGHTY: Thank you so much for the ko-fi, lemontea! 🍋🫶 Keep the comments coming, guys! I’m feeling so hyped up ^^v Enjoy reading DOGGIE! 🦮

lemontea‘s extra ko-fi chapter (3/10) HanF82

In the solemnly furnished office,

Huo Siming sat at his desk, staring at the densely packed text on the screen, but his gaze was somewhat unfocused.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

His eyes unconsciously drifted to the distant bookshelf. He picked up the coffee beside him and took a sip.

The coffee, bitter and slightly sour at first taste, carried a strong saccharin flavor that was somewhat nauseating. PZSWa4

Huo Siming frowned.

He didn’t know who bought this cup of coffee, but it was particularly sweet.

He didn’t like adding sugar to his coffee.

After just half a sip, he irritably put the cup down and gazed absentmindedly at the familiar packaging of the coffee cup. His mind involuntarily conjured the image of that person standing in the sunlight, smiling and talking to him,


“…Since I didn’t know your preference, there’s no sugar in the coffee.”

Huo Siming frowned again.

In these three days, not only had Ran Hang resigned from the club, but he had also quit his job at the coffee shop. His phone was completely unreachable as well.

Thinking of this, his fingers tightened slightly around the coaster… 40mzey

Ran Hang was the first person who dared to treat him like this.

Resigning without a word.

Not answering calls either.

What on earth was he upset about? pnHqTY

“President Huo.”

Secretary Chu Yuan stood at the office door and knocked.


“President Huo?” 8lwE2

Huo Siming came back to his senses. His gaze refocused on the cup of coffee with his brow tightly furrowed…

Why was he thinking about matters related to him again?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The next second, Huo Siming threw the coffee into the trash can with a bang and turned to look at the secretary standing by the door. “What is it?”

Secretary Chu Yuan pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, “Doctor Lu wants to see you.” 7k6RY9

Huo Siming: “Let him in.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Xiangtian quickly walked in from the door, holding a car key in his hand. “Here’s your car back.”

“Aera ifjnf la.”

“Ybqr!” JaNnP4

Oe Wljcualjc jmmlvfcajiis bqfcfv atf ifoa vgjkfg mbcajlclcu reqqgfrrjcar. Lf ibbxfv atbeutaoeiis ja atf mbcafcar lcrlvf jcv gjlrfv jc fsfygbk. “Ynfgerf bo reqqgfrrjcar mjc mjerf fjgis wfcbqjerf lc Ywfujr.”

C nflc bc Leb Vlwlcu’r obgftfjv ojlcais atgbyyfv jr tf gjlrfv tlr fsfr ab mbivis ibbx ja tlw, atf kjgclcu lc tlr ujhf ecwlrajxjyif.

“See, these are typical symptoms: irritability, quick temper.” Lu Xiangtian sat down in the chair opposite him, curious. “By the way, where is that pampered Alpha of yours?”

Huo Siming was signing documents. The “scratching” sound of the pen against the paper paused briefly. OcDkiz

“You seem to be concerned about a lot of things.”

With that remark, Lu Xiangtian could pretty much guess that Huo Siming had probably had some sort of disagreement with the other party. He boredly picked up a business card from the table.

“Actually, pheromone compatibility isn’t everything. How about I find a few more Alphas for you to try?”

Huo Siming’s signing paused. He snapped the pen cap shut with a “pop,” the veins on the back of his tightly clenched hand faintly visible. q3Xt5M

Lu Xiangtian rubbed his nose. “I was just saying. Never mind.”

He didn’t want to see any bloodshed. To be honest, after knowing Huo Siming for so long, he had rarely seen any Omega traits in him. Apart from the changes in glands and pheromones from secondary differentiation, everything else seemed almost fake.

Any Alpha who tried to fight him usually ended up getting beaten.

So when he heard that Huo Siming let an Alpha temporarily mark him, Lu Xiangtian was quite surprised. He thought, who could this immortal be? nW8gol

That’s quite a remarkable feat.

“If you like this Alpha so much, why not just keep him by your side?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Huo Siming instinctively wanted to refute, but as he heard the second half of the sentence, he fell into deep thought. t1LZxo

He lowered his eyelashes slightly, his finger brushing over the pen cap.

Keep him by his side…

Lu Xiangtian’s suggestion made some sense.

Why not keep him by his side? DEsJMv

Huo Siming’s lips pressed together almost imperceptibly…

That way, he wouldn’t be able to run away, right?

After seeing Lu Xiangtian off, Huo Siming called his secretary Chu Yuan directly. “How is the progress on that matter?”

Chu Yuan: “I just found out a few places Mr. Ran might go. I’m about to go check them out.” X7YVmo

Huo Siming: “Wait for me.”

Chu Yuan: “Alright, President Huo. Do you have any instructions?”


Half an hour later, a black business car conspicuously parked by the campus roadside. jTfCEV

Chu Yuan realized that Huo Siming’s “wait for me” didn’t imply that he had something to tell him but simply meant “wait for me” in the literal sense.

He glanced through the rearview mirror at the man in a black suit in the backseat, with his elbow resting on the car window. He thought to himself that they didn’t seem to be on a secret mission at all, but rather looked like they were performing a scene from Men in Black.

Neither Huo Siming’s car nor the man himself could ever be low-key.

Parking the car by the roadside like this attracted countless passersby’s attention. Wd9dou

Huo Siming, feeling a bit impatient, watched as curious onlookers passed by, craning their necks to get a look. Just as he was about to get out of the car, Chu Yuan, sitting in the front, said, “Is that Mr. Ran?”

He subconsciously turned his head and looked out the window.

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Not far away, on the leafy walkway, Ran Hang was wearing a black jacket and carrying a box, seemingly moving something. His originally chestnut hair was bathed in a warm golden light by the sun.

Walking leisurely through the campus, he looked like a vibrant university student. YGHI3E

Huo Siming’s pupils trembled. For some reason, seeing him again brought back the image of Ran Hang’s low spirits during their last meeting. He felt an inexplicable irritation and instinctively reached for his cigarette pack.

“Ran Hang!”

Suddenly, someone called out to Ran Hang from a distance.

Huo Siming’s action of taking out a cigarette paused. When he looked up again, he saw a person carrying a box approaching Ran Hang. That person was nearly half a head shorter than Ran Hang and, judging by their appearance, was likely an Omega. RXrAhJ

Ran Hang turned and stopped, waiting for Ke Wenxuan to catch up. “There’s not much stuff. I could’ve moved it myself. You didn’t have to trouble yourself…”

Ke Wenxuan waved it off. “It’s no trouble at all. I’ll need your help in the lab later with a few of my experiments anyway… hey…”

As he spoke, the box in his arms tilted precariously to one side.

Seeing that the box was about to fall to the ground, 25Q1Ln

“This one is heavier. Let me take it.”

Ran Hang took the box from Ke Wenxuan’s arms.

Witnessing this scene, Chu Yuan cautiously glanced at Huo Siming’s expression in the rearview mirror.

Huo Siming’s face remained cold, staring out the window with no noticeable change in emotion. eNpxmC

Chu Yuan let out a sigh of relief in his heart…


As long as the boss wasn’t angry.

Then, uUe98o

His gaze slowly moved downward, noticing that the cigarette pack in Huo Siming’s hand had been completely crushed out of shape…

Oh my goodness.

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Huo Siming pulled a cigarette from the deformed pack, the flickering flame of the lighter revealing a hint of darkness in his eyes.

Logically speaking, all Ran Hang needed to do was obediently perform the temporary marking for him. Other matters shouldn’t concern him. A2FO4z

But when Huo Siming saw those two walking side by side just now, he felt more irritated than ever…

It felt as if something of his was being touched by someone else.

A feeling of inexplicable annoyance.

On the other side, Tfz0Sh

Ran Hang and Ke Wenxuan carried the things to the dormitory building. The dormitory supervisor, who had been napping, opened his eyes warily and scrutinized the two as they approached.

Ran Hang turned to Ke Wenxuan and said, “Just leave the stuff here. I can take it up myself later.”

“Thank you for helping me move today.”

This was the Alpha dormitory. It wasn’t convenient for Omegas to enter. Lt1dhC

“I didn’t really help much.” Ke Wenxuan put the items on the table. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Alpha seriously organizing the belongings. The sunlight filtering through the trees cast a gentle glow on the young man’s chiseled profile, making it look especially soft. Suddenly, Ke Wenxuan felt his face heat up. Even his heart began to race uncontrollably.

Ke Wenxuan couldn’t quite explain why he had developed feelings for Ran Hang. Maybe it was because of his sunny, handsome appearance——sometimes just seeing him smile would lift his spirits. Or perhaps it was because, despite being an Alpha, Ran Hang never exerted pressure on those around him and always spoke in a very gentle manner.

It was only after falling for Ran Hang that Ke Wenxuan realized that Ran Hang was always like this with everyone: warm and polite, yet always maintaining a certain distance.

So, sometimes Ke Wenxuan would wonder if he could become that special person who would be treated differently. But after spending so much time together, he could vaguely feel that Ran Hang treated him no differently from others. Until last time, when Jiang Ming told him that Ran Hang had someone he liked, he still found it hard to believe. VnWQoS

He couldn’t imagine what Ran Hang would be like if he liked someone.

Ke Wenxuan hesitated for a moment but finally spoke up, “Jiang Ming told me something a while ago…”

Ran Hang looked up, “Hmm?”

Ke Wenxuan: “He said you have someone you like.” wvhx1E

“Ah… that…” Ran Hang paused in his organizing. He gave Ke Wenxuan a somewhat apologetic smile, his expression a bit unnatural. “I’m really sorry.”

Ke Wenxuan: “What’s there to say sorry for?”

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“And besides, I’m the one who got rejected. I don’t feel awkward, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Ran Hang rubbed his eyebrows, still feeling quite sorry. After all, no one likes hearing words of rejection. UnjGlB

“Um…” Ke Wenxuan was still a bit persistent, “Are you two dating now?”

Ran Hang’s expression went blank for a moment, “…No.”

Ke Wenxuan: “Then do you still like him?”

“I…” ObCuIx

Ran Hang turned his head slightly, reaching to touch the back of his neck. He didn’t speak, but the flush under his eyelashes said it all.

In the silent atmosphere,

Ke Wenxuan finally understood what Ran Hang was like when he liked someone.


Translator's Note

refer to Chapter 10

Translator's Note

金屋藏娇 (jīnwū-cángjiāo) – lit. a golden house to keep one’s beloved

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  1. Ran Hang when he liked someone looks like shy puppy

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Poor baby boo is like a sweet puppy in love. Now time to tame that ferocious little kitten huo ☺ im living for him inadvertently drinking vinehar without realising