No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh17 - Did he really like his pheromones that much?

KEIGHTY: GREAT news, DOGGIE readers! 🎉Because of lemontea‘s earth-shattering generosity and kindness, you’ll get another streak of DAILY updates for the next 9 days! Let’s all thank lemontea, please! 🙇🏻‍♀️ Thank you so so much once again, hope you guys enjoy the daily updates and thank you for supporting DOGGIE all through-out 🫶🦮

lemontea‘s extra ko-fi chapter (1/10) CiS0rt

In front of the transparent glass door,

Ran Hang felt as if his feet were rooted to the ground and couldn’t move. He watched Huo Siming and Lin Jiamu being guided upstairs by the waiter. The two of them looked very harmonious standing together—the kind of couple that would definitely turn heads while walking down the street.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They looked like they were on a date.

For a moment, Ran Hang really wanted to rush over and ask Huo Siming why he was still seeking him out if he was already dating someone else. RdNpAn

But when he lifted his eyes and saw his own reflection in the glass door, wearing a casual sweatshirt and faded jeans, he felt completely out of place compared to the two people on the other side of the door.

Ran Hang felt the impulsive heat in his blood suddenly cool down.

It seemed like, from the beginning to the end, his relationship with Huo Siming had always been transactional.

Why did Huo Siming come to him for a temporary mark?



“I don’t hate your pheromones.”

He recalled the words Huo Siming had once said to him.

Yes. Bdyc9K

Because he was an Alpha.

Because Huo Siming liked his pheromones, he came to him to fulfill his physical needs.

Wasn’t the answer obvious enough?

It’s just that he accidentally fell into it. 0GnUDZ

“Aren’t we leaving yet?”

Shi Ye’s questioning voice suddenly sounded in his ear.


Ran Hang’s gaze was still fixed on the glass door as he instinctively controlled his body to step forward. Then he bumped straight into an approaching waiter. rCKdzm

The drinks on the waiter’s tray spilled all over the front of his clothes.

The waiter looked at him, flustered. “Sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to…”

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“It’s fine.” Ran Hang finally came back to his senses. He withdrew his gaze from the glass door and mechanically smiled at the waiter. “I wasn’t watching where I was going. You don’t need to apologize.”

Inside the restaurant, ujMmI9

Huo Siming vaguely caught a glimpse of the commotion outside. He paused on the stairs and instinctively turned around. The moment he saw that familiar figure, his brows furrowed almost imperceptibly…

Why is he here?

Lin Jiamu: “What’s wrong, Mr. Huo?”

“Nothing.” Huo Siming withdrew his gaze and continued walking up to the second floor. YlGTmX

The two of them entered a private room on the second floor.

Lin Jiamu propped his cheek with one hand and elegantly took a sip of water. “Have you thought about what we discussed last time, Mr. Huo?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Huo Siming directly gave him a document. “These are my terms.”

Olc Aljwe ibbxfv ja atf vfcrfis qjmxfv mijerfr jybnf jcv yegra bea ijeutlcu. “Qtja lr atlr, j qgbpfma mbcagjma?” 5tw0K7

Leb Vlwlcu rjlv fzqgfrrlbcifrris, “Po sbe kjca ab rff la jr j qgbpfma mbcagjma, atja’r olcf.”

“P mjc lcnfra lc atbrf qgbpfmar sbe kjca ab qegref, jr ibcu jr sbe mbbqfgjaf klat wf jcv cfnfg lcafgofgf lc ws qfgrbcji joojlgr…”

Lin Jiamu nodded. “Everything is clearly written here. This is much more detailed than a prenuptial agreement.”

Huo Siming corrected him, “I have no plans to get married at the moment. Just ‘look like it,’ understand, Mr. Lin?” hBXQjO

Lin Jiamu smiled. “Understood.”

Then he leaned forward slightly. “But I’m curious, why is Mr. Huo so resistant to marriage? Is it because of someone…”

Huo Siming coldly interrupted him, “Your question has already crossed the line.”

Lin Jiamu made a gesture of zipping his lips. onvKYL

Huo Siming put down his phone. Ran Hang’s image standing outside the restaurant involuntarily surfaced in his mind…

He must have seen it, right?

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During a break while tutoring Shi Ye, Ran Hang looked at the message Huo Siming had sent him, his pupils trembling… eLDIPT

He said:


【Room number】

【Come here right now】 0SuyWv

On the way, Ran Hang felt like his mind was in a tangled mess, unable to think clearly. He couldn’t even tell what kind of mood he was in as he went over.

The moment the hotel room door opened, he was grabbed by the wrist and dragged inside.

A sharp, masculine scent hit his face. Huo Siming was dressed in a suit, a stark contrast to his own ridiculous appearance in an old T-shirt.

Huo Siming pressed Ran Hang against the wall. Through a thin layer of fabric, he could feel the Alpha’s intense body heat. “Wearing so little?” v7UjMx

Ran Hang’s long eyelashes trembled as his gaze swept over the man’s calm face. “My clothes got dirty.”

Huo Siming: “Go buy a new jacket later, use my card.”

Feeling the hot breath on his lips, Ran Hang looked into Huo Siming’s eyes and said slowly, “Is this why you called me here?”

Huo Siming lifted the hem of his shirt and asked nonchalantly, “What are you doing here?” wWEMZH

Ran Hang pressed his lips together. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that, ge?”

He still couldn’t help but ask, “Who was the person you came with? Your boyfriend?”

Huo Siming raised his eyes, “Just a blind date.”

Just… tmdXzj

That one light word felt like a heavy stone lodged in Ran Hang’s chest, making it hard for him to breathe. He looked at Huo Siming, trying to uncover any hint of emotion in his expression.

But he couldn’t see anything. Huo Siming looked no different from any other day.

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In the silent atmosphere, Huo Siming naturally sensed something was off with the other’s emotions. He leaned close to the Alpha’s lips. “But you don’t need to worry. This won’t affect our relationship.”

Ran Hang lowered his eyelashes, his expression somewhat strange. “What is our relationship?” zr7UXT

Huo Siming: “Just like before, you do temporary marking for me…”

Ran Hang suddenly interrupted him, his chest heaving violently with emotion. “Isn’t temporary marking the same no matter who does it?”

Huo Siming was stunned for a moment. Then he reached out to hook the Alpha’s collar. “You seem to have a lot of questions today. Didn’t we agree…”

Ran Hang avoided his gaze. “I don’t want to do it anymore, Mr. Huo.” jd 0NY

He realized he couldn’t accept this kind of relationship. “I…”

“Did I ask if you wanted to?” Huo Siming’s mood inexplicably became irritable when he heard the other say the words, “I don’t want to do it anymore.” He reached out and pinched the Alpha’s jaw, forcing Ran Hang to look at him. His fingers were pressed against Ran Hang’s lips, penetrating inside the slit of his lips. He caressed his sharp canines as if he were toying with a pet.

“Although I don’t know what you’re bothered by, you’re the only one I’ve ever let mark me…”

Ran Hang’s pupils trembled for a moment, then he listened as the other continued: yvtcDl

“As for other matters, you don’t need to care.”

Don’t need to care about what?

Don’t need to care who you’re dating, who you’re having blind dates with, who you’re marrying?

Ran Hang gave a self-deprecating smile. “Well, that’s really an honor for me.” 9KOXPT

“What’s there to be angry about?” Huo Siming naturally caught the sarcastic tone in Ran Hang’s voice. He wrapped his arms around Ran Hang’s waist, reaching for the back of the Alpha’s neck while releasing his own pheromones, his tone indulgent. “If you want… you can mark me now, right here, hmm?”

The rich sandalwood scent filled the air. Ran Hang’s eyes darkened and his breathing grew heavier. He lowered his eyes and gazed at the snow-white neck exposed by the Omega’s loose collar. He could vaguely see the blue veins underneath.

“Why me? Is it because of my pheromones? Ge, how much do you actually like my pheromones?”

Even though he knew fully well that he was just a tool for temporary marking to Huo Siming, he still couldn’t stop these words from slipping out. r2SU4w

Huo Siming released Ran Hang and walked over to sit on the bed. “I notice you’re talking a lot today. Are you going to mark me or not?”

The Alpha just stood there expressionlessly, his thoughts unknown.

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Huo Siming picked up the tie he had tossed on the head of the bed. “If you don’t want to, then…”

“Hiss!” 0XgRMh

Before Huo Siming could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a weight behind him. The Alpha wrapped his arms around his neck and bit down hard.

The Alpha, who had always licked the glands on the back of his neck gently, bit straight through the flesh with his sharp teeth today.

Ran Hang wasn’t lying when he said biting the gland directly would hurt…

It really did hurt. 5wGHiv

Ran Hang’s hand pressed against his waist, almost his entire weight bearing down on him. Huo Siming realized Ran Hang’s intention to pin him down.

And what he hated the most was being in a submissive position like this.

Huo Siming’s jaw muscles tensed. His voice trembled as he pushed the person behind him. “What’s gotten into you today? Get up.”

“I told you to…” Wd0DUH

Ran Hang let go. Just as Huo Siming finally managed to catch a breath,

“You… mhm…”

The Alpha bit down on the back of his neck again, pressing Huo Siming completely onto the bed.

Cold pheromones overwhelmed him, making Huo Siming’s brows furrow tightly, uncontrollable tears spilling from the corners of his eyes. His knees went weak, and he collapsed under the Alpha’s weight, his nails digging into the mattress. oqI91H

His vision began to blur, like that of a drowning person suddenly swept away by a rising tide, completely out of breath.

Huo Siming wanted to call Ran Hang’s name and tell him to stop, but when he opened his mouth, all that came out were incoherent gasps.

The Omega’s pheromones surged over in waves like a hot tide.

Ran Hang gripped Huo Siming’s wrist, his mind filled only with the most primal instincts… BNPaAy

Why didn’t he tell him about dating someone?

Can’t he be his only Alpha?

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Did he really like his pheromones that much?

After what felt like an eternity, iagRsv

Ran Hang finally released Huo Siming’s neck. Sweat beaded on his nose from the heat. He looked down at the blood oozing from Huo Siming’s gland, his expression momentarily dazed.

Then, Huo Siming grabbed Ran Hang by the collar and flipped him onto the bed, reversing their positions.

Huo Siming’s eyes were still tinged with red, but it couldn’t suppress the anger in his gaze. He straddled Ran Hang.

“What the hell has gotten into you today? Huh?” tpCVl4

Seeing that the latter didn’t respond, Huo Siming reached out and pinched Ran Hang’s chin, forcing him to look at him. The Alpha’s normally gentle puppy-like eyes were now furrowed, looking quite aggressive. His sharp canines were exposed as his jaw was forced open.

It was at this moment that Huo Siming realized that no matter how harmless Ran Hang usually appeared to others, he was still an Alpha with a desire for dominance.

Huo Siming laughed angrily, “Are you throwing a tantrum with me?”

Ran Hang was the first to dare treat him like this. STIWUK

Huo Siming tightened his grip on Ran Hang’s jaw. “I’m asking you a question.”

Ran Hang broke free from Huo Siming’s hand, turned his head away, and didn’t speak. His jawline was tense, his chest heaving from the intense action just now. His eyes, half-hidden by his messy hair, had an inexplicable stubbornness, and due to the light, appeared to have a hint of moisture.

He pressed his lips together and remained silent.

For some reason, Huo Siming felt he could see a bit of grievance in the Alpha’s eyes. RYCNa9

He was clearly the one who went crazy first, so why was he acting aggrieved now?

Why was he feeling aggrieved?

Did he expect himself to coax him?

In the deadlocked atmosphere, 5BuYwV

“Is it because of my blind date?”

Huo Siming’s temple twitched. He felt like something in his brain was miswired. Otherwise, after the marking just now, his first reaction should have been to strangle the other person, not to waste time asking for reasons.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After a moment of silence, Ran Hang moved his lips, “Mr. Huo, if you are dating someone, you should have told me earlier…”

Huo Siming suddenly smiled, “Just because of this?” fFUviI

“This won’t affect our relationship…”

As he spoke, he reached out and touched Ran Hang’s chin, caressing the red mark he had left earlier. “Even if I marry him, it will just be a formality. You can still stay by my side.”

“What exactly are you concerned about?”

The author has something to say: BjSkml

I suggest President Huo read a book: 《The Art of Communication》

Translator's Note

refer to Chapter 7

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  1. Mr. Huo nooooooooooo!!!!! Go read the Art of Communication right now!!!!!! Before you dig yourself deeper!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for translating, and to your lovely donor ☺️

  2. And this is perhaps the reason why you’re still single at almost 30 mr huo. We all know he ain’t the romantic type but dude didn’t even consider ran hang’s feelings and all. Better break off this transactional relationship now and start 👏 over 👏

  3. Thank you, Lemontea~

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖