Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh63 - The Plight of the Infected

“Of course, we have preferential treatment, but the specific level depends on the profession. The details are stipulated by the top. Is your son willing to join the military?”

If Wu Bing could recruit a professional to join the military, he would gain credit for it too. zSDupH

Qi Ningjie looked at Hua Cheng. Seeing no reaction from the latter, he said, “I’m willing to join the military. I’m a soldier, so I’m willing to return to the army.”

Qi Ningjie stood at attention, saluted Wu Bing with a standard military salute, and said loudly, “Captain, my name is Qi Ningjie, and I volunteer to join the military.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wu Bing laughed and said, “Good, we’ll be comrades from now on.”

He took one look at the wrecked bus and marveled, “Your driving skills are quite good. Judging from the condition of this bus, you must have killed many zombies along the way.” GwhUF8

Qi Ningjie suddenly felt embarrassed. “I didn’t drive this bus.”

Wu Bing was startled. “Oh? Are there other professional drivers on the bus?”

Qi Ningjie, “…Yes.”

Wu Bing glanced at them as if he wanted to find the other professional and said with emotion, “I’m surprised that you have two professionals among so few of you. That’s great. The shelter is really lacking of professionals right now.”


This time, Wu Bing mentioned ‘the shelter’ instead of ‘the military’. Since the other professional remained silent until now, it meant that they didn’t want to join the military, so Wu Bing had no intention of forcing it either.

Hua Cheng looked at Xun Yi and thought, ‘We have more than two professionals.’

Hua Cheng knew that Xun Yi was an alchemist, and Xun Ye could use guns, obviously a profession too. Besides, the strength displayed by Yin Fuchuan was beyond anything a contender could achieve, so he might be a professional too.

In that case, it was a bit scary to find so many people with professions among such a small number of people. 0fXbKL

“Qi Ningjie, come with me,” Wu Bing said, taking Qi Ningjie to the third checkpoint.

“I’ll see you at the shelter later.” Qi Ningjie said goodbye to Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng nodded. “Okay.”

“Um, comrade, we are Qi Ningjie’s family members. Can we go to the third window checkpoint too? We can get in faster that way. The queue here is too long, and it may not be our turn even when it gets dark.” Deng Mei couldn’t wait to enjoy the privilege already. u0kFD3

Wu Bing hesitated. “Wait here.”

Wu Bing led Qi Ningjie to the third window. Soon, a female employee in military uniform walked over quickly and said loudly, “Who are Qi Ningjie’s family members?”

“Here.” The Qi family hurriedly stepped forward.

The female employee glanced at them somewhat indifferently, a little disgusted with these family members who only wanted privileges. xzZBmv

She said flatly, “Follow me.”

“Sure, okay,” Deng Mei responded repeatedly and followed the female employee.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dfobgf Gfcu Jtfc ifoa, tf uijcmfv ja Wec Tf rweuis, rcbgafv mbivis, jcv kjixfv jkjs rkjuufglcuis.

Wec Tf kjr mbcoerfv. “Qtja wjxfr tlw rb jggbujca? Gbfr tlr ojwlis bkc atf rtfiafg? Lej-uf, teggs eq jcv ub atgbeut atf yjmx vbbg. P kjca ab qlrr tlw boo.” eUSPMm

Lej Jtfcu ijeutfv jcv rjlv, “Yxjs, pera kjla.”

Even if the Qi family had the privilege of the female employee leading them, they were not allowed to go in without checking. The female employee simply took them to jump the queue, which made the survivors who had been waiting for a long time complain.

Wu Bing might have been busy with Qi Ningjie’s affairs and didn’t return immediately. Hua Cheng waited for a long time but didn’t see anyone.

“Hey you, line up and don’t stand in a group. Pay attention to order.” An employee who was maintaining order walked over and reprimanded them seriously. xj8Ai6

The three survivors who tagged along in the bus were already in the line, fearing that they would not be able to enter the shelter.

Xun Yi and others were still waiting for Hua Cheng’s decision. In fact, they were worried about how Yu Xiao would pass the inspection. Her condition was a bit serious. Anyone with eyes could see that something was wrong with her.

Sure enough, after the employee finished speaking, he was about to leave when he suddenly saw Yu Xiao and stopped again.

After taking another careful look, he subconsciously took two steps back and said in shock, “I-Is she infected? How could you bring an infected person inside?!” KOgsFi

Hua Cheng was already unhappy with his attitude. Now that he pointed at his mother and loudly accused her of being infected, it made Hua Cheng angrier.

“She’s not infected. Watch your words.”

“She’s obviously an infected person. We have seen the same characteristics in the infected people in the past few days just like hers. The shelter has three ways to deal with infected people. We either banish them, capture them and use them as research subjects, or kill them on the spot!” the employee said loudly. He had already retreated a few steps away, obviously very concerned for his safety.

His voice was loud, attracting many survivors in line to look back, and even the patrolling soldiers came over. kSRZr4

“What’s going on?” the patrol soldier asked.

“This infected person refuses to leave. I think we should capture her and send her to the research institute to be used as a research subject,” the employee said.

Hua Cheng was very angry. “How dare you!”

Yu Xiao was so frightened that she trembled all over, and her gray face became uglier. In her anxiety, she coughed loudly, and blood smeared her mouth. zkRd0L

“Look at her symptoms. That’s what happens before she turns into a zombie!” The employee retreated further.

The patrolling soldier glanced at Yu Xiao and frowned.

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Yu Xiao explained while coughing, “I wasn’t injured or attacked by zombies. I’m not infected.”

The patrol soldier lamented, “Even if you haven’t been attacked by zombies, it doesn’t mean you won’t be infected. Your situation isn’t uncommon. If you’re attacked by a zombie, you’ll turn into one very quickly, but some people are exceptions.” 54Qhzr

“Some of them accidentally ate food contaminated with zombie blood, some had wounds on their bodies that were stained with zombie blood, and some were frequently exposed to zombie corpses. Everyone has a possibility of becoming infected. These infected people will slowly turn into zombies, but they are indeed infected and will turn into zombies sooner or later.”

This answer dropped on Yu Xiao like a bombshell, and she subconsciously looked at Xun Yi.

If that were the case, she might indeed be infected. Although she had never eaten food contaminated by zombie blood, she had been digging for magic crystals for nearly a week and came into contact with zombie corpses every day. Sometimes, she might be scratched and pricked by the protruding bone spurs when she put her fingers into the zombie’s skull.

However, if that was the reason, why was she the only person infected when Xun Yi and Xun Ye did the same? They seemed fine to her. Hqmbf6

Was it because they were contenders while she was a commoner, so she was infected?

Yu Xiao suddenly felt indignant. When she didn’t know whether her son and husband were alive or dead, she lived in hopeless darkness and could only survive instinctively.

Now that her son was by her side, and she would see her loving husband soon, their family reunion was just around the corner, but she was infected. How could she accept this?

Yu Xiao abruptly looked at Xun Yi, causing Hua Cheng and Li Rui to follow suit, feeling skeptical. lNbIYa

Xun Yi frowned when he heard that infected people were used as research subjects. Even if they were infected, they had not lost their awareness yet. They were still human beings. How could living people be captured and used as research subjects? How dare they discuss this topic so openly? It seemed that this activity had been brought to the surface.

Xun Yi said, “Even if some people have been infected, they are still human beings before they turn into zombies. How can you use them as research subjects? Who gave this order?”

The employee said, “We received this order from the top. Only infected people with no next of kin and who are unwilling to leave the shelter will be captured. Infected people with family members can volunteer, and the military will provide material compensation to the family members.”

“As family members of the infected person, you can consider this option. There is a serious shortage of supplies now, and food is even more difficult to find. In exchange for food and keeping their families alive, some infected people are willing to become research subjects.” dndRcf

The employee thought that if he could successfully persuade them and get a research subject for the institute, he could get a reward for it. At least, he could enjoy a full meal instead of going hungry.

Hua Cheng was so angry that he couldn’t speak. What heartless people could send their infected family members as research subjects in exchange for their lives?

Like guinea pigs, research subjects would be locked in a research room and placed on the operating table for dissection and research?

Hua Cheng was so angry that his eyes were red. He held his mother’s hand tightly. He could feel his mother trembling. She must be very desperate and scared. 7rSy3c

Xun Yi said solemnly, “Have you never thought that infected people might find a cure?”

The employee scoffed coldly, “How? If there’s a cure, there wouldn’t be so many zombies, right?”

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“Since we can find healing potions, how can you be sure that there are no antiviral potions?” Xun Yi’s voice became colder.

The employee stared at Xun Yi. “Even if there are antiviral potions, how many are there? How many infected people can get them? DWgmtJ

“At least they have hope!” Xun Yi was angry.

Yin Fuchuan held Xun Yi’s shoulders, patted him comfortingly, and said, “May I know if Political Commissar Yang Yan is at this shelter?”

The patrol soldier who had been silent until now said, “Do you know Political Commissar Yang Yan?”

Yin Fuchuan said, “We are acquainted before doomsday.” 2ldFEB

The patrol soldier looked at Yin Fuchuan with mixed emotions. “Not long after doomsday started, Political Commissar Yang Yan rebelled. He took his cronies, killed the guarding soldiers, left Qingyang District, and went independent.”

It was Yin Fuchuan’s turn to frown.

It seemed that this Qingyang shelter was a bit complicated.

Xun Yi looked at him, but Yin Fuchuan just shook his head slightly and said nothing. P3bErh

The patrol soldier said sternly, “Infected people are not allowed to enter the shelter. If you want to enter, you need to solve the problem of the infected person first.”

Hua Cheng couldn’t bear it anymore and finally said: “Who is in charge of the shelter now? Is it Hua Zhenting?”

The employee sneered, “The person in charge of the shelter is indeed Commander Hua. Now that you know it and still dare to call him by his first name, it seems that you don’t want to stay in the shelter anymore.”

Hua Cheng also sneered, “In that case, please tell him that his wife and son are here to look for him, but we were stopped outside the shelter and couldn’t go in. Let’s see what Commander Hua has to say about this.” SGrF1c

The expressions of the patrol soldier and employee changed. The employee asked in surprise, “Are you…”

“I’m Hua Cheng, his son, and the person you want to capture as a research subject is his wife, Yu Xiao. Please ask the commander if he will let us in. If not, I’ll take my mother and leave immediately.” Hua Cheng was furious.

Since his father was in charge of the shelter and could send people to search and rescue other survivors, why didn’t he rescue his mother?

Hua Cheng didn’t believe that his mother missed the search and rescue team. According to Yu Xiao, they hid in the Yin Consortium office building not far from the residential area until the next morning when they were forced to leave by a giant zombie. i436JB

During this day and night, the search and rescue team would have arrived no matter what, but no. Yu Xiao followed Xun Yi and ran from Puning District to Jiangcheng District before running into Hua Cheng.

Several of them, including a woman and a child, could run from Puning District to Jiangcheng District. Was it so difficult for the search and rescue team to rush from the shelter to Puning District?

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The employee’s face changed. They had indeed received an order issued directly from above. The checkpoint had to pay attention to someone called Hua Cheng and Yu Xiao. If they arrived, they should be taken to see the commander immediately.

The employee felt that he must be down on his luck today. This should be a great opportunity to claim merit, but he screwed up. If they pursued this matter, he’d be dead for sure. Pj7YUK

The employee forced out a smile and said tentatively, “So, it’s Mr. Hua and Mrs. Hua. I was blind and ignorant. It was my fault for not recognizing you. I hope you can overlook my mistake.”

“Please come in. We don’t have to notify anyone about the commander’s family members. We have already been instructed to keep a lookout for you two. Everyone has been waiting for your arrival. Please step inside.”

The employee’s attitude changed completely. He nodded and bowed as he led them to the third checkpoint.

However, Hua Cheng and the others stood still, ignoring the employee. The employee knew that he might be in deep trouble, so he could only stand aside and remain quiet. 7hgrXC

The patrol soldier’s attitude did not change much, but he became more cautious. “Come with me, I’ll take you in.”

Li Rui said with a smile, “Don’t we need to pass the checkpoint anymore?”

The patrol soldier glanced at him, his expression unchanged. “Since you are the commander’s family, the commander will make arrangements for you. This is out of our hands.”

Hua Cheng did not make things difficult for the patrol soldier. He was just doing his job. The most important thing now was how to solve his mother’s problem. w769FL

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