Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh60 - Charging Forward in a Bus

“Y-You really got it?!” Deng Chen’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Qi Ningjie and Hua Cheng were also surprised. Hua Cheng looked at Xun Yi, and when Xun Yi nodded in response, Hua Cheng’s expression suddenly became strange. PEM lC

Xun Yi and Xun Ye’s luck seemed too good to be true.

He was injured before and was in urgent need of a basic healing potion. Xun Yi immediately took Xun Ye to kill zombies to loot for a potion. The chance of getting something from a zombie was slim enough, even smaller to get a specific item, but Xun Yi always got his way every time.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The same went for his Milvus Sword.

Xun Yi thought that he was suitable to use a sword. As a result, the sword really appeared, and the quality was very good too. ATnbWu

And history repeated itself again. They said they were going to get a driver’s badge and really got one.

Was this a coincidence or something else?

If it was a coincidence, they were too lucky for words.

Hua Cheng’s mind raced but now was not the time. “Without further delay, let’s set off immediately.”


Xun Yi also felt that there was no need to stay here any longer. Both he and Yin Fuchuan were above level 20. Even if the Poltergeist Cave was still open, they couldn’t enter again, so staying was a waste of time.

Moreover, he had a mission to complete that concerned his life.

Earning 1 million magic crystals in one month was simply mission impossible.

Since doomsday started, Xun Yi only obtained about 2,000 magic crystals through various means, including his own efforts and the help of others, plus all the magic crystals he consumed. pymlSA

This mission required 1 million pieces, which was equivalent to killing 1 million zombies below level 10 and obtaining the magic crystals from the corpses. Xun Yi felt that even if Qing City did build a shelter, they probably couldn’t afford that number of magic crystals.

Xun Yi was a little worried. He was afraid that if he really died, no one would take care of Xun Ye. No matter how smart and precocious he was, no one could deny the fact that he was only a 6-year-old child.

Xun Yi looked at Yin Fuchuan for his opinion.

Yin Fuchuan nodded and turned around decisively. “Let’s go.” OFrwTD

Qi Ningjie and his family were dumbfounded. Was there no need for them anymore? They were leaving just like that? What about the promised benefits?

Qi Ningjie never expected that a situation that was obviously very beneficial to him would suddenly turn out this way.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He glanced at Xun Yi and the others darkly and said with a smile, “In that case, we’ll go with you so that we can watch out for each other. One car may not fit so many of us, so it’s better to have two cars.”

Lej Jtfcu rjlv cbatlcu. Lf tjv gfjilhfv atja tf mbeiv vfqfcv bc cb bcf lc atlr fgj. Lf tjv ab yf ragbcu. Lej Jtfcu tfiqfv Te Wljb eq. Ol Eel, ktb tjv yffc obiibklcu tlw, tfrlajafv obg j wbwfca yfobgf ifcvlcu tlw j tfiqlcu tjcv. Llr jmalbcr wjvf la mifjg atja tf kjr ublcu ab atf wlilajgs hbcf klat Lej Jtfcu. 5TfRYd

Hua Cheng nodded gratefully to him, and Li Rui smiled at Hua Cheng. “Don’t worry, Hua-ge. Auntie will be fine.”

“Yeah,” Hua Cheng responded.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xun Yi looked at the number of people. There were 5 people on their side. Including Hua Cheng, Yu Xiao, and Li Rui, there were 8, which an off-road vehicle couldn’t fit.

On the other hand, there were 6 people on Qi Ningjie’s side, including Qi Ningjie’s parents, sister, aunt, and cousin. It wasn’t easy for them to squeeze in an off-road vehicle to get here. They had to change vehicles to accommodate the extra people. n3dHsL

Yin Weijiang obviously realized this. “I saw a bus on the way here. Shall I get it?”

Yin Weijiang was loyal to Yin Fuchuan, so he naturally asked him.

If there was a better option nearby, Yin Fuchuan would never choose a bus, which was big and slow. If they encountered danger, he couldn’t count on the bus engine to accelerate instantly. However, given the conditions, he had no other choice but to agree.

“Lu Di will go with you. Be careful on the way.” XvQxVJ

Yin Weijiang was no longer the timid and cowardly person he was before. With the hope to live on and a certain amount of strength, his entire mental outlook changed.

The others didn’t hurry downstairs but waited in the room for Yin Weijiang and Lu Di to return.

Soon, the familiar sound of the bus engine was heard, and everyone in the room was speechless.

In times of peace, they would only think a bus was loud when it passed by. Now that it was doomsday, the surroundings were quiet except for the roar of zombies, so the sudden rumbling sound of the bus engine was deafening like thunder. zWAqEB

On top of that, the bus honked its horn when it was approaching.

Qi Ningjie’s face went dark. “Is he looking for death? Does he want to gather all the zombies around him?”

Yin Fuchuan, Xun Yi, and Xun Ye had already gone down. Hua Cheng and Li Rui took Yu Xiao with them. They surrounded Yu Xiao and rushed to the road.

Yin Weijiang had to press the horn. He couldn’t stop the bus. oyBFkb

The bus was a bit old and had a loud engine. The nearby zombies were attracted when he first started it. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed this way. A large group of zombies chased after the bus, and other zombies in the distance were gathering. They must leave immediately.

Yin Fuchuan had foreseen this situation, so he went downstairs without hesitation and rushed to the road. One moment’s delay and they would be overwhelmed by the zombies.

When Qi Ningjie and his family finally got downstairs, they saw a group of zombies chasing after the bus and almost exploded in rage.

“Damn it! They’re trying to kill us!” Qi Ningjie was furious. 3QWZiu

The Qi family ran with all their might. If they were slower than the bus to pick up the car, they would be instantly overwhelmed by the zombies chasing after the bus.

However, no matter how fast they ran, they had lost the headstart. The bus went in front of them, screeched to a halt, and the bus door sprang open.

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Yin Fuchuan and Xun Yi jumped onto the bus. Xun Ye was carried by Yin Fuchuan midway. His short legs were running too slowly and there was no time to lose, so Yin Fuchuan had to take him.

After Yin Fuchuan and others got on the bus, the door quickly closed, and the bus started up with a heavy roar. uKTtbl

Qi Ningjie, who had just rushed onto the road, saw his off-road vehicle parked behind the bus. If they drove the off-road vehicle now, they would undoubtedly collide head-on with the chasing zombies. They would most probably be overwhelmed by the swarming zombies before they could even start the vehicle.

Qi Ningjie cursed inwardly and forgot about the vehicle. He turned around and chased the bus that had just started. He crashed into the door and hit it as hard as he could. “Open the door! Let us in!”

Doomsday had just started, and many people still retained their humanity. If they could save others, normal people would not refuse.

The bus didn’t stop its slow startup, but the door popped open, allowing them to get on. AeG563

After everyone got onto the bus out of breath, the Qi family turned around and discovered to their surprise that three more people followed them, none other than the three ordinary survivors who were hiding in the room with them.

“Why are you guys following us?” Deng Chen glared at them and asked.

The three survivors seemed a little awkward.

A disheveled guy said with a smile, “W-We heard that you were going to drive a bus. Since there’s a lot of space, we followed.” sT4KOB

Deng Chen snorted coldly, “You’re quite smart.”

The man added, “Please give us a ride. We want to go to the shelter too. We’ll never make it there on our own. I’m begging you.”

“There’s no point in begging him. This bus belongs to us. You have my permission to stay on the bus. Find a seat and feel at ease.”

Xun Ye had found a clean seat and sat down. pm3Os9

Deng Chen was very angry but he could only glare and couldn’t refute.

The three survivors quickly expressed their gratitude and sat down.

Now, only the Qi family were left standing in the aisle.

The bus was in a mess, with blood stains everywhere, and the glass in the middle was all shattered. The bus was parked at a platform and the door was opened. There were no zombies inside so they must have escaped. qRHWyv

Qi Ningjie’s mother, Deng Mei, looked at the zombies running behind the bus and her face turned pale. The off-road vehicle they drove earlier had been swamped by the zombies. She said in distress, “All the food was left in the car. It’s all gone now. We have nothing left to eat.”

Qi Ningjing consoled her, “Mom, we can find more food later. It’s more important to run for our lives now.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Deng Mei was still upset. “If we’d known earlier, we should have come down and started driving earlier. At least we wouldn’t have lost the car.”

Qi Ningjie looked at Xun Yi and the others gloomily without saying anything. ygvnzi

Suddenly, a zooming sound ripped through the air. A zombie stood out from the crowd of zombies and rushed to the bus very quickly.


The zombie hit the bus hard, and the glass of the rear window shattered and fell to the ground, followed by screams in the bus. The survivors and the Qi family sitting in the back ran to the front.

The zombie that hit the bus crawled in through the broken window, roaring as it pounced on the people on the bus. 5kdEQi

In order to protect his family, Qi Ningjie had no choice but to draw his saber to slash at this zombie with levels.

Qi Ningjie’s movement was strong and decisive, but the zombie dodged and his attack missed the target.

Qi Ningjie obviously did not expect this.

He was confident in his strength, so he attacked again. IJcOQz

Bang! Boom!

A zombie was knocked down by the bus, which swayed from side to side. The bus went over the zombie corpses, resulting in a bumpy ride.

Yin Weijiang had been a simple man all his life and had never encountered this scene. He looked nervous and had cold sweat on his face. “Z-Zombies are blocking the way ahead!”

“Keep the steering wheel steady, step on the gas, and charge forward. Don’t stop.” Yin Fuchuan’s stoic voice rang. ezyVA4

This voice gave Yin Weijiang reassurance. With bloodshot eyes, he gritted his teeth and floored the accelerator. The bus rushed forward with a roar. A series of bangs and bumps happened along the way, as well as the sound of zombies being crushed by the wheels. Everything intertwined into a nightmare.

The three women, Deng Mei, Qi Ningjing, and Lin Ying crouched on the floor and grabbed anything around them to hold themselves steady. They covered their ears and dared not look out the window, afraid to witness the gory scene.

Qi Ningjie was still fighting with the zombie. Both Qi Ningjie and the zombie were tossed back and forth by the bus, making the fight very difficult. However, Qi Ningjie won in the end. Although it was a narrow victory, the zombie was finally dead.


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  1. Hello everyone, all the chapters previously published on another site have been moved to this site, so moving forward, chapter releases will be back to normal, probably one chapter every 3 to 5 days. Thanks for your support!

  2. You’ll never catch me lending kindness to evil people.

    Thanks for the update! 🙏💕