Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh58 - Yu Xiao’s Symptoms

“Stop!” More than a dozen people suddenly stood in front of Xun Yi and others, blocking their way.

This team arrived after Xun Yi and his party entered the cave and didn’t witness their ruthless killing. No one who saw that scene dared to step forward. Only ignorant people took the chance. F kjKu

Of course, no one in the know was kind enough to remind them. If they fought, both parties would suffer, and maybe the others could take advantage. They just hoped they would start fighting soon.

“Guys, since you have entered the cave, I wonder if you can lend us the team banner?” The leader is the blond guy with a goatee. His so-called ‘lending’ was obviously taking it for himself.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

These people acted like hooligans. They used to be gangsters in the slum and didn’t do well. Since doomsday started, they lived like ducks taking to the water. In this era with no rules, they became bolder. R*pe, plunder, kill, and steal, what were they afraid of? If they wanted anything, they could kill and steal for it. Their fists had the final say.

Xun Ye said in disbelief, “Is your IQ as low as your appearance?” 3hXQpE

The blond guy was stunned for a moment. His eyes moved down and finally saw the person talking. His murderous intent exploded. “What did you say? I dare you to say it again!”

Xun Ye rolled his eyes. “Please, how long has it been since gangs roamed the streets? Are you still lost in that era? Besides the possible treasures, do you know what else you can find in the cave?”

Xun Ye said kindly, “On account of your abysmal IQ, I’d like to remind you that in addition to treasures, you can also find a lot of EXP. Why do you think these people dare not take action? Only you guys with poor IQ dare to take the lead. Look over there, the people who did that to us earlier are already lying there with their cold bodies.”

The blond guy looked around and met the gazes of the onlookers watching the excitement. His heart pounded rapidly, but since he had taken the first step, it would be too embarrassing to back down now. How could he be the boss in the future?


Seeing his hesitation, Xun Ye sighed and said, “You don’t want to lose face, right? Then let me help you.”

With that said, Xun Ye lunged out quickly, and his little fist hit the blond guy’s stomach.

The blond guy didn’t react at all. He was punched by a little kid and was knocked back. He knocked down several boys behind him and fell to the ground, crying and howling. He had no idea how many broken ribs he sustained as he rolled around in pain.

Xun Ye had reached level 20 and packed a lot of power in this punch. Even though he was a child, his basic attribute values were very high. Even adults at the same level as him might not be that strong. ce0jpZ

Those people with ideas who blocked the way were all frightened out of their wits and backed away one after another. Who else would dare to mess with them?

Those waiting to take advantage gulped in fright and took note of this group of people. The team that had entered the Poltergeist Cave twice must have been so strong that others could never reach their heights. They would definitely be the most influential people in Doomsday in the future, so it was best not to mess with them.

After clearing the ‘obstacles’, Xun Ye raised his little chin and said, “Let’s go.”

Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan followed him obligingly without a word. BcvmK2

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Xun Yi!” Jiang Lin recovered from his surprise and chased after him without giving up.

“Wec Tl, qifjrf vbc’a vb atlr ab wf. P xcbk P kjr ab yijwf yfobgf. P kgbcufv sbe. Pa’r bxjs lo sbe’gf jcugs bg tjaf wf. P kbc’a jrx sbe ab obgulnf wf, yea qifjrf vbc’a qgfafcv atja sbe vbc’a xcbk wf. Wec Tl, P’w yfuulcu sbe.”

Xun Yi walked forward without any expression or even averting his eyes, completely ignoring the chattering person next to him.

Xun Yi could ignore him, but Yin Fuchuan couldn’t. He glanced at Lu Di behind him. As an assistant to his former boss, he was good at observing people’s emotions in addition to being alert, the basic qualities of an assistant. H8iqu5

With just one glance, he understood his boss’ meaning, which was to ‘clean up’.

Lu Di turned around and stood in front of Jiang Lin, who was half a head taller than Lu Di.

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“Hold it, stop following us.” Lu Di waited for Xun Yi and the others to walk away before he quickly followed, leaving Jiang Lin standing there.

Xu Huairan and other team members followed from behind. The team members were puzzled, obviously wondering what the captain was doing. Wasn’t Xu Huairan his other half? Why did it feel like that indifferent young man just now should be the one? Moreover, why did that young man look so familiar? q4o2R3

Xu Huairan was silent, his smile no longer on his face, and he looked a little gloomy.

Jiang Lin stared blankly at the direction Xun Yi was heading and abruptly said, “I’m not going into the Poltergeist Cave anymore. Let’s follow them.”

Xu Huairan looked up at him in disbelief. “We risked crossing the district just to enter the cave, and now you want to give it up for him? Are you crazy? Didn’t you see that child? If I’m not mistaken, that child should be his rumored illegitimate child that spread like wildfire back then. His child is already so big. Why don’t you give up?”

Jiang Lin was very impulsive. “So what if he has an illegitimate child? Even if he’s married, I don’t care!” xug467

Xu Huairan looked at him blankly, and his eyes instantly turned red. He wanted to ask what his role was supposed to be. After following him all these years, who was he? When Jiang Lin saw Xun Yi, he immediately forgot about Xu Huairan. Was he just a pastime when he was lonely?!

“Let’s go, we need to keep up!” Jiang Lin said, hurrying along to catch up.

The other team members were a little hesitant. “Are we really going to leave? So what are we here for?”

Xu Huairan took a deep breath, raised his head, and blinked the tears from his eyes. He quickly collected his emotions and said, “Since he said so, let’s go.” rkzNvH

Xu Huairan followed him, and the other team members had no choice but to follow suit.

Xun Yi and the others walked forward, and Jiang Lin and others followed closely behind. Lu Di and Yin Weijiang turned back frequently, but Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan never looked back.

“Why are they following us?”

From the tone of the tall man, it seemed that he knew Xun Yi, but everyone clearly saw Xun Yi’s response to him. Something unpleasant must have happened between them. Xun Yi ignored him, but the man and his men still followed them. Were they going to be on their tail from now on? GOhrEQ

When they reached the main road, Yin Fuchuan suddenly said, “Shall we drive away?”

Hearing that, Yin Weijiang immediately stepped forward. Finally, he could play his role.

Yin Fuchuan chose an off-road vehicle abandoned on the side of the road. The door was open and the key was left behind. The interior of the car was relatively clean with no signs of blood. Most likely when doomsday started, all cars stopped working, and everyone had to abandon their cars to run for their lives.

Yin Weijiang sat in the driver’s seat, tried the ignition, and the car started smoothly. ixsdFb

“Yes, we can finally drive. So, we need a driver’s badge to drive. It’s really more stringent than taking a driver’s license test.” Yin Weijiang was obviously in a good mood and became more talkative.

“Of course, it must be strict. If you fail the driver’s license test, you still have a chance to try again. If you want to get the driver’s badge, you may end up being eaten by zombies,” Lu Di responded.

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Jiang Lin’s team following behind them was shocked with disbelief when they saw the other team getting into a car.

“Are they going to drive away? I thought all vehicles stopped working after doomsday started!” Hw8BP

“Did someone find a driving skill?”

“Whoa, the car really started! They can really drive!”

Jiang Lin’s team watched helplessly as the four adults and one child drove away, while they still stood there in a daze.

“A-Are we still going to follow them?” someone asked uncertainly. vthNwM

How could two legs outrun four wheels?

Jiang Lin stared at the departing car motionless.

Xu Huairan advised, “Let’s go back. We can’t catch up to them now. They should be heading to the shelter in Qing City. We can go there and find them later.”

Jiang Lin did not move, and Xu Huairan added, “In this era, only strength has the final say. I heard that they have entered the Poltergeist Cave twice. You have also seen the strength of that child. How can you face Xun Yi again if you’re too weak?” 8XjdvB

Jiang Lin seemed to return to his senses in an instant and agreed, “Yes, I want to become stronger. I must become strong enough to have the right to stand by his side and protect them.”

“Let’s go back.” Jiang Lin walked back in a hurry.

Xu Huairan followed in silence.

The way back would take at least dozens of minutes by foot, not to mention the many dangers of zombies and monsters that suddenly popped out of nowhere. Driving was much faster. bCWaKI

Yin Weijiang parked the car by the roadside and saw an off-road vehicle parked in front of him. The other car was parked properly, obviously driven by someone, probably Qi Ningjie’s car.

Xun Yi and the others climbed to the second floor and heard the commotion inside before knocking on the door.

A woman screamed in horror, “She’s going to turn into a zombie! Has she been bitten and infected?”

“No! Don’t talk nonsense!” Hua Cheng’s voice rang. HCvJRY

Xun Yi listened for a while and realized something must have happened inside. He knocked on the door and said, “Hua-ge, we are back.”

Silence fell in the room before there was the sound of furniture being moved, and the door was opened.

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Hua Cheng said anxiously, “Xun Yi, you’re back just in time. Come and look at my mom. She just had a nosebleed.”

Before Xun Yi understood what was going on, Hua Cheng pulled him over to Yu Xiao. uawd1Y

Xun Yi was startled at the sight of Yu Xiao’s appearance.

When they left in the morning, Yu Xiao was still fine, but now her complexion had turned dark yellow. There were dark spots on her face, her eyes were a little cloudy, and there were unwiped blood stains on her nose. The color of her blood was dark red, closer to black.

Xun Yi was shocked and looked around. All members of the Qi family had retreated to the farthest end. Even Li Rui stood three steps away.

“Xun Yi, look at my mom. What’s wrong with her?” Hua Cheng was flustered. He knew that Xun Yi was an alchemist, so he thought he would have a way to treat her. RcfID6

Yin Fuchuan stood behind Xun Yi. When he saw Yu Xiao’s condition, he frowned and patted Xun Ye’s shoulder gently, signaling him not to go over.

“Xun Yi, you are back. I’m fine. I just had a little nosebleed. It’s fine.”

Yu Xiao wiped her nose with the back of her hand, trying to remove the stains.


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