Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh55 - Entering Poltergeist Cave Again

Everyone waiting here wanted to enter the Poltergeist Cave. They didn’t have a team banner on hand, but they could grab someone else’s, or they could make a deal to let anyone with a team banner take them in.

A team banner was difficult to come by. Two teams finally managed to get in, but they didn’t come out, which made everyone wonder about the risk factor inside. ked40

Xun Yi sneered. “If you want to enter, you must be prepared to face a zombie stampede. You can also learn how to escape when being besieged by 500 zombies at the same time.”

The curious people had a rapid change of expression upon hearing this.

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Some people didn’t believe it, and asked, “If there are really so many zombies, how did you survive?”

In a normal person’s opinion, a team of 5 couldn’t possibly survive under the siege of 500 zombies. With 100 times in numbers combined with the frenzy of zombies, how could anyone survive? dyC0pU

Xun Yi snorted disdainfully. “That’s our business.”

But Chu Hongyi believed Xun Yi. Even if there weren’t so many zombies, the danger inside would definitely be great.

Not long after Xun Yi and his gang entered the Poltergeist Cave yesterday, another group arrived. They had the team banner in hand, so Chu Hongyi and others thought of stealing it. When Chu Hongyi actually started fighting, he realized that the opponent was much stronger than them. In the end, Chu Hongyi not only failed to grab the team banner but also lost several people in that fight.

But even so, they never came out after they entered, and probably would never come out again, which showed how dangerous that place was.


Chu Hongyi’s mind raced. He felt that Xun Yi played an indispensable role in their team’s success. He witnessed Xun Yi’s defensive ability that could block any attack. If he had Xun Yi as his ‘shield’ by his side, no danger would come close to him.

However, Xun Yi was a tough nut to crack. Even to control him, one must not be soft.

Chu Hongyi inadvertently raised his hand and tugged his collar.

At this moment, the sound of something zooming through the air came from behind Xun Yi. CQjbiO

Xun Yi had been waiting for the archer to reveal his position. His Magic Cube Domain appeared instantly, but the moment before it appeared, Xun Ye, who stood next to Xun YI, was suddenly hit in the chest by a ball of white goo and was dragged away.

“Xun Ye!”

Xun Yi panicked, and the Magic Cube Domain disappeared due to his distraction before it formed completely.

Xun Yi did not forget the sneak attack from behind and turned sideways to avoid the arrow, but it arrived faster than Xun Yi expected. KRmLdp

A swift arrow hit his left shoulder from the back.

If he was faster, if he reacted earlier, if he could control the Magic Cube Domain more adeptly, he could quickly throw out the Magic Cube Domain to shield Xun Ye before he was taken.

Unfortunately, there were no ifs.

Xun Yi almost lost his grip on the long saber in his left hand due to the sudden jolt of severe pain, and he stumbled forward with inertia. xLswDR


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wec Tl vgfk bea tlr rjyfg jcv erfv la ilxf j kjixlcu mjcf, yjgfis xffqlcu tlr ybvs rafjvs jcv qgfnfcalcu tlwrfio ogbw ojiilcu. Lf rajuufgfv ab tlr offa, jcv atf rfnfgf qjlc mjerfv tlw ab ygfjx bea lc mbiv rkfja. Llr ybvs yfmjwf raloo, jcv tlr nlrlbc kfca vjgx.

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“Zg. Wec!” Oe Gl jcv Tlc Qflpljcu gertfv obgkjgv ab qgbafma Wec Tl.

“Xun Yi! Xun Yi!” When Xun Ye saw that Xun Yi was injured, he kept kicking his legs and struggling, trying to break free from the shackles of the white sticky substance. ndb5XJ

However, Xun Ye was tightly wrapped like a dumpling by the sticky substance very quickly. Even if he had the strength of level 16, he could not break free of the sticky substance and could only struggle anxiously.

Chu Hongyi grabbed Xun Ye and put a saber on his neck, his malice clearly evident.

“Xun Yi, I know you’re a tough cookie. If I don’t grab you by your weakness, you’ll never give in. When I offered you so many resources and asked you to follow me back then, you were so aloof and dismissive! In the entertainment industry, you rely on your face to make a living. What’s the difference between selling your face or body? Everyone can do it, but you’re the only one who pretends to be prim and proper!”

“Do you think I really can’t do anything to you? I know you have defensive skills, so do you think I won’t be prepared for it? You underestimate me too much. You’re not the only one who has a trump card. I have one too! See, as long as you’re trapped in my spider web, you can’t break away no matter how strong you are!” BFrplC

“I’ll give you a chance now. If you follow me, I’ll forget the fact that this brat stole my EXP. Otherwise, you can join your son in hell!”

The pain almost caused Xun Yi’s mind to explode. He didn’t dare to move. Even his breathing would trigger his wound and cause excruciating pain. His forehead was covered in cold sweat, his face was as pale as his lips, but his black eyes were bright.

“Do you think I’ll follow you because of this?” Xun Yi spoke slowly, trying not to trigger his injuries.

“You have no choice. You’ll either follow me or die. There’s no other option.” Chu Hongyi’s face was distorted with malice. LdsDKi

Xun Yi stared at him and slowly tightened his grip on his saber. He breathed slowly and evenly, and said solemnly, “You don’t have what it takes for me to follow you!”

A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes. Xun Yi rushed out and slashed his saber at Chu Hongyi’s head.

With a loud swish, an arrow was faster than Xun Yi. The arrow hit Chu Hongyi’s neck, and blood splashed everywhere.

Chu Hongyi’s eyes widened in disbelief. He didn’t understand how this arrow could hit him when it should be aimed at Xun Yi. The archer was his nephew, so there was no way he could harm him, so why did this happen? J5YMhv

His nephew got a rare archer badge, while he gained an independent skill that was not restricted by profession—spider web bondage. The two of them gained strong power at the start of Doomsday, and they could easily form their own force and rule like kings.

However, this arrow ruined everything. Did his nephew betray him?

Chu Hongyi threw away the saber and Xun Ye in his hands, clutching the wound on his neck instead.

But it was useless. The arrow penetrated his neck, and death was imminent. Unless they had a healing potion in hand, take the arrow out at an extremely fast speed, and use the healing potion to save his life, he’d die for certain. o 2Pg3

Clearly, his men didn’t have this knowledge. They panicked when they saw that Chu Hongyi was hit by the arrow.

Xun Yi knew that Yin Fuchuan should have succeeded.

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He turned his body and slashed the person next to Chu Hongyi with his saber. Lu Di seized this opportunity and rushed over, grabbed Xun Ye back, and picked up Chu Hongyi’s saber by the way.

Chu Hongyi’s men retaliated. The Magic Cube Domain was activated instantly, and Xun Yi controlled the Magic Cube Domain to quickly retreat to the rear. DxXn98

Xun Yi made his last desperate attempt to take the risk to save Xun Ye, but as soon as he relaxed, he could no longer hold on. He sat in the Magic Cube Domain and controlled the Magic Cube Domain back the way they came from, but Chu Hongyi’s men chased after them relentlessly.

As the Magic Cube Domain slid along the way, a figure rushed over from a high altitude.

It was Yin Fuchuan!

After Yin Fuchuan shot Chu Hongyi, he immediately turned back and saw with his own eyes that Xun Yi had been hit by an arrow. uWhcwg

Xun Yi opened a door on the Magic Cube Domain to let Yin Fuchuan in, but Yin Fuchuan ignored the door and rushed to Chu Hongyi’s men who were chasing after them with his saber. Just like chopping melons and vegetables, he easily eliminated the pursuers and returned without a trace of blood.

The contenders who were still gathered at the entrance of Poltergeist Cave saw with their own eyes that one man and one saber killed seven or eight pursuers in an instant. His skills were astonishing. Yin Fuchuan entered the Magic Cube Domain with a cold expression. “Let’s enter the cave now.”

Xun Yi saw Yin Fuchuan’s expression and didn’t dare to object. He controlled the Magic Cube Domain and slid in the direction of Poltergeist Cave.

The people gathered at the cave entrance saw them sliding in this direction. Coupled with Yin Fuchuan’s murderous performance earlier, no one dared to stop them, and they slid right into the Poltergeist Cave. TXuPze

Both Yin Fuchuan and Xun Yi knew that the area when they first entered the Poltergeist Cave was clear of zombies, which was perfect for healing injuries. It was also safer in the cave than outside. They had to deal with eager survivors outside, while in the cave, the zombies would not mess with them as long as they didn’t take the initiative to appear in front of the zombies.

The Magic Cube Domain disappeared the moment it entered the light curtain at the cave entrance. Xun Yi’s wound was squeezed by the light curtain, and his face turned a little pale. As soon as his feet stepped on the solid ground, he was a little unsteady.

Yin Fuchuan grabbed his arm to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Having had the experience of being injured while going through the Land of Peril, Xun Yi’s tolerance for pain was no longer what it used to be. Pain was not terrible. Feeling pain meant that you were still alive. If you were injured but felt no pain, you were in big trouble. rInA7y

Only infected people would gradually lose their sense of pain.

“I’m sorry, I was careless. I should have realized that he must have some hidden methods if he could command so many people.” Xun Yi panted slightly, cold sweat soaking the hair on his forehead.

This time, Xun Yi was indeed careless. He didn’t check Chu Hongyi’s attribute panel and had no idea if he had a trump card. By right, he shouldn’t be so careless after his three months of life and death experience in the Land of Peril.

But it was such a coincidence that he spent 80% of his energy looking at the attributes of the Blood-Eyed Toad yesterday and no longer had enough energy to look at Chu Hongyi, and he didn’t think of it today either. RSwj7d

The main reason was that he believed that his level was definitely higher than Chu Hongyi, and he was also confident that his Magic Cube Domain could block all sneak attacks. Even if Chu Hongyi and his men surrounded them, they couldn’t do anything to them with Magic Cube Domain around.

But reality taught him a lesson. He was indeed very strong and had an impenetrable Magic Cube Domain, but it didn’t mean that he had no weaknesses.

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Xun Ye and Yin Fuchuan were both his weaknesses. He would panic if anything happened to them.

“Xun Yi, hurry up and treat your wounds. You have been bleeding non-stop.” Xun Ye was still trapped in that white sticky spider web and was very worried about Xun Yi’s injury. DLrdCW

“I’ve been telling you to practice with your Magic Cube Domain more. Why does it work intermittently? How could you let that happen just now? Your performance was a failure. Don’t be afraid of wasting magic crystals. You need to practice whenever you have free time. If you need magic crystals, I’ll dig more for you.” Xun Ye started reprimanding his careless father, who was the main cause of his worry.

Xun Yi was helpless. “You’d better get rid of the cobwebs on your body. Stop wiggling around like a silkworm.”

Lu Di and Yin Weijiang tried to get rid of the sticky cobwebs on Xun Ye’s body, which was not an easy task.

Xun Yi never heard a word from Yin Fuchuan and glanced at him anxiously. Yin Fuchuan was staring at him darkly. 9lYrPH

Xun Yi’s heart skipped a beat and felt flustered for no reason. The relationship between them became better last night, but something happened to him today. Would Yin Fuchuan think he was incompetent?

Yin Fuchuan suddenly reached out and held Xun Yi in his arms.

The sudden movement disturbed the wound, which caused Xun Yi to inhale sharply in pain. When he returned to his senses, his face flushed red.

Yin Fuchuan actually… took the initiative to hug him? sPijBF

Xun Yi felt a little dizzy, floating on cloud nine, and his heart pounded rapidly. He even forgot about the injury on his shoulder for a moment. As he wondered why Yin Fuchuan suddenly hugged him and whether he was also a little attracted to him, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his left shoulder.

Xun Yi screamed halfway before he forced it down his throat, turning it into a muffled groan instead. His whole body was tense and trembling violently. When the excruciating pain subsided, Xun Yi went limp and slumped to the floor, but Yin Fuchuan held him tightly with one arm.

With the other hand, he opened the lid of the potion and poured the pale red liquid into Xun Yi’s mouth.

When the medicine took effect, Xun Yi gradually recovered from the whirlpool of severe pain. The pain subsided, but his breathing remained rapid. MQlEI9

The sudden pain just now almost sent him into shock, and he stopped breathing for a while. Now that he regained his composure, he panted heavily to replenish the lack of oxygen.

Lu Di was dumbfounded by this scene. His boss was too cruel. He pulled out the arrow so unexpectedly and the blood spurted like a fountain but he didn’t even react at all. There was so much blood.

When Xun Yi finally stopped shaking, Yin Fuchuan said, “Are you okay?”

Xun Yi nodded. He thought that Yin Fuchuan hugged him because he had other thoughts about him, but he was just trying to catch him off guard so that his muscles could relax and make it easier to pull out the arrow. R7w2iG

“I’m fine, much better now.” Xun Yi relied on the strength of his legs to stand up straight and resumed his strong appearance.

His face was very pale, obviously due to blood loss. A lot of blood spurted out when the arrow was pulled. He had to slowly replenish this blood from now on.

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Xun Yi took out one of his basic healing potions and gave it back to Yin Fuchuan.

With no medical facilities in Doomsday, healing potions were simply life-saving medicine. As long as you had a healing potion with you, there was no worry about getting hurt. As long as you were not injured by a zombie, you could recover from any serious injury. fZo Mj

Yin Fuchuan looked at Xun Yi for a beat and silently accepted the healing potion.

Xun Yi’s heart skipped a beat, wondering why he looked at him like that.

Xun Yi’s injury was healed, but Xun Ye’s spider web was a nuisance. It would stick to everything, and even the saber would get stuck instead of cutting through it. It took a long time to pull the saber away. As a last resort, they took off Xun Ye’s jacket to free him from the cobweb.

Xun Ye was only wearing a T-shirt that exposed the Diamond Armor he was wearing, which was bad news. KTZR5w

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