They are Chasing Me!Ch155 - His Flower of Gaoling (13) — Control Freak

“Shi Su’an, you dare to take off your clothes and try it!”

Li Yuechi continued to roar loudly. His hands were tied tightly and his brain was about to explode. As the seconds passed by, he was almost furious at the image he imagined of Shi Su’an being massaged while naked. MXpd1l

He struggled to loosen the clothes that tied his wrists, and veins popped out on the back of his hands, and veins criss-crossed his neck. Beads of sweat fell from Li Yuechi’s head, and he was forced to rip out a space that allowed him to take off.

Li Yuechi took out his hand, his face was horribly gloomy. He stood up from the bed and quickly picked up his clothes and put them on. His cell phone on the bedside table rang suddenly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Boss, we saw the boss lady go up to the fifth floor and enter the room in the massage area——”

The phone was slammed hard against the wall. EFlv4I

Parts flew all over the place, and Li Yuechi’s fingers creaked as he rushed out the door in silence.

On the fifth floor, people were coming and going. Li Yuechi went straight to the massage area, opening each room to look for the shadow of that person inside.

There was a bed in each room, and there were half-naked figures lying on the beds. A young and beautiful technician stood beside them, applying essential oil. It was obviously just a simple massage, but Li Yuechi felt angry suddenly.

“Where is the person!” Li Yuechi couldn’t help but yell. He turned around and glanced behind him, and found the employee who had just called him in the crowd, “Which room did your boss lady enter?”


He asked through his gritted teeth.

Li Yuechi had never been so out of control before. The employee pointed out the direction to him stupidly, and Li Yuechi ran directly in the direction.

Su An is lying comfortably on the bed.

The massage room was soundproofed and he was resting his arm with his eyes closed when he heard the door slam and a man walked in from outside. bED0vj

This man walked to the bed and placed his hands directly on Su An’s thin and fair back.

Shi Su’an calmly said: “Less force.”

Li Yuechi’s breathing was violently ragged, and he smiled grimly twice, “Baby, where’s that technician who massaged you?”

Su An took off his clothes on the sofa outside. He only covered his waist and hips with a towel. The rest of his skin was bare, as if he had already begun his massage. 2RwVgK

Li Yuechi couldn’t suppress his rage. He raised his voice and asked, “Where did the person go?”

Shi Su’an still had his eyes closed. He was too tall and thin, but his figure was far less attractive than Li Yuechi’s. But Li Yuechi guarded him like a treasure, as if he thought everyone would be fascinated by Shi Su’an’s two pieces of meat.

“Shi Su’an!” There was nothing unfathomable about Li Yuechi. He was only extremely embarrassed and furious, as if he had been cuckolded, “I asked you where he went!”

Shi Su’an said calmly: “Li Yuechi, are you yelling at me?” wNtC1D

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Yuechi:“……”

Lf abbx rfnfgji vffq ygfjatr, jcv olcjiis reqqgfrrfv tlr nblmf lc j rboa nblmf, “Djys, ktb kjr wjrrjulcu sbe pera cbk?”

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Vtl Ve’jc rjlv mbivis: “Pr atlr lwqbgajca?”

“Lbk lr la cba lwqbgajca,” Ol Tefmtl gjlrfv tlr nblmf bcmf wbgf, “Glv sbe ufa j wjif bg ofwjif afmtclmljc!” R1ZC7w

Vtl Ve’jc ijeutfv jcv rjlv, “Cgf atfgf jcs wjif afmtclmljcr tfgf?”

Li Yuechi’s breath stagnated, Shi Su’an opened his eyes, he stood up from the bed, the towel slipped from his waist and abdomen like silk, Shi Su’an’s eyes were cold, “Li Yuechi, isn’t this a surprise for me?”

“The surprise I have for you is that I’m giving you a massage, not letting you strip naked and lie here casually for others to see and touch,” Li Yuechi said with a sullen face, “Shi Su’an, are you going to piss me off to death?”

Shi Su’an got off the bed with his bare feet, casually took the towel nearby and wrapped it around his waist, and was about to walk out. Li Yuechi was shocked and quickly grabbed him, “You’re just going out like this?!” zRpj25

“Why can’t I go out like this?” Shi Su’an asked, “Aren’t everyone here dressed like this?”

“What’s more, Mr. Li has come to learn massage for me. It’s normal for me to come here to experience Mr. Li’s hard work.” Shi Su’an smiled yet not a smile, “You can come, but I can’t come?”

Li Yuechi felt inexplicably guilty, “How can this be the same? I’m here to learn.”

Shi Su’an: “I’m just here to enjoy it.” 3E48JV

Li Yuechi couldn’t talk to him, so he simply shut up. He held Su An’s wrist firmly and refused to allow him to leave.

Shi Su’an changed the question and asked: “What do you want to do after finding the technician who gave me the massage.”

When Li Yuechi heard this, his face twisted for a moment. He sneered twice, remembering that Shi Su’an was still here, he quickly calmed down and said hypocritically: “What can I do? I just want to thank him for giving you a good massage.”

“Then what happens next,” Shi Su’an said without mercy, “I was just getting a massage, not getting fucked, Li Yuechi, you’re acting like I’m cuckolding you.” nEtG13

Li Yuechi said aggrievedly: “My wife…”

Shi Su’an: “Mr. Li, let go.”

Li Yuechi refused, “Where are you going?”

“There is a hot spring on the fifth floor,” Shi Su’an said flatly, “I’ll take a dip.” IEPjdC

Okay, it’s not just being touched, but are you planning to be naked and seen by more people?

Li Yuechi was furious, he stepped forward and locked the door, “Shi Su’an, don’t come out of this door today.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shi Su’an frowned, and Li Yuechi panicked. He subconsciously unlocked the door and said softly, “Get dressed and I’ll take you to a private hot spring, okay?”

Shi Su’an took off the bathrobe around his waist, took a step forward, and lay on the bed again, closing his eyes, “No more soaking.” urzLG8

The warm light in the room was slightly dim, and it was easy for sleepiness to rise. Li Yuechi picked up his bathrobe and looked at Shi Su’an’s back, his soul torn in half.

Half of him was infatuated and mesmerized by Shi Suan’s current charm, and half of him was angry, constantly thinking about the image of another pair of hands covered in essential oil rubbing back and forth on this body.

Li Yuechi’s expression was changing back and forth as love and jealousy were intertwined with each other, and a sickly darkness covered his normal face. When his thoughts continued to fall into the abyss, he was suddenly startled.

“Baby,” Li Yuechi murmured, “it was only ten minutes between the time you tied me up and the time I came up, and the technician hasn’t given you a massage yet, has he?” rD8N2c

Shi Su’an remained silent.

Li Yuechi took this as acquiescence, his face abruptly springing to life, laughing silently for a while. He rubbed his palms together to warm them up, then stepped forward and took drops of essential oil onto Shi Su’an’s back, “Guest, let me be your technician?”

Shi Su’an closed his eyes and responded vaguely.

Li Yuechi had only been practicing for a whole morning, and his movements were still very unfamiliar. He had never practiced with anyone else, so he could only reduce his strength, for fear that he would make Shi Su’an uncomfortable if he struck too hard. BCy5Ie

“Guest,” Li Yuechi pretended to be as professional as any other technician, “Do you mind if I pull down the bath towel?”

Shi Su’an opened his eyes slightly, with a dark look. He turned his head and looked back, his eyes flickered, and then he looked back calmly.

“Technician, just pull it off.”

Li Yuechi carefully applied all the things he had just learned to Shi Su’an. He did it from the back to the front. When Li Yuechi began to get restless, Shi Su’an took his hand away, sat up from the bed, and put on his clothes lightly. UJBlKZ

Li Yuechi was inexplicably frightened by his cold face and did not dare to reach out to hug him. He could only say in a low voice: “Baby, aren’t you going to the hot spring?”

“Hot spring? Is this a hot spring that I’m soaking with you?” Shi Su’an said calmly, putting on his short sleeves, “Li Yuechi, I want to soak, only in the hot spring with multiple people outside.”

Li Yuechi looked grim again, but he didn’t get angry this time, “Don’t you feel dirty in the hot spring where so many people have soaked outside?”

Shi Su’an stopped and looked up at Li Yuechi, “Are you feeling dirty or you don’t want me to see anyone?” V60IZK

Li Yuechi suddenly became speechless.

Shi Su’an stood up and put on his pants. His fingertips, which were red from the massage, cascading and rendering on his calves. Shi Su’an tilted his head sideways, his collarbone blooming with soft, watery light.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I like it when you learn massage for me,” Shi Su’an said, “But I don’t like your attitude towards me.”

Li Yuechi was speechless, and after a while he said, “I didn’t.” L6sUYr

Shi Suan actually smiled, “Really?”

Li Yuechi turned around irritably several times before saying, “Baby, I just don’t want others to touch you.”

“Getting married doesn’t mean I have to lose my freedom,” Shi Su’an said calmly, “You look like a control freak who sees his girlfriend shopping in suspenders and insists that she change.”

Seeing Li Yuechi’s livid face, Su An felt a little soft-hearted. But if a man is so domineering in nature, then they need to be properly trained. After all, they are people who have a lifetime to live. QklyKY

Su An is not like Shi Su’an in real life. Shi Su’an is a real flower of gaoling, but he is just a fake flower and is also vulgar and promiscuous at heart. If he wants to be promiscuous once in a while, will this man kill everyone who sees him?

The way he rushed in just now was almost terrifying to death.

Shi Su’an said: “You can come in and out of the fifth floor at will, whether you’re learning massage or enjoying a massage. As long as you don’t cross the line, I won’t hold you accountable. In the same way, I can come in and out of the fifth floor at will.”

Li Yuechi: “Baby…” Pls89w

“After the performance, I’ll be going out of the country for a foreign show with my father before I pick him up to prepare for the wedding,” Su An made a temporary decision, “It will take about a week to go back and forth. Think about it carefully.”

Li Yuechi subconsciously refused: “No, our wedding photos will be taken in a week.”

Shi Su’an was silent for a while and sighed tiredly.

“Li Yuechi, I will fly to various countries in the future to perform long and short performances,” He accused quietly, “You can’t…never let me work.” vu9hgD

Li Yuechi felt that he had encountered a huge problem. His expression was divided into thousands of blocks in the shadows. He even thought darkly, why Shi Su’an couldn’t get pregnant.

If he could get pregnant, he can stay honestly at home for ten months. Then when he gives birth to a child, won’t he be willing not to leave the house for the sake of the child.

No, why must it be for the sake of the child?

Couldn’t he do it for him? tWod6w

The system said quietly: “Host, the world has begun to collapse again.”

Su An’s face froze.

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He instantly realized that trying to get Jiang Sheng to give up such overbearing thoughts would not succeed for fear of the world’s destruction.

Although it was expected, Su An still felt sad for the man’s stubbornness. He quickly stepped forward, held Li Yuechi’s face from the shadows, and gently kissed the corner of his lips, “If you persist in being separated from me for a week, I will give you a reward when you come back.” 2lwMEX

The dark emotions in Li Yuechi’s heart were still rolling, “What reward?”

“Anything is fine,” Shi Su’an just wanted Li Yuechi to relax his control a little and adapt to the feeling of being separated, “You decide, okay?”

After a few minutes, Li Yuechi nodded with difficulty.

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