They are Chasing Me!Ch151 - His Flower of Gaoling (9) — Why don’t you want to get up?

Two people came to the bar.

The bartender on board also followed the yacht. Li Yuechi placed bottles of wine on the counter, and asked, “Mr. Shi, what are we competing for?” hNEIHD

Shi Su’an was frightened when he saw the wine, “I don’t want to drink.”

“You don’t have to drink,” Li Yuechi said slowly and calmly, “Drinking is just for fun. If Mr. Shi loses and doesn’t want to take off his clothes, he can also drink a glass of wine instead.”

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Shi Su’an thought about it and had no objection.

They play cards. Li Yuechi found a deck of poker. Each person draws three cards and compares the cards. The one with the higher number wins and the one with the lower number loses. f 2g8K

Shi Su’an lost five games in a row and drank four glasses of wine. His face turned a bright red. Shi Su’an’s brain was dizzy. He knew he couldn’t drink any more or he’d be a sheep in the tiger’s mouth even if he didn’t take off his clothes.

He took off his first piece of clothing, a thin sky-blue coat.

The sky blue coat was thrown aside, and Li Yuechi became excited. He narrowed his eyes and shuffled the cards, “Mr. Shi, do you want to draw first?”

Shi Su’an glanced at Li Yuechi with misty eyes, then forced himself to grab the playing cards and said, “I’ll shuffle the cards.”


He shuffled the cards again with no skills, and drew three cards from them. Li Yuechi also drew three cards. This time, the result was unexpected. Shi Su’an won.

Shi Su’an couldn’t believe it, and then looked at Li Yuechi suspiciously. He shuffled the cards once and won. Could it be that Li Yuechi cheated in the first five rounds?

Li Yuechi composed himself and took off his shirt under Shi Su’an’s increasingly skeptical gaze, leaving his strong half-naked body, “Go on, Mr. Shi.”

Shi Su’an covered his cards and said lukewarmly: “Mr. Li, it’s better for me to shuffle the cards.” PF74o9

He no longer trusted Li Yuechi. Shi Su’an carefully shuffled the cards and drew three cards confidently, but this time he lost again.

Shi Su’an’s expression was stiff and his lips were pursed straight. Li Yuechi slowly filled a glass of wine for him, “Mr. Shi, wine or clothes?”

Shi Su’an raised the glass with difficulty, and Li Yuechi chuckled, “Really want to drink it? Mr. Shi, this wine has a lot of stamina.”

The thick smell of wine passed through his nose and went straight to his brain. Shi Su’an felt that his whole body was soaked by the smell of wine. The more he smelled, the more drunk he became. Li Yuechi’s figure was swaying a little. 2ReqLB

Li Yuechi said coaxingly: “Take off one piece of clothing.”

Shi Su’an put down the drink hesitantly and pulled up the hem of his clothes with both hands.

His clothes were lifted up, and the snow-white waist reappeared in front of Li Yuechi. Li Yuechi’s eyes burned so hard that Shi Su’an’s face turned red and he was at a loss. He suddenly stopped and said with evasive eyes, “Wait a minute.”

The whole person left the seat and hid under the bar. LfU0ZN

After waiting for a while, Shi Suan stood up again with a rosy face and a cold expression, throwing a ball of cloth aside, “I’ve taken it off.”

There seemed to be nothing unusual about him on the surface, but Li Yuechi instantly understood what he had just thrown at him. His scalp suddenly exploded. Li Yuechi was speechless for a long time and swallowed, “Underwear?”

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Shi Su’an provoked him coldly with his charming eyes. Li Yuechi took a deep breath, his heart trembling, “Continue.”

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It was Shi Su’an who was shuffling the cards, and Li Yuechi couldn’t help but look under him. No matter how intact his clothes were, they couldn’t stop him from thinking. With a heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse, Li Yuechi broke into a thin layer of sweat in just a moment.

His honey-colored skin glow, Shi Su’an lowered his face and read the cards. Although he looked calm and composed on the surface, he was actually embarrassed and ashamed.

“Mr. Shi,” Li Yuechi’s voice was vague, wrapped in ambiguous teasing, “How do you feel now?” DvVaYe

Shi Su’an covered up his panic and said coldly: “I feel better than Mr. Li.”

Li Yuechi laughed silently a few times, “Mr. Shi is so fierce today.”

Shi Su’an snorted coldly.

Li Yuechi almost trembled all over from the snort. He slightly bent his back to cover it up, “Mr. Shi, do you still want to continue?” NXgOMz

“I keep my word,” Shi Su’an said very principled, “Draw it, Mr. Li.”

Fortunately, the God of Luck still reluctantly favored Shi Su’an, and the loser this time was Li Yuechi. Just as Shi Suan breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Li Yuechi standing up and about to take off his pants openly.

Shi Su’an’s eyes widened for a moment, “Mr. Li, you can just have a glass of wine.”

“But I don’t want to drink,” Li Yuechi said innocently, “I just want to take off my clothes.” r9bTO8

Shi Su’an was speechless for a moment and tilted his head in embarrassment, “It’s up to you.”

Li Yuechi slowly took off his clothes. He imitated Shi Suan and took off his underwear in a mensao kind of way. Su An couldn’t help but take a peek and almost died laughing.

Big red underwear, could it be that this year is Li Yuechi’s birth year? It has to be said that Li Yuechi is the most arrogant and the most vulgar person in the world.

Su An laughed in his head and slapped the table: “How can he be so cute!” fGzogD

With such a bright color, Li Yuechi can still wear it with confidence. It must be said that he is also a talent.

It’s sexy and a little funny.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Li Yuechi didn’t know that he was being laughed at. He sat back as if nothing had happened and said, “Mr. Shi, you are about to win.

Unfortunately, Shi Su’an lost again in the next game. Wqv1wV

Shi Su’an didn’t want to take off his clothes because the way Li Yuechi looked at him was too aggressive, which made him feel uneasy.

Shi Su’an reluctantly drank a glass of wine, a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, “Continue.”

But then Shi Su’an lost three games in a row.

Li Yuechi seems to be like a fish bait, and keeps telling Shi Su’an that he is about to win, but Shi Su’an ends up losing his entirety. qNHlrV

In the third game, Shi Su’an drank two more glasses of wine, and his vision became blurry. He really couldn’t drink anymore.

Li Yuechi said quietly: “There is one more cup.”

Shi Su’an held his forehead for a long time before he understood what he meant. He burped and unsteadily took off his pants, “No, won’t drink anymore, I’ll take off my clothes.”

His pants were trampled under his feet, and Shi Su’an was now almost naked except for a shirt that barely covered his thighs. S9iHy0

Li Yuechi couldn’t hold back the heat, he abruptly stood up and walked around the bar to Shi Su’an’s side. With the skin of their legs touching each other, Li Yuechi let out a comfortable sigh, “Mr. Shi, are you drunk?”

Drunk people generally don’t admit that they are drunk, “I’m not drunk.”

Li Yuechi smiled. He looked at Shi Suan, who was only wearing a shirt, and then looked at himself, who was only wearing a pair of pants. He thought to himself, if he placed it three days ago, he would have gone straight for it, so why put up with it so hard?

“Mr. Shi, would you like to dance?” Li Yuechi said warmly. L64cBV

As long as they don’t play anymore, everything is okay. Shi Su’an nodded drunkenly.

Li Yuechi turned on the music, and in the closed bar, he embraced Su An and danced. His arms were wrapped around his waist, and his shirt was lifted up violently. Li Yuechi lowered his head, his face close to Shi Suan’s. His hands reached down from his waist and through the hem of his clothes, and his breathing became heavier.

Pant, pant. With the movements of his hands, the dance steps became more and more chaotic. Shi Suan’s face turned red. He moved forward to hide, but the hands on his body followed him like a shadow.

Shi Su’an raised his eyebrows and said coldly: “Don’t touch.” JD8Ezc

The sweat on Li Yuechi’s forehead slid down his chin and dripped on Shi Su’an’s neck. He let go of his hand obediently. The moisture was lingering, the mist was hazy and on fire, and through the space between the moisture and the mist, fragments of golden light streaked across their bodies one by one.

The colorful lights dazzled, and Li Yuechi couldn’t bear the heat, and coaxed in a hoarse voice, “Su An, let me touch you.”

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“No touching,” Shi Su’an burped again. He lay unsteadily in Li Yuechi’s arms. The redness at the corners of his eyebrows and eyes had already broken the coldness, but did not break his stern voice, “Li Yuechi, if you dare to touch me, we will divorce.”

Li Yuechi didn’t dare to do it at all. fD81BW

He gritted his teeth tightly, circled Shi Suan’s back with his hands, and asked almost through gritted teeth: “Mr. Shi turned out to be such a sore loser.”

Shi Su’an thought vaguely, so playing tricks feels like this.

Although he was not wearing pants and was in Li Yuechi’s arms, he felt extremely at ease and was extremely sure that Li Yuechi would not dare to do anything. In the past, Shi Su’an wouldn’t have done such an act, but maybe Li Yuechi was too rogue and a bandit, and even Shi Su’an followed his example. He didn’t feel like he was bullying anyone, and found it fresh and fun.

He nestled at Li Yuechi’s neck and laughed, he was grabbed Li Yuechi’s hand behind himself as if plucking the tiger’s whiskers, provoking: “If you dare to touch me, then we’ll get a divorce.” 3XJeSt

Li Yuechi withdrew his hand stiffly, “You win, Shi Su’an.”

His tone was sinister.

He withdrew his hand, but the drunk Shi Su’an was dissatisfied. He once again grabbed his hand and put it on his body with a straight face, “Why don’t you touch it?”

Li Yuechi sneered, “Heh.” 3vrxqS

Shi Suan’s eyes widened, and he held Li Yuechi’s hand sullenly from the soft flesh behind him to his thigh, and then from his waist to the front of his body. Su An, who is naturally dissolute, took advantage of his drunkenness and acted drunkenly, “Li Yuechi, is it good to touch?”

If Shi Suan’s expression hadn’t been too serious and indifferent, Li Yuechi would have almost thought that the man in front of him was a little slut who was deliberately seducing him. But him being so unrestrained was so cute that he almost fell into it. Li Yuechi’s expressionless expression suddenly shattered, and he said almost dotingly: “It’s so good to touch.”

How could his wife be so cute?

Su An nodded with satisfaction, shook off Li Yuechi’s hand without mercy, turned around and staggered away, muttering: “Even if it feels good to touch, it’s not for you to touch.” EURxiZ

Li Yuechi: “……”

A familiar feeling of helplessness arose in his heart. Li Yuechi shook his head in amusement and followed to avoid bumping into the drunken Su An.

But the job of a flower protector was really difficult. Li Yuechi looked at Su An’s long white legs and white flesh, he could look at them, but he couldn’t touch them. He was going crazy.

Finally, Su An found the bedroom with vague memories, entered and threw himself on the bed. The stamina of the wine surged up, making him feel dizzy. 5NDiKc

Li Yuechi followed him in, painstakingly covered his charming wife with a thin quilt, and went to the bathroom to bring a basin of hot water to wash Su An’s feet.

Su An was not asleep, he was just dizzy and unresponsive. As the hot water ran over his feet, he curled up his toes and muttered, “…comfortable.”

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Li Yuechi sighed, “Little drunkard.”

Su An laughed and rolled over on the sheets. The system wanted to remind him to maintain his personality, but after looking at the world consciousness, it ignored him and stopped talking. tWKmgn

Li Yuechi couldn’t help but laugh as well by his laughter, and scratched the soles of Su An’s feet mischievously, “What are you so happy about?”

Su An shrank his feet: “Itchy.”

Li Yuechi grabbed his ankle and said, “Don’t hide, I want to wash your feet.”

After a pause, he cursed lightly: “You little heartless boy.” x0ePXv

“Washing my feet,” Su An repeated in a murmur, then suddenly his eyelashes dropped and he started to cry, “No one has ever washed my feet.”

Li Yuechi panicked and hurriedly stepped forward to wipe his tears, held him in his arms, and coaxed in a low voice, “Why do you act so coquettishly when you’re drunk?”

Su An’s tears came one after another, and she said vaguely: “I’m supposed to be pampered.”

“Fine, fine, you love to be pampered,” Li Yuechi kissed over his teardrops and chuckled in amusement, “So you’re so touched just by washing your feet?” IQ CVR

“Because no one has ever washed me,” Su An hiccupped and said aggrievedly, “No one plays with me, no one knows that I can act like a baby…”

He sobbed and complained to the person he trusted most: “Why won’t you get up yet?”

Li Yuechi was stunned, “What?”

“I want you to remember,” Su An whimpered as the fine fuzz on his face was wet with tears, “I feel so uncomfortable when I am alone.” Ni AaR

Li Yuechi’s heart clenched hard.

Translator's Note

心猿意马之下 – /Xīnyuányìmǎ zhī xià/
ila. tfjga ilxf j oglrxs wbcxfs, wlcv ilxf j mjcafglcu tbgrf (lvlbw); olu. mjqglmlber (vfgbu.) / ab tjnf jcar lc bcf’r qjcar / tsqfgjmalnf / jvnfcaegber jcv ecmbcagbiijyif 8cdOD1

Ktf wlcv lr ilxf jc jqf pewqlcu fggjalmjiis bg j tbgrf ujiibqlcu jgbecv, wjxlcu la vloolmeia ab mbcagbi. Pa wfjcr atja atf wlcv lr cba obmerfv jcv mbcmfcagjafv. Ktf ijcuejuf nfgrlbc “Vtfc Kbcudl.” Nbiewf eq. “Ujga 2” Ljc. Rbafr ys We Alcuzle. Ojafg, la kjr jirb erfv ab vfrmglyf jc ecrajyif wlcv.

ref link!

Translator's Note

闷骚 – /mēnsāo/
(coll.) outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside

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