They are Chasing Me!Ch150 - His Flower of Gaoling (8) — Play some games

Li Yuechi’s fear lasted until he got on the cruise ship.

Regardless of Shi Su’an’s objection, he arranged for Shi Su’an to share a room with him. Shi Su’an was forcefully dragged to the bedroom by his hand, his face as cold as ice. Wpar4B

“Mr. Li,” He held back his anger, “What’s wrong with you?”

Li Yuechi suddenly hugged him.

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He was still very scared, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became, but how could a dignified man be frightened by a nightmare of his other half?

It’s hard to say it, as if Li Yuechi’s courage is as bold as a pinhole. Su An wasn’t frightened, but he was frightened. jTBIrz

“It’s okay,” Li Yuechi smiled nonchalantly, “Mr. Shi, wouldn’t it be good for us to share a room? It seems a little strange for newlyweds not to share a room.”

Shi Su’an turned around and walked out, but Li Yuechi grabbed his wrist, “Mr. Shi?”

“I’ll get my luggage.” Shi Su’an said calmly.

The ship had already started. Su An said he was going to pick up his luggage, but he came to the deck to feel the cold wind. Li Yuechi followed him, took off his suit jacket and put it on Su An, “It’s cold outside.”


Su An’s expression softened slightly, “Thank you.”

Li Yuechi stood next to him wearing a thin shirt. The sea breeze blew up the hem of his clothes and hair. Li Yuechi asked nicely: “Mr. Shi, what kind of dream did you have?”

“A dream from my college days,” Su An said calmly, “There was a male student playing basketball in it.”

Li Yuechi said jokingly: “Is the male student as handsome as me?” YdxLDX

Su An glanced at him, deliberately wanting to stimulate him, and nodded.

Li Yuechi touched his face and came over to Su An, “Mr. Shi, really? This really made me sad.”

Su An wanted to laugh but had to hold it back, “You’re not bad either.”

“But one thing I’m better than him is that I have a wife, but he doesn’t,” Li Yuechi said. “Mr. Shi, did I win?” XDjfCl

Shi Su’an smiled and said, “You win.”

The two went to the restaurant for lunch. Li Yuechi then took Shi Su’an to the first floor near the water’s edge of the steps to soak their feet. This is a shallow sea area, and the beach can be seen not far away. Li Yuechi suddenly asked Su’an: “Mr. Shi, can you swim?”

Shi Su’an shook his head, “I can’t.”

Li Yuechi pretended to drag him into the water, “Learn if you don’t know how, learning to swim is an important skill, Mr. Shi, why don’t I teach you?” GlZVSn

Shi Su’an was so frightened that he dodged left and right, “I’m not learning!”

Li Yuechi threatened him even worse. He pushed Shi Su’an with one hand and secretly protected his waist with the other hand, “Mr. Shi, it’s okay. I’m here to watch you and make sure you learn how to swim.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shi Su’an closed his eyes tightly and suddenly gritted his teeth and tugged on Li Yuechi’s collar, taking the initiative to pull Li Yuechi into the water with him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfgf kjr j “qibq” rbecv jcv atf kjnfr ralggfv eq. x0mvct

Ol Tefmtl kjr mjeuta boo uejgv, Vtl Ve’jc teuufv tlw jr alutais jr jc bmabqer. Lf kjr bynlberis atf meiqgla ktb mjerfv atfw ybat ab ojii lcab atf kjafg, yea cbk tf uijgfv ja Ol Tefmtl, “Ol Tefmtl, lr la oec?!”

Li Yuechi originally wanted to scare him, who knew Shi Su’an was so aggressive that he wanted to pull Li Yuechi along with him even if he jumped into the water. He smiled bitterly and hugged Shi Su’an upward with force, “Keep your legs crossed.”

Shi Su’an was lifted up by the sea water and quickly locked his legs tightly around Li Yuechi’s waist, urging, “Go back quickly.”

Li Yuechi held him and swam back, the sea water drowned over Shi Su’an’s neck one after another. Shi Su’an was so scared that he used all the strength he had, Li Yuechi could not catch his breath from being hugged, and said with difficulty, “Let me catch my breath, baby.” dlpM2T

Shi Su’an snorted and loosened his hand slightly.

“Still snorting at me,” Li Yuechi deliberately made a sullen face. He had a scary look on his face and raised his hand to pat Shi Suan’s butt, “Who is taking you back now?”

Shi Su’an’s cheeks turned red with anger and his eyes brightened, “You——!”

Li Yuechi patted him again. In the water, Shi Su’an could only rely on him, so he stopped on the spot and moved his hands to maintain balance, “What am I? Shi Su’an, look at your usual attitude.” DCIZQX

“We are both married, but look at how you usually treat me,” Li Yuechi said more and more seriously, “Your face is cold and so is your attitude. We have been married for several days. Apart from kissing you and touching you, what else have I done?”

Shi Su’an laughed angrily and swayed with the sea water, “Li Yuechi, we have only been married for a few days, and you kiss and touch me. Isn’t it enough?”

“Hurry up,” He hammered Li Yuechi on the shoulder, his anger getting more and more intense, “Go back!”

Li Yuechi couldn’t pretend anymore and swam back honestly, “But you’re still call me Mr. Li.” NrthA7

Shi Su’an opened his mouth and said, “…Yuechi.”

Li Yuechi smiled instantly. He swam to the deck quickly, and carried Su An to the deck. When he was about to climb up again, Shi Su’an pushed him, and Li Yuechi slipped into the water again.

Li Yuechi poked his head out of the water, and Shi Su’an looked at him condescendingly, “Li Yuechi, do you know you were wrong?”

Shi Su’an was angry, but Li Yuechi was very happy. He floated in the water and looked up at his wife, “What mistake did I make?” PKGClV

Shi Su’an pursed his lips, and Li Yuechi said helplessly: “Shi Su’an, you pushed me into the water.”

Shi Su’an stood up hurriedly, turned around quickly, and left without even looking at Li Yuechi.

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Li Yuechi stifled a few laughs and climbed onto the cruise ship, he chased after Shi Suan’s wet footprints and walked to the bedroom.

Li Yuechi walked over and knocked on the door, “Baby?” wTAR9

The person inside snorted coldly.

Really has a bad temper.

But Li Yuechi liked it very much.

How is it good to keep a cold face all day long? If you should be angry, you should be angry, otherwise you won’t say a word when being bullied. Li Yuechi likes to see Shi Su’an change his face. TpvZXG

Didn’t he treat Shi Su’an so well just to spoil Shi Su’an beyond measure?

“Baby, don’t be angry,” Li Yuechi whispered outside the door, “I am also covered in sea water. Can I take a bath with you?”

Shi Su’an’s voice was cold, “Isn’t there a second bathing place on the entire cruise ship?”

Li Yuechi: “Yes, but I want to wash with you.” rQIv2V

A bottle of shampoo hit the frosted glass door hard, and Li Yuechi smiled in a low voice, “Are you really so angry?”

Shi Su’an remained silent.

Li Yuechi said: “Because I touched your butt in the water?”

There was another loud noise, and another bottle hit the door. Shi Su’an said: “Get out.” KvBZ51

Li Yuechi laughed silently, almost confused by Shi Su’an’s anger, and turned around to leave.

Half an hour later, Shi Su’an changed his clothes and walked out. The room was quiet, and Li Yuechi was not there. He walked out and saw that there was no one in the corridor covered with red carpet.

Shi Su’an walked slowly to the deck, looked down, and saw the man surfing with a tow rope tied around his waist below.

He watched quietly for a while. The man was having a good time. As if aware of his gaze, he raised his head and waved to him. PsvKNI

Su An suddenly had some bad thoughts. He walked to the wind outlet, and the sea breeze from below almost blew up his loose clothes. He had straight long legs and a white waist. The cold beauty’s downturned eyes could not stop his natural charm.

Li Yuechi, who was on the surfboard, lost his balance and fell heavily into the water.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Su An chuckled, then immediately covered his mouth and looked at the sky carefully.

Fortunately, the world consciousness didn’t pay attention to his small and uncharacteristic smile. The sea breeze blew slowly, and Su An stood in place intact. poXmeO

He blinked, walked down the stairs barefoot, and came to Li Yuechi.

Li Yuechi had just been pulled up by the coach and was panting when a pair of transparent white feet suddenly appeared in his eyes. He looked up along his ankles. Shi Su’an put his hands on his knees and bent down to look at him.

Li Yuechi, however, did not have time to greet him, and his first glance was buried in Shi Su’an’s neckline seams, the more hidden, the more visible, it is really impossible for people to pull their eyes out.

“Mr. Li?” Shi Su’an’s voice seemed to come from far away, “What are you doing?” V26dqJ

Li Yuechi said in a daze: “I am surfing.”

Shi Su’an seemed to have some interest in this sport. He bent down lower to look at the surfboard on the ground.

Li Yuechi suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Shi Su’an hard. Shi Su’an screamed briefly and fell on top of Li Yuechi.

The coach had already left under the signal from Li Yuechi’s eyes. LSyrXM

Shi Su’an was hugged by him and frowned, “What are you doing?”

Li Yuechi murmured: “Why are you so powerful?”

Shi Su’an frowned deeper, not understanding what Li Yuechi meant.

“You’re going to charm me to death,” Li Yuechi lifted Shi Su’an’s chin and kissed his slender and beautiful neck wetly, “Shi Su’an, you did it on purpose, right?” n lHdX

Shi Su’an struggled hard and said, “Get away.”

Li Yuechi kissed down, biting Shi Su’an’s collarbone, leaving traces of bruises, “Baby, you’re standing in front of me dressed like this, and you still want me to get away?”

He smiled and said, “Will you come with me?”

Shi Su’an gritted his teeth, suddenly raised his hand and slapped Li Yuechi, and said coldly: “Get out of here.” Dx3gXJ

After saying that, he wanted to get up, but was pulled into his arms by Li Yuechi again. Li Yuechi turned his chin and asked him to look at the sea, “Look.”

On the sea, a yacht left the cruise ship and was heading to the shore.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“All but the man who was driving the boat are gone,” Li Yuechi smiled, “There are only two of us on this whole floor.”

A thin layer of sweat slowly broke out on Shi Su’an’s forehead. ctUqiQ

Li Yuechi looked at him in distress, “Baby, want to play a game?”

Shi Su’an looked back at him.

Li Yuechi said: “As long as you win, I won’t touch you now.”

Shi Su’an calmly asked: “How long is this now?” 2Ee7v4

Li Yuechi smiled and said, “Evening before dark, of course, if you still don’t feel it tonight, we can play another game. ”

Shi Su’an took a deep breath and slapped Li Yuechi’s hand that was touching his thigh, “Good.”

“How would you like to play?”

“Let’s play something more interesting,” Li Yuechi waved his hand and pretended to be in pain, “Baby, you are too harsh.” 8PjZB6

Shi Su’an looked at him coldly.

He already understood that he had to stand up when facing Li Yuechi. Li Yuechi was too muddy and too thick-skinned. If Shi Su’an still kept a cold face and said nothing, he would probably eat him to pieces.

Now that he is married to Li Yuechi, his sex life after marriage cannot be avoided no matter how hard he tries. But even if Shi Su’an was prepared, he would never agree so easily.

At the very least, at least he wanted Li Yuechi to know how difficult it was to sleep with him once, and that he had the right to refuse if he wanted to. vdetqR

“You can’t swim, let’s play something else,” Li Yuechi bit Shi Su’an’s earlobe, “Drinking, darts, boxing…you choose one. Whoever loses will take off a piece of clothing, whoever takes it all off first loses, okay?”

Shi Su’an’s ears suddenly turned red like they were dripping with blood, but he managed to maintain the frosty expression on his face, “En.”

Translator's Note

太浑 – /Tài hún/
Too willful and unreasonable

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