They are Chasing Me!Ch149 - His Flower of Gaoling (7) — Nightmare

Although Li Yuechi said this, after Shi Su’an left him to take a bath, he stood there in trance for a while and then came to the study.

On the blurry screen on the computer, the protagonist is still Shi Su’an. Li Yuechi had even memorized the steps of his bathing, what to wash first, and what to wash next. Shi Su’an occasionally felt a little dazed, thinking about interesting questions about music or the universe under the trickling water. A bath will be over in less than half an hour. 67EemK

Li Yuechi watched the entire scene until the white mist obscured the lens.


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What is respect?

Although Li Yuechi came from a humble background, he was conceited and could easily get what he wanted as long as he worked hard. His arrogance is deep in his bones. He knows fake smiles and hypocrisy, but he doesn’t know what respect is. lR8PU6

Is it called respect if you restrain yourself in public?

Then there seems to be no problem in peeking at your other half in the shower?

[Mr. Shi, before your performance comes, how about we board the ship and have a date for two? ——Li Yuechi. ]

Su An received the news just after taking a shower. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? He could guess with his toes that Li Yuechi had come to peek at his shower. Dog man, what a mouthful of promises but still went his own way.


[Mr. Li, don’t you want to invite your friends to board the ship? ]

Li Yuechi: [They are not in a hurry. Before that, I want to take a short sea trip with you. ]

Li Yuechi sat up and adjusted the monitor to the guest bedroom. Shi Su’an was sitting on the bed, lost in thought, seeming to be considering Li Yuechi’s proposal.

Li Yuechi looked at him quietly. IRJpVK

In a quiet room, alone, he looked at Shi Su’an like this, feeling familiar, as if he had spent countless days and nights watching Shi Su’an like this alone in the dark.

Shi Su’an finally replied: [Good. ]

Li Yuechi couldn’t help but smile. He took out a cigar from the drawer, but then he remembered that he wanted to quit smoking, so he threw the cigar into the trash can and replied: [Good night. ]

Have a good night’s sleep. w4RI0x

Li Yuechi kept his promise and only exchanged a few messages with Su An throughout the day. In the evening, he personally drove to the musical theater to pick up Shi Su’an and his parents for dinner. When he arrived, Shi Su’an was still practicing his last performance.

Li Yuechi called him and said with a low smile: “Should I wait for you outside?”

“Good,” Su An said hurriedly, “I’ll be quick.”

Half an hour later, Su An and a group of colleagues came out. The colleagues were lively and said many funny things, but Su An didn’t say a word. Someone in the team looked down on Shi Su’an and thought he was fake. He looked at the roadside and said deliberately: “Shi Su’an, is that the person who came to pick you up?” hyKcAI

Li Yuechi was standing outside the car, lowering his head and tending a bouquet of roses. Su An’s eyes flew to the man and nodded lightly, “Yes.”

The colleague glanced at the wedding ring on his hand and asked, “Is he your newlywed?”

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Su An nodded, “Yes.”

The colleague looked Li Yuechi up and down, with a hint of ridicule in his tone, “Shi Su’an, why did you choose such a man?” OUFosX

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Dressed like a nouveau riche,” The colleague chuckled deliberately, “Oh my god, look at him, did he really need to wear such a big gold chain around his neck?”

“Ktf rjwf ubfr obg atf glcu bc Vtl Ve’jc’r olcufg,” Lf rjlv rjgmjralmjiis klat ybat rbegcfrr jcv pfjibers, “Rb kbcvfg atf vljwbcv lr rb ylu. Pa aegcr bea atja sbeg qjgacfg lr glmt. Vtl Ve’jc, sbe tjnf obecv j ubbv teryjcv. Ciatbeut tf rffwr j yla fzjuufgjafv, ja ifjra, tf mjc reqqbga sbe. Tbe vbc’a fnfc tjnf ab mbwf ab qfgobgw jcswbgf, sbe mjc pera ub tbwf jcv kfjg j ubiv mtjlc.”

There was a burst of laughter.

Shi Su’an had a cold face and remained unmoved. y7Tx6d

Where’s the dirt, Su An’s eyes were about to roll up to the sky in his heart.

What a cute man he is, even wearing a big gold chain.

“Forget it,” Someone in the crowd said, “Stop talking nonsense.”

The noise here attracted Li Yuechi’s attention. Li Yuechi looked up, a smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face with thick eyebrows and high nose. He walked up to Su An holding the flower and said, “Is it over?” p4i2nx

Shi Su’an’s face softened slightly and he took the rose, “It’s over, thank you for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome,” Li Yuechi said calmly, “Go to my parents’ place now?”

Shi Su’an nodded, “Good.”

After they started talking, the people around them fell silent and were secretly observing the movements of Li Yuechi and Shi Su’an. Shi Su’an pursed his lips, took the initiative to hold Li Yuechi’s hand, and said to the person next to him: “This is my husband, Li Yuechi.” Hr9bJD

Li Yuechi held him with his back with his hand and greeted them easily, “Hello there.”

“Hello..” The lead violinist responded first with a slight hesitation, “Mr. Li, haven’t we met somewhere before?”

Li Yuechi raised his eyebrows, “Who are you?”

He didn’t even bother to stretch out his hand, and his attitude was visibly arrogant and perfunctory. qA1FPN

But being so arrogant in turn made the lead violinist recognize him and say in surprise: “Oh, you’re Mr. Li!”

The man, who had mocked Shi Su’an earlier, glanced suspiciously at Li Yuechi and said with the man beside him, “Do you know this upstart?”

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“The name sounds familiar,” The companion thought hard. “He seems to be a very wealthy upstart from Jincheng. When we first came to Jincheng, the boss seemed to have specifically told us not to offend this person.”

The face of the person who asked the question turned green, and when Li Yuechi looked over, he hurriedly hid behind his companion. gAsFOB

Su An waited for Li Yuechi to exchange polite words with the lead violinist and then said: “Let’s go.”

Li Yuechi smiled at the violinist and led Su An slowly towards the luxury car. “Mr. Shi, I really like the words you used to introduce me.”

Shi Su’an nodded calmly.

Li Yuechi looked sideways at him and smiled silently, “Mr. Shi, can I put my arm around your waist as we walk?” x4DoLU

Shi Su’an was stunned and said nothing.

“Mr. Shi?”

Shi Su’an tilted his head and said, “Okay.”

Li Yuechi raised his arms and hugged him. However, the journey was too short, and he reached the car in only a dozen steps. Li Yuechi sent Su’an into the co-pilot, while he propped himself up on the roof of the car and bent over slightly to shield himself from the view cast from the outside.

“Being bullied?” He asked.

Shi Su’an said slowly: “No.”

Li Yuechi smiled and pinched his face, “Then give your husband a smile?” N1Weht

Shi Su’an frowned, and Li Yuechi thought that this action seemed disrespectful, so he smiled in time and said, “I was joking.”

He walked to the driver’s seat and got into the car, taking Su An to his ancestral home. Su An held a bouquet of roses and looked down at the bouquet of roses sprinkled with gold powder, but he couldn’t help but reveal a fleeting smile.

The dinner with the elders went very smoothly. Li Yuechi’s parents already liked Shi Su’an, and now they regarded Shi Su’an as their biological son. Mother Li held Shi Su’an’s hand and talked for a long time. Su An listened carefully, but was finally interrupted by Li Yuechi.

After dinner, it was already getting late, so Mother Li left them to spend the night at their ancestral home. l5Jd8p

The couple naturally lived in the same room, but Shi Su’an had never slept with Li Yuechi. He was a little nervous. After he came out of the shower, he felt even more uncomfortable when he saw that Li Yuechi had already taken a shower.

The heat made him thirsty. Shi Su’an walked to the bed and took a sip of water. He glanced around casually and saw several airplane figures, “Did you make this?”

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Li Yuechi looked up and said with a smile, “Yes, that’s the airplane model I assembled in the past two years.”

One of the figures is a large airport glass window. Outside the glass window is a landing plane. Inside the glass window, sitting is a small black-haired man with his back to Su An. rUCG25

Su An murmured: “Very cute.”

Li Yuechi stepped forward, hugged him from behind, and rested his head on Su An’s shoulder, “I still have some photos of my childhood. Do you want to see them?”

The two of them looked through Li Yuechi’s photos from childhood to adulthood. Su An was amused by the funny pictures above and curled up his lips. Li Yuechi gradually stopped flipping through the photos and gently kissed the side of Su An’s face.

Su An’s eyelashes kept trembling, and he pursed his lips nervously, “We have to go to the beach tomorrow.” bYiydc

“Okay, tomorrow we’ll go to the beach, and take the ship,” Li Yuechi breathed slightly heavier, “Mr. Shi, just one kiss?”

Shi Su’an turned around and kissed him. Li Yuechi became more and more excited. Su An almost thought for a moment that his whole body would be swallowed up.

The kiss Li Yuechi said lasted for more than an hour. He broke away and kissed, kissed and separated again. In the end, Su An couldn’t stand the sleepiness and fell asleep before him.

When he was half-awake in the dream, the man seemed to be taking off his clothes, moving his hands and feet against him. LZGkng

The familiar pleasure came faintly, and Su An yawned without any trace. When he kicked his foot, he heard the man groan in pain.

If you are dishonest in the middle of the night, you deserve to be castrated.

He fell asleep again, but this time, Su An had a dream.

The dream was when he was in college. He was walking past the basketball court with a schoolbag on his back and a cold expression. A basketball suddenly fell in front of Su An. If it had been a little closer, it might have hit Su An directly. D7hKLC

Su An was startled, and his face turned a little pale. A male student in sportswear ran from a distance. The male student picked up the ball with a smile, “Su An, it didn’t hit you, did it?”

Su An couldn’t help but glare at this person, but was stopped for a moment by the male student’s handsome appearance. The anger in his heart was inexplicably gone, but he still said coldly and distantly: “Pay attention.”

He turned around and left.

The male student quickly stepped forward and stopped him, with dark eyes and a smile, “Don’t leave in a hurry. I’ll apologize to you. How about going to have dinner later?” KMNVdb

Su An felt a little happy, but he deliberately frowned and pretended to be embarrassed.

The smile on the male student’s face gradually stiffened and his nervousness showed. He licked his dry lips and smiled again: “Go and eat what you like, okay?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Su An thought, how do you know what I like to eat?

But he seemed to have a good impression of this male student, and just as he was about to agree half-heartedly, the male student’s companions in the distance shouted at the top of their lungs: “Basketball! Kick it here!” Cy9qla

Veins popped out on the male student’s forehead. He sneered twice and kicked the basketball hard, giving it the feeling of a football.

But when he finished playing the ball, he saw that Su An had left quickly.

“……” The male student cursed, “Fuck.”

Su An walked forward with his head buried with a red face. The male student’s kick was so cool. He almost couldn’t hold back his surging spring heart. When he walked to the corner and looked back, he saw that the male student was already angrily looking for trouble with his companions. His companions were beaten by him and ran away, shouting one by one: “Damn it, why are you crazy!” 7adNKh

“Jiang Sheng, you fucking hit me on the head?! My dad doesn’t even hit me on the head!”

——Jiang Sheng.

Su An suddenly woke up from his dream.

He was breathing heavily, his eyes blank. There were hands on the side that hugged him in time, and handed a glass of water to Su An’s lips, “What’s wrong?” b9cQ n

Su An took the water and took a few sips, then looked up at Li Yuechi. He seemed to be seeing Li Yuechi for the first time, his eyes were dull.

Li Yuechi looked anxious and his clothes were wrinkled. He looked at Su An’s distraught appearance, and his expression suddenly changed. He suddenly took Su An out of the quilt and put him on his lap. He suddenly took Su An out of the quilt and put it on his lap. The tall man, who was almost 1.9 meters tall, squatted on the ground like hugging a child, calling Su An’s soul, “The soul will come back soon, the soul will come back soon…”

Su An:“……”

Li Yuechi called to him for a while and said nervously: “Su An? Baby?” MVSEUd

Su An blinked and said slowly: “Mr. Li.”

Li Yuechi breathed a sigh of relief. Once his tense mind relaxed, his legs suddenly became weak. He fell to the ground, sweating from fear but still protecting Su An firmly.

When he saw that Su An couldn’t wake up no matter how he screamed, Li Yuechi was about to suffer a cardiac arrest from fright.

Reason clearly told him that Su An was just sleeping, and Li Yuechi knew that Su An was just having a nightmare. 0uvDzZ

But a panic still arose in him out of nowhere, and it almost made his fingers tremble with fear.

Sunnyshies: Sigh~ This novel is almost over, just 22 chapters left!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

驾驶座 – /Jiàshǐ zuò/
Driver’s seat. Pu KLp

I took liberty to change this. Man, they can’t be seating on the same seat, right.

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