They are Chasing Me!Ch145 - His Flower of Gaoling (3) — Nine hundred and ninety-nine bouquets of roses

Li Yuechi laughed for a while before getting up and going to the study.

He fiddled with the computer for a while and connected the camera. Li Yuechi sat comfortably on the boss’s chair, lit a cigar, and looked at the bathroom scene amidst the smoke. ZJwLld

Although the picture clarity of the new product is much better than before, it is still blurry. Li Yuechi watched Shi Suan’s every move and thought seriously in his heart that there was a delay in the picture.

At least it was delayed by half a minute.

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The cold-faced ice beauty probably didn’t expect that there was someone watching his every move outside the screen, so he relaxed and raised his head and soaked in the hot water. It’s just that he would glance at the toilet uncontrollably from the corner of his eye, and then he would remember something, his expression would freeze, and he would turn his eyes away in disgust.

Li Yuechi laughed muffledly. NLquAm

He just peed in the toilet.

For those who didn’t know, they thought it was Shi Su’an who had caught Li Yuechi’s filthy smell.

Shi Su’an’s fingers washed over his Adam’s apple, chest, waist and abdomen. Li Yuechi’s laughter gradually disappeared, and he smoked in silence, his eyes flashing with light and becoming unfathomable.

The fog gradually blocked the view. Even though the camera was waterproof and moisture-proof, Shi Suan’s figure was still hidden in the white fog.


In the bathroom.

As soon as Su An came in, the system reminded him that there were cameras here. He remained calm and already knew how to seduce this old man in a subtle way.

Taking advantage of the break in the shower, Su An processed the news the system told him.

Su An’s character in this world looks very familiar. Shi Su’an’s image is almost exactly the same as his appearance in real life. He is a flower of gaoling who doesn’t like to be close to others. 3dD2yO

The previous world had the shadow of his childhood, and this world has the shadow of what he showed when he grew up

When he left the previous world, the system told him that Jiang Sheng was not a human being, and some kind of truth was about to be revealed.

“Jiang Sheng is not a human.” Su An knew every word of these five words. When combined together, there are infinite possibilities. Thinking of the preferential treatment given to him by the world consciousness in various worlds, Su An laughed and said: “He is not a human being, can he still be the world consciousness?”

System:“……” yudkBi

System: “Why not?”

It was Su An’s turn to be mute.

The system said: “Every world has world consciousness, and three thousand world consciousnesses form a huge total world consciousness. Over a long period of time, part of the world consciousness began to pollute itself, and Jiang Sheng was the product of the transformation of the world consciousness.”

Su An: “…wow.” MdVN3J

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rsrafw kjrc’a olclrtfv sfa, “Dea wjrafg, tf lr meggfcais rfjifv.” Pa qjerfv, “Lf rfjifv tlwrfio, jcv jirb rfjifv qjga bo sbeg wfwbgs. Tbe tjnf obgubaafc rbwf atlcur, jcv atf wjrafg tjr jirb obgubaafc rbwf atlcur, yea jr tf agjnfir ogbw kbgiv ab kbgiv klat sbe, atf wjrafg’r reymbcrmlber yfmbwfr wbgf jcv wbgf jmalnf. Pa’r ilxf atfrf akb kbgivr tjnf yffc lcoiefcmfv ys atf wjrafg’r reymbcrmlber wlcv, qier sbeg rtjvbk lc gfji ilof.”

“If it were before, if I said these words, I would be blocked by the world consciousness,” The system said, “But now, the master’s consciousness of wanting to wake up is deepening. Even if I tell you this, the world consciousness will not make any move.”

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Because Jiang Sheng is about to remember his true identity.

He is not the hunter born of the world consciousness, he is the world consciousness itself. lnz1KA

Such a huge amount of information was swallowed whole by Su An. He tried to sort it out, but found that he was still confused.

Forget it, Su An took the towel on the side to wipe the water and broke the jar. Anyway, since Jiang Sheng was here, he will just go with the flow and do whatever he has to do. cuNKeY

When the sky falls, Jiang Sheng holds it up.

But perhaps because Jiang Sheng is about to wake up, in the presence of world consciousness, the protagonist of this world is Li Yuechi himself.

Su An put on his clothes, looked at the mirror calmly with a meticulous expression.

The young man in the mirror has slender eyes and a cold temperament. Except for his different face, everything else is exactly the same as Su An’s appearance in reality. dAX1vh

The doorbell rang from the outside, Xiao Zhou’s voice came, and Su An walked out covered in moisture.

Li Yuechi closed the door, returned to the living room with a box of things, and sat on the sofa with a smile, “Mr. Shi, sit down.”

Shi Su’an pursed his lips and walked to the sofa. After a long time, he couldn’t help but say: “Mr. Li, I want to discuss something with you.”

Li Yuechi was still bare-chested, his powerful, strong muscle groups furled as he focused on unpacking the boxes, “What is it?” zYQ3iC

Shi Su’an’s lips parted several times. He was a civilized man and couldn’t stand Li Yuechi not flushing the toilet, “The toilet…”

“Oh, toilet,” Li Yuechi answered naturally and looked up at Shi Su’an, “Did Mr. Shi enjoy using it?”

Li Yuechi has met many people who consider themselves elegant, but without exception, these people look down on rude and barbaric people.

Shi Su’an is also such a person. 8uTvKg

But his coldness is really cold, elegance comes from his bones. Naturally, he doesn’t like rude people, but he won’t talk about his dislike.

Shi Su’an’s eyes dropped lightly, but he didn’t say it out loud, “Thank you, I used it very well.”

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“That’s good,” Li Yuechi smiled. He stood up, took Shi Su’an’s hand and asked him to sit down across the table, “Mr. Shi, let me show you something.”

Shi Su’an glanced at the hands held by the two of them and frowned, “Mr. Li, have you washed your hands?” JrM Ek

Li Yuechi chuckled silently, and was seriously surprised, “Oh, I forgot.”

Shi Suan’s expression suddenly changed. He quickly withdrew his hand, his face was stained with clouds again, he turned around and strode towards the bathroom.

Li Yuechi followed. When Shi Su’an was washing his hands, he hugged Shi Su’an from behind. His hands scurrying past the cold beauty’s waist, grabbing the pair of pianist’s hands that were trying to escape, and frolicking under the current piece by piece.

Li Yuechi’s hands are a pair of white-knuckle hands that have been sharpened by a thousand winds and rains. To6lpB

But Shi Su’an’s hands were slender, beautiful, as warm and delicate as white jade.

Li Yuechi touched his hands, and washing his hands gradually became more than just washing his hands. His rough fingertips passed through Shi Su’an’s fingers, lingering ambiguously, and then reluctantly inserted into the next fingertips.

Shi Su’an hid, but couldn’t pull his hands away. He always felt that like his own hands, he had become a delicacy in the mouth of the man behind him.

“Mr. Li,” Shi Su’an whispered unhappily, “I can wash them myself.” zPCxNM

“Baby, your hands are so beautiful,” The man behind her breathed slightly, “So tender.”

Shi Su’an shook his fingers, and Li Yuechi hugged him suddenly. His watery hands picked up a string of cold water droplets and wetted the clothes in front of Shi Su’an. Li Yuechi laughed in a low voice, “What are you hiding from?”

“Mr. Li…” Shi Su’an raised his eyes and looked in the mirror.

In the mirror, he seemed to be held in a man’s arms. The man lowered his head and pressed his lips lightly on the back of his neck, but his eyes were raised, looking at Shi Su’an in the mirror like he was hungry. qHXiy4

Shi Su’an suddenly panicked. He looked away anxiously and looked down at the faucet without speaking.

He felt a touch on the back of his neck, “Mr. Shi, why don’t you speak?”

Shi Su’an paused and said, “Mr. Li, we just met for the first time today.”

“Yes,” Li Yuechi smiled gracefully, “But my fate with Mr. Shi is wonderful. We got married just one day after we met. This should be very rare in the country.” aBJmcK

Shi Su’an was not very good at talking, let alone talking to this cunning wolf in the business world. He forcefully pulled Li Yuechi’s hand from his waist and spoke in a low voice, “Mr. Li, I am very grateful that you are willing to marry me, but as you said before, we don’t know each other and are not familiar with each other, so it’s better to get acquainted with each other slowly first.”

“I know what Mr. Shi means.” Li Yuechi let go of his hand and led Shi Su’an back to the living room, “By coincidence, I was just about to talk to Mr. Shi about this matter.”

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The two sat down at the table again.

Shi Su’an watched Li Yuechi take out a black leather box from the cardboard box, and his eyebrows jumped, “Mr. Li, what is this?” bWDQ0E

Li Yuechi smiled and opened the leather buckle of the box, “I asked my assistant to deliver it.

He opened the box and pushed it towards Shi Su’an.

“Mr. Shi, I’m not exactly a pushover,” The man took out the thinnest piece of medicinal jade from the case and played with it, grinning, “You can use this to keep it for now.”

On the black silk cloth, a row of medicinal jade from thin to thick was arranged in front of Shi Su’an’s eyes. Shi Su’an could tell at a glance what this was for. His face turned pale and he looked up at Li Yuechi hastily. bcut20

Li Yuechi looked at him with interest, “Mr. Shi, would you choose one?”

How can the flawless white snow-capped mountain flowers cope with the carnivorous wolf?

Shi Su’an didn’t speak, his pale lips lost their color, and there were still wet drops of water on his forehead just after taking a shower. The clear water was as pure as hibiscus, making it impossible to pull him together with the dirty desires. Li Yuechi thought “as clear as a jade pot of ice” and felt that it was a beautiful thing that this “jade pot of ice” fell into his hands.

Shi Su’an said: “Mr. Li, do you have to embarrass me like this?” EzvT3

Li Yuechi leaned on the back of the chair with a helpless expression, showing his doting, “Baby, we are both married. Now we have a legal and formal marriage. You come to marry me and let me fulfill your mother’s last wish. I agree. Now that we are married, even a business union has a normal married life. Mr. Shi, you should also think about me a bit.”

Shi Su’an remained silent for an unknown amount of time. He raised his fingertips and pointed lightly at the thinnest medicinal jade in Li Yuechi’s hand.

Li Yuechi’s hand suddenly became hot, and he said softly: “Go to the bedroom, I’ll put it in for you.

Shi Su’an closed his eyes, stood up and walked into the bedroom. Li Yuechi closed the door and drew the curtains. The dim atmosphere made Shi Su’an relax a little, but when Li Yuechi actually put it in, he still grabbed the pillow in discomfort and buried himself in embarrassment into the pillow. muMf1o

Sweat dripped from Li Yuechi’s head. He smiled and praised: “Very good, baby.”

He lowered his head for an undisguised kiss, “Why are you so good.”

Shi Su’an trembled. Li Yuechi picked up his pants for him and pulled him up, “Good boy, let’s use this one for two days. Once you get used to it, change to another one. Okay, baby, go to sleep, we have to go out tomorrow.”

It didn’t hurt at all, but it felt weird. Shi Su’an frowned and nodded, “I want to stay in the guest bedroom.” MEwvxu

Li Yuechi said: “Okay.”

Shi Su’an walked out of the door with a slightly stiff pace. The guest bedroom was next to the master bedroom. As soon as he walked in, he saw a bouquet of nine hundred and ninety-nine roses occupying the entire bed.

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He froze.

Each of the roses bloomed delicately and beautifully, and the petals were stained with crystal clear water. The smell of one rose was already pleasant, and the smell of the nine hundred and ninety-nine bouquets of roses was as gorgeous and arrogant as they looked. BKyTJd

Su An stepped forward, lowered his head and smelled the flowers, a faint smile appeared, and was buried among the flowers.

Translator's Note

破罐子破摔 – /pò guàn zi pò shuāi/

It is a metaphor that after having shortcomings, mistakes or setbacks, letting it go without correction, or intentionally developing in a worse direction.

ref link!

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  1. Why each of these perverts is more disgusting than the other? D:

    Thank You for the new chapter (。・ω・。)ノ♡