What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateCh59 - Forum-style Extra (Different From the Main Content) 4


It’s been so long since I last posted. I wonder if you all still remember me. I twisted my waist the day before yesterday, and I’m still lying in bed. A lot has happened recently. I, the original poster, am physically and emotionally exhausted. Let me explain slowly. iRXZA6

Before I twisted my waist, I was constantly being overworked by my boss, and I had to make time for the New Year’s Eve party. During my free time, I read your replies. There wasn’t anything meaningful. More than one person even asked me if cats could poop and if cat poop smells. Let me clarify this once and for all. You’re overthinking it. Cat poop is quite smelly. Cats aren’t angels that produce strawberry-scented poop every time they go.

Every year our company hosts a New Year’s Eve party, and boss forces everyone to participate. Because I sang “Man’s Flower” last year, boss prohibited me from singing this New Year’s Eve. I had no choice but to form a temporary group with Li XX and two other male colleagues, calling ourselves F4.

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After all, except for Li XX, the remaining three of us are tough guys with waists as hard as steel pipes. I suggested performing a comedic dialogue, but Li XX disagreed, saying he’d burst into laughter if he spoke alone. He insisted on teaching us street dance, claiming the moves weren’t difficult and the requirements weren’t high. He said I could just fool around a bit and it would be fine.

I f*ckng believed him at the time. As a result, after practicing for two days, those two male colleagues of mine could clumsily follow along, but as soon as I started dancing, I looked like a donkey pulling a millstone, with my waist feeling like it was carrying a weight of 200 lbs. UwSqnz

Li XX couldn’t bear to watch and said, “Ge, how about you perform radio gymnastics on the side while we do the street dance?”

I immediately declined, saying, “That’s too embarrassing.”

Li XX responded, “Then I’ll dance with you, and we’ll call it a dance medley.”

Considering it for a moment, Li XX usually has good popularity. If he and I embarrassingly perform radio gymnastics together, it might still appease the boss. Not a bad move.


On New Year’s Eve, boss was in a good mood. He even said he would treat all the employees present. I’ve been looking forward to the New Year’s Eve dinner for a long time. I was even prepared to not return until I got drunk.

As a result, life is so f*ckd up. Our F4 dance medley performance had the audience laughing from start to finish. What’s most annoying is that while following the rhythm with Li XX, during a “leaping movement,” I slipped, forcefully did a split, and then landed on my back on the stage.

Lately, I’ve realized that I’ve been extremely unlucky, especially with frequent embarrassing incidents in public. Last time, I ruined the boss’s suit, and this time, I injured my back doing radio gymnastics.

What’s worse, the aftermath of these incidents has nothing to do with the boss. 8uqo1n

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dbrr qjerfv atf qgbugjw, raglvlcu bcab atf rajuf klat tlr ibcu ifur. Lf abbx gfrqbcrlylilas, jmxcbkifvulcu tf rtbeivc’a tjnf qgfrregfv wf ab qfgobgw. P kjr lc rb wemt qjlc atja P mbeivc’a wbnf, jcv jii P mbeiv rff kfgf atf ybrr’r rtlclcu ifjatfg rtbfr.

Ojafg, lc atf gfoifmalbc bo atf rtbfr jcv atf rajuf ilutar, P rjk atf ybrr yfcv vbkc jcv tblra wf bcab tlr rtbeivfgr. P tfjgv j mglrq rbecv ogbw ws rqlcf, fnfc wbgf qjlcoei atjc yfobgf, yea P vlvc’a vjgf rjs jcsatlcu.

Boss held onto my ankle with one hand and flung a card to his assistant, saying he wouldn’t attend the dinner today and would only pay for it. Honestly, even as a straight guy, I couldn’t help but find his local tyrant aura so handsome that it explodes.

At that moment, although my waist hurt, my heart was pounding loudly, almost leaping out of my throat. 6ZzUqJ

Netizens, just thinking about how the boss flung over his card makes me feel uneasy. Do you think I might fall ill because of this ah?

Later, the doctor told me that what would have healed in two days turned into a second-degree injury due to the boss lifting me like that. My waist was done for.

W**. What the f*ck is this? Boss seemed quite guilty. He said he had a friend who was a doctor and had learned some massage techniques from him. That night, he experimented with massaging my waist. The process was as painful as a pig being slaughtered, but the boss remained unfazed, pressing on wherever it hurt.

Li XX originally wanted to check on me in the bedroom but heard my screams and went another way. My cat, lord of the house, walked over my head and affectionately rubbed against the boss’s pants. C260vd

Well, what could I do? But afterward, my back did feel somewhat more comfortable, even a bit pleasant. I tend to doze off easily when bored. In a drowsy state, I felt someone touching my face.

A man being touched on the face, how uncomfortable ah! Although I was sleepy at the time, my reflexes were still sharp. I instantly grabbed the person’s hand. Now, guess who it was?

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Correct! It was still the boss! I already know what you all might say, that the original poster is leaning towards being ‘gay’ with the boss or something like that. Let me tell you, don’t jump to conclusions! (Even though you never listen anyway.)

Because the boss said, “You have an eye booger.” 3jMgdu

I nodded.

The boss said, “It’s true, don’t disbelieve me.”

I didn’t say anything, thinking to myself: ‘No, no, no, boss, I really do believe you ah.’

When the boss saw me silent, he suddenly turned stern. I didn’t even know why he got a little unhappy again. He said, “XX, don’t you believe me?” 0MuDid

I wished I could nod my head 800 times, or break through the bed with my chin to express my sincerity. I replied, “I believe you, I believe you.”

Why is the boss always in a bad mood? What’s going on ah? I’m pretty upset too ah!

As the boss was about to leave, I blurted out asking if he wanted to have a couple of drinks before leaving. However, the boss didn’t catch on that I was just making small talk and came back. So there I was lying in bed, and the boss was seated at my desk. He rummaged through the fridge, grabbed a beer, and started drinking while I watched.

While he was drinking, out of the blue, he scolded me, “XXX, you’re such a fool.” zqhce3

I felt quite annoyed by this. He scolded me, and I didn’t dare to talk back. He was drinking my beer, and all I could do was watch.

The boss’s face turned slightly red, and he said, “XXX, do you know that I’m gay?”

I ignored him, thinking to myself, ‘How could I not know? You’ve mentioned it before.’

The boss then asked, “Where’s your cat? Mimi?” vdOS8m

Once again, my master cat stepped happily over my head and then affectionately rubbed against the boss’s pants.

Hmph! I see through both of you!

I couldn’t wait for the boss to leave soon and said, “Boss, it’s getting late. You should leave soon.”

The boss replied, “I’ve been drinking, I can’t drive.” DfMQLa

I suggested, “How about… letting Li XX drive you?”

Boss’s face darkened and he said, “If you mention Li XX again, I’ll…”

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He didn’t finish his sentence. Boss consumed about three or four cans of beer, drinking a bit too much. He used my toiletries directly, even using my towel when coming out of the bathroom after washing up. He ended up in just his underwear, lying down next to me and fell asleep.

His defined eight-pack abs were very eye-catching, and I couldn’t resist touching them. My heart was racing nervously, but they felt good. SeudgH

I’ve mentioned before that my boss is a neat freak and very particular about things. I thought he’d be furious the next day if he used my toothbrush absentmindedly, but surprisingly, he was in a good mood.

I ended up sharing a bed with the boss for a night because my waist injury made it difficult to move, and I had a stiff neck from sleeping awkwardly. The next day, I was holding back my pee. I didn’t dare to ask Li XX for help in front of the boss, fearing his anger.

Ai, who else has my kind of bad luck? I have to be so cautious about everything in my own home just because of the boss.

Thankfully, the boss had to go back to handle work matters; otherwise, I might’ve perished due to a bursting bladder. UzNAZ5

Li XX asked me, “Ge, are you and the boss… You know…”

I was shocked and replied, “Wait, aren’t you…?”

The conversation between Li XX and me was totally misunderstood, and Li XX was immediately shocked, “What me ah? Aren’t you…”

Our conversation was so disconnected that I’m not even sure how much Li XX understood. He jovially patted my shoulder, almost embedding me into the bed frame with his strength. klfAyC

Li XX said, “Ge, I don’t discriminate against you, really.”

This is completely different from what I initially thought ah! I know you might think I’m going off track, but I’ve already created quite a few misunderstandings. There’s nothing that can make me care anymore. I have to rest my waist injury at home these days. If there are any new developments, I’ll update you later.

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