What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 50

I sneakily glanced at Ning Yiheng and noticed that his face turned red.

‘He’s so cute,’ I thought. 3L2a7N

Aunt Lin was slightly taken aback and said, “… Watching you guys reminds me of the days when I and Nian Nian’s Dad were dating.”

I remember that Ning Yiheng’s parents were married in business. The two had no feelings and eventually divorced due to the breakdown of their cooperation.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

So, were Aunt Lin and Ning Renjie true love?

My Nian Nian is so pitiful; he wasn’t born out of parental love and has to witness his father loving another woman. FqLNC0

If Ning Renjie and Aunt Lin can find their happiness, I also hope Ning Yiheng can be happy.

Ning Yiheng: I hope so.

Aunt Lin smiled and said, “Nian Nian is just like the previous A’Ren, and you resemble a young me.”

I felt a bit embarrassed and said, “I-is that so, Auntie…”


Ning Yiheng: I want to kiss you.

I quickly glanced at my phone, feeling my face flush at Ning Yiheng’s unusually bold words.

Aunt Lin said, “Ai yo, why are you blushing la…”

My fingers were clasped in Ning Yiheng’s palm, and I couldn’t tell if it was my sweat or his on our intertwined fingers that was sticky between us. B3icfW

I said, “Aunt Lin, I’m sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

While the wedding hadn’t started yet, I stumbled in the direction of the bathroom. Compared to the bustling courtyard, there were fewer people inside the villa.

Cr P gfjmtfv atf yjatgbbw bc atf olgra oibbg, atf fwqas mbgglvbg fmtbfv bcis klat ws obbarafqr jcv jcbatfg qfgrbc’r.

P ibbxfv ja atf wlggbg jybnf atf rlcx jcv rjk Rlcu Tltfcu’r ojmf. YTht0Q

Rlcu Tltfcu gfjmtfv yjmx jcv ibmxfv atf yjatgbbw vbbg, atfc fwygjmfv wf ogbw yftlcv.

Ynfg atf mbegrf bo rqfcvlcu rb wemt alwf abufatfg, jiatbeut atfgf tjnfc’a yffc wjcs vffqis lcalwjaf wbwfcar yfakffc er, P’nf yfmbwf ojwliljg klat Rlcu Tltfcu’r vjlis ufraegfr. Lf’r j nfgs ufcaif qfgrbc, yea ktfc fwbalbcr gec tlut, tf olcvr la mtjiifculcu ab mbcagbi tlr lcafcrlas. Lf boafc gfragjlcr tlr lwqeirfr, sfa P mjc rfcrf tlr vfrlgf obg wf—

Ning Yiheng pinched my waist and pressed me heavily against the wall.

Ning Yiheng’s aggressive and intense kissing overwhelmed me. I could only clumsily respond to his advances, despite considering myself in the top position. I struggled to gain the upper hand in the kiss and soon felt dizzy and lightheaded from his fervent affection. BzT8F4

It must be that my practical experience is too limited. In novels, doesn’t every top position have experiences in countless encounters? I’ve only learned various theories from novels, but since being with Ning Yiheng, I haven’t had the inclination to seek out others to hone my skills.

Ning Yiheng kissed me in a hurry. He easily undid my belt, put his fingers through my shirt in the suit, and rubbed around my waist. I was so touched by him that I couldn’t help but bite his lower lip lightly.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ning Yiheng took a deep breath, and kissed the tip of my nose, then my face, eyes, and forehead. He leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Xiu Xiu, I love you so much.”

I wished to scream out my response for the whole world to hear, but all I could do was whisper back, “I love you too, Nian Nian.” 78W0aL

Upon hearing that nickname, Ning Yiheng paused slightly, lowered his head, and lightly nibbled at my neck.

I said, “No, don’t leave traces, it will be seen by others.”

Under my provocation, when we were living together, it was inevitable that we would be high in spirits on our heads. Although Ning Yiheng always braked at the last step, he hugged and nibbled me. The roots of my thighs can no longer be seen by people… Cough, fortunately, I usually have clothes to cover it, so outsiders can’t see it.

Ning Yiheng held the flesh of my neck with his mouth and said vaguely, “… I just want others to see it.” SUacqx

No matter how impulsive he was again, he would eventually respect my choice. He squatted down, lifted up my clothes, and took a hard bite on the side of my waist.

I may be a shaking m. Ning Yiheng’s mouth came down hard, and the pain made me even more excited.

F*ck, as soon as I got in front of Ning Yiheng, my self-control was utterly defeated; he was too provocative.

Ning Yiheng, on the other hand, seemed much calmer. He glanced at his watch and said, “There’s still time. Let’s hug for another ten minutes.” sboAtv

Ning Yiheng loves hugs a lot. He also greatly enjoys our time alone together. His prominent nose rests against my abdomen as he gently kisses my belly button.

I stroked his soft hair and asked him, “Why does Auntie Lin call you Nian Nian?”

“That’s not my nickname. My parents didn’t give me a nickname either. It’s a nickname she gave me,” Ning Yiheng explained. “My parents divorced when I was very young. I used to cry and look for my mom all the time. She said I was clingy, so she started calling me Nian Nian.”

My fingers paused, and I couldn’t help but embrace his head, unable to utter a word. jghAQr

I thought of the little Ning Yiheng crying and I wished to hold him in my arms, forbidding anyone from hurting him.

Ning Yiheng said, “Aunt Lin is a good woman. At that time, she was very childlike, always teasing me. She would get worried seeing me cry… But she wasn’t my mother after all, and I wasn’t her biological child. As a child, I only wished for my own biological mother.”

I actually like the nickname Nian Nian. I hope Ning Yiheng will stick with me in the future.

I said, “Do you like the name Nian Nian?” 8 JfXp

Ning Yiheng replied, “I didn’t like it before. I didn’t think I was clingy.”

“But Xiu Xiu, I just want to stick to you.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I… blushed again.

It turns out that Ning Yiheng also knows how to play it straightforward? Clearly, he always waits for me to take the initiative in a reserved manner. g7jqxT

I cupped his face and, for the nth time, asked the question that had been on my mind, “… In the end, why do you like me?”

He loves me deeply, and I love him too. I won’t doubt his love for me.

But I’m genuinely curious about what Ning Yiheng is after.

Ning Yiheng said, “I’m sorry, Xiu Xiu. I haven’t gathered the courage to be completely honest with you.” F0hcQ

“I know you used to be straight, and I don’t want to startle you. Even now, I don’t want to rush things. I always feel it’s important to be cautious, to give you enough time to consider and not regret…”

I don’t need to think about it! Sh*t, I’m all bent, what else do I have to consider?! All I can think about is one thing, which is how to make love with Ning Yiheng day and night… cough, cough.

As soon as I wanted to refute him, Ning Yiheng stood up, straightened my wrinkled shirt, and tidied up my clothes.

Ning Yiheng said, “It’s almost time, let’s head back.” 6cPSDN

It wasn’t the right time to argue with him. I swallowed my words and decided to finish this wedding first. Along with the matter of him pretending to be Da Ge, I planned to find an opportunity to spill everything to him.

After the two of us left the villa, the wedding was about to commence. Aunt Lin waited for us to return to our seats before preparing to check on her daughter.

She suddenly winked at Ning Yiheng, tapped her fingers lightly near her lips, then turned her head and left with a smile.

I looked at Ning Yiheng in surprise. biIRcZ

Ning Yiheng had a thin layer of white powder on his lips, which was the loose powder Aunt Lin had applied to cover the dark circles around my eyes earlier.

Ning Yiheng wiped his fingers casually. He glanced at his fingers and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

…. I feel a sense of embarrassment as if caught in an affair by my mother-in-law.

Help ah!! fq6Yv5

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