What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 49

Regardless of the current situation, food should still be eaten.

I don’t know what others think, but I thoroughly enjoyed this meal. oqEdl2

I, Cheng Huai Xiu, have never been affected by uncertain things. As long as others don’t express it explicitly, I assume they haven’t thought much about it.

After we finished eating, each of us went back to our own homes. My rental house was renovated last week. Since I moved in with Ning Yiheng after my concussion, we both tacitly agreed not to mention moving out again. Even though I don’t live there anymore, as the contract hasn’t ended, I continue to pay the rent.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the blink of an eye, it was Ning Yiheng’s meimei’s wedding day. I was full of excitement about meeting the parents. I was so nervous that I didn’t sleep all night. With dark circles under my eyes, I sat in the passenger seat, rehearsing in my mind how to talk.

Fortunately, I only have to attend sister-in-law’s wedding for one day, and I still have to rush to work on Monday. i6flcF

After experiencing the dying of embarrassment of confessing to my future father-in-law about having two jjs, I feel more comfortable going to work than meeting parents.

Ning Yiheng’s sister’s wedding was held at their own villa, which they bought in the suburbs that was more than an hour’s drive from the city center.

When I arrived at the wedding venue, my nervousness faded a little as time passed.

As my feet finally stepped onto the neatly trimmed lawn, the overwhelming dizziness of excessive nervousness instantly engulfed me. At that moment, Ning Yiheng timely held onto my arm.

ddN9 x

Ning Yiheng leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Don’t be nervous.”

Maybe it’s a psychological effect. The expensive suit I was wearing felt like shackles, hindering my legs from moving freely.

With him supporting my legs for battle, I continued walking toward the main entrance and took a seat in the courtyard. Many people were bustling around for the wedding, but today’s main focus was Ning Yiheng’s meimei and her husband. Therefore, not many paid attention to Ning Yiheng and me. The Ning family wasn’t as intimidating as I had imagined, so I relaxed a bit.

The weather had been consistently good lately. After the arrival of spring, the temperature had risen significantly. The Ning family’s courtyard was adorned with many peach blossoms. When the wind blew, the courtyard was filled with the fragrance of flowers. n0Sa4r

My attention was attracted by the gardening in the courtyard, and my mood calmed down a lot as a result.

Just as I started to relax, a middle-aged woman dressed lavishly and adorned with jewelry walked gracefully toward us and beckoned to Ning Yiheng.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtf wjlcajlcfv tfgrfio fzmfqalbcjiis kfii, klat j gfolcfv jcv fifujca jqqfjgjcmf. Rlcu Wljbse, kfjglcu recuijrrfr, byfvlfcais obiibkfv yftlcv tfg, tbivlcu j qjiw-rlhfv kbwfc’r tjcvyju.

P abbx j mibrfg ibbx jcv kjr jiwbra yilcvfv ys atf AN ibub bc atf yju. IBrZ7V

Rlcu Tltfcu qgbwqais rabbv eq. Ciatbeut P vlvc’a delaf ecvfgrajcv atf rlaejalbc, P lcralcmalnfis rabbv eq jr kfii, obiibklcu tlw.

The woman led Ning Xiaoyu over had her face beaming with a smile that she couldn’t conceal, and said, “Nian Nian, come quickly and introduce your boyfriend to Aunt.”

… Who’s Nian Nian ah?

Ning Yiheng naturally wrapped his arm around my waist and introduced me to the lady, “Aunt, this is my lover, Cheng Huai Xiu.” eIrvyX

“Xiu Xiu, she is my stepmother. You can call her Aunt Lin.”

I knew Ning Yiheng’s parents had divorced a long time ago. When he pretended to be Da Ge, he revealed bits and pieces about his family. However, seeing it with my own eyes, I found it a little hard to believe.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

But I could only follow his lead and continue, “Hello, Aunt Lin.” I am Cheng Huai Xiu. You can just call me Xiao Cheng.”

“Xiu Xiu, right? I’ve heard Qiu Qiu mention your name a lot,” Aunt Lin said without any sign of annoyance. However, she didn’t heed what I said and just smiled at me. “Quickly sit down ba, don’t just stand there.” vZhjOs

So, who’s Qiu Qiu again ah?

I nervously sat back down and nervously glanced at Ning Yiheng, who secretly held my palm.

Aunt Lin then said, “Xiu Xiu, you look quite pale. Did you not sleep well last night?”

I truthfully replied, “I was a bit nervous and had trouble sleeping last night.” dhCtZG

Aunt Lin comforted me by saying, “Don’t be nervous. Just treat this place as your own home. You’re also a part of our family.”

Hearing what she said, my heart warmed inexplicably.

Aunt Lin took the handbag from Ning Xiaoyu and retrieved a small box of face powder from it. She gracefully took out the powder puff and said, “Close your eyes.”

I obediently closed my eyes. bs2iMv

Aunt Lin lightly dabbed the powder around my eyes. I had never used such a thing before, and the powder that shook off made me feel like sneezing as it landed on my nose.

I managed to hold it in.

Aunt Lin efficiently finished up and used a tissue to wipe off any excess powder from my face.

She said with satisfaction, “That’s not bad.” 5XyLAt

“Xiu Xiu is still quite handsome.”

I was bothered by the “still” in her words.

It sounded like she was purposely looking out for me and defending my pride.

Aunt Lin winked at me and said, “Xiu Xiu, how do you feel about our Nian Nian?” mGhwBn

Ning Yiheng interjected, “Aunt, this…”

Aunt Lin said, “I’m talking to Xiu Xiu, don’t interrupt yet.”

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Aunt Lin is in her middle age but had gestures and movements that resembled those of a young girl—though I’m not sure if this description is accurate. She’s lively, perhaps overly lively, and my understanding of it was quite abstract—As soon as I talked to her, I felt like I had become a member of a group of schoolgirls.

It’s just that the object of our gossip has changed from a male classmate in the same class to Ning Yiheng. iLxbHD

I said, “Nian Nian is a good man.”

Although I didn’t know why Ning Yiheng was called Nian Nian, and he had never mentioned this nickname to me, but…

So far, I’m afraid there’s nothing more amusing than calling Ning Yiheng “Nian Nian” right in front of him. I want to cherish these moments of conversation with Aunt Lin and call him by that name more often.

Aunt Lin proudly said, “Nian Nian and his dad are practically carved out of the same mold. They’re good in every way, but their mouths are too stupid. I’m worried he wouldn’t find a partner.” dcOyBP

“Nian Nian, having a great kid like Xiu Xiu who likes you, you’ve found a treasure.”

I realized Aunt Lin didn’t speak with any ill intent; she was just quite straightforward and candid in her remarks.

Ning Yiheng awkwardly interrupted her, “Aunt, please don’t say any more.”

Aunt Lin propped her chin up with one hand and innocently asked, “Why? Everything I said is true, right, Qiuqiu?” sDUYe2

After a long silence, Ning Xiaoyu finally spoke up, “… Yes.”

My god, so you’re Qiu Qiu ah!

At that moment, my phone made a notification sound. I unlocked the screen and saw a message pop up from Ning Yiheng.

Ning Yiheng: Very difficult yingf ydA4Wv

Ning Yiheng: To deal with.

Ning Yiheng: She is very difficult to deal with, you have to be careful.

I seem to understand why Ning Yiheng doesn’t get along with his stepmother.

I’m different from Ning Yiheng’s reserved personality; I don’t find Aunt Lin difficult to deal with at all. hErdfC

I said, “No, Aunt Lin. It should be me who found a treasure.”

“I feel very lucky to be with Nian Nian.”

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Translator's Note

Polite form was used.

Translator's Note

Literally means sticky.

Translator's Note

Means Ball XD

Translator's Note

Typo which he corrected on his next message.

Translator's Note

The raw for this was 应付 “yìng fu,” which you can see how he got the typo XD

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