What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 47

Ning Yiheng clearly seemed unhappy to see his didi, displaying a trace of impatience on his face.

His didi casually pushed the door open, got out of the car as if nothing happened, and leaned nonchalantly against the car door. He glanced at me with a smirk that didn’t quite reach his eyes. D28Io3

There was an undercurrent between the two brothers, and I really didn’t dare to interrupt.

Ning Yiheng spoke in a relatively calm tone, “I cannot agree to your request.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hmm?? What request??

I was perpetually curious. Scenes from various novels I read depicting power struggles between brothers in officialdom flashed through my mind—Could it be possible that I might eavesdrop on brothers’ discussing multimillion-dollar overseas business deals? cBl5Ng

I squat in the office every day to write plans, but I never had the chance to be involved in such a massive business deal ah!

Ning Yiheng’s didi’s smile quickly faded. He sighed and began to coax, “Ge, I genuinely want to gain experience under your guidance. It’s just a department manager position; why not have me come over and get some practice?”

…’Just a department manager position’??? Is this even a human language??

I’ve been working for so many years and am still just a low-level employee, while Ning Yiheng’s didi wants to leverage connections and directly parachute in.


The gap between people is really big.

Ning Yiheng’s didi continued, “My education is more than enough to be your department manager.”

Ning Yiheng lightly held his forehead and murmured softly, “What’s there to show off about a bought doctoral degree…”

Ning Yiheng’s didi, perhaps unaware of this complaint, earnestly declared, “Da Ge, I genuinely want to learn from you. Please trust me ah.” AvVJxl

Why do you have to be a department manager to learn something? I silently spat in my heart. Couldn’t I learn just as well by being colleagues?— However, if it came down to choosing only one, I’d prefer to be the pampered crown prince boss rather than a colleague.

The actual feeling of wiping your boss’s ass and wiping your coworker’s ass is completely different, at least the mentality isn’t so stifling.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Nevertheless, he was still his didi. Ning Yiheng’s didi, at least showed quite a bit of sincerity in his attitude. Despite Ning Yiheng’s reluctance, there were signs of his demeanor loosening up.

Seeing Ning Yiheng’s softened stance, his didi hurriedly took advantage of the opportunity and said, “How about this, ge? Strike while the iron is hot. Let me treat you and Sister-in-law Xiu Xiu to a meal today. What do you say?” vL7AkI

The way Ning Yiheng’s didi addressed me changed from the casual “Xiu Xiu” to “Sister-in-law,” showing his adaptable nature depending on the situation.

Ciatbeut Rlcu Tltfcu rffwfv rbwfktja rtjxfc, tf olgwis qea tlr jgw jgbecv ws rtbeivfg jcv rjlv, “Ofa’r ajix jybea atlr jcbatfg alwf. Kbvjs, P kjca ab rqfcv alwf jibcf klat ws ibnfg.”

“Wljb Te, atf qbrlalbc lr cba atf lrref; P pera tbqf sbe mjc tjcvif sbeg bkc wjaafgr kfii.”

After Ning Yiheng finished speaking, he took me by the shoulder and swept me along as he continued to walk forward. HC7EUL

Oh, I remember, Ning Yiheng’s didi is called Ning Xiaoyu!

I couldn’t help but worry about Ning Xiaoyu’s reaction and kept looking back frequently.

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Ning Xiaoyu was momentarily stunned, then immediately got into his car and followed along the road.

In no time, he caught up with Ning Yiheng’s speed. He slowed down, and leaned out of the window, saying, “Ge… Ge! Don’t go! Let’s grab a meal together. Sister-in-law won’t mind, right?” PjUzAb

“If we don’t talk about it today, when little sister gets married tomorrow, we’ll be even busier. My eager-to-learn heart can’t afford to wait!”

I didn’t answer.

I didn’t believe Ning Xiaoyu’s words at all.

Deep down, I didn’t really want to spend time with Ning Xiaoyu. However, as a sensible adult, I couldn’t openly show disdain toward my younger brother-in-law. zMqE7h

Ning Yiheng continued to hold me and said, “Let’s not involve my boyfriend in our matters. We can discuss it another time.”

I forcefully suppressed the urge to ask about the causes and effects with Ning Yiheng and silently followed along with him.

Ning Xiaoyu persistently drove behind us. Ning Yiheng was so upset that he simply led me into the pedestrian street.

Ning Xiaoyu immediately found a place to stop, and instead got out of the car and followed on foot. Seeing his persistence, I quietly suggested to Ning Yiheng, “Why don’t… we just have a meal with him ba.” CYgOwU

“Anyway, there are still plenty of opportunities in the future, I don’t mind.”

Ning Yiheng was about to speak when suddenly, there was a loud bang. Ning Xiaoyu walked without paying attention and collided with a passerby.

I subconsciously looked back at his situation. His oversized sunglasses had been knocked off, revealing a severely battered upper half of his face.

At first, the sunglasses obscured the extent of the damage. Once the sunglasses fell off, Ning Xiaoyu’s usually slender eyes were swollen like goldfish eyes. His left eye socket had a dark bruise encircling it, clearly indicating that he had been punched multiple times. RfMG4D

Passersby were startled by the commotion and hurried to inquire about Ning Xiaoyu’s condition, but he viciously pushed them away.

Ning Xiaoyu hastily picked up his sunglasses and put them back on, his complexion darker than the bruise around his left eye.

I couldn’t help holding my breath, I couldn’t even say anything.

Ning Yiheng was also stunned and asked, “What happened to you?” VN3we

Ning Xiaoyu couldn’t even force a smile. With a strained voice, he said, “Ge, this isn’t the place to talk. Get into my car, and we’ll talk there.”

Seeing Ning Xiaoyu in this state, we couldn’t refuse any longer, so we had no choice but to follow him back.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ning Xiaoyu seemed much more downcast after being exposed. He didn’t say much and led us back to his flashy car.

After getting into the car, Ning Xiaoyu dropped the pretense. He took off his sunglasses, revealing his swollen eyes, and looked at us in the rearview mirror with a pitiful expression. 8idWBN

However, he still didn’t explicitly mention the reason for his beating. Instead, he reiterated his previous words, “Ge, I really want to learn in the department and get to know people in the company. You know my circle; they’re just a bunch of scoundrels who only know how to eat, drink, and have fun… I want to deal with different kinds of people more.”

“Can you finalize my situation before meimei’s wedding?”

Ning Yiheng relented after all and said, “Which department do you want to go to?”

Ning Xiaoyu pretended to ponder for a moment, then casually, as if nothing had happened, slowly replied, “In your Human Resources department. Isn’t there a guy surnamed Li?” mdRvqb

Ning Yiheng: …

Me: …

In a situation where options are exhausted, one reveals their true ability or strategy.

There are quite a few colleagues surnamed Li in our department, but who is he referring to? 57Tz6W

Ning Xiaoyu quickly added, “Ah, ge, you know me well, but it’s really not what you think. I’ve been beaten like this; where else would I have the heart to hook up with your employees? I genuinely want to learn.”

“I’ve also privately looked up some information. That guy has always been the top performer, right? I also want to learn from him how to do it.”

Ning Xiaoyu tightened his grip on the steering wheel, gritting his teeth. He seemed on the verge of crushing the wheel.

Despite his demeanor, he appeared quite eager to learn. FOraol

Ah, speaking of which, isn’t the top performer Li Xiaoming? He does have some real capabilities.

I glanced at the injuries on Ning Xiaoyu’s face but didn’t associate those injuries with Li Xiaoming.

Li Xiaoming has a bad temper, but he wouldn’t do anything to hurt others.

With my years of understanding Li Xiaoming, I knew that he was essentially a very good person. tynAfG

“Xiao Ming is quite capable,” I interjected, “He’s a very gentle person. If you’re willing to seek his advice, he won’t refuse.”

—Of course, as long as Ning Xiaoyu shows enough respect towards Xiao Ming.

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But I didn’t voice these thoughts.

Ning Xiaoyu shouldn’t be unaware of this principle, right? 0ZjaIM

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  1. If this is the side CP, I want to see the crash and burn of it all before they get together.

    Shits too wild,

    And hopefully our main CP finally come clean to eachother.