What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 42

Li Xiaoming immediately refused, “I’m not going.”

Li Xiaoming’s tone was quite cold and hard, but Ning Yiheng was his boss after all. He immediately softened his tone and explained, “Boss, I don’t think this is appropriate ba…” ODkaXS

Seeing his resistance, Ning Yiheng calmly said, “There’s nothing inappropriate. Why don’t you discuss it with Cheng Huai Xiu? We’ll decide what to do next.”

I actually felt that Ning Yiheng’s proposal was good, but it still depends on Li Xiaoming’s thoughts.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ning Yiheng glanced at his cell phone and said, “I’m going out to take a call.”

Ning Yiheng intentionally left me and Li Xiaoming alone. After all, it was getting late, so I asked straightforwardly, “Xiao Ming, don’t you want to go to Ning Yiheng’s house?” ciTyoA

After all, Li Xiaoming’s bedroom was no longer habitable, so we had to decide where to go next tonight.

Li Xiaoming’s brows furrowed as he said, “Cheng-ge, I know that he means well, and I know that he’s not a bad person, but just because you’re close to him doesn’t mean that he’ll be my friend as well—No matter what his relationship with you is, he’s still my boss.”

“I don’t want to have to see boss’s face on the rare occasion I come home after a day’s work, it’s too scary.”


9es 4b

I fully understand Li Xiaoming’s thoughts.

If the person I liked wasn’t my boss, I couldn’t wait to disappear as soon as I got off work. Everything at work has nothing to do with me and boss would never want to find me during my breaks.

After all, boss is tied to the work, and a wagie will rarely love the work, even if their performance is excellent, such as Li Xiaoming.

I showed consideration of Li Xiaoming’s wishes and said, “Then why don’t I sleep on the sofa?” kdhuRg

Our conversation circled back to the original point, but Li Xiaoming didn’t continue to fight me for the right to use the sofa this time.

“Cheng-ge, why don’t you live at the boss’s house?” Li Xiaoming touched his chin and said seriously, “If you move out, I can live in your bedroom temporarily.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

P rjlv, “Xbbv lvfj, yea lo P’w cba atfgf, vbc’a sbe tjnf ab kbggs jybea jii atf gfqjlgr ja tbwf…”

“It’s okay!” Li Xiaoming said, “Cheng-ge, I’m actually quite happy with this arrangement.” sA3ZEx

Zf: “Qts?”

Ol Wljbwlcu rwlifv klatbea rjslcu j kbgv.

Coafg wjxlcu atf vfmlrlbc, Rlcu Tltfcu vgbnf Ol Wljbwlcu jcv wf yjmx ab beg gfcaji tberf.

P qijc ab rajs ja Rlcu Tltfcu’r tberf ecali atf tberf lr gfqjlgfv. Pa rtbeivc’a ajxf ibcu, rb P bcis qjmxfv ablifaglfr jcv j ofk mtjcufr bo mibatfr. 5Rk2Lj

As I picked out my Hello Kitty half-sleeves in the closet, I found a silk pajama cheongsam.

This skirt was between some characters of “League of Maidens” and a certain women’s pajama brand. Among them, there is my favorite Little Princess Alien and Cat Star CP. As the number one fan, I naturally also bought one on the official website.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This skirt is mainly sexy in style and it’s not good to buy for others. I just wanted to support the animation group at the time, and I didn’t think I would wear it. I just randomly chose the largest size and put it in the depths of the closet and never took it out again.

At that time, I was a bachelor. If someone found out that there were such sexy ladies’ nightgown in the closet, it would be hard for people not to associate it with strange places. 5qBR9j

As if demons and gods were at work, I packed two half-sleeves and then stuffed the skirt into my bag.

Mimi was also caught by me in the air box and taken away.

Recently, the landlord and the repairman will often go in and out of the house. On the one hand, Li Xiaoming goes to work during the day and is afraid that Mimi, a cat, will be alone at home and will not be able to adapt. On the other hand, the security door is open and closed, and we’re afraid that it will sneak out through the door while others aren’t paying attention.

I packed what I needed in a backpack along with Mimi’s cat litter, cat food, snacks, cat scratching boards, and so on. They were stuffed with Ning Yiheng’s entire trunk and the back seat of the car. I sat in the co-pilot with the air box. In order not to make Mimi too nervous, I fed it cat snacks from time to time. P ZV8p

Mimi didn’t seem too nervous either. It ate whatever I fed it, and kept distinguishing the smells around it with its little nose as it poked its head curiously out of the air box to survey the interior of the car.

For the sake of safety, I put my finger on its forehead and pushed it back.

Mimi was very good, and even tenderly licked my finger.

Ning Yiheng glanced at Mimi and said, “How is it?” nolID4

“Its so obedient, its even snoring,” I understand why those cat bloggers clip their sounds when they see kittens, because I can’t help it either. I turned my head, went to stick the airbox, and spoke to Mimi holding my throat, “Does the little cat still want to eat cat strips? Hmm?”

Mimi looked like it wanted to come out, and gently bit the wire net on the door with its canine teeth.

I took the opportunity to touch its little teeth again.

Such cute fangs that you can’t help but repeat your words. qFYgaf

It’s just a bit smelly.

“Xiu Xiu, I have something I want to tell you,” Ning Yiheng said suddenly, “My father wants to see you.”

My fingers that were teasing the cat paused, and I instantly remembered the questionnaire that I had messed up filling out before, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

Could the old man really accept a son-in-law with two jj’s? vdn7pB

Ning Yiheng comforted and said, “It’s okay, I have explained it to him clearly before. Don’t worry too much.”

“My father is not bad, but you also know him… I’ll try not to let you go see him alone, I will accompany you.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The sudden meeting with parents still made me jittery and I said, “When? Tomorrow? It’s so sudden, I didn’t even prepare the right clothes at all…”

“Don’t be too anxious,” Ning Yiheng said, “It’s my sister’s wedding next month. My father wants to invite you to the wedding. I also want to take this opportunity to take you home and introduce you to my family.” LvcbuC

Take, take me home? I thought it was just to meet the parents, but it turns out we’ll have to publicize our relationship in front of the whole family.

Has boss considered this step? In other words, getting married too—Can I spend a honeymoon with my boss in the second half of the year?

Speaking of the best place for a honeymoon—

I blurted out, “Go to Venice.” gJa7Mz

Ning Yiheng: ?

I immediately changed my words and said, “No, no, it suddenly came to mind..”

Ning Yiheng chuckled and said, “Let’s go on a trip sometime.”

I didn’t want to go on a trip, I just wanted to spend my honeymoon with my boss. I pYUn

I coughed lightly, for fear that Ning Yiheng would see something, I casually changed the subject and said, “When I was in the hospital, I thought you were making excuses to go out. It turned out that you answered the phone ya.”

Ning Yiheng let out a “hmm” and said, “I originally wanted to find an excuse to go out, but it happened that my father called.”

“Since we’re talking about this, I want to talk about Li Xiaoming.”

Hearing the man I liked suddenly start talking about what I mistakenly thought was his crush, I subconsciously sat up straight and perked up my ears to ask, “What’s wrong with Li Xiaoming?” yhr5vO

“After the apartment contract expires, will he continue to co-rent with you?” Ning Yiheng said nonchalantly, “I certainly don’t mind very much, I’m just asking casually.”

“You can say what you want. No matter what, the decision will still be in your hands when the time comes.”

Author’s note:

Is Xiao Ming really just sleepy? Ning Lao’er happens to be wandering around outside at the moment too ha. AGvp1s

The follow-up here will pick up the sub CP’s text ha… please stay tuned.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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