What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 39

Editor: Airplanedaifuku (Thanks for editing this chapter because you were bored. Please keep being bored jk :blobrofl:)

Ning Yiheng’s face darkened, except he wasn’t angry with me. In a low voice, he angrily grumbled, “This conceited old man…” w6zpen

I rubbed my hands together in embarrassment, “Boss, it’s my fault…”

Shouldn’t the company bosses in the novel be busy with trade wars and various transnational trades? If so, then they should’ve found a private detective to investigate me secretly, then throw millions of yuan at me and told me to scram. Why did you tell your assistant to add your son’s boyfriend and send a questionnaire on WeChat?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I rarely ever saw Ning Yiheng with an irritable expression. He had one hand propped up on the back of the sofa, saying guiltily, “My father has always been like this, haughty and arrogant. He thinks that everyone in the world must know and listen to him.”

“This isn’t your problem. He’s never respected your opinion even before he forced the questions on you.” KvoSyh

Hearing what Ning Yiheng had to say, I suddenly felt even more panicked.

After all, Ning Renjie asked his assistant to send me a questionnaire from the standpoint that I knew about him and wouldn’t dare defy him. For me to have filled it out so carelessly, wouldn’t that be a slap in the old man’s face?

I worriedly opened the chat log, and looked through the chat history with Tang Lesheng just now. From the bottom of my heart, I was worried about my father-in-law’s mental endurance.

My words were really damn bold, and I felt even worse after reading them.


Ning Yiheng saw my uneasiness. He squeezed my shoulder gently and said, “It’s okay, he won’t do anything to you. I’ll solve my father’s problem. Just trust me.”

My heart softened and I couldn’t help but gently stroke the back of Ning Yiheng’s hand that was placed on my shoulder. His skin was very smooth, his fingers long and bony. The moment my fingers touched his hand, I couldn’t help but feel agitated.

When facing the person I like, my mind is really filled with beastly thoughts all the time, regardless of the occasion.

My throat was dry, and I pinched Ning Yiheng’s wrist. SgdsLr

Ning Yiheng took advantage of the situation, interlocking his fingers with mine and pushing me down. I lay back on the soda, half-willing and half-unwilling.

Ning Yiheng let go of my hand, placed his arms beside my face and kissed my forehead.

Pausing his movements, he moved closer to my ear and asked in a deep voice, “Xiu Xiu, why are you undoing my belt?”

I had one hand placed on Ning Yiheng’s ass, and the other had already unbuckled his belt. liWRqg

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

P rkjiibkfv jcv vlvc’a rqfjx.

Rlcu Tltfcu ugjyyfv ws tjcv tbivlcu tlr jrr, uelvlcu la ab abemt tlw ecvfg la… atfc erfv ws tjcv ab ojrafc tlr yfia.

“Pa’r j ubbv joafgcbbc, tjnf j ubbv gfra,” tf rja eq jcv rwbbatfv bea ws wfrrs tjlg. “P’ii mjii sbe ktfc atf alwf mbwfr.”

Me: … bVkXId

I was all but sleepy, and I couldn’t help but start to ponder a serious question in my mind.

—Ning Yiheng wouldn’t have a problem in that regard, right?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I didn’t expect that I would have to face such a difficult test when I had just welcomed the first spring of my life. JC85pQ

I thought I would be a gentleman who wouldn’t force my lover to do something he didn’t want to do, and it was all the more important to consider Ning Yiheng’s feelings if I was on top.

Since Tang Lesheng hadn’t contacted me again, my concern over Ning Yiheng’s body temporarily outweighed my worries about the questionnaire.

I don’t mind Ning Yiheng’s physical flaws. I’m just worried that if I take too much initiative, I will hurt Ning Yiheng’s self-esteem.

I specifically asked a classmate who studied a traditional Chinese medicine to prescribe a tonic. I would make the kidney-enhancing tea every day after I get off work, and after filtering the tea into a cup, bring it to Ning Yiheng to drink while he’s working. MczCye

In order to protect Ning Yiheng’s self-esteem, I told him it was ordinary tea. Ning Yiheng drank the tea I made for half a month and his face became much rosier, but he became even colder towards me. He even refused to kiss me recently.

Why is it that the more you try to fix a situation the worse it gets…

I have this feeling of frustration, as if I was stealing from a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to it.

When I was at my wit’s end, I got back in touch with my First List Da Ge who I hadn’t contacted for a long time. qvRIuQ

At the time, I was brewing the tea in the kitchen. When I was bored, I opened my chat history with Da Ge.

I don’t understand why I felt guilty when I saw Da Ge. I didn’t even dare contact him for a while.

But Da Ge is a good person, and I don’t want to lose this friend yet.

With that thought in mind, I took the initiative to send Da Ge a message and asked: Da Ge, how are you doing recently? Cut4Vh

Recently, I’ve been busy dating, so I haven’t opened Softer in a long time. I don’t know if Da Ge  is still in the Cat Star fandom.

My talent is mediocre and I’m not actively writing. I’m really not worthy of Da Ge’s favor.

It took a while for Da Ge to reply to me: Not bad.

Da Ge: I’m with the person I talked about before. 7GHJ1d

What a coincidence! Da Ge was also dating.

… Although I had suspected that his partner was a scumbag, I didn’t want to maliciously speculate about others behind their backs. It was good as long as Da Ge was happy.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Da Ge and I have fate together, so many coincidences have caused us to meet each other.

Me: Congratulations ah! u0y3qF

Da Ge: Congratulations to you, too.

I typed a message in the input box but when I was about to send it, my finger suddenly stopped and I deleted it all.

Why is Da Ge congratulating me? I’ve never told him about myself and Ning Yiheng.

I also haven’t posted anything about Ning Yiheng in Moments either. How did Da Ge find out? J4s N1

Alarm bells were ringing wildly in my heart, and I couldn’t help but suspect everyone around me. However, I didn’t think my colleagues were rich enough to throw me so much money. After thinking about it, Ning Yiheng’s face eventually came to my mind.

It can’t be Ning Yiheng—

Da Ge: Congratulations on getting first place in the Community Chess and Mahjong Room Competition.

Oh, so it was like this. cIVCdh

In order to get free prizes, Li Xiaoming and I got up early last Saturday to participate in the mahjong competition held in the Community Chess and Mahjong Room. Li Xiaoming narrowly lost in the third round of promotions while I cut out a bloody path on the battlefield, beating the group of old men and old ladies. I can only say that I’m invincible in this world, lonely and seeking defeat.

I grew up hanging around various chess and mahjong rooms with my dad. Although my academic performance wasn’t very good, I basically never lost when playing cards or mahjong, and won easily.

In addition to the first place coffee maker prize, the community committee also gave me a certificate, which is still hung up on the wall behind the TV.

At that time, I specifically took a photo of the certificate and posted it on my Moments in commemoration. Da Ge might have seen that Moments. fL7S95

I humbly replied: Thank you, it’s just a specialty that isn’t worth bragging about.

Da Ge: Like\Like\Like

After straining the brewed tea and pouring it into the cup, I realized that I had accidentally made too much and poured the rest out into another cup.

I moved a stool to sit down by the stove after cleaning the kitchenware and putting them back into place. u5 jqp

Da Ge said again: Can I ask you a question?

Da Ge: Have you ever lost control of yourself while you were with your lover?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Me: ?

Me: Da Ge, what do you mean? IKtipD

Da Ge: It’s really hard for me to say anything in front of him, but I want him to know…

At this moment, Li Xiaoming rushed into the kitchen in a hurry, “Yi, Cheng-ge, you made tea again?”

Before I could stop him, Li Xiaoming took the cup of tea I left on the table and drank it all in one go.

Ning Yiheng only drank one cup of tea slowly throughout the day while Li Xiaoming drank the whole cup in one breath. rTeKkd

“I just realized that I forgot to boil water. F*ck, I’m so thirsty.” Li Xiaoming wiped the sweat from his forehead, “Is this freshly brewed tea? Why does it taste a bit weird?”

“Why is the heating in this room so hot and dry? It’s making me feel uneasy.”

Author’s Note:

PS: Tea doesn’t have such a significant effect… There were some exaggerations carried out for the plot. GzkMY4

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom: Trying to gain an advantage but ending up worse off.

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  1. My brain while reading this chapter:

    At the beginning: Wait, why is Boss acting like that. . . ? What’s in the tea?? 🤔

    At the end: Oh. Ohh. . . I see 😶😅😆