What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 36

All because I really wanted to get close to Ning Yiheng and even turned to anyone to the extent that I believed Ning Yiwan’s words and was fooled by him.

I hate Ning Yiwan. HdYi1E

Then wouldn’t my sleek 37 points bangs also—

Gan Yao said, “Little Uncle, your hairstyle is so ugly.”

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Me: …

Gan Yao’s words poked into my lung pipe in a very timely manner, and I was very seriously hurt. 5vBPTf

I couldn’t refute him, so I could only change the subject and drive him away, “How long do you have to stand here and pose for the camera? Don’t you work?”

“Right oh,” Gan Yao changed his position. He sandwiched the tray under his armpit, and the cup glued to it poked his arm sideways, and said, “I’m going to go see how they’re doing with the shoot.”

“Talk to you later oh, Little Uncle.”

I watched Gan Yao turn around and leave, not wanting to talk to him for a while.

kq 0xp

Ning Yiheng had very few words in front of Gan Yao, and only when Gan Yao walked away did he speak, “…. You actually have such a saber-rattling insight on <Le Yangyang and Hei Dalang>.”

I believe that with Ning Yiheng’s character, his words have no special meaning. He was simply holding me up… But I still feel very embarrassed.

No wonder he didn’t hold back his laughter when I discussed <Le Yangyang and Hei Dalang>.

I must’ve looked stupid at that time. HiAMBL

—Why do I always make a fool of myself in front of the boss?

After all, it was the persona I had set up for myself, so I had to swallow it in my stomach even if I gritted my teeth. I said, “I’m more of a childish person.”

Ning Yiheng said, “Your hobbies are very cute.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

I don’t know if Ning Yiheng just agreed casually or really praised me for being cute, but I still felt indisputably flattered. nf62Av

Zs biv ojmf oiertfv, jcv P raewyifv, “K-atjcx sbe.”

P abemtfv atf vbii tlvvfc yftlcv wf, jcv klat atf ragfcuat bo atlr lwqeirf, P kjcafv ab ulnf tlw atf vbii klat jii P tjv.

Vb ktja lo Rlcu Tltfcu vbfrc’a kjamt mjgabbcr? Lf rjlv P kjr meaf! Cr ibcu jr atf rfcalwfca lr tfgf, lrc’a la atf rjwf ab ulnf jcs vbii?

I was so nervous that my heart was in my throat. The more nervous I was, the more I stammered, “That… B-boss, I’ve actually been…” w7Ka9t

Ning Yiheng looked at me quietly, waiting for me to continue.

Being stared at by him like this, I couldn’t say anything, “No… Nothing.”

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F*ck, why is it so hard to fall in love?! Why am I so nervous and uncomfortable? I’ve never been such a coward, and I’ve never thought so much before. I cared so much about him that I didn’t look like myself anymore.

—F*ck, Cheng Huai Xiu, you just wanted to give Ning Yiheng a doll to build a friendship, it’s not like you’re proposing to him! Y5G a2

I ruthlessly cursed myself with a few words in my heart before I finally made up my mind to do something.

I stood up from my seat and slowly turned my back, holding my doll in both hands.

Only in this way could I not see Ning Yiheng’s face and dare to say what I wanted to say.

I was brewing for a long time, and I was so nervous that I couldn’t speak well, but fortunately, I was able to express my meaning clearly, “I actually want to say these things to you for a long time.” Z4zLTd

“I’ve always thought that you’re a very good person, but you always undervalue yourself. I’ve seen how much you’ve taken care of me and helped me. On the contrary, I always hurt you myself, and I feel very guilty for that.” I rambled a lot, but I was too nervous. I didn’t know exactly what I was talking about, and I just knew that my words were what I really thought in my heart, “It was after I got along with you that I realized who I really am.”

I was immersed in my own world, any noise from the outside world was completely blocked out by me. I couldn’t hear Ning Yiheng’s response, I could only hear my own heartbeat that was beating faster and faster.

“After saying so much, I just want to ask you a question, would you like to marry…” The remnants of my sanity pulled me back, “How about adding me as a friend? I want to give you a little gift, I think it’s cute—”

I turned around with the doll in my hands and directly pounced the air. Ning Yiheng was no longer in his seat. Gan Yao was posing with a fake dinner plate at my table. He conveniently took the doll from my hand and said in an exaggerated and contrived manner, “Wow~ Thank you, Little Uncle! We’re uncle and nephew, and we can also be very good friends! I’m willing to be your friend!” qkJ3PS

Me: …

I was about to ask about the current situation when the lens of the camera from out of nowhere focused on my face mercilessly. The host walked between me and Gan Yao and handed the microphone to me, “Sir, we’re very fortunate to be able to record such a warm scene on the anniversary. Did you specifically want to surprise your nephew?”

I said, “… No.”

The host said, “It appears that you told your nephew before giving the gift, so it’s not a surprise, it’s an open gift.” Od1ysR

Me: …

The host added, “That’s so touching. You chose this store for your nephew as well, right? You dressed like this for your nephew… Uh, very childlike. We have understood your intentions.”

He’s stuck, right? Because my outfit is really stuck, right?

In order to be able to show his eyes in the video, Gan Yao pretentiously wiped his nonexistent tears and said, “I liked Le Yangyang the most when I was little. Little Uncle still remembers my childhood hobby.” ijTXrM

“Can I give my uncle a hug?”

As soon as the host sidestepped, Gan Yao put the tray on the table and stepped forward to give me a bear hug.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

My eldest nephew developed better than me, and the tip of my nose reached his shoulder. I did nothing, trembling uncontrollably in his arms.

Fortunately, I still maintained my sanity now, and asked him in a low voice, “Where’s my boss? What’s going on here?” lNDA6t

“I saw you from afar with your back turned and your head hanging motionless. Mr. Ning didn’t hear you when you spoke, and he just walked over to see how you were doing when you turned around and directly gave me the doll.” Gan Yao whispered in my ear.

F*ck, this doll isn’t for Gan Yao!

That being said, I was really too focused just now. I didn’t even notice the movement around me, which meant that Ning Yiheng was behind me right now.

It’s okay, everything can be made up. I said, “Then did you hear what I said?”” oWT9VY

“Of course, I heard it. It was all recorded just now,“ Gan Yao said a little embarrassed. “Little Uncle, I’m really flattered that you care about me so much.”

I fainted.

I was so dizzy that my knees softened and I almost knelt in front of Gan Yao.

Gan Yao grabbed my arm and said, “Uncle! No matter what, you’re still my uncle. No matter how excited you are, don’t give me a big courtesy!” i htgo

“This Uncle must have been stunned by happiness,” the host said lightly, “Maybe this is the affection where blood is thicker than water.”

F*ck you, what the hell is this anniversary! That’s not the way to take it!


I don’t know how I got out of that store. As soon as I went out, I found a curb to sit on and set up on the spot. I didn’t want to do anything or say anything.

Ning Yiheng didn’t comment too much on what happened just now. He walked up to me and stood looking down at me. “It’s getting late, I’ll send you home.”

I didn’t say anything.

Ning Yiheng said again, “Are you angry with your nephew? He looked quite happy after receiving your gift.” 2F4UGI

Ning Yiheng’s words plucked the string in my head that maintained my sanity, and I couldn’t help but yell, “I didn’t want to give it to him!”

I raised my head and looked directly into Ning Yiheng’s eyes. The moonlight was on his back, his entire face was hidden in the shadows. I couldn’t see his expression clearly.

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Ning Yiheng fell silent.

I, on the other hand, was collapsed by a series of unexpected circumstances, and my eyes were so sore that I actually had the urge to shed tears over it. YMLmsq

“Ning Yiwan said, Ning Yiwan said you like Le Yangyang. He also said that you like 37 points hairstyle. F*ck, it’s so ugly!” The more I said, the more emotional I became, and I even began to speak incoherently, “I’m so infuriated. He lied to me. I also, I also lied to you. I don’t know Le Yangyang at all but I just wanted to give you the doll.”

My throat was blocked. I had never felt so frustrated in my life. A flood of tears pushed their way out, “How did it come to this? I just wanted to look better in front of you.”

Ning Yiheng was still silent. He squatted down on a level with me and stretched out his hand to wipe away my tears.

“I don’t want you to wipe my tears!” I’ve been overcome by pain, and slapped his hand away and said, “I want to marry you!” KC2fZU

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  1. Lmao what a roller coaster wreck ohhh poor baby 😂😂 casually skipping confession and straight up proposing, way to go lil cheng XD

  2. MY BABY GIRL XiU XIU NO MATTER HOW MANY EMBARRASSMENTS U PUT ME THROUGH I WILL ALWAYS LOVE U 😭 lalalalakakskaoaoaowkwjwnsnsjaj my adorable baby 🐥