What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 34

Very good, everything was going well until now, and I always kept in mind the precautions that Ning Yiwan told me.

Don’t be too proactive, be childlike, be Kensuke Komikado, be manly… CXZiPL

Then I almost peed myself at the movie.

Even though I’m a materialist and not afraid of ghosts, but—But this was too scary!

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I can see why a ghost movie has to be in 3D. The moment Sadako reached out from the screen, she pulled my soul out of my body.

I really wanted to show my masculinity, but fear forced me to lower my head. ANQk56

Until the end of the movie, I still maintained the posture of holding my hand to my forehead. I carefully designed this posture to make me look like I was contemplating, rather than being too scared to look at the screen. In fact, I was trembling all over, and my legs were still soft.

After the theater lights came on, I heard Ning Yiheng say, “What a coincidence.”

His voice sounded very calm, not at all like he was frightened by the movie.

My throat was still astringent, “What a… hum, coincidence.”


Ning Yiheng stood up and said, “Are you okay?”

I pretended to say coldly, “I’m fine, I’m just thinking.”

Ning Yiheng: “Then go out and think about it first. The people in this line are still waiting to go out.”

It was only then that I realized I was blocking others’ passageway, so I hurriedly coughed softly in embarrassment, moved my hand away, wobbled to my feet, and said, “Haha, this movie is so funny. It’s not scary at all.” hUg n0

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Right, boss.”

My legs trembled, and as soon as I stood up in the front seat, I almost fell to my knees on the ground. Ning Yiheng behind me had quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed the Le Yangyang hood of my padded jacket and stiffly pulled me up.

Rlcu Tltfcu rjlv mjiwis, “Qjamt sbeg offa.”

Efujgvifrr bo ktfatfg P rabbv ralii bg cba, P abbx jvnjcajuf bo atf rlaejalbc jcv kgjqqfv ws jgwr jgbecv Rlcu Tltfcu’r cfmx. P vlvc’a tjnf j ojmf jcswbgf, rb P ilwqfv jgbecv klat j atlmx ojmf jcv rjlv, “Dbrr, P’w rbggs. Zs offa tega j yla. P gfjiis mjc’a rajcv eq.” ZSkBy2

“Can I buy you a meal later?”

Of course, my feet were only a little soft at first. I just found that pretending to be lame can stick to Ning Yiheng for a longer time.

I didn’t dare to look at Ning Yiheng’s expression for fear of seeing his eyes of rejection in advance.

Ning Yiheng paused, and as expected, he said, “I still have…” 50usWm

“Don’t…” I blurted out the words without even thinking—When I realized that I needed to be reserved, it was too late, and I could only continue to stumble to make amends, “Taste the by now foreign sensation of tears running down your face, that, uh, it’s not a sin for a man to cry, cry…

Ning Yiheng: …

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“I sang too badly before. I want to improve my image in front of my colleagues. I’ve been practicing my singing when I have something to do.” I always remind myself that Ning Yiheng doesn’t like people who are eager to make quick gains. I couldn’t eagerly reveal my purpose, so I said patiently, “Boss, do you have something to do later?”

We walked out of the cinema, but I didn’t know where Ning Yiheng was going. I’ll go wherever he goes. When he didn’t ask me to get off of him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and didn’t let go of him, stumbling along with his pace. JYhKUy

I was like a parasite, biting my host and not letting go.

Ning Yiheng was silent for a long time, and the two of us walked aimlessly along the sidewalk. I looked at our shadows under the street lights and became more nervous.

Ning Yiheng said, “I misremembered the itinerary, it’s fine tonight.”

“What do you want to eat?” fYr5k9

With a thud, due to excessive nervousness, I slipped directly off Ning Yiheng and fell heavily to the ground.

I didn’t react so much on the day I got my grades in the college entrance examination.

I raised a finger to the sky, shivering, and said, “Boss, I just want to invite you to a steak once in my life…”

F*ck, I’ve never been so nervous in my life. It seems like I’ve lost face in front of Ning Yiheng again. W7P3TI

Luckily, the light was dim, so he couldn’t see my blood-filled ears.

My arms were all sore from stretching. Ning Yiheng still didn’t have the intention to give me a hand. I didn’t want to waste time, so I had to get up from the ground by myself. I grabbed Ning Yiheng’s wrist for fear that he’d change his mind and rushed in the direction of the restaurant I had selected earlier.

Ning Yiheng’s eyes twitched as he said, “Doesn’t your foot hurt anymore?”

“Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn’t,” my ankle softened in response, and I started limping again, “It’s probably an intermittent cramp, hiss, and now it’s just starting to hurt again.” anrzYR

Ning Yiheng: …

I admire myself so much. I found that I can walk quickly while pretending to be limping.

If there is this type of competition, I’ll definitely sign up to participate. KkHdWd

I had long ago explored the area around the cinema, so I was very fast. When we arrived, there were three people standing in front of this restaurant, two carrying cameras and one holding a microphone that seemed to be saying something to the restaurant’s sign.

The waiter who welcomed us explained that they were filming a video commemorating the fifth anniversary of the opening of the restaurant and that we would just order normally. They would mainly shoot the hosts who were talking, and the guests in the camera would just be doing the backdrop.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

I didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter at this point—When a grown man is fully clothed in exaggerated Le Yangyang all over his body, it would be impossible for him not to stand out.

I chose a seat by the window, and after ordering, my mind began to figure out what to say in a moment. jOFUym

Would it be too much of a rush to just say “Boss, please marry me”?

It seems to be a bit hasty. I haven’t booked a ticket to register my marriage abroad, although I’m already familiar with the various strategies on the X website.

I even figured it out after I got married. My hometown is restrained with sexuality, so I won’t hold a banquet. Ning Yiheng’s side was free.

After marriage, I want to adopt two children, both a boy and a girl. One with my surname and the other with Ning Yiheng’s surname. We have a reasonable division of labor and cooperation to take care of the babies… Wrky7

Not only have I read a lot of tips for getting married, but there are also all kinds of messy things crowding my mind.

I’ve read a lot of novels, in which the shou needs the gong to take care of him all the time after they establish a relationship, except that boss is a bit big. I’m afraid it’s hard for me to bridal-carry him to the shower like in the novels but I can buy a rubber air cushion, push him from the bed to the top, and then drag him to the bathroom…

It’s just that I haven’t even taken the first step —Not good, no more letting my imaginations run wild. Ning Yiwan has said that I can’t rush about chasing Ning Yiheng. After all, I broke his heart severely. I have to slow down first. I have to ask for his forgiveness, be friends with him, and go one step further before proposing.

When I pulled myself out of my own world, I realized that Ning Yiheng was propping up his chin with one hand, quietly staring at me. GgAmu

I had never been afraid of Ning Yiheng looking at me before, but ever since I was covered by layers of ambiguous thoughts, I couldn’t withstand his prolonged gaze. I pretended to be unconcerned as I averted my face and blinked at a loss.

Ning Yiheng said, “What are you thinking?”

I just pretended to be calm, but in reality, my brain was empty as I looked at the neon billboard outside the window.

“So affordable ah, Okamoto is having a buy three get one free sale right now.” I said. 2Sj9Ci

Translator's Note

From Andy Lau’s song “It’s Not a Crime for a Man to Cry”.

Translator's Note

Condom brand in Japan.

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  1. I feel second hand embarrassment >< And wow, he has so many planes! Did he wrote them all in excel again?

    Thank You for the chapter ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)

  2. he deadass planned a future where they would have kids omg idk how many times ive said this but hes so CUTE and embarrassing 😭😭😭