What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 33

Ning Yiyu winked at me, then extended his hand to Li Xiaoming.

Li Xiaoming didn’t seem to have much interest in meeting strangers as he politely shook Ning Yiyu’s hand back and said, “Hello, Mr. Ning.” W3zQIb

Ning Yiyu pursed her lips and said, “Mr. Li, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

After all, this was the first time the two of them had met, and the only connection between the two was Ning Yiheng.

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There wasn’t much to talk about between Li Xiaoming and Ning Yiyu, as they briefly exchanged pleasantries before falling into silence.

Neither of them spoke, so they shook hands for five minutes. ultp1Y

As time passed, I saw veins protruding from the back of Li Xiaoming’s white hands, spreading to his muscular arms. His lips collapsed into a straight line, and his face grew darker and darker.

Li Xiaoming finally spoke, “… Mr. Ning, can you let go of my hand now?”

Ning Yiyu still maintained that fox-like smile before letting go of Li Xiaoming’s hand and said, “Mr. Li, your hand is really smooth.”

My heart thumped. I know Li Xiaoming’s character; he must be angry.


Li Xiaoming rubbed his palm with an insincere smile on his face and said, “Mr. Ning, I still have work to do, see you next time.”

I also didn’t want to have too much contact with this Ning Yiyu at all. The goosebumps fell all over my body, so I followed suit and said, “Mr. Ning, then I’ll also…”

However, Ning Yiyu grabbed my shoulder and said, “Xiu Xiu, don’t go, I’m here to find you.”

“Xiu Xiu? You said your m—” Li Xiaoming’s face became even more ugly, and I hurriedly and secretly pinched his arm. 2O9LAx

Li Xiaoming: “… What’s the matter with you guys?

Great, got the bomb under control for now.

Seeing that Li Xiaoming was about to explode, I hurriedly rushed ahead and said, “That’s it, Xiao Ming, go back first, I have something to talk about with Mr. Ning.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Xiaoming uneasily whispered, “Cheng-ge, call me if anything happens.” hP70qm

When Li Xiaoming turned his head and left, Ning Yiyu still stared at his back thoughtfully. I really couldn’t stand it anymore, so I coughed lightly and said awkwardly without losing my politeness, “Mr. Ning, I see that you’ve been covering up for half a day with your handkerchief, let’s go find a ventilated place to talk.”

Ciatbeut P vlvc’a ilxf tlw, P tjqqfcfv ab kjca ab ajix ab tlw jybea Rlcu Tltfcu jr kfii.

Pa kjr ralii fjgis obg atf iecmt ygfjx ab fcv, rb atf akb bo er kfca ab atf mbwqjcs’r gbboabq bcf joafg atf batfg. Qtfc P olgra pblcfv, atf mbwqjcs vlvc’a tjnf j rwbxlcu jgfj, rb P fcpbsfv gecclcu ab atf gbboabq jibcf ab tlvf lc qfjmf.

But my judgment was a little off. lRqDFo

The annual vacation has just passed. Although spring had already begun, the north hadn’t yet warmed up. As soon as I opened the door of the rooftop, I was smeared by the cold wind.

Ning Yiyu, who was walking next to me, also quivered. When he carelessly let go of his handkerchief, it was blown downstairs by the wind.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I subconsciously took a step back and said, “Mr. Ning, should we change places?”

Ning Yiyu agreed to my suggestion, so we retreated into the hallway and leaned against the window to talk. XaE25r

Ning Yiyu looked at me with a smile and said, “Xiu Xiu, did you and my ge had a fight?”

I saw that he was so straight to the point, so I stopped hiding and said, “My boss, is… Is he okay?”

“Him? He’s not good anymore,“ Ning Yiyu’s tone was quite exaggerated, “You haven’t seen his lost soul. I persuaded him to call you, but he refused.”

Worry, remorse, sadness and so on intertwined together which heavily shattered my heart. It’s the easiest for people to unload their defenses when they break their defenses. I’m no exception. If it weren’t for talking to Ning Yiyu, I even kind of want to immediately see Ning Yiheng. GTpFzR

I said sadly, “I’m the one who hurt him.”

“Then you don’t have a chance,” Ning Yiyu hooked his lips and said, “With my ge’s nature, it’s impossible for him to reconcile with someone who has hurt him.”

—In any case, attacking a person’s lifeblood is also considered a kind of physical injury.

I had just summoned up the courage to confess to Ning Yiheng when I deflated again. VeWAIQ

I said discouragingly, “Mr. Ning, what can I do ah?”

Ning Yiyu narrowed his eyes and smiled, “Xiu Xiu, I know you’re in a hurry, but don’t be in a hurry yet. I know what type of man my brother likes, you still have a chance if you correct it now, and I can teach you how to chase after him hand in hand.”

“Also, my name isn’t Ning Yiyu. My last name is Ning, but my name is Wan—”

As soon as I saw that there was still a chance to make amends, my entire being was invigorated by Ning Yiyu’s words. I even changed my outlook on Ning Yiyu as a person, and I couldn’t help but feel heartfelt gratitude towards him. DoudVs

But I was so filled with the idea that I still had a chance to pursue Ning Yiheng that I didn’t hear his last sentence for a moment.

“I’m really sorry I misremembered your name before, let’s leave contact details,” I said sincerely, “I really appreciate your help, Mr. Ning.”

Ning Yiwan was actually not that bad of a person!

Even if I couldn’t see Ning Yiheng in the afternoon, I at least regained some energy to continue working. tryzPO

As I passed by Li Xiaoming’s workstation, I suddenly saw a handkerchief that looked quite familiar.

That silk handkerchief was folded in half and violently pricked to a thumbtack.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

I couldn’t help but stop in my tracks.

Li Xiaoming was obviously not in a very good mood. With a gloomy face, he ruthlessly stuck another thumbtack on it. tEcw37

“Cheng-ge, that man didn’t do anything to you, did he?” Li Xiaoming said irritably, “When I went out to get an express delivery, I was pounced on by this broken handkerchief from nowhere.”

“For some reason, looking at this handkerchief gives me an indescribable, very disgusting feeling.”

Me: …

I gulped and said, “I don’t know whose handkerchief this is.” NbGx u

It’s okay, take your time piercing it, I won’t bother, I’m leaving ha.

“My ge doesn’t like proactive men, so you can’t be too proactive, but you can’t help but take the initiative. Don’t rush to make it clear until the critical moment,” Ning Yiwan said. “I happen to have two-weekend tickets for “The Ring” in my hand. I’ll give one of them to my brother and let him go to the movies to relax, and the other one is for you. You can pretend to meet by chance.”

“Don’t worry, my ge will definitely pee in his pants from the scare. He likes manly men the most. You can take the opportunity to give him a sense of security… You know what I mean, right?” kKi CZ

After following Ning Yiwan’s suggestion, in order not to appear too proactive, I couldn’t help but not contact Ning Yiheng again this week. After finally getting through to Saturday with great difficulty, I immediately got ready to go and rushed to the cinema.

—”Don’t look at my ge like that. In fact, he’s like a childlike man. He’s at home every day, watching Happy Sheep and Big Black Wolf. He also likes 37 points. Do you know Kensuke Komikado? His hairstyle is more inspiring.”

I immediately thought of the Hello Kitty half-sleeve that Ning Yiheng had hidden in his closet, and suddenly had a new sense of his child-like heart. 71B5M

I’m a man who switches out Hello Kitty half-sleeves in different colors in the summer, so it’s no wonder he could have been interested in me before.

I specially waxed my hair and accurately measured the 37-point bangs from Kensuke Komikado stills from Baidu. It looked smooth and neat.

Even Li Xiaoming was stunned when he saw it—Not to mention that at this time, I was wearing a Le Yangyang padded jacket and a Le Yangyang sweater. I was even holding the Le Yangyang doll in my arms, sitting upright in the cinema of the horror movie theater.

After I had painstakingly put together so many Le Yangyang elements, I also at the same time generated a new understanding of Ning Yiheng’s aesthetic orientation. ivTWaV

Love really makes people realize a lot.

Although this outfit of mine looks very stupid… F*ck, no matter what, I’ll at least give the doll to Ning Yiheng today.

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Compared to the anxious me who was waiting for others, Ning Yiheng was there exactly five minutes after the opening of the movie. As soon as he walked into the venue, he immediately met my gaze.

The movie has already started to play, and we can’t talk, we can only make eye contact. jueaxK

Ning Yiheng avoided my line of sight.

While I was still looking at him intently, under the light of the movie screen’s glow, Ning Yiheng stared at the screen and slowly frowned.

Translator's Note

This refers to hairstyle.

Translator's Note

From the Japanese TV Series, Legal High. I’ll be inserting links of the pictures for now since inserting pictures currently doesn’t seem to work. Link.

Edit: Pictures are finally loading. Here:

Translator's Note

Edit: This was actually from a cartoon entitled: Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. The author used different wordings so it actually took a while to look for the title XD apologies. But here’s a picture:

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  1. Why would you listen to someone who gives a greasy feeling!?!

    I hope this doesn’t get drawn out too long, I can’t handle it.Thank you for the chapter!