What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 26

My mind went blank and I finally stopped filling my head with uncontrollable imaginations as the violent heartbeat sounded in my ears again. I knew it was my heartbeat but I couldn’t figure out why it was beating like that.

I closed my eyes. YMafQs

Yes, I closed my eyes the next moment I heard Ning Yiheng say that he would kiss me.

At this very moment, the blasting sound of fireworks roared through my ears. Ning Yiheng didn’t kiss me. He quickly released his vice-like grip on my hands and I immediately reacted by opening my eyes.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The new year had arrived, and the residents coincidentally set off fireworks in their courtyard. Countless fireworks followed the starry sky, and the brilliant light of fireworks illuminated Ning Yiheng’s cheek.

And I sat stunned on Ning Yiheng’s lap. usaLOn

Ning Yiheng was a bit nervous. He spread his palm and blinked at me restlessly, “Do you understand?”

Cheng Huai Xiu, are you crazy! You actually closed your eyes for a man’s vague kiss!

Wuwu, the stupid way I closed my eyes was all seen by Ning Yiheng.

He was still explaining to me in all seriousness. “It’s not that you’re not a good writer, it’s just… I think that it lacks some sexual tension.”


“Humans are creatures that follow desires. Love is a derivative of desire, and your protagonists only convey love in dialogue but the desire can’t be seen.”

I was in absolutely no mood to listen to his long-winded words. I was still immersed in the memories of Ning Yiheng’s false claim to kiss me earlier.

Worst of all, with all this tossing and turning, my little brother was saluting Ning Yiheng in an untimely manner, regardless of my current eagerness to keep a low profile, and kept reminding me of how ridiculous my actions had just been.

Fortunately, I wore a lot today. vipIWD

I shook my head, trying to calm myself down a bit. Then, I immediately remembered a crucial question.

I said, “How did you know I was writing a novel?”

Ning Yiheng fell silent.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

I hurriedly crawled out of his arms and picked up my thermos cup along with it. I didn’t want him to see my embarrassment, so I sat back to my original position and propped up my knees with my elbows to shield my restless little brother. bQdvka

C gerailcu rbecv mjwf ogbw yftlcv wf, Rlcu Tltfcu rabbv eq jcv kjixfv ab ws rlvf.

“Ol Wljbwlcu abiv wf.” Rlcu Tltfcu’r abcf kjr delaf mjiw, “P kjr meglber jybea ktja sbe kgbaf, rb P kfca ab gfjv la.”

The shadow of First List Dage flashed across my mind.

Pwqbrrlyif. Klr lr jyrbieafis lwqbrrlyif, ktja jw P lwjulclcu? xReaLo

Rlcu Tltfcu jigfjvs tjv j ubbv gfijalbcrtlq klat Ol Wljbwlcu ab atf qblca bo rtjglcu ws rfmgfa. Ktfgf kjr cb gfjrbc ab obbi jgbecv klat wf jujlc.

All of his actions just now were either playing with me and wanting to see my blunder or he did it deliberately because I said the wrong thing when confronted with Li Xiaoming’s issue before.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At that time, he thought I was jealous of Li Xiaoming and thought I liked him, so he intentionally tried to test me…

My head started to knot. g7xB4Z

What if he didn’t do it on purpose? What if he was just simply trying to teach me how to write novels?

Ning Yiheng usually teaches me a lot about how to change copywriting and change projects. What’s wrong with changing Doujin?

Why did I have to think so complicatedly?

No, I believe that Ning Yiheng is a good person. He definitely wouldn’t be wicked enough to want to make fun of me. vtOsM8

It must be like this. I’m a loser with neither ambition nor any merits. No matter what Ning Yiheng’s intentions were, the only thing that was impossible was for him to be interested in me.

Then when I closed my eyes in the confusion just now, wouldn’t that be even more of a misunderstanding for him?

But then again, how did Li Xiaoming know about my hobby? Why did he even secretly tell Ning Yiheng about it?

I suddenly felt a sense of helplessness that friends weren’t as good as lovers. 3Rnlv7

I was dejected, but I don’t know if I was dejected because Li Xiaoming leaked my secret or because the two were so close.

I mastered my ability to quickly shift my emotions when I was little, so my threshold for happiness was shallow. I never took the initiative to think about unhappy things and I learned to change my train of thought to tell myself to be happier.

But at this point in time, I couldn’t make myself happy in any way.

Sadness made my little brother lower his head. tY1d2z

I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me. I wasn’t in the mood to look at the stars at all.

I considered my words, thinking about how to politely tell him that I wanted to go home right now. I said, “Boss, I want to…”

But Ning Yiheng said, “Cheng Huai Xiu, Happy New Year.”

I swallowed my saliva and swallowed back my initial words. “… Happy New Year.” iUdc1

Ning Yiheng extended his hand to me and said, “Let’s go home?”

Under the light of the fireworks, his pupils also flickered. The tip of his fair nose was covered with a thin layer of red.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

I have to say, Ning Yiheng was really good-looking at this time.

If the me from a few months ago knew that I think my boss was good-looking now, he would’ve thought I was crazy. 0VsgZL

The same, familiar absent-mindedness as when Ning Yiheng dragged me into his arms swept over me once more, causing me to start getting confused again.

I mentally taught myself not to be enticed by him again and I must never close my eyes stupidly again.

Then I placed my hand on his.

Cough, boss had been sitting on the cold ground for so long. I was just worried that his legs were numb and wanted to pull him up. a2cPUK

Don’t think too much. Don’t think too much about it, self.

Ning Yiheng’s fingers quite were cold, but they were hot when they pinched my chin. Something must’ve gone wrong with me that even my sense of touch was confused.

It’s all Ning Yiheng’s fault.

I was originally all alone and carefree, his intervention ruined all my happiness. l07Vyd

“Boss, I’ll give you a hand.” In order to emphasize my intentions, or to hide my own guilt, I purposely mentioned it before yanking Ning Yiheng up. “If you’re tired from sitting, you can hold me for support.”

Ning Yiheng’s legs weren’t numb but he still grabbed my hand. I also didn’t shake him off. We just went home hand in hand one after another.

Ning Yiheng was in a pretty good mood. He didn’t mention what happened in the mountains but I was endlessly perturbed. Even when I was observing Mimi in the camera as usual, I couldn’t help but be in a daze.

When Ning Yiheng went to take a shower, I sat at the bedside and stared blankly at my phone screen. Then I received a WeChat from Dage. l za87

Dage: You don’t have to worry about me, I’ve got it all figured out.

Dage: I tried to be a little more proactive today, but I backed out at the last minute. I’m really a cowardly man.

Dage: But it doesn’t matter, I will never let go anymore.

Dage: After today, I just want to love him more. 5NzVES


I blushed.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Cheng Huai Xiu, are you sick?! Dage confessed his deep love for the object of his affection, what are you blushing for ah!

I was so ashamed that I hammered my fist into the bedboard—Damn it, the bedboard was also too hard. TVEnqd

My hand hurt so much.

Jie Jie: Bet you all wanted them to kiss so badly, right? Me too, when I read this back then :blobpeek:

Translator's Note

(Onom.) For sobbing or crying.

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  1. Before you confess, how about you admit you’re Dage first, boss? 😆 I love how our adorable MC didn’t freak out at all when the two of them discussed how he wrote his doujins lmaoo

  2. this part is so sad, the way his mind works right now was his method of disassociating with the bullies when he was younger.

    I’m going to cry, my poor baby 😭😭