What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 22

“Xiu Xiu ah, get up and eat breakfast. After eating, go to the temple fair—ai yo!”

I opened my eyes in a daze, and there was Ning Yiheng’s arm across, in front of me. okxFNK

I moved his arm away and met my mother’s thoughtful gaze.

She didn’t say anything, took a step back, and gently closed the door.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Like many Chinese parents, my parents never knocked on the door when they pushed my bedroom door. They could enter if they wanted, and leave if they wanted.

When I was young, I couldn’t resist. When I grew up, I worked out all year round. It was rare to go home for the Chinese New Year, so I put up with it. r6ERBY

In the end, my mother still treated me like a child. She never pushed open my brother and sister-in-law’s bedroom door.

I woke up a little blinded. After a while, I realized that Ning Yiheng was holding me tightly, sleeping soundly.

It seemed that the half bowl of beer yesterday made him quite drunk.

Boss’s sleeping appearance was really worrying. It was the same when he stayed overnight in my room before.


The person he shared the bed with was also me. However, if it was changed to someone else, boss had the habit of hugging whoever he slept with. How much trouble will he cause?

But as a straight man, it was indeed a bit awkward to be embraced by Ning Yiheng in his sleep like this.

I slept quite exhausted all night and I didn’t want to move when I woke up. I didn’t bother to move Ning Yiheng’s hand on me, so I looked at the ceiling and yawned in a daze.

Ning Yiheng was too squeezed, so it was more comfortable to sleep alone. Fu2jyS

Ning Yiheng’s eyelashes swept across the side of my neck. His eyelashes were so long that I couldn’t help shrinking my neck.

Ning Yiheng woke up.

He didn’t take his hand away from me, and asked in a muffled voice, “Last night… Nothing happened, right?”

I don’t know how much Ning Yiheng remembers, but as a high-EQ employee, I absolutely cannot let slip that he took me for Li Xiaoming last night. POarGs

In order to facilitate Ning Yiheng a step-down, I immediately replied, “No, boss, you fell asleep as soon as you drank.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rlcu Tltfcu’r abcf rbecvfv j yla ibra, “Ktja’r ubbv.”

P kjr rfcrlalnf ab tlr rfcrf bo ibrr.

Pa kjr agef atja Ol Wljbwlcu vlvc’a mbwf ab vlccfg sfrafgvjs jcv Rlcu Tltfcu vlvc’a rff tlr rkffatfjga atja cluta, rb tf kjr vfqgfrrfv. tchbAJ

Don’t worry, boss. After this year I will definitely let you two get married.

“Ktfgf lr j afwqif ojlg lc beg abkc abvjs. Ol Wljbwlcu wjs cba mbwf ab ws tberf obg vlccfg, yea tf klii vfolclafis ub ab atf afwqif ojlg.” P rqfmlolmjiis fwqtjrlhfv atja Ol Wljbwlcu klii ub ab atf afwqif ojlg jcv ujnf Rlcu Tltfcu j gfjrreglcu qja, “Dbrr, la’r bxjs.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ning Yiheng looked at me suspiciously.

Li Xiaoming could hide at home and not go out, but he can’t not accompany his sister. hc70aJ

I seriously comforted him and said, “Boss, don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

“It’s time for us to get up, can you move your hand off my thigh first.”

Although I know Ning Yiheng didn’t mean it, it’s easy for people to get the wrong idea when they see it, like my mom.

Ning Yiheng: … t2dgK

My parents have the habit of going to the temple fair every year. My eldest brother’s family sometimes went to my sister-in-law’s house for the Chinese New Year.

I’m the only one who was single and hadn’t started a family yet, so I followed my parents to the temple fair every year.

I’m actually interested in the temple fair in general, mainly to accompany my parents. Since I started working, my mother has asked me for a marriage stick every year, but it turned out that feudal superstition wasn’t necessary, the more you asked for it, the more you won’t get it. gGBjIf

Both Gan Yao and Cheng Jingjing were here this year, and our family was suddenly a lot more lively.

We had a simple breakfast and drove directly to the town. There were a lot of people at the temple fair.

There were people who rushed to the temple fair, sold all kinds of food toys, set up stalls, and fortune-telling, and there were many vaudeville show performances.

I grew up here when I was a child, and I no longer had the excitement of coming out to catch the temple fair. The two children, Gan Yao and Jingjing have lived in the city since they were young, and they were very excited when they came out to play. They ran away without a shadow when they got out of the car. T2Ie9c

Ning Yiheng had never seen this scene. He was a bit uncomfortable with so many people at the temple fair. He became very restrained in a strange environment. No matter where I went, he followed me quietly.

I took Ning Yiheng away from my family and prepared to find Li Xiaoming.

There were too many tourists coming and going on the street. After I walked around in a daze for a while, Ning Yiheng was squeezed behind by the crowd, and the person disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But the crowd behind me didn’t allow me to go back, pushing me forward step by step. KiTjcu

In this way, I was pushed by the crowd to the square of the vaudeville show before I could finally stop, but Ning Yiheng had long since disappeared.

It’s over, my boss is lost.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In any case, I couldn’t leave Ning Yiheng alone in the crowd, so I immediately turned back to find him.

At this moment, First List Dage’s WeChat came out. cWlP8S

Dage: I don’t have a good relationship with my family. My parents were married in business and divorced when I was born. My parents each formed a new family. No matter where I am, I am quite unnecessary.

Dage: But it’s okay, I’m doing well by myself.

Oh my god, Dage is so miserable.

I asked him about his relationship with his family yesterday, and he didn’t reply to me until today. rYbBa

I walked back to find Ning Yiheng while tapping on the keyboard: Dage, everything will pass, and it’s most important that you live well.

Dage: En.

Me: Have you been busy lately?

Dage: Not bad, I got to spend time with the person I like. sA8C7c

Me: Ah, Dage, you’re already married?

Dage: Not yet, he doesn’t know that I like him.

I noticed that Dage sent “he” to describe a man. I talked with Dage for so long and understood his typing habits. He spoke very carefully and rarely typed wrong words.

It couldn’t be that Dage was also… BquOsN

Forget it, gay is also just an ordinary person, I have nothing to be surprised about.

I’ll just talk to him normally: So how are you guys developing?

Dage: I think he might like me a little bit, but he and his roommate always feel… I don’t know.

Dage: I will make it clear to him. Wait after the new year, now is not the time. UpanW1

I was surprised that such a nice Dage would also suffer from emotional problems— There are still people who don’t like him?

If I were gay I would also have a crush on Dage.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Before I could figure out how to reply to Dage, I found Ning Yiheng on the side of the roadside stall. He was holding a bunch of meatballs in his hand and was still standing not far away waiting for me from where we separated.

He handed me the string of meatballs. EuYJLW

I suddenly had a sense of déjà vu where parents were going out with their children, but Ning Yiheng was too big and good-natured, and he wouldn’t run away when he got lost.

I didn’t even think about it before I ate a meatball. As I chewed, I remembered Ning Yiheng and asked, “Boss, aren’t you eating?”

Things at the temple fair will be very expensive. When I came to stroll the street to look around, I rarely buy things there.

So to say, these meatballs are really good. G vcWH

Ning Yiheng watched me eat. He shook his head and said, “I won’t eat what I bought for you.”

Boss was really a good person, he still thought of buying me meatballs even at this time.

There were still a lot of people coming and going on the street. We stood by the steps on the stall and we were able to stop for a while to rest.

I looked at Ning Yiheng and Ning Yiheng also looked at me. unSEcC

“Boss, hold my hand.” As if demons and gods were at work, I came up with such an idea. I reached out to Ning Yiheng and said, “There are too many people here, and it’s easy for two people to be squeezed apart.”

“Hold my hand so we won’t get separated.”

Translator's Note

Love will find a way (idiom)

Translator's Note

Marriage predestined by fate. It’s like those drawing lots with bamboo sticks for luck.

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  1. Goddammit, for such a dull clueless person, that hand-holding part was actually a smooth move 😂 MC ah, wait until he confesses to you 🤭

  2. I feel like he may realize he is gay by talking to Dage….or maybe I’m being too optimistic?

    He just made Ning Yiheng’s day with that hand holding.