What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 21

Ning Yiheng has made a lot of progress compared to the last time. At least this time, he didn’t have a drop left.

He scared my parents terribly. After a while of disarray, I, who had already seen this scene, calmly carried Ning Yiheng back to my bedroom. W6C8MI

Compared with other houses in the village, our single-story house occupies a fairly large area, but there are many people in the family.

My brother and sister-in-law occupy one room and my parents, one room. Gan Yao and his meimei, Jing Jing, have to live in a separate room since they’re not young— There was really no other empty room at home, so only my bedroom could still be occupied.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

I originally proposed to let Ning Yiheng sleep in my bedroom. I went to squeeze in with Gan Yao, but this kid severely refused, saying I would interfere with his video with his girlfriend.

He thought I was in the way. I don’t want to hear him and his girlfriend being lovey-dovey! a4KgF5

My mother also disapproved of letting Ning Yiheng sleep in my bedroom alone. He was drunk and needed someone to take care of him, so I could only take care of him.

Ning Yiheng has always been quite obedient after drinking. He lay flat on the bed and slept quietly, while I sat idly by the bed.

Suddenly, I recalled the meaningful look my mother gave me after learning that Ning Yiheng was going to sleep in my bedroom.

It was better to live in a muddle between family members, there was no need to be too clear about it.


I decided not to think about what she was implying.

It was just after nine o’clock, and it was still early. My Dage never returned my message. He was probably busy going home for the Chinese New Year.

I was so bored that I clicked on the software on the mobile phone to control the camera.

I haven’t seen Mimi all day today, and I don’t know how Mimi, a cat, was doing at home. iUBft3

Just at this time, Mimi was doing parkour in my bedroom.

It can also play very vigorously at home as a cat by itself. It leaped onto my desk, raised its paws, and got rid of all the bottles and cans on the desktop to the ground.

Me: …

I hurriedly turned the camera to look at the floor. I only saw a mess of things all over the place, bitten data cables, earphones broken in two, and a few unknown objects that couldn’t be seen with how they were. I kept zooming in on the picture, and I faintly saw the corpses of a few bugs. qXD9L0

Sure enough, Mimi was happier when I wasn’t at home, and it completely let go of its nature.

Just as I was staring intently at the things on the floor and trying to identify them, Mimi’s furry head suddenly occupied the entire screen.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa milwyfv ab atf mibrfa ktfgf P olzfv atf mjwfgj ja rbwf qblca, rcloofv jgbecv atf mjwfgj klat lar rwjii cbrf obg j ktlif, atfc abbx j rafq yjmx jcv yfujc ab tla atf mjwfgj.

Fcvfg Zlwl’r wfbk olra jaajmx, atf kbgiv lc atf regnfliijcmf rtbbx jcv gbajafv nlbifcais. Pa rffwfv ab yf nfgs meglber jybea atlr ues ktb mbeiv aegc atf mjwfgj ys tlwrfio. Snfgs alwf la tlar la, la aliar lar tfjv ab byrfgnf atf gfjmalbc bo atf mjwfgj. jQAgrC

Fortunately, I deliberately installed the camera very firmly at the time, otherwise, the monitoring would have to be pushed down by Mimi.

Hehe, the kitten was so cute and so curious about the camera.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I just giggled while watching Mimi hit the camera for half an hour.

Mimi was so persistent, and so was I. The camera quality was so good. 9rQPMw

I never tire of watching Mimi being seduced by the rotating camera, and I can’t wait to go back to B City immediately and hold it in my arms.

At the same time, a pair of powerful palms suddenly grabbed my waist. Before I could react, I was directly dragged down and pressed heavily on Ning Yiheng.

I realized that the hands belonged to Ning Yiheng. After I fell on him, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist and I couldn’t even struggle free.

Mimi lost interest in the camera and jumped out of the closet. I couldn’t continue to observe its movements. hNKUXl

I rested my head on Ning Yiheng’s shoulder and listened to him gasp heavily.

Ning Yiheng was obviously not sober yet, and the pronunciation of every word he said was sticky together, “…You’re so cute.”

I was dumbfounded.

Even if boss was delirious, he couldn’t sexually harass his employees at this time. yLNan1

Fortunately, boss met me while he was drunk. If he met someone else to make a big deal about this, Li Xiaoming’s violent temper would have to pinch his balls.

Just thinking about the bloody scene, my lower body also became cold.

For the rest of Ning Yiheng’s second half of his life and the happiness of his lower body, I can only endure and say, “Boss, I don’t know who you think of me, but don’t do this to others. It’s immoral.”

Of course, I know that the object of Ning Yiheng’s fantasy was unsurprisingly Li Xiaoming, but I didn’t make the words clear. My words were full of euphemistic hints, so as to leave Ning Yiheng with enough dignity. 0 yjeu

When he wakes up, he would realize that I didn’t care about his drunken gaffe at all and even handed him a step down with high EQ.

In case he couldn’t hear it, I added, “That… Except for Li Xiaoming.”

Wuwu, I’m so moved. Where can you find such a good employee like me?

I’m a person who is prone to let my imagination run wild. yVLzG9

When I think about the possibility of Li Xiaoming crushing Ning Yiheng’s balls, I can’t help but fantasize about the scene of Li Xiaoming’s rage after Ning Yiheng made a mistake.

I believe boss is a loyal and good man, but in case he is fed alcoholic beverages by someone with ulterior motives…

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The result was unimaginable.

According to the plot in the novels, it should be where the protagonist misunderstood that his lover fell in love with someone else, but in fact, it was his lover who was looking for a stand-in for the protagonist. GRsxlO

Under the wrong circumstances, he started the melodramatic sadomasochism that you love me, I love him, and he doesn’t love me…

The three views were incorrect, but I like it.

Ning Yiheng: ?

Ning Yiheng was a person who would be quite silly after getting drunk. He would say whatever was on his mind, “Why is Li Xiaoming an exception?” aU tFK

My mind was full of dog-blooded serials, and the more I think about it, the more excited I am. I even want to write it down immediately and use it as material for fanfiction in the future.

There are too many things on my mind, and dealing with Ning Yiheng’s words will inevitably become perfunctory. I said without even thinking about it. “Because Li Xiaoming can pinch balls.”

Ning Yiheng: ???

“No— Wait, I mean chicken eggs, yes, chicken eggs.” I found myself saying stupid things in front of my boss again, and I couldn’t wait to slap myself. I made things up in panic by saying, “Li Xiaoming is very good at cracking eggs. He can beat eggs into a heart shape or a round shape…” ZCzA5p

Ning Yiheng frowned and said, “What did you mention Li Xiaoming for?”

My brain short-circuited and I stumbled to answer, “Because Li Xiaoming can beat eggs…”

Ning Yiheng: …

Ning Yiheng didn’t seem to be clear-headed yet, so I asked him seriously, “Boss, do you know who I am?” zGKmBX

Ning Yiheng was obviously very unhappy. He wrapped his arms around me, got up, pressed me under him, and said viciously, “You’re Li Xiaoming, and I’m also Li Xiaoming. We’re all him. Are you satisfied?”

Damn ah, my boss has gone crazy with alcohol.

He was really thinking about Li Xiaoming, so much so that he started to get confused.

I pulled out my pressed hand and pushed his lower abdomen. 3RUZJz

F*ck, Ning Yiheng’s abs are so comfortable to touch, making people jealous and envious.

I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to touch a few more back and forth.

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This isn’t taking advantage of somebody, this is just a straight man’s longing for muscles.

“Don’t touch it,” Ning Yiheng said stuffily, “I’m afraid I can’t control it…” S2XmY

I realized that I was a lot like sexually harassing a gay and Ning Yiheng was good-tempered and endured not to beat me. I was afraid of annoying him, so I immediately withdrew my hand.

Is this the power of meat muscles?

Boss, for the sake of me working so hard for your love, don’t hit me…

Ning Yiheng said, “You… Li Xiaoming…” SaEGzF

Boss, it’s okay to think of me as Li Xiaoming, I will convey what you want to say to Li Xiaoming for you!

I imitated Li Xiaoming’s tone and said, “I’m here.”

Ning Yiheng fell on my shoulder and fell asleep.

Author’s Note: JRglFz

Giving Ning a song, “What Kind of Man” By Jay Chou.

Handsome CEOs in dog blood texts had already put their disobedient shous to sleep in such a way, while the Handsome CEO in this hilarious text can only suffer from the dumbness and let his wife set him up to fall in love with others.

ps: I haven’t thought about some details of the setting in the nephew’s book, and I haven’t thought about the copywriting. You can click on the author to collect it.

I usually write a long article and a short article. The next short article will be about Xiaoming la, so the story of the eldest nephew may not start until a long time later, so there is no hurry. AalLk3

Translator's Note

Younger sister

Translator's Note

His previous statement regarding balls can also mean egg because (蛋) means egg, but since he said (蛋蛋) it meant balls.

Translator's Note

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