What To Do, My Boss Wants To Chase My RoommateChapter 20

This meal was considered to be quite enjoyable. Our family sat around the dining table. My dad fried a table of good dishes and set a plate around the middle a large plate of dumplings, filling the entire dining table.

My mother seems to really like Ning Yiheng; Xiao Ning here, Xiao Ning that in her mouth. This biological son was like a transparent person in front of her. oxOdqb

Compared with my mother’s noise, my dad was much more dull. After setting the table, he sat silently next to me. He looked at me aggrievedly and suddenly sighed heavily.

This sigh of resentment made my heart tremble three times.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Dad, this Chinese New Year, don’t sigh, I’m scared.

My father won’t hear my heart, he just kept sighing. x3bQGT

With my dad being like this, I didn’t dare to speak. We father and son looked at each other for a while, and then my dad finally looked away with a sad face and glanced at Ning Yiheng, who was pestered by my mother and Gan Yao.

My dad said, “This Ning… What’s with him, is he very rich?

My dad’s unusual remark caused alarm bells to ring in my heart. I said warily, “Yes, Dad, what’s wrong?”

My dad wiped his face and said, “… You weren’t wronged, right?”


Sure enough, my own father felt sorry for me. Knowing the pain of being misunderstood all the way, I immediately nodded and said, “Ai ya, she has wronged me to death. She won’t let me interrupt along the way, and won’t let me explain…”

My mother didn’t listen to my explanation at all and was bent on judging my relationship with Ning Yiheng, but she wronged me to death.

He won’t let you talk? How can he not let you talk outside?” My dad’s eyes widened, “Xiu Xiu, I knew that people like them are different from ordinary people. If they don’t allow you to talk now, they shouldn’t be allowed to eat at the table in the future!”

Uh, why does this sound so strange? 1tKXad

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zs wbw vbfr ajix j iba, wjlcis yfmjerf P mjc’a ajix ja jii, la’r cba atja rtf kbc’a ifa wf ajix— Dfrlvfr, jw P cba fjalcu ja atf ajyif gluta cbk? Lbk mbeiv ws wbatfg cba ifa wf fja?

P fzqijlcfv, “Gjv, vbc’a ifa ws wbw tfjg atlr. Vtf vlvc’a jmaejiis rabq wf ogbw ajixlcu. Pa’r ws ojeia obg cba wjxlcu wsrfio mifjg.”

My dad looked at my smiling mother and said solemnly, “You should let your mother listen to it and see how angry you are. Also, how can you take all the blame on yourself? The person won’t even let you talk, and— Have you been brainwashed by him? It’s not your fault, it’s all my fault. In reality, our small family can’t resist…”

They are husband and wife, not enemies, and my dad isn’t beaten by my mother all the time. I really don’t understand why his tone was so sad, so I can only say in a whisper, “Dad, it’s not good to say that about my mother…” 4fNuPy

My father cautiously glanced at my mother again, turned his head, and glared at me,  “What did I say about her? I didn’t say anything ah!”

“I don’t hesitate to talk about her at all. She fails to live up to expectations. Once she sees a good-looking young man, she can’t walk anymore!”

My dad fumed in front of me, acting all powerful but his voice was like a gnat, and I almost didn’t hear what he said in the second half of the sentence.

My mother, Madam Cheng Xiao Hua, has been in the Old Cheng family for many years. She accurately captured my dad’s bad words while talking and laughing. BUIoz2

She patted Ning Yiheng on the shoulder cheerfully, and immediately smiled and said, “Cheng Jian Jun, what are you talking about?”

My father’s anger rose from his heart, and evil was born in his guts. He stood up and slapped the table, causing the whole family’s eyes to focus on him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

My sister-in-law hurriedly smoothed things over, “Dad, you can slow down and be careful not to hurt your hands.”

My older brother silently finished, “Dad, don’t hold back if it hurts.” DG I7p

My father quietly retracted his hand under the table.

He said to my mother with a vicious face, “I— I just lectured my son, do you have a problem with that?”

“Cheng Huai Xiu, I’m telling you seriously, do you remember? No matter what, you have to remember what I just taught to you.”

Me: … nPXOjs

My mother sneered and said, “I’m just asking, do you have a problem with that, too?”

“That, of course, I—” My dad poked me on the shoulder aggressively, and sat back in place aggressively, “Of course, I don’t.”

My dad couldn’t lose his momentum. After the storm, the topic returned to me. He clutched his wrist and said, “Cheng Huai Xiu, I’m very dissatisfied with your… Uh, partner.”

Before I recovered from my dad’s kneeling and sliding behavior at the speed of light, I was taken aback by his question and said, “Partner? Ah? When did I have someone…” 6OtHQI

When my dad said this, his face was full of sorrow, and he said, “Xiu Xiu, I think it’s not a problem for us if you find someone based on their age, family background, location, and so on, but in any case, this gender… Your father, I, really feel a little uncomfortable.”


I think my father, who can understand me, has also begun to say such irrelevant words. I was taken aback and quickly explained, “No, Dad, you misunderstood, I really don’t like men ah.”

“It’s also our fault. Your mother and I wanted a little girl back then. After giving birth to you, in order not to waste the little skirts and clothes we bought, we rashly let you wear a skirt to kindergarten. It’s all our fault. Otherwise, it wouldn’t…” 9sfaed

Me: …

I untimely recalled the fear of being dominated by women’s clothing when I was a child.

After my parents willfully gave me to wear women’s clothing, a little boy in the same village yelled to me to be his “wife” when we were playing house, and even forced me to imitate adults kissing and sleeping.

Although the boy who bullied me was slapped away by my mother with a slipper, it still caused a lot of shock to the young me. 76exVW

My dad wallowed in his guilt for me. Without listening to what I explained, he said to himself,  “It’s okay, you’re my son no matter what you grow up to be. Your mother has adapted to it, and I, your father can accept it even if I work hard.”

“If his family won’t let you eat at the table, let’s go back to our house and change to a man. We won’t suffer this anger.”

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I was at a loss, “What is this and what is it? What has my Mom adapted to?”

My dad didn’t answer my question. He rubbed his palms, picked up the beer on the table, opened the can, and poured half a can into the bottle. 6ZSufP

With red eyes, my dad solemnly motioned the bottle to Ning Yiheng.

I suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

After discovering the problem, I reacted very quickly, and hurriedly found a remedy for Ning Yiheng, who gets easily drunk with alcohol, “Dad, my boss drinking alcohol…”

But it was already too late, Ning Yiheng accepted the bottle in my dad’s hand without changing his face and poured it into the porcelain bowl before us. sxpEwC

I think I kind of get it, he really doesn’t count his alcohol intake.

My dad looked at Ning Yiheng with a complicated expression and said, “Xiao Ning, dry a bottle with this old man?

Ning Yiheng nodded.

The two of them separated from me, their eyes met several times, and finally, they drank decisively. X0PpJf

My boss drank the beer in one go and even drank it a little faster than my dad.

And then he dived headfirst into the table.

Translator's Note

Xiu Xiu said ‘she’ (她) but his dad misunderstood it as ‘he’ (他) where both sounds the same but means differently when written. Hence, his dad thought CHX was talking about NYH, but CHX was actually talking about his mother. Lmao

Translator's Note

He’s asking to bottoms up lmao.

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  1. I feel frustrated for CHX >< I would start yelling at everyone in the situation like this…

    Thank You for the chapter ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡

  2. Oh lord.

    Where to start? The fathers misunderstanding (this family seems to be made of misunderstandings) or Boss willingly drinking.

    Thank you for the chapter.