Burning HeartChapter 47

Yang Xiaolei looked at the two of them, hesitated for a moment, and decided not to intervene for now.

Ji Ranxin still had his lips against the back of his hand. He withdrew his tongue and glanced at the glass Qin Yi had slammed down on the table. Afe27G

Qin Yi asked, “Does drinking help?”

Ji Ranxin straightened up and leaned back in his chair, saying, “At least it makes me happy.”

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Qin Yi looked at him: “Is seeking immediate happiness all you want in life?”

Yang Xiaolei silently picked up a cup and took a sip of her beer, sensing that there was more to Qin Yi’s words but not knowing the full extent of their disputes. FdMdsI

Ji Ranxin took a deep breath, “So now I don’t even have the right to be happy?”

Qin Yi coldly spat out four words, “Do as you please.”

Ji Ranxin grabbed an opened bottle of beer and drank directly from it.

This time, Yang Xiaolei realized something was seriously wrong. She stood up to try to dissuade Ji Ranxin, but Qin Yi said, “Leave him alone.”


Listening to Qin Yi’s tone, Yang Xiaolei suddenly felt like an unwelcome outsider meddling in their affairs. She sat back down and quietly said to Qin Yi, “I’m worried he’ll drink too much and get into trouble.”

Qin Yi replied, “He won’t.”

But in the end, Ji Ranxin did end up drinking too much.

Qin Yi called the waiter to settle the bill. Yang Xiaolei bent down to look at Ji Ranxin and asked, “Are you okay? Ji Ranxin?” ZiXUYB

Ji Ranxin’s cheeks and the corners of his eyes were flushed, and his eyes were a bit unfocused. When he heard Yang Xiaolei speaking to him, he suddenly looked up and flashed a brilliant smile.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr rwlif kjr rb vjhhilcu atja Tjcu Wljbifl kjr wbwfcajglis raeccfv jcv rafqqfv yjmx j yla.

Al Ejczlc, qfgtjqr vfilyfgjafis, ibkfgfv tlr nblmf jcv rjlv, “P’w olcf.”

Ca atlr wbwfca, Hlc Tl kjixfv bnfg, ugjyyfv Al Ejczlc’r jgw, jcv qeiifv tlw eq ogbw atf mtjlg. “Ofa’r ub.” 6VSZLy

Al Ejczlc, ecrafjvs bc tlr offa, raewyifv obgkjgv jcv tjv ab ugjy Hlc Tl’r kjlra ab rajs eqgluta.

Qin Yi grasped his hand and pulled him away, then turned and walked outside.

Ji Ranxin and Yang Xiaolei followed him out.

By now, it was dark, but there were still many students coming and going outside the school. lgpxh0

Ji Ranxin, wobbling, said to Yang Xiaolei, “I’ll walk you back to school, senior.”

Yang Xiaolei replied, “No need, you drank too much.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Ranxin smiled so hard that his dimples were showing. He said, “You’re a girl, I should walk you back.”

At this point, Qin Yi stopped, turned around, and said to Yang Xiaolei, “I’ll walk you back.” ytmjGT

Yang Xiaolei quickly shook her head and said, “Really, there’s no need. It’s just a few steps back to the school, and the streets are full of people. You should take Ji Ranxin back. I think he’s really had too much.”

After saying that, Yang Xiaolei pushed Ji Ranxin forward a couple of steps, then turned and ran across the street.

Neither Qin Yi nor Ji Ranxin insisted.

Ji Ranxin took two steps forward and stopped when he reached Qin Yi. SeD8sw

Qin Yi didn’t look at him. Instead, he slipped his hands into his jacket pockets and slowly walked forward.

Ji Ranxin walked beside him.

After a short distance, Ji Ranxin suddenly laughed out loud.

Qin Yi didn’t stop or ask why. He only glanced up at the pitch-black night sky. eOQbI9

Ji Ranxin called out, “Qin Yi.” His voice was soft and light, like a child begging for candy.

Qin Yi didn’t respond.

Ji Ranxin asked, “What do you think is the problem between us?”

Qin Yi still didn’t speak. RW3qKY

Fueled by the influence of alcohol, Ji Ranxin came up, grabbed his sleeve, and insisted, “Talk to me.”

Qin Yi had to stop. He grabbed Ji Ranxin’s hand and pulled it away, “You don’t know?”

Ji Ranxin reached for him again. “No, this isn’t how you have a relationship!” His voice was loud and slurred, clearly unable to control his emotions.

A passing couple turned to look at them. After they walked by, the girl whispered to the boy, “Isn’t that Qin Yi from UST?” WeacLU

The boy kept looking back but didn’t answer her.

Qin Yi looked down at Ji Ranxin’s hand clutching his clothes tightly and said, “Are you sure you want to make a scene with me here?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Ranxin felt his chest choking up in one breath. He stared at him for a long moment, then let go.

Without discussing it, both of them headed in the direction of Ji Ranxin’s school. OwMxJa

The streetlights inside the school were dim. It was clearly not as lively as outside, but many couples were whispering on the benches along the tree-lined path.

Ji Ranxin walked ahead of Qin Yi, keeping his head down and staring at his shadow under the streetlights.

When they reached the end of the path near a small fountain in front of the school building, Ji Ranxin suddenly stopped.

Seeing him standing still, Qin Yi asked, “What are you doing?” t gLfz

Ji Ranxin pressed a hand to his chest, “I feel like throwing up.”

Qin Yi said, “Go back and throw up.”

Ji Ranxin waved a hand and suddenly bent over the fountain.

Qin Yi quickly pulled him up, “What’s wrong with you?” XTOxgp

When Ji Ranxin turned back to look at him, his eyes were bright and his mouth was curved into a smile. “I was kidding.”

Qin Yi tried to shake him off.

But Ji Ranxin grabbed his lapels with both hands, leaning in close. He lowered his head slightly but looked up at Qin Yi with his eyes. In a soft voice, he said, “You’re obviously happy being with me, aren’t you?”

KEIGHTY: Good news! 🎉 BURNHA is now completed on ko-fi! If you want to read the chapters in advance, please check them out here. Chapters 48 up to 63 are now available there~ 5ue7sG

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  1. Finally, communication!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖