Burning HeartChapter 45

That afternoon, after finishing his first class, he went directly to the school’s small auditorium to meet with the planners and all the staff, both on and off stage, for this play.

When Ji Ranxin arrived at the back door of the small auditorium, he pressed his fingers against the wooden door. When he pushed the door open with just a crack, he heard voices inside. NjhrzJ

Then he pushed harder, opening the door halfway, and in that instant, he saw about a dozen people gathered in front of the stage, but Qin Yi was not among them. In that moment, he realized that he was actually holding onto a tiny bit of hope in his heart.

Xu Xiaoxia was sitting in the front row, waving to him, “Ji Ranxin, over here!”

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Ji Ranxin descended the stairs step by step.

The people sitting in front stood up, mostly students from the Film and Television Academy. One of them, a tall guy, was wearing glasses. XpEmV5

After Ji Ranxin approached, Xu Xiaoxia introduced him to the tall guy, saying his name was Nong Bang, a senior in FTA and also the planner and director of this play.

Ji Ranxin nodded, “Hello, senior, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Nong Bang had some reputation at school; it was said that he won an excellent award for a documentary he made last year that was aired on the city’s television station.

Nong Bang replied, “I’ve heard about you too.”


Ji Ranxin had not been at the school for long, but the handsome freshman’s name from the performing arts department was known to many.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ca atja wbwfca, Ole Qflkfl, ktb kjr rajcvlcu cba ojg jkjs, mjiifv bea ab Al Ejczlc, “Ljnf sbe gfjv atf rmglqa?”

Al Ejczlc atfc ibbxfv bnfg ja tfg jcv cbvvfv, rjslcu, “P tjnf.”

Ole Qflkfl delmxis jrxfv tlw, “Qtja vb sbe atlcx?” 73gJT

Al Ejczlc gfqilfv, “P atlcx la’r ubbv. Dea ktlmt gbif klii P qijs?”

Liu Weiwei smiled and asked, “Which role do you like?”

Ji Ranxin tilted his head, pretending to think seriously, “I think I can try playing the demoness’ role.”

The dozen or so people in the small auditorium burst into laughter. CNOfjP

Liu Weiwei couldn’t stop laughing and said, “Okay, as long as you don’t play the demon hunter, that’s someone else’s role.”

Ji Ranxin was slightly taken aback and was about to ask her when someone else entered through the back door.

This time, it was a girl in a white dress, petite and pretty, who timidly peeked in before walking in.

Xu Xiaoxia waved to her, “Xiaolei, come here quickly.” A69qYP

This girl was Yang Xiaolei, a sophomore from Teachers College. Despite being in a Teachers College, her major was vocal music, and she had experience in drama performances in high school.

She just arrived, attracting everyone’s attention. Xu Xiaoxia stood in the middle and introduced everyone, specifically mentioning and introducing Ji Ranxin to her.

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Yang Xiaolei smiled and nodded at Ji Ranxin, “Hello.” Both her voice and demeanor were very gentle.

Nong Bang glanced at his watch and said, “There’s one more left.” vxweVQ

Yang Xiaolei suddenly whispered, “Have you invited Qin Yi?”

Ji Ranxin was somewhat surprised to hear that Yang Xiaolei also seemed to know Qin Yi.

Then, Xu Xiaoxia spoke mysteriously, saying, “Guess.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the door to the small auditorium was pushed open again. Ji Ranxin looked up, only to see a familiar slim-fitting jeans and a loose light gray T-shirt, which belonged to Qin Yi, with his unwelcoming aura. y2nOEw

After Qin Yi entered, he paused noticeably. His gaze swept across the faces of the people in front of the stage, finally landing on Ji Ranxin’s face. Then, he lowered his gaze, his eyelashes trembling slightly. He put his hands in his jacket pockets and slowly walked down.

Yang Xiaolei asked Xu Xiaoxia in a low voice, surprised: “It’s really Qin Yi? How did you persuade him?”

Xu Xiaoxia also whispered, “I don’t know, he just suddenly agreed.”

Qin Yi had already walked down the stairs step by step and stood in front of them. Xu Xiaoxia was the first to say to him: “Welcome, Qin Yi!” zLlRd5

Qin Yi nodded.

Xu Xiaoxia introduced him to Nong Bang.

Qin Yi extended his hand from his pocket to shake hands with Nong Bang, “Hello.”

Nong Bang seemed somewhat excited. After greeting Qin Yi, he took the initiative to continue introducing other people to him. QwuTmn

When it came to introducing Ji Ranxin, Nong Bang didn’t know they knew each other, and no one reminded him, so they faced each other like two people meeting for the first time.

Qin Yi reached out his hand first, “Hello.”

Ji Ranxin remembered the way Qin Yi avoided him at the UST gate that noon. His chest tightened with pain. He extended his hand with a slightly cold expression, “Hello.”

Qin Yi’s palm was still warm and strong. After shaking his hand, he slowly tightened his fingers. kRiCoB

Ji Ranxin felt the pain from his grip, but he remained expressionless. After a while, he finally let go of his hand.

Ji Ranxin lowered his head and looked at the back of his hand. The fair skin gradually turned red. When he looked up again, Qin Yi was already calmly looking at someone else.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

or a normal university/school

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  1. Teen age drama (🙄), but I like it, it’s giving real vibe)))

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Hang in there ji ranxin TvT and sort out your feelings soon. Who knows, maybe your mom won’t be against it so much-