Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh89 - Protecting the Best Star in the World

The name Ji Lintian sounded somewhat familiar to Ran Feng. It wasn’t until he reviewed the information that he realized this person was the manager who had previously restricted the livestreaming heat in Ji Xingchen on MeowMeow TV.

At the time, Lin Boyuan had mentioned it to him, but he hadn’t paid much attention. He never expected this person to be the instigator behind the recent scandal. e3bJaN

Ran Feng continued reading the information and discovered that Ji Lintian had hired marketing accounts and internet water armies to intentionally fabricate and spread the scandal. The fake classmates and neighbors had based their allegations on information provided by him, including the photos.

However, hiring people to smear Ji Xingchen was just the surface and the most obvious aspect.

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He was like a crucial clue, quietly revealing the truth that had previously been unknown to anyone.

The person summarizing the information for Ran Feng opened another section and detailed the relationship between Ji Lintian and Ji Xingchen— 4Kt2v0

Ji Lintian is Ji Xingchen’s cousin. His father, Ji Chengzhou, and Ji Xingchen’s father, Ji Jiangcheng, are brothers.

Ji Chengzhou’s family was once extremely poor, relying entirely on his younger brother Ji Jiangcheng’s support to start a business and lift them out of poverty.

However, Ji Jiangcheng later made investment mistakes that led to the bankruptcy of his company and left him heavily indebted due to high-interest loans. He also died in a car accident. Despite being his elder brother, Ji Chengzhou remained indifferent throughout, and later even joined debt collection agencies to force Ji Xingchen and his mother to repay the debts.

Ji Xingchen’s family had all their houses and cars mortgaged. He became homeless, and he had to work two or three jobs every day just to make ends meet.


Mother and son endured such hardships together, and his efforts were indispensable.

When the information reached this point, it emphasized a further addition, suggesting that after defrauding Ji Jiangcheng’s company, Ji Lintian later had close business dealings with Ji Chengzhou, and suspected that he and the other party were designing the downfall of Ji Jiangcheng.

Following this, the person summarizing the information added another point, mentioning the suspicious circumstances surrounding Ji Jiangcheng’s car accident, suggesting it could be further investigated.

With limited information gathered in one night, Ran Feng finished reading and instructed his team to continue following the leads, specifically emphasizing a deeper investigation into Ji Chengzhou’s company and several projects he had invested in. mEwzu0

The cold text portrayed made Ran Feng as exceptionally calm and composed, but in reality, his expression was grim.

Previously, Ji Xingchen had casually mentioned those past events, and he had been completely unaware of the details.

So even though he knew Ji Xingchen had gone through a very tough time during that period, it was just a concept to him, not a concrete reality.

Unable to help himself, Ran Feng glanced at the photo released by Ji Lintian’s revelations. 7SuwhH

Ji Xingchen’s eyes were heavily bruised, and his body looked extremely thin.

For someone who maintained such regular sleeping habits, how many nights had he stayed up to develop such dark circles?

To look so thin—how difficult were those days?

Although many years had passed, and even though everything seemed fine now, Ran Feng felt a heavy weight in his heart. cDa EA

He wished he could travel through time and space, back to the weary yet resilient young man in the photo, give him a hug, and protect him under his wings.

Those years should have been carefree and joyful for Ji Xingchen, but instead, he had to hustle for a living…

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The more he dwelled on these thoughts, the heavier the atmosphere around Ran Feng became.

The oppressive silence was finally shattered by a sudden WeChat message. LNAi96

This message was from Ji Xingchen.

Little Star: Have you reached home?

Little Star: [Cat wagging tail].jpg

Ran Feng lowered his head and carefully read the message. Even through the text, he could feel the concern from the other side, and his gaze softened finally. dTOQZM

Feng: Yes, are you in class?

Little Star: Yes, the teacher just arrived.

After sending this message, Ji Xingchen continued typing.

Little Star: The attendance is about to start, talk to you later. dL0IW2

Little Star: Brother Feng, I’ll call you after class~

Feng: Okay.

After looking at the WeChat interface for a while, Ran Feng found an emoji package and sent it to Ji Xingchen.

Feng: [Pressing against the wall and blowing kisses].jpg fY3UMj

This was an emoji package Lin Haogan had sent to Ji Xingchen before, and Ji Xingchen often used it after being brainwashed.

After sending it, Ran Feng waited for a few minutes, guessing that Ji Xingchen was probably concentrating on class and wouldn’t reply immediately. He glanced at the sun already high in the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window and then contacted Li Na.

He wanted to investigate the things Ji Lintian and his father had done before, but currently, more urgently than that was clearing up the negative information about Ji Xingchen from yesterday.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ueyilm bqlclbc tjvc’a rtloafv sfa, jcv qfbqif ralii ofia atja Al Wlcumtfc’r gfqeajalbc kjr qgbyifwjalm. Ktfgfobgf, Ejc Mfcu tjv ab tfiq Al Wlcumtfc gfnfgrf tlr lwjuf olgra jcv mijglos atf cfujalnf lcobgwjalbc. jXGvEx

Lf tjcvfv bnfg atf lcobgwjalbc jybea atf wjgxfalcu jmmbecar jcv kjafg jgwlfr ab Ol Rj obg tjcvilcu yea mbcmfjifv atf lcobgwjalbc jybea Al Wlcumtfc’r ojatfg’r yjcxgeqams jcv vfjat.

As long as the person who leaked the information comes out to clarify that Ji Xingchen was intentionally framed, that would be enough. Any further clarification would only lead more people to dig into Ji Xingchen’s past.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen had never mentioned those past events to him so far, so he wouldn’t expose those scars in front of so many people to salt the wounds.

After arranging these matters, Ran Feng found a new notification on his phone. CZpFVb

Surprisingly, Ji Xingchen had replied to him just one minute ago.

Without typing any words, Ji Xingchen simply sent back the same emoji package Ran Feng had sent earlier.

Little Star: [Pressing against the wall and blowing kisses].jpg

Ran Feng smiled. NaltQZ

Looks like someone isn’t paying attention in the class.

While Li Na was contacting the marketing accounts and the PR team to handle the rumors, Wen Shuyan, the class monitor from high school, came to see Ran Feng.

Wen Shuyan: Brother Feng, you know about Xingxing’s recent situation, right? I saw your studio issue a statement. We’re not part of the entertainment industry, but we also want to clarify for Xingxing. The classmates are all ready to confront those idiots, but… um, they sent me to ask you, how do we buy this hot search? How long will it take to arrange? We’ve been trying to figure it out for so long, and the director has been urging me to arrange the hot search all night, but where do I go to arrange it?

Wen Shuyan: Oh right, Brother Feng, is 100,000 enough to buy a hot search? YW3QRs

Wen Shuyan’s words were plain and simple, but his friendship with Ji Xingchen was evident between the lines.

Seeing his former classmates willing to stand up for Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng was surprised and deeply moved.

He solemnly thanked the class monitor and his classmates, then asked for the information they had, and subsequently sent it to Li Na to organize and publish together.

However, unexpectedly, before their integrated information could be released, a small group of people on the internet took the initiative to defend Ji Xingchen with their own modest efforts. wh1I7f

Since last night, there have been posts on Weibo and various forums claiming to be Ji Xingchen’s classmates.

[I am Zhang Jiayi, Ji Xingchen’s classmate from junior high to sophomore year. The reason I’m speaking out is because I feel I have the most authority to speak, as the only classmate from our junior high class who continued to be in the same class with Ji Xingchen after entering high school. All the students from Class 16 of Chuangjia Junior High in 201x can testify for me. I swear I have never said anything bad about Ji Xingchen online because I know he is an outstanding person who can be described as perfect enough. Therefore, I don’t know who that so-called classmate from junior high to senior high school is. Another point I must clarify is that Ji Xingchen was not expelled for fighting but because his household registration was not local, he had to take the college entrance exam in his household registration location, so he transferred schools in the third year of high school. At that time, all the classmates, including the teachers, were very reluctant to see him leave. Before he left, our class even organized a special class meeting for him, and I have kept photos from that meeting. Additionally, I want to emphasize that the internet is not above the law; spreading rumors carries legal consequences. I hope you won’t spread rumors indiscriminately and damage someone’s reputation.]

This junior high school to sophomore year classmate posted two photos on the forum. One is from the class meeting organized for Ji Xingchen, showing many girls with red eyes and some boys with distressed expressions, while Ji Xingchen graciously hugs several boys, smiling and saying something.

The second photo is their junior high graduation photo, with Ji Xingchen standing at the far left, looking outstanding. FqeWk5

Not only did this classmate speak out for Ji Xingchen by using their real name, but more people subsequently stepped forward.

They spoke on Weibo, forums, and Douyin. There was no organization, but they were united in purpose.

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[I am Ji Xingchen’s junior high school classmate, He Jiajia. I don’t know why such ridiculous rumors have appeared online, but Ji Xingchen is definitely not the person everyone thinks he is. Yes, he comes from a wealthy family, but he never flaunts it and is very thrifty and economical, just like an ordinary student. I only knew about his family’s wealth when I accidentally saw his dad’s car. Moreover, he doesn’t go clubbing, doesn’t hang out in bars, doesn’t get into fights, and is not a playboy. I’ve been with him for three years and have never seen any of that.]

[I am Wei Xiaowei, Ji Xingchen’s classmate at Chuangjia High School. I can testify that Ji Xingchen is truly gentle. He is the moonlight of the whole class, handsome and with a particularly good personality. At first, we thought such a handsome guy would be aloof, but he isn’t. He is warm-hearted, like the sun that brightens everyone around him. Once, I messed up an exam and quietly cried in the classroom. He noticed and specially went out to buy a cup of milk tea for me and placed it on my desk. He is really a gentle person. I hope some people stop maliciously attacking him! There are even rumors about him causing someone to have an abortion. I hope you won’t be so malicious. Ji Xingchen is very good in terms of emotions except that he is particularly slow. Even if he rejects you, he does it gently, making you feel respected. And he never gets involved in any scandals! Here, we can’t hide any gossip. If he had caused someone to have an abortion, everyone would know, right?] vPesRh

[I’m not Ji Xingchen’s classmate, but I’m his schoolmate. I know him, though he doesn’t know me. Once on a bus, I was pickpocketed, and he chased the thief for several blocks. In the end, he got his arm scratched by the thief. A person like this, I believe he is definitely not what you all are saying he is.]

As the revelation from yesterday continues to ferment, the general public’s attitude towards Ji Xingchen is one of contempt, disgust, and disappointment.

However, in the face of public opinion, Ji Xingchen’s former classmates and schoolmates are not afraid. They are risking being attacked and criticized by everyone to come forward and support him.

These individuals haven’t received a single cent, nor do they have any current contact with Ji Xingchen. b1ZBXk

Yet, the Ji Xingchen they describe is upright, gentle, and kind-hearted.

It’s precisely because these courageous voices have spoken up that Ji Xingchen’s tarnished reputation is starting to turn around, causing many to waver.

[I’m a bit confused and shaken. Who is really telling the truth?]

[Classmates are so brave. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone so heavily criticized online, yet so many people come out to support him.] BcM251

[If someone is truly that bad, would so many people be willing to speak up for him?]

Just as various forums were discussing these classmates who were clearing Ji Xingchen’s name, they suddenly came across a video that shocked them even more.

A topic titled #WeBelieveInJiXingchen# suddenly became a hot search.

Upon clicking it, they found a Weibo post and a video from a user named [Mingyou No.1 Middle School, Class of 20xx, Class 1]. BCTdrd

Mingyou No.1 Middle School, Class of 20xx, Class 1: We don’t know how to clarify it to make it seem more true, but at least our graduation certificates can testify for us. We spent a year together with Ji Xingchen. If three people can be distorted as facts online, can our entire class of 38 people refute it for him?

The text was simple, but the video attached below was impressive.

The video wasn’t long, only three minutes.

After clicking open, what appeared were not posts, but graduation certificates from Mingyou No.1 Middle School and signatures from classmates. n9sIBE

Wen Shuyan, Wu Rui, Zhang Xiao, Bai Xue, Zhang Daishu, Chen Shanshan… Ran Feng.

Following each certificate were words of support and clarification for Ji Xingchen from his classmates.

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One by one, names scrolled through, ultimately totaling 38 powerful and resolute signatures.

At the end of the video, the classmates wrote a message to Ji Xingchen. 7Ln29y

—”When someone deliberately distorts the truth and maliciously attacks you, it’s not that you are inadequate, but that you are strong enough.

You will always be the most shining star in our hearts.”

Overnight, these classmates from the class boldly stood up for Ji Xingchen’s character with a united front of signatures, addressing the online community.

These well-known figures, who graduated from prestigious schools, staked their graduation certificates. They didn’t engage in heated arguments online, but their actions spoke volumes about their steadfast support for Ji Xingchen. Mp A6L

[Did you notice? Those few anonymous accusers of Ji Xingchen just posted images, nothing more. But those speaking up and clarifying for him, all did so with real names and even showed their graduation certificates…]

[There are 39 students in their class, and besides Ji Xingchen, everyone else showed their graduation certificates to support him.]

[Oh my, who did I see? Ran Feng also showed his graduation certificate!!]

[Brother Feng! Yes, it’s really Brother Feng!!!!] S7bQ1o

[To be honest, I was quite moved after watching this… This kind of classmate bond is truly precious.]

[So how good must this person be, that the entire class, except Ji Xingchen himself, came forward to speak up for him?]

[For everyone here, it’s been six years since graduation. If you were in such a situation, would all your classmates be willing to stand up for you?]

[All classmates?? If it were me, only close friends would probably come forward to defend me. Having the whole class stand up for you, that must mean you’re really popular.] oDWS8X

[Star must be a gentle and outstanding person. Only someone like this would make everyone unable to bear seeing him being defamed.]

[Sobbing, I really want to cry. Even gentle people receive gentle reciprocation.]

[This video and the signatures are really touching!!!!]

[Star deserves it.] 0HEp4c

[I think there’s nothing more to say about this matter. The person involved hasn’t said a word, yet so many classmates have come out to support him. If he were really a bad person, there’s no way so many would stand up for him.]

[Those idiots who leaked the information probably didn’t expect Star’s character to be so good. Everyone is defending him like this.]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Initially, the defense from many classmates had already started to sway opinions. Now, Ji Xingchen’s entire class from senior year has come forward together, and the tide has truly turned.

More and more ordinary netizens are speaking up for Ji Xingchen, and the position of this trend is rising higher and higher. LHmykI

When this topic hit number one on the trending list, those so-called classmates and neighbors who leaked information about Ji Xingchen were exposed as water armies who were paid to fabricate stories.

Their identities as classmates and neighbors were fake, and their allegations were completely fabricated.

Moreover, the several marketing accounts that initially leaked the information have come forward to apologize. Because Ran Feng’s studio is tough, several water armies were afraid of being sued and followed suit by apologizing. They even posted screenshots proving they were assigned tasks to fabricate stories and intentionally defame others.

At the same time, fans also released a photo supposedly showing Ji Xingchen smoking in an internet cafe, zooming in on the hand holding the cigarette. 9gJvTu

People finally realized that it was a case of misplacement in the photo—the person holding the cigarette wasn’t Ji Xingchen but someone behind him. Due to the angle, it appeared as if it was him.

Seeing this, netizens finally understood.

All of this stemmed from some people feeling jealous of Ji Xingchen’s excellence, deliberately fabricating stories to smear him.

Enraged by being manipulated, netizens vented their anger at these water armies and marketing accounts. Some even started calling for the masterminds behind the scenes to be exposed. SyFdcs

However, none of the current clues pointed towards Ji Lintian, so despite their efforts, netizens were running around like headless flies without uncovering anything substantial.

But while they didn’t uncover anything substantial, someone accidentally helped unravel the origin of the photo from the bar.

A screenshot was posted by a netizen who shared many images, including comments from her friends in her circle, conversations between them, and several old photos of Ji Xingchen from years ago.

Circle of friends conversation: MBwtb1

Friend: This handsome young man looks familiar.

Netizen: Familiar?

Friend: Yes, I feel like I’ve seen him before. Let me check.

WeChat conversation: 83YxIA

Friend: Is this the guy you’re talking about?

Friend: [Image]

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Netizen: It’s him!!! How do you have his photo?

Friend: I took this before, about five or six years ago. Back then, I used to go to a bar and saw this guy. I thought he was handsome, so I took a photo. I’ve kept the photo all this time. z18L5J

Netizen: Can you be more specific?

Friend: Specific about what? This guy? There’s not much to say, I don’t know much about him, just that he used to work hard at that bar.

Netizen: Anything else?

Friend: Let me think… eskWPQ

Friend: Oh, I suddenly remembered something. I have a friend who told me some things about him.

Friend: Actually, this young man had a tough time. It seems during the college entrance examination period, his dad passed away in a car accident, and his mom got cancer. Their family also suffered from significant debts due to failed investments or something like that. He was just eighteen at that time, right? He had to work several jobs a day, which was really tough.

Friend: I remember once I met him at an internet cafe. I joked with him, saying how I met him during the day and now at night, asking him how many places he worked at in a day.

Friend: He said he worked at four different places a day. I was shocked at that time. Doesn’t he need to sleep? tZcxhG

Friend: At that time, I thought, why is he working so many jobs? Is he chasing money at the expense of his life? Later, I found out he had a seriously ill mother to support, and cancer treatment costs a lot of money, more than you could ever have.

Friend: At that time, some rich women saw his handsome face and said to give him money, so he didn’t have to work so hard. But he refused, and was very self-disciplined.

Friend: But later, when his mother’s condition worsened, he didn’t go to the bar anymore to take care of her every day. I heard he moved afterward, but I don’t know where.

Friend: I have a few more pictures. Do you want to see them? He was so thin back then, not as lively as in your circle of friends. There’s one where he stayed up several nights in a row. I took it while he was sleeping. It seemed like because he took care of his mother, he hadn’t slept for several days. XwncGD

The netizen finally posted all the photos that her friend sent to her, with a message attached: [Hope certain people reflect on themselves].

The photos were quite random, mostly of Ji Xingchen in internet cafes and bars.

In the photos, Ji Xingchen looked much younger than he does now, but in every picture, he appeared very gaunt, with particularly large eyes.

Actually, his eyes were very beautiful, those pitch-black pupils always made people want to take a second look. dCMa1x

However, his appearance was so haggard, with dark circles under his eyes that seemed like they would never fade away.

The last photo showed Ji Xingchen quietly dozing off in a corner.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He stood there and fell asleep directly, looking exhausted to the extreme.

His face, tired and weary, seemed like he could collapse with the next gust of wind, yet he tried to keep his back straight, even though he was already asleep. dIk0yW

Seeing these photos, fans understood everything without needing more words.

Back then, his poor spirits weren’t due to a dissolute life, but because he worked so many jobs that he barely had time to sleep.

Back then, in every photo, he looked so emaciated because he used all his money to treat his mother’s illness, maybe not even able to live a decent life himself.

Why did he take the college entrance exam six years later? Because his father passed away on the day of the exam! p4ZFWK

Thinking back on those past events, fans’ hearts ached in sympathy.

[Back then, Ji Xingchen was only eighteen, right? How did he shoulder such a family burden all by himself…]

[I dare not imagine what kind of days Ji Xingchen lived through back then.]

[I always thought Ji Xingchen, being so optimistic and cheerful, must have a carefree life… Turns out he’s been through so much hardship.] RvC20o

[No wonder Ji Xingchen’s livestreams always only have his voice. He never mentioned family or received any calls from them.]

[Because he has no family anymore…]

[Yeah, he has no family, and I feel so devastated…]

[Oh no, I’m crying so hard, please be a decent human being!] pVKn2v

[I’m furious, really! Ji Xingchen has struggled so much, finally started to live well and achieve his dreams, yet trolls come to sabotage him.]

[Anyone with a heart wouldn’t do such things.]

[Those who fabricate such scandals, why don’t you go die a hundred deaths!]

[Trash, go die, go die!!!!] CTfwY0

The serene and gentle fans in Ji Xingchen’s livestreams were emotionally shattered. They regretted not being there for Ji Xingchen during his toughest times, but from now on, they vowed to stand by him like family, fiercely protecting him from any harm!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

“water armies” refers to a group of individuals hired or organized to manipulate online discussions, ratings, or viewer numbers. They may artificially inflate viewer counts, leave fake comments or reactions, or engage in other activities to create a false impression of popularity or support for a particular streamer or content.

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1 comment

  1. I’m crying again and it’s 3 a.m. again 😭😭😭

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤