Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh88 - I Miss You

It all started with someone claiming to be Ji Xingchen’s neighbor on an anonymous forum, revealing some information. Soon after, several self-proclaimed middle school classmates of Ji Xingchen joined in, adding more details to the story.

Then, several marketing accounts screenshot these posts and posted them on Weibo with the keyword “#BUniversityGeniusJiXingchen’sCarCrash”, along with several screenshots. RwIdqn

This topic unexpectedly shot up to third place on the trending list. Upon opening it, the content of those marketing accounts popped up. It seemed as if these marketing accounts had coordinated beforehand, posting three screenshots and four pictures.

Screenshot 1:

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“Everyone thinks it’s impressive just because he got into B University, right? But don’t let his appearance and marketing fool you. I used to be his neighbor, so I know exactly what kind of person he is. I admit he’s smart, which is why he got into B University so easily. But as for his character, it’s terrible. He used to be very rebellious, smoking, drinking, clubbing, you name it. He was a regular at the bars, a complete playboy. Don’t believe it? Go ask around at our local bars; everyone knows him as this flashy playboy. His life is a mess, staying out all night is a regular thing for him. His parents can’t control him at all. Once, he even got into a fight with his dad when his dad went to talk to him, probably because he got someone’s little sister pregnant and she had to get an abortion.”

Screenshot 2: Xnzklx

“Wow, OP, someone finally dares to talk about this! Someone’s marketing is so good; now online, everything’s washed white, portraying him as a good student, an inspirational genius at studying. There are even people lamenting why he didn’t participate in the college entrance exam. Do you know why he didn’t? During the exam period, he demanded money from his dad, who refused, so he threatened not to take the exam. His dad was so angry that he got into a car accident and died. When this scum went to see the scene, he didn’t shed a single tear; he was just thinking about how to inherit the family fortune quickly. This prodigal son inherited so much family wealth, but soon squandered it all and even borrowed money at high interest rates. Later, his mom got cancer from the stress. Even with so much money, he didn’t care for his mom, refused to give her money for treatment, and his neglect probably contributed to her death, or rather, her painful death due to lack of funds for treatment.”

Screenshot 3:

“Wow, is this really happening? I was his middle school and high school classmate. Do you know why he transferred schools? Because in the second year of high school, he often fought and skipped classes, so the school expelled him. But since his family had some money, his dad paid to get him into another school. These days, all the news is praising him. I thought he had genuinely turned over a new leaf and become a better person, but is it all fake? So hypocritical.”

In addition to these three forum screenshots, the marketing accounts also posted several photos, seemingly afraid that people wouldn’t understand, so they thoughtfully added subtitles for clarification.


The first picture shows him in an internet cafe, looking like he hasn’t slept well, with deep dark circles under his eyes and holding a cigarette between his fingertips.

The second picture shows Ji Xingchen’s back as he walks towards a certain bar.

The third picture continues from the second, showing Ji Xingchen’s front view inside the bar, looking visibly unwell.

The fourth picture isn’t of Ji Xingchen; it’s of a frail woman lying in a hospital bed, appearing incredibly distressed. iIuQ4O

As each photo unfolds, viewers feel anger and heartache, especially at the last one where the woman’s expression is one of unbearable suffering.

Seeing Ji Xingchen smoking and in bars, looking dispirited, is a stark contrast to his usual appearance. Many bystanders who initially doubted the textual revelations now have to believe their own eyes.

Especially concerning is the woman suffering from cancer, clearly Ji Xingchen’s critically ill mother. Considering the previous disclosures, people are convinced that Ji Xingchen is heartless towards his mother.

[This isn’t just a minor mishap anymore; this person’s character is seriously flawed.] hEXH7l

[Trashy streamers make me sick.]

[In this day and age, can someone who smokes, drinks, parties, and is unfilial but gets into a top university be portrayed as a good kid?]

[I thought he was an inspiring and hard working kid, but reality slapped me in the face.]

[No way, I just started liking him, thinking this little brother is handsome and talented, but now I feel too disgusted to eat.] ayVXCp

While this revelation seems brutally honest, some still have reservations.

[Can anonymous revelations be taken as gospel these days?]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Are fans blind? It’s not just hearsay; there are photos too. Smoking? Partying? Seeing how miserable his mom is?]

[Exactly, and it’s not just one person saying this; many people are speaking up. One person could lie, but this many? It must be true.] vgFdOi

[But his former classmates and junior sisters have also spoken highly of him, saying he was outstanding academically and a good person.]

[So who’s telling the truth here?]

[Wasn’t that revealed by his senior classmates in high school? Senior classmates wouldn’t really understand him, so should we believe what his former classmates said? It feels very real.]

[Maybe his later classmates were also deceived by him.] N1bOdg

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Was I the only one who noticed the timing of the revelations? The first person to reveal him had just finished speaking a few minutes ago, and then others immediately followed suit? They coincidentally all posted on the same forum and same thread as classmates and neighbors? And this trend seems so fake, clearly bought.]

[Fans are still suffering from persecution delusions. With such strong marketing before, can’t someone who sees something they don’t like come out and tell the truth?]

[Forget about how coincidental this is, I just want to know if someone like this deserves to be at B University? It’s seriously affecting the image of B University. Can’t they expel him and prevent him from influencing the future pillars of our country?]

[Shouldn’t the facts come out before people start demanding expulsion??] pq9lJR

[Whether the revelations are true or false will be proven with time. I just want to say one thing: do you know what kind of school Ji Xingchen attended in senior year? Hearing that money could get him into such a good school is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard.]

Pclaljiis, atfgf kfgfc’a wjcs qfbqif mbwwfcalcu ecvfg atfrf wjgxfalcu jmmbecar, yea ulnfc lar bynlber atlgv-qijmf qbrlalbc bc agfcvlcu, rfnfgji Qflyb qbrar klat nlgaejiis cb agjoolm tjv bnfg afc atberjcv mbwwfcar lc ifrr atjc jc tbeg, klat cb rluc bo ribklcu vbkc.

Aera j ofk vjsr jub, Vajg kjr rb qbqeijg jcv tlutis qgjlrfv, yea abvjs, qfbqif’r vlrjqqblcawfca lr fdejiis olfgmf lc atflg mglalmlrw bo tlw.

Although Star isn’t a celebrity in the entertainment industry, he does have a certain number of fans from livestreams as well as some fans of his classmates, but compared to the general public, these fans are insignificant. Moreover, this is such a huge “revelation” that’s turned everything around. zK7 gl

So, facing the angry crowds, they couldn’t even control the negative comments. Whether it was on Weibo, forums, or elsewhere, they could only watch as everyone criticized Star.

Thus, despite knowing that this trending topic was intentionally bought and artificially promoted to third place, fans were powerless. They could only watch as the heat of this negative topic continued to rise online.

Just when fans thought this trending topic might reach the top, it was abruptly taken down.

However, the recent topic of discussion has been Ji Xingchen entering B University. Even though the trending topic only lasted about an hour before being taken down, the buzz had already spread. pBivtJ

“This trending topic was clearly bought. Star isn’t part of our industry, so I had no advance notice.”

Li Na explained to Ran Feng while busy handling PR issues regarding the negative information about Ji Xingchen circulating online.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Several forums still have people constantly posting to amplify this issue, but I’ve already instructed them to delete posts and not repost it.”

This trending topic suddenly appeared and Ran Feng naturally knows that he can’t blame Li Na. l3R568

“Don’t let the buzz escalate further.”

“I’ve already made arrangements. However, some areas are beyond our control… It would be best if Star could clarify this matter himself. After all, he attends a prestigious university. While we can suppress the heat for now, having such negative information associated with him isn’t ideal.”

Ran Feng responded softly, “I’ll handle this.”

Li Na was momentarily surprised. 0HUdSs

She had originally thought Ran Feng would delegate this task to her, considering she was the professional.

She didn’t expect him to handle it personally.


After ending the call with Li Na, Ran Feng immediately made a few calls to have people investigate the sources of the revelations and the person behind buying the marketing accounts. 2uRBw

As long as there was manipulation involved, traces could be found.

After the calls, Ran Feng also had his lawyer draft a statement.

Currently, the online support for Ji Xingchen was minimal, and simply deleting posts to suppress the trending topic wasn’t sufficient. People would think Ji Xingchen was guilty of something. Over time, even after the topic subsided, the public would still perceive the negative information as true.

Moreover, there was a wave of criticism online, and the voices supporting Ji Xingchen were almost nonexistent. Ran Feng didn’t know what others thought, but if Ji Xingchen and his fans saw this situation, they would definitely feel uncomfortable. p6LtBx

At this moment, someone needed to step forward, stand by Ji Xingchen’s side, and firmly tell everyone that all of this was false.

Shortly thereafter, Ran Feng’s official studio took immediate action. They posted a very formal Weibo directly tagging those marketing accounts and issued a lawyer’s letter to sue them.

The content was serious, not the usual playful teasing that celebrities often engage in—it was a serious matter.

Although it was just a post from the studio, it clearly indicated Ran Feng’s stance— he was going to support his old classmate firmly. ok8dlU

Seeing this statement, bystanders were puzzled. They didn’t understand why Ran Feng was getting involved in this mess.

But seeing his firm and resolute attitude, they started to think that maybe things weren’t as they initially seemed.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Some people began to calm down. After all, Ran Feng was usually very cautious. Now that even a big celebrity dared to face criticism head-on, they felt they could quietly wait for the truth to come out.

The IFeng sisters also stopped their neutral stance and chose to believe in Ji Xingchen. aZxtKz

After all, they believed in their idol. If Brother Feng dared to take such actions, then Ji Xingchen’s character must be unquestionable.

This trending topic started at 7 PM, during a time of particularly high online traffic.

It was already ten o’clock in the evening when Ran Feng finished handling these matters for Ji Xingchen.

He went out and drove. When he was approaching B University. He is called Ji Xingchen. QGtpf8

The phone rang only once before Ji Xingchen answered.

“Big Star, what’s up calling me so late at night?”

Ji Xingchen’s voice came through the phone, his tone was a bit casual and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Based on Ji Xingchen’s response, Ran Feng roughly made some judgments about his state of mind. WZYNmR

He rubbed his temples and a faint smile played on his lips, mimicking Ji Xingchen’s tone as he said, “Nothing much, just wanted to ask what university students are up to, picking up my call so quickly.”

“I was in the library checking some information. The librarian notified us that it’s closing time, so I just came out to check the time when your call came in.”

As he spoke, a pen slipped out from between the books.

Ji Xingchen almost closed the door as he left in a hurry, not placing the pen properly. FV6yf2

He quickly bent down to pick up the pen from the floor.

Ran Feng chuckled, “Excuses.”

Ji Xingchen laughed along, “Believe it or not.”

“So this is the reason you didn’t call me.” 7zeNTf

Ran Feng’s sudden teasing caught Ji Xingchen off guard, but he found it amusing. He explained, “I’ve been too busy, no time even to touch my phone.”

“I can feel that.”

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If there were any doubts before, now Ran Feng was certain that Ji Xingchen hadn’t seen or known anything today.

Though he knew he couldn’t hide this from Ji Xingchen for long, by tomorrow he’d probably know everything. nHgcmW

But at least for now, amidst the storm of public opinion, he didn’t know, and that might be for the best.

Listening to Ji Xingchen’s faint laughter on the phone, Ran Feng felt guilty, blaming himself for not protecting Ji Xingchen better.

If possible, he wanted to create a pure sanctuary for Ji Xingchen, let him live as a simple university student, keeping his peace of mind without being disturbed by other things.

“Do you have any other plans tonight?” LjRUc0

Ji Xingchen paused his steps back to the dormitory and raised an eyebrow, smiling, “What plans do you think I have?”

Ran Feng hit the brakes at a red light and playfully replied, “Like not going back and having a date with me.”

“But our dormitory building has a curfew at eleven.”

Ji Xingchen was about to return to his dormitory to sleep. Although he didn’t actually plan to stay on campus, due to various matters at the beginning of the school year, he chose to stay in the dormitory for the first week, intending to go home after things settled down. ioMP2R

“It’s okay, I can accommodate you. I’m at the entrance of your school now.”

With this last sentence, Ran Feng spoke ambiguously yet confidently.

Upon hearing this, Ji Xingchen immediately changed his route back to the dormitory and headed directly outside the campus.

In the late night, with fewer people around, Ji Xingchen stood in a corner holding his books, thinking of calling Ran Feng. J1xElw

Suddenly, someone hugged him from behind.

A familiar scent came over him. Ji Xingchen subconsciously glanced around, though there was no one nearby, he still wanted to break free.

His movement was halted by Ran Feng.

Ji Xingchen was a bit worried. “If you hug me like this, the paparazzi might catch us.” 5o8ZDS

Ran Feng chuckled and rubbed his chin against Ji Xingchen’s face. “If they do, it’s perfect. I’ll introduce you as my partner.”

Ji Xingchen’s face tingled from the rubbing, and he gently leaned back, his head moving a few times, trying to see Ran Feng’s face, but he only caught a glimpse of his nose.

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Ji Xingchen laughed, “How thick-skinned can you be?”

Ran Feng tilted his head and lightly pecked Ji Xingchen’s lips. “Then call me your partner.” z aT2e

Under the streetlight, their shadows intertwined intimately.

Ji Xingchen looked at their shadows and suddenly became curious about Ran Feng’s actions.

“Why did you come all of a sudden?”

Although he hadn’t checked the news online, he could sense something different about Ran Feng tonight. 4iTGIL

Not knowing the reason, he asked directly.

The moonlight was beautiful, and neither of them wanted to break the silence.

Without saying anything else, Ran Feng whispered softly in Ji Xingchen’s ear, “I missed you.”

After returning from the hotel the next day, Ran Feng received a call from his dad. kg7cD

“I saw what happened about Xingxing.”

Ran Feng’s dad was succinct but conveyed a lot of information.

“Go and look at Ji Lintian and Ji Chengzhou.”

After hanging up, Ran Feng gathered the information collected by his team. bZOWIL

The data also prominently displayed one person’s name—

Ji Lintian.

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1 comment

  1. Ew, but everything should ended good. I have another question, do you can live in dormitory for a week?? In my country, there are a lot of rules and not many quotes in dormitories…

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🎉🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤