Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh76.1 - Perhaps Last Night Was a Bit Intense

Pain can etch memories deep into the mind.

The unforgettable experience of their first union, with sensations of pain and satisfaction alternating back and forth. It ultimately merged into a strange sense of comfort, which kept Ji Xingchen’s face flushed continuously. 7XpfLc

The continuous stimulation left him weak and powerless.

After their passionate entanglement, Ji Xingchen collapsed onto the pillow, closing his eyes, and just wanted to rest.

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The room was filled with a lingering, and ambiguous scent. Ran Feng, in a princess carry, carried him to the bathroom.

The shower water poured over their heated skin, and Ji Xingchen closed his eyes in contentment. 1P63tH

He lifted his head, unconsciously seeking a kiss from Ran Feng once more.

It wasn’t a deliberate seduction; this unconscious action stemmed from his desire to feel closer to Ran Feng after their intimacy.

Ji Xingchen intended to simply kiss Ran Feng and then leave, but he didn’t expect Ran Feng to hold onto his waist.

The light kiss meant to end abruptly suddenly escalated, becoming fierce and wild.


The kiss lingered a bit longer, leaving Ji Xingchen’s brain starved of oxygen, unable to find a normal rhythm in his breathing afterward.

As they separated, he opened his mouth to breathe heavily, but his hazy eyes remained fixed on Ran Feng’s face, appearing somewhat bewildered yet adorable.

Ran Feng dangerously narrowed his eyes, smiling as he teased Ji Xingchen, “If you keep looking at me like this, we’ll have to sleep even later tonight.”

Realizing the implications behind his words, Ji Xingchen hurriedly wrapped a towel around himself and hastily ran out of the shower. mzEbSP

As he passed by the half-length mirror, he noticed his reddened lips, slightly swollen eyes, and numerous marks on his originally fair skin, all bearing the imprints of Ran Feng.

All of this was accompanied by a misty haze in the mirror, portraying innocence and erotic.

Suddenly, Ji Xingchen remembered the last time Ran Feng stayed with him and developed a small rash on his collarbone from an allergic reaction in the hotel.

He used to joke with Ran Feng, advising him to be careful not to wear low-necked clothes to avoid others mistaking them for love bites. QKb3Iz

As a result, it quickly turned the tables, with him becoming the subject himself.

And his marks weren’t just small rashes; they were real love bites, which are deep in color and large in size.

Ji Xingchen tossed aside the towel and hastily tightened the robe’s belt around his waist.

However, even when the robe was tightly fastened up to the collar after meticulous adjustments, it could only barely cover the scattered marks on his neck. The deeper, more vicious red marks were left fully exposed in the air. tbEhpW

After the refreshing shower, Ji Xingchen felt much more comfortable lying on the soft, king-sized bed.

Ran Feng, who came out of the bathroom afterward, embraced him, while his palm pressed against Ji Xingchen’s back.

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“Feeling better now?”

“I’m fine…” Ji Xingchen shook his head and candidly shared his feelings with Ran Feng, “It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but your skills are excellent, so… it got better afterwards.” 0rXiyY

Ji Xingchen had actually done some research secretly, but almost everyone had told him that the first time between two men might be uncomfortable due to adaptation.

However, his experience just now was different from what everyone had described.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg rbwf atbeuta, Al Wlcumtfc jaaglyeafv atlr rqfmlji fzqfglfcmf ab Ejc Mfcu’r rxlii.

“Dgbatfg Mfcu, tbk jgf sbe rb rxliifv…” eJAE5g

Al Wlcumtfc rqbxf klat j meglber jcv lccbmfca abcf, rjslcu kbgvr atja kbeiv wjxf jcs wjc’r tfjga gjmf.

Ejc Mfcu gjlrfv jc fsfygbk jcv rwlifv, wffalcu tlr fsfr. “Vtjii P raglnf ab yf fnfc yfaafg cfza alwf?”

Ji Xingchen’s face suddenly turned red. “That’s not what I meant…”

Of course, Ran Feng knew what he meant. He gently pinched Ji Xingchen’s earlobe and intertwined their fingers. h3IZgd

“Some things, when you’re with someone you love, it comes naturally like it’s human instinct.” After saying this, he kissed the corner of Ji Xingchen’s mouth. “I was afraid you’d be in too much pain, so I didn’t exert too much force.”

Ji Xingchen’s eyes widened in shock. “You… you weren’t using much force?”

Various images involuntarily flashed in his mind.

If tonight was already this intense, what would happen if Ran Feng went all out… uYXdDP

After indulging, Ji Xingchen felt his thoughts were impure again. He found himself glancing under the covers. Based on his visual and sensory estimates, he felt that what Feng said was particularly accurate.

Ji Xingchen lazily rubbed his face against Ran Feng’s pajamas, gently closing his eyes.

The intense exercise had quickly drained all his energy. He was exhausted, his eyes were starting to fight to stay open, but Ran Feng’s body warmth always drew him in, making him want to chat with Brother Feng a little longer.

“Brother Feng, I think I should return the car keys to you. I don’t know how to drive.” 5A6Q7k

Since adulthood, he had been struggling to make a living, with no spare money or time to learn to drive.

Therefore, he still didn’t have a driver’s license.

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So it seemed like a waste for Feng to give him such a valuable car when he couldn’t even drive.

Seeing Ji Xingchen bring up the car again, Ran Feng just smiled faintly without giving a direct answer. bmMzSo

“You don’t necessarily need to drive the car. Sometimes it can be used for other things.”

Ji Xingchen opened his eyes, looking at Ran Feng in confusion.

“What other things can it be used for?”

He felt like he was out of touch, not knowing about other fresh uses. ZdYs5A

“That car is an extended version, with plenty of room in the backseat.”

Ran Feng chuckled lightly, intentionally lowering his voice, and made his tone extremely ambiguous.

“We can try something on it.”

He leaned in close to Ji Xingchen’s ear, his breath spraying onto his skin. a70bjQ

Ji Xingchen, who was almost asleep, suddenly woke up, his heartbeat accelerating rapidly, and he felt like it was about to burst out of his chest.

He suddenly remembered sending a fanfiction to Ran Feng by mistake, which seemed to involve… a car accident…

Several big characters seemed to be stuck on “520“, constantly enlarging in Ji Xingchen’s mind.

His face was already burning to an abnormal degree, so he could only close his eyes and pretend to sleep. E76fTX

Lying face to face, every reaction of Ji Xingchen was naturally seen by Ran Feng.

He chuckled softly at Ji Xingchen’s reaction, and then rubbed the other’s hair, “Alright, I won’t tease you anymore. What if you get mad and won’t let me touch you?”

Ji Xingchen’s eyelashes flickered at his words, but he resisted the urge to open his eyes.

After Ran Feng’s fingers brushed over his long and thick eyelashes, he finally regained his composure. pNRASK

“It’s okay if you can’t drive now. You can learn slowly in the future. If you don’t want to learn, then let me be your driver.”

Ji Xingchen, who was exhausted, only nodded drowsily, and Ran Feng turned off the bedside lamp.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sleep tight, goodnight.”

Originally, Ji Xingchen thought he could wake up on time the next day. However, they ended up spending three times longer exchanging morning kisses than the night before. This left Ji Xingchen completely drained and unable to speak due to his dry throat. g1A4Zi

The drowsiness overpowered the biological clock, and the comfortable warmth of the bed was too enticing.

Ji Xingchen, who was too tired to move, ultimately chose to stay in bed.

Just before falling asleep, he suddenly felt guilty for spending so much time with Ran Feng over the past month and neglected his audience.

Yesterday, he thought Feng would only return tonight, so he told his fans that he would livestream this morning. MEG4o7

When he thought of this, he quickly threw off the blanket and tried to get out of bed in a hurry.

Ran Feng grabbed his wrist to stop him. “What’s wrong?”

“My livestream… I have to livestream this morning.” Ji Xingchen’s tone was faster than usual, and he seemed a little anxious.

“Can’t you pause it for a day?” 3GqVt5

Ji Xingchen shook his head. “No, I can’t.”

But Ran Feng didn’t let go, continuing, “You can sleep a little longer. If the duration isn’t enough, forget it. I know the boss of MeowMeow TV, I’ll give him a call right away.”

Seeing Ran Feng misunderstand that he was worried about the length of the livestream, Ji Xingchen shook his head to explain, “It’s not about the duration of the livestream. It’s because I promised the fans that I would livestream this morning. Because I’ve been focusing on you for the past month, I neglected…” Suddenly realizing he almost slipped up, he quickly corrected himself, “I’ve wasted too much time before, I can’t stand them up again.”

“Oh~” A monosyllabic sound. Ran Feng deliberately prolonged his sentence. He looked into Ji Xingchen’s eyes, then he smiled that carrying a deeper meaning. “What did you just say? I didn’t catch that.” KurM7S

Although Ji Xingchen was tired, his mind was still clear this time, so he didn’t fall for it or repeat what he said earlier.

He turned his body to sit on the edge of the bed, intending to pick up the sleepwear that had fallen to the floor due to morning exercise and put it on.

“I really have to livestream now, brother Feng.”

Ran Feng exerted force on his hand, pulling him back. c6 FI7

“Are you sure you can livestream now?”

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, implying something, as he glanced at Ji Xingchen’s mouth and then down at his neck.

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Ji Xingchen finally understood the hint from the other party.

His throat was now sore and hoarse, not suitable for livestreaming. fW2vDp

“So, what should we do?”

As he spoke, Ji Xingchen shyly lowered his head. “How about I just livestream without talking?”

Ji Xingchen was tired and exhausted because of himself. How could Ran Feng bear to see him like this?

He supported Ji Xingchen’s back, guiding him back to bed, and gently hugged him. “Listen, your current condition isn’t suitable for livestreaming. Just rest assured and sleep, I’ll handle the rest.” F6WkhK

Ji Xingchen blinked. “But…”

Ran Feng didn’t say anything, simply covering Ji Xingchen’s mouth with his own, completely silencing him.

Caught off guard by the kiss, and fearing things might escalate, Ji Xingchen finally stopped talking.

He obediently pulled up the blanket, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in earnest. TAjfQB

After waiting by Ji Xingchen’s side until he was completely asleep, Ran Feng left the room.

He logged into Ji Xingchen’s MeowMeow TV account and went directly to the livestream room.

All of Ji Xingchen’s platform passwords were the same, and he had already told Ran Feng all of them.

After logging in, Ran Feng didn’t turn on the webcam. He changed the name of the livestream room to “Got a sore throat, mute stream today.” s6eTMf

Originally, he intended to turn off the microphone as well, but being inexperienced in livestreaming, he couldn’t find where to do so.

So, Ran Feng, the big celebrity who refused to hold a livestream despite being offered heavy pay by various livestream platforms, started a free livestream for Ji Xingchen, a small streamer of “Honor of kings.”

He took a new phone given by a sponsor. He opened the game, and log in into Ji Xingchen’s alternate account, which was currently only in the “Diamond” rank, so he didn’t have to worry about losing stars.

With the game screen projected onto the computer, he had barely started the livestream when the number of viewers in the room quickly increased. U2cebg

[What happened to your throat?]

[No talking today?]

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[Got a cold? Many people have been getting sick lately. Little Star, take care of yourself.]

[I feel so sad without seeing Star’s face or hearing his voice. t^t] EmjPIX


While the barrage was filled with “t^t”, suddenly a passerby stumbled into the livestream room.

[Wow, this room is so quiet. Is the streamer mute?]

[Yeah, the streamer is mute and disabled, but he is still working hard to livestream. Since brother’s here, let’s give him some support.] 7Iuk9n

Someone started a trend, and viewers began spamming [Mute streamer followed] in the chat.

Translator's Note

“520” is a term used in Chinese internet slang. It is a homophone for “I love you” because the numbers “520” sound similar to “我爱你” (wǒ ài nǐ) in Mandarin Chinese. This term is often used in online communication and text messaging to express love and affection.

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1 comment

  1. Brother Feng, you’re the bed monster

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖