Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh70.1 - Brother Deskmate Are Making Me Tired With Their Szd Talk!!!

Ji Xingchen turning on the camera wasn’t for the reasons everyone guessed. It was simply because the official live stream would cut to his stream, so they asked him to turn it on in advance.

At this moment, inside the official live stream, Ji Xingchen’s face appeared on the screen next to Ran Feng. aWIdx3

As soon as he connected with the host, Ji Xingchen almost immediately noticed Ran Feng next to the host.

There was an earring on his left ear, the same one he saw last night.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The live stream camera didn’t zoom in on their faces, so the audience couldn’t see the details of the earring clearly.

But Ji Xingchen knew that if you looked closely, you’d see that the earring had an “x” engraved on it, corresponding to the “f” on his own earring… 2ZFPdr

They were a couple set.

Ji Xingchen felt his ears suddenly burning up, and he was a bit afraid to look at Ran Feng again.

Clearly, only he wore the earring last night, and Ran Feng didn’t say anything about wearing one…

Yet today, in front of so many people, he directly showed off the couple earrings, openly displaying them for everyone to see.

0B 4Nc

“So, the friend Brother Feng wanted to invite is Star! Actually, everyone is quite familiar with Star, so Star, why don’t you greet everyone.”

The female host’s voice brought Ji Xingchen’s thoughts back, and he quickly looked up, smiling slightly at the camera.

“Hello, everyone, I’m MeowMeow TV’s Star, happy birthday to Honor of kings, and I wish all summoners get their favorite skins and heroes tonight.”

As soon as he spoke, the barrage in the official live stream exploded, all praising his divine looks. AUbt9Z

Before Ji Xingchen appeared, there were only a few celebrity live streams in the room, which were quite eye-catching. But Ran Feng, positioned on the right, with his lowered eyelashes, no expression, and minimal speech, was unique visually.

He had a strong presence and a cold aura, and with a single glance around, it was clear that no one could match him, not even the other celebrities.

Until Ji Xingchen joined.

The director switched side by side between Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen’s live streams, and after the host introduced Ji Xingchen, they both unexpectedly smiled at the same time. z3gJZx

Their smiles were as enchanting as a dream, one tall and aloof, the other fresh and gentle, immediately capturing the hearts of countless girls in front of the screen.

This was simply the ideal youthful image in their hearts!!!

[Fangirling to the max]

[Speechless] qFMTnG

[So eye-catching, please appear together more often in the future!]

[Are all good-looking people like this?]

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[I feel like these two men are incredibly compatible???]

[You’re not alone (loudly)] SKq0Bs

Because their screens were side by side in the live stream room, those viewers who had been staring at their faces quickly noticed the pair of earrings.

The earring styles were not extravagant or eye-catching, but wearing them on their left ears made them impossible to ignore.

[Star is wearing an earring]

[Brother Feng is wearing one too] yQ5r38

[Did you two agree to wear them together?]

[What a coincidence, good brothers are really too tacit (sly)]

Before the official stream merged Ji Xingchen’s and Ran Feng’s screens, they were each streaming in different rooms.

So their respective fans only noticed them wearing earrings separately. EwvacU

Now that the screens were merged, the situation seemed more ambiguous.

Non-CP fans and bystanders loved this kind of ambiguity and immediately started speculating.

[Why do I feel like Brother Feng and Star’s earring styles are similar?]

[The styles are similar?? Are there such things as matching earrings for brothers? It’s probably a couple earrings…] B3GCNi

[Exactly, it’s “Couple Earrings”]

[Hahaha, I’m all for a couple earrings!]

[“Lovey-Dovey Earrings”]

[“Bros Hug it Out”] VUk4np

The non-CP fans in the live stream room were caught up in the rhythm, but those real brother deskmate CP fans were now trembling, biting their fingertips, and silently screaming in their hearts, while tightly sealing their mouths with tape, trembling.

As seasoned brother deskmate CP fans, they had noticed it long ago!!

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If such a big candy couldn’t be seen, they might as well just kick them out of the fandom!!

Lbkfnfg, jiatbeut atfs xcfk lc atflg tfjgar atja atlr mjcvs kjr ylu jcv rkffa, atfs vlvc’a vjgf ab rtbk la bqfcis, ifa jibcf bqfcis rtlq la. WDFLB0

Coafg jii, atf wbgf gfji la kjr, atf wbgf mjgfoei atf JU ojcr tjv ab yf.

So the brother deskmate CP fans, just like before, when they saw everyone making a fuss, immediately welded the cabinet door shut!!

[No, it’s not, it’s impossible, just a coincidence]

[Look closely, they’re not matching styles, clearly not couple earrings] bUv1p2

[They’re just good friends, sharing accessories between good friends is normal]

[My brother Feng often changes his earrings, don’t make a big deal out of it]

[It can’t be couple earrings, real lovers keep it low-key, they wouldn’t dare to be so open]

Jbcagjgs ab atflg tfjgar, jr atfs asqfv atfrf kbgvr, atf ygbatfg vfrxwjaf JU ojcr ktb kfgf jigfjvs fzmlafv ab atf qblca bo ygfjatifrrcfrr ujrqfv obg jlg jcv rtbeafv: “Pa’r abb tjgv obg wf!!” fhBSW6

The CP fans were really trying hard, but this time Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng were just too dazzling, so the audience’s CP rhythm remained high.

Even Ji Xingchen’s live stream room was the same.

During the gaming event, apart from the spokesperson and a few celebrities, the official also arranged for high-popularity professional players and streamers from the three major platforms.

After Ji Xingchen greeted everyone, the director switched the camera off and moved on to the next celebrity to invite the next streamer. Do3LPT

Without the attention of so many people in the official live stream room, Ji Xingchen only turned on the camera in his own live stream room, so he didn’t feel as nervous as before.

But when he looked at the barrage, he found that the audience in his live stream room was going crazy with nested dolls.

[Turning on the camera to show couple earrings, I get it]

[Turning on the camera to show couple earrings, I get it] ukKo26

[Turning on the camera to show couple earrings, I get it]

[Heart aches for Boss Wanfeng]

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[Mr. Surname Ran, you’re really something]

Ji Xingchen, who had just relaxed a bit, suddenly became nervous again. Tcm2bV

In the past, he would either directly deny or play along with such jokes.

But times had changed, back then he and Ran Feng weren’t together yet.

Today, they did indeed show off their couple earrings in front of so many viewers nationwide. Being teased by the barrage like this, he suddenly felt guilty and didn’t know what to say.

Since he had nothing to say, Ji Xingchen chose to remain silent without explaining. T3QFRs

[Star, you’re not explaining this, it seems like you are admitting it]

[Star, something is not right with you]

No matter how much the bullet comments were teased, Ji Xingchen pretended not to see them. Then the viewers saw him suddenly grant a new account called [fffffffff] a yellow badge, directly promoting it to moderator.

The CP rhythm was temporarily forgotten by them, and they all began to focus on his recent move. RAXrTW


[Promoting a blank account to moderator directly?]

[Who is this person? So awesome?]

[fffffffff? Brother Feng? Ran Feng?] GN1ekV

Giving moderator status to an account that had never sent gifts before, seeing everyone curious, Ji Xingchen nodded gently at the camera.

“Yeah, it’s Brother Feng.”

The audience who had already guessed the truth had expressions of ‘I understand.’ They were about to type to express their thoughts when suddenly someone named “Star’s Husband Fan” popped up in the live stream.

[Star’s Husband Fan]: Ahhh, my wife looks so handsome today, I’m so lucky!! 81JUcb

[Star’s Husband Fan]: Bros, I want to support Star right now!!

As soon as this husband’s fan appeared, he immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

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[Damn, can you believe the guy who just called Star his wife is actually a man?]

[Huh, a man???] T0xvIN

[Here’s a suggestion, let’s rename him as Star’s Male Fan]

While the barrage was still gossiping, two system messages continuously popped up in the live stream room.

System Prompt: [Star’s Husband Fan]has been permanently muted by moderator [fffffffff]

System Prompt: [Star’s Husband Fan]has been kicked out of the room by moderator [fffffffff] GT7ugq


[The male fan got permanently muted and kicked out?]

[Is Brother Feng jealous?]

Ji Xingchen looked at the suddenly eerie barrage rhythm in the live stream room and explained nervously, “Stop spamming, everyone, don’t spam, otherwise Brother Feng… otherwise both of us, Brother Feng and I, will mute you.” 3SyGvU

[Just two messages and it’s already considered spamming?]

[Star, you don’t need to explain so hard]

[Is Brother Feng trying to prevent the male fans from causing trouble for you?]

[Hey] d9ADa

[But Brother Feng, weren’t you just talking to the host? How do you have time to kick people out?]

[《Time Management Guru》]

[ok, fine]

The audience in the live stream room was so sharp that Ji Xingchen silently lowered his head to focus on the game, afraid to say another word. 7cHnmd

While the event hadn’t officially started yet, he switched out of the game interface to claim the anniversary rewards from the official anniversary.

He couldn’t see any red dots in his game interface, but he knew he had to clear them if there were any. Although he had directly entered the room when accepting the invitation earlier, he still kept this in mind.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After opening the event page, Ji Xingchen cleared all the red dots one by one, then went back to the initial column and opened Ran Feng’s new poster.

At the bottom right of the poster, it showed that he could claim 10 Honor points, 1000 diamonds, 100 rune fragments, 10 hero fragments, and 10 skin fragments. zo9 I3

In addition to these, at the top of this interface, a line of text was bolded and capitalized:

[Summoners of the Canyon, tonight at 8 o’clock sharp, don’t miss out on Ran Feng’s presence. Log in to Honor of kings, follow the official Honor of kings livestream, and the official Weibo. A large number of internal test exclusive skins will be presented to you]

Everyone who plays games all know that other skins, including limited edition ones, still have chances to be obtained through voting, but for the two internal test exclusive skins, Sun Shangxiang’s Rose Lover and Ying Zheng’s Elegant Lover, the only way to get them is to compete with millions of players during major festivals in Honor of kings.

Ji Xingchen quickly claimed the anniversary rewards and then switched back to the team room. 10QzYO

When he switched back this time, he found that the room, which originally only had him and Ran Feng, was now full with ten people.

With more people, everyone started chatting. Upon hearing the host say that Ran Feng would be giving away skins at eight o’clock, the celebrities immediately joked with Ran Feng to blacklist them and not give them the skins. Meanwhile, the streamers and professional players who were all in their own live stream rooms during the event also joined in the chat, cheering in the room.

Yang Yuhuan Travels the World: Rose Lover, Brother Feng, blacklist me [Rose]

Master Taiyi: Rose Lover, Brother Feng, blacklist me [Rose] sDkAmd

Dream of Swan Qiqi: Rose Lover, Brother Feng, blacklist me [Rose]

Arthur Trembles: Rose Lover, Brother Feng, blacklist me [Rose]

The streamers and several professional players were informed by the official in advance that they would participate in the gaming event tonight. So, for the sake of the show’s effect, they had already privately agreed to change their names together.

Ji Xingchen did the same, changing his name to Prince Frost. xjau1E

Following the pattern, he typed in the chat box and joined the copycat army.

Prince Frost: Rose Lover, Brother Feng, blacklist me [Rose]

The open mic in the room allowed Ji Xingchen to hear that while he was typing, Ran Feng was discussing giving away skins with the host and celebrities.

However, the next second, a new chat message suddenly appeared in the room. 8dCMjz

Ran Feng: I’m afraid not.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the message, then discreetly checked the official livestream he had opened on his phone. Indeed, Ran Feng had just subtly lowered his head.

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The phrase “Time Management Guru” suddenly popped into Ji Xingchen’s mind.

So, did Ran Feng really just respond to him about the skin giveaway?? jXqpLM

Thinking this, Ji Xingchen typed another line.

Prince Frost: ?????

Prince Frost: Not even one skin? [Pitiful][Pitiful]

Mo Yuze, who was also attending the event as a promotional ambassador, saw the chat record and immediately came to add fuel to the fire with a smiling face. Xru8NJ

Mo Yuze: Your relationship can’t even withstand a skin test?

Mo Yuze: Brother Feng, you’re not doing well.

Mo Yuze: [Sly]

Prince Frost: ????? 03Ehyo

[Ran Feng, you’re not doing well]

[《Applause should be here》]

[《Nice move》]

Ji Xingchen glanced at the barrage, then looked at his phone again, only to find that Ran Feng had replied to him again. 3oidv4

Ran Feng: I’ll give you my account.

Give an account?

Ji Xingchen was puzzled.

Prince Frost: Why do I want your account? s24ND5

In the livestream, Ran Feng lowered his eyes and gently curved his lips.

Ran Feng: All skins.

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Ran Feng: Play whatever you want.

Ji Xingchen, belatedly realizing, felt his heart pounding loudly twice. RzMFQd

Even though these two sentences were just text, he could imagine Ran Feng saying them in his mind.

Ji Xingchen calmed his mind, lowered his head and continued typing.

Prince Frost: .

Prince Frost: All skins? uZLEch

Prince Frost: Where did they come from?

Ran Feng: From the official.

Ji Xingchen’s typing hands paused, feeling like he had just bitten into ten thousand lemons in his heart.

Why didn’t he get any skins, even though he participated in the official event too? JOGYqP

Seeing Ji Xingchen suddenly silent, Ran Feng typed a question mark.

Ran Feng: ?

A few seconds later, he received a reply from Ji Xingchen.

Prince Frost: [Lemon] [Lemon] [Lemon] bZMLDn

Ji Xingchen sent more than ten lemon emojis before saying,

Prince Frost: I’m so sour.

Ji Xingchen’s game interface was broadcasted into the live stream, so everything he and Ran Feng said just now was seen by the audience.

Tonight’s theme for the viewers was to tease their CP with Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen, so as soon as Ji Xingchen said he felt sour, the viewers started teasing him. qVvoWe

[You two openly flirt in front of so many people, do you think we won’t feel sour?]

[As a single dog, I feel even more sour, don’t I?]

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[I hope you two understand, ‘Public Display of Affection Will Be Arrested’.]

[Illegal.] 2Tr4MZ



CP fans silently watched all of this and continued to keep their mouths shut: Endure! Restrain!! Keep it low-key!!!

After everyone made jokes, at exactly eight o’clock, Ran Feng finally sent out the biggest wave of benefits tonight. WwjtO2

Ji Xingchen, the little black hand, even took part in it, but naturally didn’t get anything.

Not only did he not get anything, he didn’t even get 10 skin fragments, only getting 100 rune fragments.

“Although rune fragments are nice, I still want the Rose Lover skin.”

Ji Xingchen said sarcastically, already having a full set of runes. VEjSN1

Hearing his lament, someone in the room joked with him.

“You already have Brother Feng’s full skin account, so it doesn’t matter if you didn’t get anything~”

The speaker might not have intended it, but the listener couldn’t help but feel it. Perhaps it’s because of wearing couple earrings, Ji Xingchen always has this feeling that everyone knows about his relationship with brother Feng.


Translator's Note

“big candy” refers to a significant or obvious moment that fuels the fans’ shipping fantasies. It is a metaphor used by fans, particularly those who support the romantic pairing of two celebrities (known as “CP fans”), to describe an event or action that strongly suggests a romantic connection between their favored duo. The “candy” is something sweet and delightful for the shippers, and a “big candy” indicates a particularly exciting or substantial hint of a relationship.

Translator's Note

“welded the cabinet door shut” means that fans who ship the two celebrities are deliberately hiding their enthusiasm or suspicions about a possible romantic relationship. They’re keeping their excitement and interpretations hidden to avoid drawing attention or causing controversy.

Translator's Note

“nested dolls” (套娃) is a metaphor derived from Russian nesting dolls, where each doll is contained within a larger one. It means the comments or actions are being repeated in a chain-like manner, one after another, creating a repetitive and nested effect.

Translator's Note

“yellow badge” indicates that a user has been promoted to an administrator or moderator, giving them special privileges in the live stream, like managing chat or users.

Translator's Note

“guru” humorously means someone who is exceptionally skilled at managing their time.

Translator's Note

“Bitten into ten thousand lemons” is an expression used to convey a feeling of extreme sourness or disappointment. It’s a metaphorical way of describing a situation where someone feels overwhelmingly disappointed or frustrated, as if they had taken a bite of something extremely sour, like a lemon, multiple times over.

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  1. It’s good, everyone already know

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖