Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh7 - I want to give you a gift

At seven in the morning, Ji Xingchen, whose clock was extremely punctual, woke up.

He slept a bit late last night and felt a bit dizzy upon waking up. 2Zg8zF

After washing his face with cold water to wake himself up, Ji Xingchen walked into the kitchen and reheated the white rice porridge he cooked last night.

After finishing a simple breakfast, he took out his phone and logged into a secondary account.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This account had never appeared in his livestream before; it was his private account used for practicing heroes and improving his skills.

For games like this, if you don’t set aside time for daily practice, you’ll gradually become rusty. lHUJEP

To maintain the high quality of high-rank games during livestreams, he had to spend time practicing.

However, with most of his time spent on livestreaming every day, the only free time he had to practice heroes was these two to three hours in the morning.

Influenced by the boss last night, Ji Xingchen played five games in a row as Li Bai when he logged into the game this morning.

After playing, besides getting five MVPs, he also got three super gods and two five-kill streaks. The results were impressive, but he always felt that his Li Bai compared to the boss’s Li Bai was lacking something.


Looking at the model of Li Bai in the game, Ji Xingchen wandered around for a while, with scenes of the boss leading him from last night filling his mind.

“Star, I’ll get you the blue buff.”

“Star, follow me.”

“Star, give me a shield.” gr04xc

The Li Bai the boss played last night was dressed in the game’s most handsome skin, the “Phoenix Return.” When he roamed the King’s Canyon with him, he moved freely and was extraordinarily suave.

Ji Xingchen followed him, never worrying about any danger.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Xingchen finally figured out where the slight difference lay, but in the end, he could only attribute this difference to the lack of skins on his Li Bai…

After playing five games, the alarm clock on his phone rang. 13JxFE

The time displayed on the phone was ten past nine.

This was the time Ji Xingchen had set specially yesterday.

He quickly exited the game interface, opened his phone contacts, and found Jiang Mu’s number.

Jiang Mu was one of Ji Xingchen’s few good friends. hXZPdD

To say they were friends, their relationship was more like brothers. Although they weren’t born to the same parents, they were as close as real brothers.

Jiang Mu’s parents died in an accident when he was born, and he was raised by his grandmother from a young age, who happened to be Ji Xingchen’s grandmother’s neighbor.

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Later, Jiang Mu’s grandmother also passed away due to illness when he was five years old. Ji Xingchen’s grandmother felt sorry for him and worried that he would be bullied in the welfare home, so she took care of him and supported his education.

Although Ji Xingchen and Jiang Mu were four years apart, they had been playing together since they were young, and their relationship was particularly good. do26kH

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Wlcumtfc lr cbk j Lbcbg Yo Blcur ragfjwfg, yea lc ojma, Aljcu Ze kjr atf bcf ktb lcagbvemfv tlw ab Lbcbg Yo Blcur.

Geglcu atf qfglbv ktfc Al Wlcumtfc’r wbatfg tjv pera qjrrfv jkjs, tf kjr nfgs vfqgfrrfv, ibmxlcu tlwrfio lc tlr gbbw fnfgs vjs, riffqlcu vjs joafg vjs klatbea ajixlcu ab jcsbcf bg fjalcu jcsatlcu.

Later, Jiang Mu couldn’t bear to see him like this. Afraid that he would become depressed and die, he told him that he wanted to join the professional Honor Of Kings league and asked Ji Xingchen to accompany him to practice heroes.

During that time, Ji Xingchen couldn’t muster any energy for anything, so he reluctantly agreed to Jiang Mu’s request, playing the game with the mindset of completely immersing himself in the game and isolating himself from reality. i5LdOK

To prevent him from having idle time to overthink things, Jiang Mu tirelessly called him to practice heroes, duo ranked, and climb the rankings every morning as soon as they woke up…

If one account was banned after playing for a certain amount of time, they would switch to another one and continue.

Ji Xingchen remembered that during that time, he dreamed of pushing turret every day.

After exhausting all his energy on the game, his mentality gradually improved. Only when he calmed down did he realize how absurd his previous actions were. aPZo5X

However, at that time, both he and Jiang Mu had already reached Honor of Kings 100 Stars, and they had occupied the first and second positions in the Peak Match QQ Zone.

Afterward, they both received invitations from the club.

Ji Xingchen’s goal was not here, plus he was no longer suitable for professional gaming due to his age, so he refused.

But Jiang Mu, who was seventeen years old at the time, the golden age for professional competitions, decisively agreed to join the youth training camp for training. GHkd0j

Half a year ago, he went to City C alone without hesitation. After half a year of training, he finally stood out at the beginning of the year’s Honor Of Kings draft selection and won the top pick in the youth training camp, directly signing with the SA club.

Yesterday, Jiang Mu called him and said that there was a high probability that he could start the game tonight. Ji Xingchen estimated that he had already arrived in City S by now, so he dialed the phone.


As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Mu’s slightly excited voice sounded in Ji Xingchen’s ear through the phone. jSY2kp

Listening to Jiang Mu’s good mood, Ji Xingchen’s worries lessened a bit.

“It seems like you’re in a pretty good mood.”

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“Of course, it’s the first time going to the competition venue as an official player, of course, I’m excited.”

“Look at how pleased you are. Just got off the plane?” hS85AV

“It’s been a while since I arrived. The boss is driving us to the Mercedes-Benz Arena to familiarize ourselves with the venue.” Jiang Mu’s tone was lively like a happy lark when he spoke.

“Hey bro, I just saw NIS fans, there are so many of them.”

NIS is a very popular team in the KPL professional league. Tonight, besides the SA team, they also have a match, and their fans are going to cheer for them at the venue.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have a lot of fans in the future too.” gzDQfE

“But I haven’t officially played yet, and no one knows me.”

“Who says no one knows you? I’m your fan, aren’t I? But it’s impossible for me to go to the venue from so far away. I’ll just barely watch the live stream on the computer and send you some free gifts and shoutouts.” Ji Xingchen said with a smile, but there was a hint of regret in his eyes.

For Jiang Mu’s important debut in the KPL, as an older brother, he should have gone to the venue to support him.

But S City was too far away, and both he and Jiang Mu were broke. 9zIsSj

Before, all the money in the family was spent on treating his mother’s illness, and he hadn’t received his salary this month yet. There was simply no spare money to buy plane tickets.

Jiang Mu heard Ji Xingchen’s meaning from his joke and quickly retorted, “I beg you not to come, please! If you come, I guarantee I’ll be so nervous that my hands will sweat. What if I mess up my debut?”

“Do I have such a bad influence?” Ji Xingchen asked back.

“It’s not just bad, it’s extremely bad… I remember every time you bet against a team, that team would lose! I used to bet against you with my prediction coins. By the way bro, I suggest you put all your prediction coins on the opposing team tonight, give them a bit of a jinx, and our team will definitely have a higher chance of winning. Of course, you can still send me some free gifts to boost our team’s popularity.” n5wH2j

“Alright.” Ji Xingchen laughed at Jiang Mu’s disdain, “But I already bet all my coins on your team yesterday.”

“Huh, seriously bro?!” Jiang Mu wailed, “It’s over, it’s over, now I’m suddenly nervous.”

The two brothers chatted about this and that on the phone, and finally, Jiang Mu asked about Ji Xingchen’s recent situation.

“Bro, has your livestream been going smoothly lately? I’ve been feeling nauseous every day from training matches this month, haven’t had a chance to watch your livestream yet.” HqjOTr

“It’s been pretty good, just casually hitting a million viewers.” Ji Xingchen started spouting nonsense with his eyes open.

“Awesome!” Jiang Mu transformed into the king of flattery.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Bro, I won’t talk to you for now. I’m getting off the car. We’ll chat later after I finish my match tonight.”

“Okay.” bR5aFd

After hanging up Jiang Mu’s call, Ji Xingchen turned on his computer to prepare for his livestream on MeowMeow TV.

As soon as he logged in, he received a private message from the MeowMeow TV Admin 33, who gave him a WeChat ID to add.

Meow 33 is Ji Xingchen’s administrator on MeowMeow TV, responsible for his contracts, livestreams, and other matters.

However, since Ji Xingchen signed the contract, except for some brief exchanges with this administrator when he first signed, the two haven’t spoken for a month. FVzfXM

Ji Xingchen opened WeChat and added the contact according to the number, and the request was instantly accepted.

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: Star, you’re finally online!

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: I’ve been waiting for you for so long.

In Ji Xingchen’s memory, this person used to be somewhat aloof and cold, but today he suddenly seemed so enthusiastic towards him, which made him feel a bit uncomfortable. 4dxBs1

Star: Hello

Star: I just saw it.

As soon as Ji Xingchen finished typing, the other party added him to a group.

There were exactly one hundred people in the group, each of them changing their group names to their names on MeowMeow TV. ipVgCL

Ji Xingchen quickly changed his name as well, but he didn’t speak in the group.

Ji Xingchen had heard some old viewers of MeowMeow TV talk about it. MeowMeow TV has divided the groups for the streamers based on their popularity and income.

There are entry level, ordinary level, advanced level, mid level, and of course, top-tier god-level streamer groups.

He looked at the names of the other streamers in the group and quickly recalled the usual popularity of these streamers. rxJlz4

Ji Xingchen estimated that he had entered the group of ordinary-level streamers on MeowMeow TV.

Isn’t this a pretty big leap? He skipped the entry-level directly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

WeChat vibrated a few times again, and Ji Xingchen switched back to his chat with the administrator.

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: Star, your recent livestreaming effect has been very good. Keep it up and keep working hard! xZzp6r

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: Your total income this week is 207,000, ranking fifth in the Honor Of Kings area!!! Congratulations!!!

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: As a reward, the website has given you three days of homepage recommendation, Honor Of Kings area top recommendation, and new streamer top recommendation positions, from 10-12 am and 6-9 pm randomly. Star, please make sure to seize this opportunity, produce high-quality livestreams, and attract more viewers.

MeowMeow TV Admin 33: In addition, maintaining a friendly relationship with the boss can make the boss’s love and support for you more stable and long-lasting. For Boss Wanfeng Picks Star, remember to provide more benefits and communicate more~

The administrator probably worried that Ji Xingchen lacked experience, so he rattled off a series of instructions. gLFckP

But the central idea is still the last one, you must do everything possible to grab onto the boss!

Star: Okay

Star: Thank you

Suddenly receiving benefits from the website, Ji Xingchen didn’t seem too happy. Vy4MAs

He knew that these were all the 200,000 yuan that Wanfeng Picks Star had smashed for him these days.

Although between the boss and the streamer, it was normal for the boss to give gifts and the streamer to bring him joy.

But for Boss Wanfeng Picks Star, Ji Xingchen always felt that the other party was a bit special to him.

But where exactly this specialness lay, Ji Xingchen couldn’t figure it out. AFVoUd

He exited the chat with the administrator and found Wanfeng Picks Star’s WeChat ID that he had pinned, leaving a few messages for the boss.

Star: Brother Wanfeng, the administrator just notified me that I’ll be on the homepage recommendation today.

Star: Thank you

Star: Could you please tell me your address? os3Uap

Star: I want to give you a gift.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. Give him handwriting letter

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛