Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh68 - [Fans’ Comments] A Love as Strong as Steel

Ji Xingchen watched Brother Feng’s departing figure, while blushing deeply.

He covered his face and lay back on the bed, his fingertips still warm from earlier. AKFbDO

He remembered reading somewhere that during the honeymoon phase, people always want to kiss, hug, touch, and snuggle their partner.

He realized that he felt the same way about Brother Feng now.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Seeing his face made him want to kiss him, and being near him made him want to be closer.

If Brother Feng touched his face or held his hand, his heart would race and his face would blush. 8rma0G

This feeling was strange but uncontrollably enjoyable.

It turned out that being in love was so wonderful and joyful.

After getting up, the two had breakfast in the restaurant, and Ran Feng’s manager Li Na came to the hotel.

Ran Feng was feeding Ji Xingchen some milk, when Li Na knocked on the door.


Ji Xingchen had just eaten a boiled egg and was a bit choked.

When he was about to drink some water, Ran Feng handed him his warm milk.

Ji Xingchen met Ran Feng’s gaze and took a sip from his hand.

Just then, Li Na arrived. hX5M3P

Ji Xingchen felt guilty, and wanted to hide in the bedroom, but Ran Feng stopped him.

Seeing Ran Feng go to open the door, Ji Xingchen could only lower his head and continued drinking the milk to conceal his nervousness and panic.

When Li Na saw Ji Xingchen in the room, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes before she regained her composure.

“Hello, Sister Li Na.” sCT8GQ

Ji Xingchen stood up in a fluster, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say. He was so nervous that he choked on the milk.

Ran Feng walked over to him, gently patted his back, and after Ji Xingchen felt better, he took a tissue and wiped the milk from his lips.

“Eat slowly, wait for me.”

Ran Feng’s actions were intimate, and his tone carried a hint of tenderness. kpd1ms

Li Na, who witnessed the entire scene, felt like her eyes were going to be blinded by the cuteness overload. “Alright, alright, enough showing off. I get it, you’re no longer single. Watching this is just making this lonely old soul feel even sadder.”

Li Na joked easily, but she was still a bit shocked inside.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

She never expected Ran Feng to move so quickly…

Has it really been that long since they reconnected? z7UoN

Li Na glanced at Ran Feng, signaling with her eyes—Xiao Feng, you’re really something.

Ran Feng just smirked lightly.

Seeing that Li Na was neither shocked nor flustered, Ji Xingchen was taken aback.

Had Brother Feng given his manager a heads-up beforehand? SeIX3Y

Ji Xingchen was about to look at Ran Feng when he heard Li Na say to him, “Xingxing, why did you agree to him so quickly? Shouldn’t you have made him chase you a bit more?”

Li Na looked at the young man in front of her.

‘He was even better-looking in person than in the videos, vibrant and full of life.’

At this moment, he gazed at her in confusion and surprise, his lips rosy, and his eyelashes still damp from coughing. mJz8ur

Being stared at so directly, Li Na couldn’t help but feel drawn into his dark, and innocent eyes.

She had seen many good-looking people in the entertainment industry.

But someone who left such a lasting impression and had a fatal attraction with just one look was rare.

In that moment, she somewhat understood why someone like Ran Feng, who was like an immortal, untouched by worldly concerns, would be so captivated by him. 836Cwk

When Ji Xingchen heard Li Na call his name, he didn’t even notice her second sentence clearly. He looked at her curiously.

“Sister Li Na, you know me?”

It’s normal for Ji Xingchen to recognize Li Na, as Ran Feng’s manager was known among fans.

But the reverse was quite unusual. AntrPD

Li Na found Ji Xingchen’s reaction adorable and couldn’t help but tease Ran Feng, “Of course, I know you. Someone had me change rooms at the last minute and then suddenly wanted to switch songs at the concert. Very memorable.”

Change rooms and songs?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen had guessed about the room change during the KPL performance, but the second part…

He turned to look at Ran Feng. WThqkB

So, Brother Feng had indeed sung that song specifically for him.

No wonder Brother Feng asked him why he went to area B that day…

So from giving him the ticket, or even earlier, Brother Feng had been planning to write a song to confess to him?

Ji Xingchen felt like his heart was being gently lapped by warm waves. 4d3D s

After being exposed by Lina, Ran Feng lowered his eyes with a faint smile, stepping in front of Ji Xingchen to block between him and Li Na.

He raised his eyes to Li Na, “Did you rush over just to talk about this? Alright, I got it. You can leave now.”

Seeing that Ran Feng was trying to drive her away, Li Na suddenly felt a pang of bittersweetness.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Pr atlr tbk sbe agfja atf rlrafg ktb kbgxr rb tjgv obg sbe?” eiTFOD

Ejc Mfcu ijhlis ifjcfv jujlcra atf ajyif, mbwqifafis ecybatfgfv.

“Tbe’gf lcafggeqalcu ws ibnf ilof.”

Ol Rj kjr ifoa rqffmtifrr, atf ibbx lc tfg fsfr mifjgis rjslcu, ‘Tbe’gf rtjwfifrr!’

Al Wlcumtfc, bc atf batfg tjcv, yiertfv rilutais. oOVu0

He didn’t expect Brother Feng to announce their relationship so openly in front of others.

Indeed, Brother Feng was far bolder than he was.

“You two talk, I’ll go pack my things.”

Despite joking around, Ji Xingchen knew that Li Na must have something important to discuss with Brother Feng, so he took the initiative to find an excuse to leave. MRxpzW

Li Na came to see Ran Feng because there was an interview to be done in the afternoon. The concert was a huge success, and media outlets were lining up to interview Ran Feng.

Ran Feng had previously instructed not to schedule anything after the concert. However, this particular media outlet had a good relationship with them, so Li Na came personally, fearing Ran Feng might not agree if asked via WeChat.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“How long?” After hearing this, Ran Feng simply said these two words.

Li Na was so surprised that she couldn’t say a word for a full minute. She had expected Ran Feng to refuse, but he just agreed so easily?? JcEdfF

“Not long, at most an hour.”

Ran Feng responded casually, “Oh.”

“So, you agree?”

“Mhmm.” vIVFXR

“Not in a hurry to go back?”

Ran Feng’s eyes twinkled mischievously as he smiled, “I can be in a hurry.”


Li Na felt like Ran Feng’s response wasn’t what she had understood. 1Utahs

Because Ran Feng arranged for the interview at the last minute, Ji Xingchen went to the airport on his own. While waiting for the plane, he logged into Weibo on his phone. Since yesterday, he had been busy watching Ran Feng’s concert and had only posted a brief message on Weibo, postponing interactions with his followers.

However, today, due to the flight delay, he was planning to post another message asking everyone to watch later.

But when he opened Weibo, he found his messages were strange.

Ever since it was revealed after the PKL performance that he was classmates with Ran Feng, many people had been sending him all sorts of weird private messages. Apart from normal fan messages, some asked him to advertise, some inquired about Ran Feng’s affairs, some asked him to help confess to Ran Feng, some asked for his WeChat or sent strange photos, and some even called him husband… FUjo0O

Since then, Ji Xingchen had turned off his private messages and only read the comments from fans.

His Weibo post from yesterday, at first, had normal comments, with fans teasing him for skipping work.

But today, his comments suddenly skyrocketed, and each one seemed peculiar.

[Did you secretly go to see Brother Feng’s concert?] 0yjr8i

[How can it be considered sneaking if you’re going to see your husband’s concert? That’s open and aboveboard.]

Ji Xingchen casually scrolled through and came across these two comments, the word “husband” almost makes his heart jump out of his chest.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Suddenly, he felt like everyone knew everything.

Ji Xingchen scrolled further and found that everyone was mostly discussing him and Brother Feng’s relationship. 1oNguA

[Those who understand, understand.]

[Brother Feng is important, Brother Feng is important. Understand.]

[Fine, Star finally got married.]

[Although I ship Star with Boss Wanfeng, I still wish the newlyweds happiness.] ApSzxt

[May you have a harmonious marriage for a hundred years.]

[Blessings for a prosperous offspring.]

[Remember to announce the marriage in the live stream. Starting now, Mom will start saving magical shooting stars as a dowry.]

[Dowry +1] Ez9Q53

[Then I’ll contribute to the betrothal gift +1]

The fans’ joyful comments celebrating the “new year” were just too weird!!!

Ji Xingchen saw everyone joking around, and his first thought was that someone had taken photos of him at the concert yesterday?

He hadn’t checked his messages for a day, so why was there suddenly 2G internet? gazqyu

Ji Xingchen didn’t read any more comments. Instead, he directly clicked on Brother Feng’s Super Topic, and finally understood what was going on.

It turned out to be the song Brother Feng sang last night.

Yesterday, when Ji Xingchen was browsing the Super Topic, many people were posting pictures and texts. Although many mentioned Brother Feng’s last song, due to Brother Feng’s new look being so explosive, fans who didn’t attend the concert were more focused on the images.

Later on, various fan sites and casual fans released snippets from last night’s concert. This highly acclaimed original unnamed song was finally heard in its live version by the fans. smecK5

This song was incredibly tender and enchanting, and fans found it particularly pleasant, so they began dissecting the lyrics.

Old fans knew that Brother Feng had composed many songs himself, but he had never written a love song before. Moreover, putting this song last in the concert was exceptionally unusual. So, many began to speculate whether Brother Feng was in a romantic relationship.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, after scrutinizing every word of the lyrics, fans began to feel that it actually looked more like a love confession to a secret crush.

So, the direction of the speculation suddenly shifted to wondering who Brother Feng was confessing to. I5Ld9a

[I really can’t imagine Brother Feng wrote this. Instead of someone chasing after him, is he secretly in love?]

[And it seems Brother Feng hasn’t dared to speak up. Who’s so awesome that Brother Feng has been waiting for her for so many years?]

[Seventeen-year-old you? High school classmate, right?]

[Liked her since high school till now?? Five or six years?? Brother Feng is too loyal!!] TKiWgn

[But his high school classmates and alumni have already spilled the beans clean. He’s the school’s heartthrob, and many girls pursued him, but he never dated.]

[Right, everyone mostly mentioned Ji Xingchen, but isn’t he a guy or just a friend?]

[In my experience, if brother Feng really liked someone or had a girlfriend in high school, it would have been impossible to keep it a secret. It would’ve been exposed long ago. If it hasn’t come out by now, it means there’s nothing.]

[Agreed. After all the digging, all we found was a deskmate… that’s a bit of an overreach.] myLwMR

[It’s just a song, no need to gossip so much.]

[Aren’t there other celebrities who write ambiguous and sexy love songs without being in a relationship? What does that prove?]

[Brother Feng also wrote an unreleased song at his concert three years ago, which he wrote himself… It’s just a tradition of concerts, isn’t it?]

After searching around for a while, everyone found that Brother Feng’s relationships in high school were perfectly normal. Except for Star, who was named, none of the other guys and girls around him even had ambiguous partners, so there was no way to figure it out. 1gKvdV

Seeing that there were no results, many people dismissed this speculation and continued to swipe videos to admire Brother Feng’s beauty.

However, while normal fans didn’t uncover anything, the Deskmate CP fans were celebrating the new year with gusto!

In their eyes, “At seventeen” happened to be Star’s age when he was a senior in high school, right??

Moreover, in the lyrics, there were lines like “Gazing at the starry sky” and “Under endless stars and moon.” It just so happened that the word “star” was mentioned so coincidentally. Y0klmT

Putting the two stars together, wouldn’t that refer to “Xingxing”!!

So, whether it’s the age mentioned in the lyrics or the hidden names, no matter which one you take, it perfectly fits in. It’s obviously a song about Star!!

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Brother Feng secretly admired someone for over five years, and in the end, he said he wanted to date “Star”!!

The Brother Deskmate CP fans went crazy!!! zy2SMi

This concert was clearly a confession to Star by Brother Feng!!

And yesterday, Star mysteriously took a break from streaming. Surely that meant he went to see Brother Feng’s concert!!

Last night, they even said Brother Feng kept looking at Area A. Maybe he was looking at Star!!

Oh my, what kind of beautiful love is this, slaying the whole audience!! gKdy4Q

In the Super topic that had only been established for a short time, CP fans were setting off fireworks and celebrating that they had really made it.

That night, the host directly pinned the lyrics and recommending everyone to read them repeatedly as a classic for the CP. At the bottom, they even added a freshly baked picture, showing Brother Feng and Star’s marriage certificate, with the date of the concert.

In the eyes of the CP fans, singing a confession song was equivalent to DOI, and a single gaze exchanged during the concert meant they were practically married and ready to have kids.

After enjoying this sugar rush, the CP fans revved up their metaphorical 18j supercars, unlocking many new and creative poses in fanart. ZhvPYq

Due to CP fans frenzy, Ji Xingchen’s Weibo was flooded with CP-related comments.

But whether it’s CP or not, it’s always a niche fandom’s own pleasure.

However, after spending a night celebrating the new year with Brother Deskmate CP fans, the next day, these sugary speculations they cooked up were taken to the forums by someone with ulterior motives.

Because Brother Feng had never had such CP scandals before, now suddenly having one sparked curiosity, so someone took advantage of it and started to stir up the mood. UK1cT2

Some crazy fans started dissing Ji Xingchen, saying that he shamelessly rode the wave for attention, tying himself to Ran Feng since the KPL performance, wanting fame so badly, just like Jingze, unworthy of being Brother Feng’s buddy.

Later, some even created posts summarizing some well-known online rumors, dissing Ji Xingchen as a dropout who didn’t even graduate from high school, an illiterate who had no proper job and only relied on shipping and acting like a girl to attract guys to become a saucy streamer.

And then, another wave of people, stirred up, went to Ji Xingchen’s Weibo and live streams, cursing him like crazy, and some even wanted to continue doxxing him.

Although CP fans loved their imagination, and liked to dissect sugar with a microscope, both sides of the CP were their darlings. Naturally they didn’t want their fantasies to bring trouble to their lives. zexi8v

Especially Ji Xingchen, he was an outsider to the industry, but because of this CP, he gained more attention and even disturbed his life. He was just innocently getting involved in fan arguments, being dismissed by haters with a disdainful tone about his education and profession.

Why? On what grounds? ? ?

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

CP fans felt sorry for Ji Xingchen on one hand, and on the other hand, feared that the crazy haters would harass him again. They directly turned from passionate CP fans to protective wolf moms.

They launched an attack to crush this wave of haters— aYH8uk

[Haters with naked eyes, you’ve really got guts]

[It’s just for entertainment on livestream, does this really deserve to be dismissed?]

[Who gave you the courage to diss someone’s education? Are you from QU or BU, show us your diploma]

[Other than the KPL performance, did Star ever mention Brother Feng again in his live streams?] shpiTc

[Are you trying to squeeze water from a rock?]

[Haters, shut up and stop spreading negativity]

[If you keep it up, we’ll have Star’ dad and mom come and beat you up]

While trembling with fear, and sneakily enjoying the sugar, yet reluctantly and tearfully, they have to start dismantling this CP openly. ya45od

The top Weibo post of the brother deskmate CP has been completely deleted, and there’s no trace of the marriage certificate anymore.

The lyrics also had a new interpretation—

Being 17 years old was just for creating the atmosphere of the lyrics. Isn’t an innocent crush exactly what happens at this age?

As for “Gazing at the starry sky” and “Under endless stars and moon”? No, no, no, it’s just pulled out of thin air. LIAlFm

Under the fan fiction, the interpretation of the sweet plot just updated by the writer has also changed—

‘No, no, no, when their foreheads are pressed together, they’re competing against each other. When their hands are held together, they’re secretly arm wrestling, and their kisses? No, no, that’s just a visual illusion.’

What do you mean “DOI”? My son, Little Star, is still young, and he’s still a pure 24k virgin, “DOI” doesn’t exist!!

[Brother Feng’s songwriting has nothing to do with Star? The encore from three years ago at the concert was also a new song that was never released] GEktTs

[Brother Feng is beautiful, Star is beautiful. If there was really something going on, they would have been together long ago, why wait until today]

In order to protect their brothers’ love, the fans of Ji Xingchen were heartbroken.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

During Ji Xingchen’s livestream at night, the atmosphere in the livestream room was like this.

Audience: Can I be your deskmate, big brother? QoYz4u

[No, you can’t!]

[Our deskmate relationship is just a touching bond between classmates!]

Audience: Brother Deskmate is so sweet~

[Drinking the strongest alcohol, making the strongest friends, please don’t misunderstand, our bond is just sincere friendship] tiLWDb

[Please don’t escalate the CP to real life, thanks. The friendship of Brother Feng and Brother Star is sincere]

As soon as a passerby mentioned Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen hadn’t even had a chance to speak yet, this group of CP fans who were watching his live stream without blinking immediately blocked the gate for him.

Seeing fans who used to ask about his marriage suddenly rushing to block the closet door for him, Ji Xingchen’s face is full of question marks.

Not only them, even other viewers in the livestream room felt like they might have stumbled into the wrong livestream tonight. xoXMtn

This eerie atmosphere lingers in the live stream room until…

[Ahhh, ahhh, Brother Feng’s latest interview video!!]

[Quick, sisters, Brother Feng talked about his ideal type!!!]

[Link: Brother Feng’s ideal type, this is too much!] v2Grkc

In the livestream room, including Ji Xingchen, the CP fans couldn’t resist clicking in.

Of course, Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to use his main account to click in, he quietly used a secondary account while lying in bed.

The first dozen minutes of the interview were relatively normal questions, and the question about the ideal type was saved for last.

“Yesterday, you sang a new song that sparked a lot of discussion among your friends and fans, so can I ask, what is your ideal type?” rwnBbd

The script for this kind of interview is always reviewed in advance.

The host also knew that Ran Feng would definitely not answer questions about love, so he cleverly asked about his ideal type.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

When they first saw this, fans thought the host’s question was pointless. Because based on their extensive experience, Brother Feng never talks about such questions, not even the most perfunctory terms like “likes someone who is excellent, kind, gentle, and tall with big eyes”.

So when they saw this, almost everyone could already imagine Brother Feng’s indifferent expression. 2CkKsD

But unexpectedly…

In the video, after listening, Brother Feng’s flirtatious eyes softened slightly, and a shallow curve formed at the corner of his mouth.

This smile was very faint, and almost unnoticeable.

But every fan who saw it noticed that Brother Feng’s smile actually carried a hint of tenderness. JBxM5E

In the camera, Ran Feng seemed to casually yet seriously speak up, “My ideal type…”

He slightly dragged the tone of the last word before revealing the truth, “Someone who plays games well.”

Ideal! Type! Is! Someone! Who! Plays! Games! Well!

Brother Feng, who usually avoids this question, actually voluntarily revealed his ideal type today!!!! 2d8 cZ

Fans screamed until they split in half!!!!

Almost everyone who saw this answer had their own interpretation in their hearts.

Fans in the barrage were coquettish and cute: “Daddy Sugar Daddy~ support the spokesperson for Honor of Kings!”

Fans in their hearts: “Honor of Kings, here I come, hurry up and play!” 9BZOen

Li Na remained calm and composed on Weibo: “@Honor of Kings, of course, it’s someone who plays Honor of Kings well.”

Lina thought to herself: So that’s why he agreed to the interview so quickly, turns out he just fvcking wanted to show off his relationship!

CP fans, outwardly humble and trembling: Retweet the Weibo post and note, “Brother Feng is the spokesperson for Honor of Kings, it’s for the game’s promotion, it’s totally normal!” (yelling loudly)

CP fans, inwardly: Ahhhh! Brother Feng likes people who are good at games, isn’t that our Star!!! Screw brotherly love!! Brother Desk mate is a rock-solid romance! I’m back in the game! I’m alive again!! y K2DC

Translator's Note

“Heads-up” means an advance warning or notice about something.

Translator's Note

“2G internet” refers to second-generation mobile telecommunications technology, which is significantly slower than more recent generations like 3G, 4G, and 5G. “2G internet” is a metaphorical way of expressing that he felt out of the loop or behind on the latest information. It’s akin to saying he was operating with outdated technology or information while everyone else seemed to be up to date.

Translator's Note

At seventeen, you penned poems with innocence,
Since then, my favorite words always carried your essence.
In those confused years, I missed my chance to say,
Loving you became inevitable, in every way.
Is it love?
Thoughts of you make my heart so tender,
Unspoken heartbeats, time’s gentle mender.
Gazing at the starry sky,
Hoping to find you where the fireflies lie.
Wishing to bury
Lonely memories in the summer breeze,
You stumble into my arms, blushing cheeks,
Leaning on my shoulder, breaths intertwining.
A light kiss, like vanilla ice cream,
Melting sweetly on my lips.
Dreaming of inviting you to a love undisturbed,
Longing to kiss you at dawn’s first light,
Under endless stars and moon, planting vows with you.

Translator's Note

“Declaration of Intent” is a formal statement expressing someone’s intention to do something or achieve a certain goal.

Translator's Note

Sugar/Sweet Moments

Translator's Note

“revved up their metaphorical 18j supercars” means that the fans enthusiastically and energetically created a lot of explicit or mature-themed content, symbolized by the metaphorical “supercars.” The term “18j” refers to content suitable for audiences 18 years and older, implying adult or mature themes. So, the phrase essentially suggests that the fans were quickly and eagerly producing a substantial amount of mature content related to their favorite characters or real-life figures.

Translator's Note

“24K virgin” is a humorous way of saying someone is a pure virgin, emphasizing the purity and value of their innocence. “24K” refers to 24 karat gold, which is considered the highest quality and purity, so calling someone a “24K virgin” implies that their purity is of the highest standard.

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  1. He’s sly fox!!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖