Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh67 - Baby, That’s Enough

When Ji Xingchen woke up, he found himself nestled in Ran Feng’s embrace.

He clearly remembered not sleeping in this position last night, but when he opened his eyes, he had unconsciously snuggled into Brother Feng’s arms. 2wJfKP

It was still dark outside, and Ji Xingchen estimated that it was probably not yet six o’clock.

The time was still early, but he suddenly couldn’t fall back asleep, so he slightly tilted his head to look at Ran Feng.

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Last night, Brother Feng had performed a concert for several hours, consuming a lot of energy and must have been exhausted.

He was sleeping soundly now. I fFzo

If he were alone, Ji Xingchen would have already gotten up to make breakfast.

But now, he didn’t dare to move, not even making an extra movement. He just lay obediently on the bed, fearing that any small movement might wake Ran Feng.

Leaning in Ran Feng’s chest, Ji Xingchen pressed against Ran Feng’s warm chest, and could clearly feel his steady heartbeat.

He gently adjusted his breathing until his and Brother Feng’s heartbeats synchronized.


One, two, three…

Ji Xingchen counted their heartbeats, starting over from the beginning every time he reached 999.

He didn’t know how many times he counted through the morning.

Until the sky began to lighten, he finally stopped this somewhat silly action. aB3XNu

Everything before had felt like a sweet dream, but now, hearing the even breathing and heartbeat of the person beside him, he felt a profound sense of reality that he was truly with Brother Feng.

Time had not let him down.

The person he liked had been waiting for him all along.

For some reason, the lyrics of the song Brother Feng sang last night suddenly appeared in his mind— Z1A723

‘Gazing at the starry sky,

Hoping to find you where the fireflies lie.

Wishing to bury

Lonely memories in the summer breeze,’ 5Ri4hu

Ji Xingchen felt both fortunate and regretful.

They had missed each other’s most precious five years.

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During these five years, Brother Feng, like himself, probably had not truly had a good time.

Thinking of this, his heart ached with a sour and swelling feeling. 2cOnUI

For Brother Feng to hold on must have been even harder than it was for him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He could still see Brother Feng through various news, hear his voice, browse his photos, and know his whereabouts.

Dea Dgbatfg Mfcu vlvc’a fnfc xcbk lo tf kjr jilnf bg vfjv…

Vb veglcu atfrf olnf sfjgr, Dgbatfg Mfcu tjv jmaejiis gfilfv bc atbrf lcrluclolmjca wfwbglfr ogbw atf qjra ab rerajlc atlr gfijalbcrtlq. sc49Yr

Al Wlcumtfc’r tfjga jmtfv fnfc wbgf.

Vjslcu la j atberjcv bg afc atberjcv alwfr vbfrc’a mbwqjgf ab olnf sfjgr bo tbqfifrr kjlalcu atja wjxfr qfbqif ageis fwqjatlhf.

Brother Feng’s cherishing of this relationship can’t simply be described by the word “like.”

Ji Xingchen felt his eyes sting a bit, so he quietly raised his head and, like in his student days, carefully stole a glance at Ran Feng’s sleeping face. XDoLtl

His gaze carefully traced the features that were etched into his bones and blood, and would never be forgotten.

Brother Feng’s eyelashes were still as long and dense as before.

The soft light from the bedside lamp cast two shallow shadows on his face.

The shadows slanted across his straight nose and down to his slightly pursed lips. lpAnfZ

Ran Feng’s lips were pale and thin.

But when kissing, they were domineering.

Ji Xingchen’s gaze lingered on Ran Feng’s lips, unwilling to look elsewhere.

Brother Feng’s lips were very soft, and it made his kiss very comfortable. OvrA5Y

His heart moved slightly, and now he really wanted to steal a kiss.

In his youth, Ji Xingchen had secretly observed Ran Feng sleeping countless times.

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He had this thought countless times but had never dared to actually do it.

Ji Xingchen’s eyes flickered, and he suddenly wanted to fulfill this long-held wish today. axdUz2

Glancing at Ran Feng to ensure he was still asleep, Ji Xingchen raised his head, stretched his neck, and cautiously leaned in.

Slowly, slowly, he held his breath and finally planted a kiss on Ran Feng’s lips.

The kiss was especially light, like a dragonfly skimming the water, or a breeze brushing against willows.

Ji Xingchen almost immediately pulled away as soon as he made contact. Zb2q8W

After successfully stealing a kiss, Ji Xingchen felt as satisfied as a little bear that had found a honey to eat, overwhelmed with sweetness.

So this is what it feels like to steal a kiss from the one you like.

Joyful, happy.

“Kissing me secretly?” 6yMK7E

Just as Ji Xingchen was savoring the moment, he heard Ran Feng’s voice above him.

He had just woken up, and his voice was lazy yet particularly sexy.

Ji Xingchen looked up to find Ran Feng gazing at him playfully, while his captivating peach-blossom eyes twinkling and a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Meeting those deep and charming eyes at such a close distance, Ji Xingchen’s heart felt like ants were crawling over it. NrexUm

“No, I kissed you fair and square.”

After realizing that he seemed to be constantly bullied by Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen decided to be a bit more thick-skinned.

So he lowered his head and planted a kiss right over Ran Feng’s heart.

As his eyelashes brushed lightly against Ran Feng’s collarbone, Ji Xingchen said, “I’ve wanted to kiss you like this for a long time.” 0oudCB

Ran Feng said nothing, but Ji Xingchen sensed his breathing had become slightly heavier.

Noticing Brother Feng’s reaction, Ji Xingchen pulled back a bit, feeling somewhat proud of himself.

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But he hadn’t enjoyed his feeling for long before Ran Feng grabbed his wrist.

“If you wanted to kiss me before, why didn’t you do it? Do you think I napped beside you every day for nothing?” After Ran Feng finished speaking, he looked at Ji Xingchen, his eyes curving into a crescent moon shape. “If you’d kissed me back then, we’d have kids running around by now.” LTJQKl

One moment Ji Xingchen was regretting how oblivious he’d been to Brother Feng’s feelings, and the next, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Brother Feng really does make jokes about everything.

Ji Xingchen blinked at Ran Feng and countered, “How would two men have a baby? Would you give birth or would I?”

“That question…” Ran Feng chuckled softly, nuzzling Ji Xingchen’s neck with his chin and whispering in his ear, “Why don’t we try and find out? Let’s make one right now.” 4LN6ry

Originally feeling quite accomplished, Ji Xingchen blushed uncontrollably when he heard the last sentence.

He thought that being thick-skinned would make him immune to Brother Feng’s teasing.

He still had a long way to go.

As Ran Feng nuzzled Ji Xingchen’s neck, his hair brushed against Ji Xingchen’s face. L9jgyJ

Seeing Brother Feng’s new hair color, Ji Xingchen couldn’t resist threading his fingers through it.

Brother Feng’s skin was especially fair, and the bright silver color made him look particularly alluring.

When he saw the photos yesterday, he really wanted to touch it.

Now his wish had finally come true. N9qjvr

Ji Xingchen found that Brother Feng’s hair felt very nice to touch, so he moved his fingers and ran them through it a few more times.

“Have you touched enough?”

Ran Feng wrapped his arm around Ji Xingchen’s waist and raised an eyebrow at him.

When asked by Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt that his actions seemed a bit lewd. midx2q

He quickly withdrew his fingers, while his face flushed slightly.


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As Ji Xingchen spoke, he felt his stomach press against Brother Feng’s abs.

Suddenly remembering something, he said to Ran Feng, “But Brother Feng, can I also touch your abs?” VwuzP7

He had been wanting to touch Brother Feng’s abs for a long time.

Ever since he first saw them in a video call, he thought they were beautiful.

He wanted to touch them last night but fell asleep…

Ran Feng looked at Ji Xingchen in surprise, not understanding why the topic had suddenly shifted to his abs. U1J2el

Ji Xingchen nodded at him, asking earnestly and sincerely, “Can I?”

Being looked at like that by his lover, what could Ran Feng say?

He released Ji Xingchen, smiled, and asked, “How do you want to touch them?”

Ji Xingchen swallowed, then reached under the blanket and gently placed his hand on Ran Feng’s abs. D3WVE8

Brother Feng must have a professional training coach. His muscles were firm and powerful, neatly arranged, and felt particularly good to touch.

Ji Xingchen’s hand almost obsessively glided over every inch of muscle, and his fingertips traced along the lines of Ran Feng’s abs.

“Baby…” Ran Feng’s palm suddenly grasped Ji Xingchen’s fingertips. He spoke, with his voice a bit hoarse, “That’s enough.”

“Hmm?” MdPGQz

Ji Xingchen was reluctant to let go, and he didn’t want to stop.

The air around them seemed to grow warmer.

Ran Feng’s breathing became irregular. “If you keep touching, something’s going to happen.”

Still focused on the abs, the naive Ji Xingchen didn’t understand. L0DN Q

“What do you mean, something?”

He looked up at Ran Feng and saw that his pale neck had turned pink.

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Ran Feng took a deep breath, pecked Ji Xingchen on the forehead, and got up.

“If you keep touching, you’ll have to help me extinguish the fire.” DSAs1p

After realizing what he meant, Ji Xingchen stared blankly at Ran Feng, who had just gotten out of bed and was now heading to the bathroom.

His gaze involuntarily fell to a certain spot.

Ji Xingchen finally understood that he had just… aroused Brother Feng…


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  1. Wake up teo brothers Feng

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖