Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh66 - Don’t Love Brother Feng?

Seeing Ji Xingchen remain silent for a while, Ran Feng gently pinched his ear, partly teasing and partly soothing.

He didn’t urge Ji Xingchen to speak, just looked and smiled at him. VF92wm

Ji Xingchen felt embarrassed under Ran Feng’s gaze, and felt like he should say something.

He opened his mouth and was about to speak when his phone rang.

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It was a call from Lan Xin.

At the end of the concert, he heard the song Brother Feng wrote for him, and his heart was filled with thoughts of Brother Feng alone. D9dS5B

As soon as Ran Feng came off stage, he had only one thought in mind, to go straight to him, and leave everything else behind.

Now seeing Lan Xin’s call, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that he had arranged to meet her at the entrance after the concert.

Dizzy from the kiss just now, he had completely forgotten about his agreement with Lan Xin.

Ji Xingchen felt a little guilty.

b ZLs2

Brother Feng’s kiss just now was quite long, and he wondered how long Lan Xin had been waiting for him at the entrance…

Thinking of this, Ji Xingchen quickly answered the phone in a fluster.

“Have you come out yet, brother Xing?”

It was noisy on Lan Xin’s end, clearly she had already left the gym and was waiting for him at the entrance. Aix741

“Not yet,” Ji Xingchen said, realizing his voice hadn’t returned to normal yet, and was a bit dry, “Wait for me, I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll wait for you under the big billboard at the entrance.”

As soon as Lan Xin’s voice sounded in his ear, Ji Xingchen felt Ran Feng’s hand that was pinching his ear suddenly slide down, and using a bit of pressure, hooking his chin.

Ji Xingchen was forced to meet Ran Feng’s gaze. hSVued

From the other’s eyes, he sensed a hint of warning.

It was as if Ji Xingchen’s mind suddenly opened up, understanding the meaning behind Brother Feng’s gaze.

Brother Feng… wanted to keep him?

With this speculation in mind, Ji Xingchen quickly changed his tune and said to Lan Xin, “Xinxin… how about you and your friends go ahead first? I suddenly have something urgent and can’t leave.” m6Ceyp

Lan Xin was still a simple girl at heart and didn’t think too much. She immediately asked, “Huh? What’s wrong? Should I wait for you at KFC?”

Ji Xingchen glanced at Ran Feng and felt a bit nervous. “No need, it’s just… something important came up, and it might take a while. You guys hurry back, don’t walk, take a taxi, and stay safe.”

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After all, Lan Xin and her friends were all girls, and Ji Xingchen felt a bit worried at this late hour.

“Don’t worry, sister Xiao Qian’s brother is coming to pick us up directly.” eC ThV

Lan Xin didn’t hang up after speaking. She seemed to whisper something to the person next to her, then raised her voice excitedly.

“Oh right, brother Xing, both sisters want to thank you. Thank you for the tickets you gave us. Being able to see Brother Feng up close like this is amazing! I’m so happy, thank you, brother Xing!”

Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen were close enough to hear Lan Xin’s infatuated voice through the phone.

Ji Xingchen looked up and immediately met Ran Feng’s gaze. SPXdpi

Ran Feng was smiling, with his smile carrying a hint of a playful taste.

Ji Xingchen’s mind was in a whirl again.

If Lan Xin knew that the Brother Feng she was passionately confessing about was right in front of him, and he heard what she said…

Ji Xingchen wanted to remind Lan Xin to restrain herself, but he didn’t dare to say it. He hastily exchanged a few words with her and hung up the phone. lNKJ3W

As soon as he hung up, he received a message from Lan Xin.

Lan Xin: Brother Xing, I didn’t tell them about your relationship with Brother Feng (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆

Lan Xin: [Smart].jpg

Ji Xingchen understood that the relationship Lan Xin referred to was him and Brother Feng’s classmate relationship. NFdTjP

But just now, he and Brother Feng had just re-established another kind of relationship. Seeing these words, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy.

If Lan Xin ever found out that he and Brother Feng were dating…

With the warmth of Brother Feng’s kiss still lingering on his lips, Ji Xingchen could only reply to Lan Xin with an okay emoji.

As soon as he sent the emoji, he heard Brother Feng’s voice. peEVH8

“Who is Xinxin?”

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, emphasizing the two words ‘Xinxin.’

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen put his phone back into his bag and explained to him, “She’s my neighbor’s little sister who has helped me a lot before. She is… your fan.”

“So, you grab the tickets for her before?” 5XWnMl

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Wlcumtfc ofia atja Ejc Mfcu’r kbgvr kfgf j yla ragjcuf.

Lf ibbxfv eq jcv atgbeut atf batfg’r fsfr, jcv revvfcis mjeuta j tlca bo vjcufg.

“Rb…” Al Wlcumtfc rtbbx tlr tfjv delmxis, “Vtf’r j raevfca jcv vlvc’a tjnf alwf ab ugjy almxfar, rb P tfiqfv tfg ugjy atfw.”

Coafg fzqijlclcu, Al Wlcumtfc jvvfv. “P mjwf ab atf mbcmfga yfmjerf P kjcafv ab rff sbe.” EBwmxU

After hearing Ji Xingchen’s explanation, Ran Feng just nodded and looked away.

He squatted down and picked up the light board that had fallen to the ground earlier.

After glancing at the words on it, Ran Feng returned the light board to him.

Ji Xingchen naturally took the light board and took a few steps forward. NqfHnv

He had been leaning against the door just now, and his back and legs were a bit numb.

Ran Feng seemed to sense his discomfort and gently rubbed his back.

“Wait at the hotel for me. I’ll come over after the celebration dinner.”

Ran Feng said this in a normal tone, neither affectionate nor flippant. Tlo6LS

As a public figure, he did this to avoid fans and protect his privacy.

Ji Xingchen understood, but couldn’t help but let his mind wander.

This feeling…

It’s like having a secret affair with Brother Feng. uLHSpE

The makeup room was bustling with people coming and going, not suitable to stay too long. Ji Xingchen took Ran Feng’s room key card and took the car arranged by him to the hotel first.

When Ji Xingchen arrived, Ran Feng hadn’t returned yet, so he took out his phone and started scrolling through Weibo.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The super topic was already filled with pictures from tonight’s concert and various reposts.

Fans were all screaming and praising how handsome Brother Feng looked tonight. NsWSDT

Ji Xingchen was also excited as he looked through the pictures and recalled about the concert.

New various resources kept popping up in the super topic, and Ji Xingchen unconsciously spent several hours scrolling through it.

Seeing that it was getting late, he went to take a shower, brushed his teeth, and then picked up his phone to sit on the edge of the bed to continue scrolling through Weibo.

At this time, a Weibo post from a major fan site had been pushed to the top of Ran Feng’s Weibo feed. It was a nine-picture grid posted by a lively blogger. QoVJ2p

Fan 1: Ahhh tonight’s Brother Feng is so charming and sexy, he’s just too handsome!!

Fan 2: I totally approve of Brother Feng’s new hair color, I’m loving it!

Fan 3: Woooo Brother Feng is killing me!

Fan 4: Goddess Sister’s pictures are of such high quality, so many frontal shots, I’m in love! rHgm5s

The blogger was a lively young woman who actively replied to her fans’ comments.

Not long after Fan 4 left a comment, and she replied to him.

Parking to Admire the Maple Forest replied to Fan 4: Tonight I was really lucky, Brother Feng often looked towards our area A, so I took many frontal shots. Ahhhh, I’m so lucky! 9w8 oZ

The blogger’s reply prompted other fans to comment as well, saying they did indeed notice that Brother Feng would occasionally look towards area A, envying the luck of the fans in that section.

Ji Xingchen didn’t think much of it when he saw it, just quietly saved the blogger’s pictures, and even started considering if he should aim for area A, following the fans’ words.

“What are you looking at so seriously?”

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Ran Feng sounded in his ear, and Ji Xingchen snapped back to reality. jCzw8F

He had been so engrossed in scrolling through Weibo that he hadn’t noticed when Brother Feng had returned.

Ji Xingchen looked up and smiled naturally at the person beside him.

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When the person you like appears in front of you, no matter when or where, you can’t help but want to smile at them.

As Ran Feng spoke, he was already beside Ji Xingchen. He lowered his head to look at the other person, and his peripheral vision caught sight of the content on his phone. iN9BqS

Ran Feng chuckled and placed his hand on Ji Xingchen’s shoulder. “Are you checking out my Weibo?”

Caught red-handed sneakily scrolling through Weibo by Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen awkwardly hid his phone behind him.

He looked extremely unnatural, and looked around randomly.

“I forgot to take photos earlier, so I wanted to see what they took…” MgPqd2

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, and leaned down to stare into Ji Xingchen’s eyes. “Are photos as good-looking as the real thing?”

Of course, photos could never be as good-looking as the real person!

The heart was pounding, but Ji Xingchen dared not meet Ran Feng’s gaze.

They were so close, and as soon as he saw Brother Feng’s face, he couldn’t help but want to kiss him again. Jfr8Ti

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s shy avoidance and reddening neck, Ran Feng stopped teasing him.

He stood up, took off his coat, and picked up the hot water that Ji Xingchen had prepared for him on the table, taking a sip.

“I got you tickets for area A, why did you end up in area B?”

Just now, Ran Feng had caught a glimpse of Ji Xingchen’s phone, and he vaguely saw a few fan comments discussing his looks towards area A. aBLX7A

The fans were actually right; tonight, he did often glance towards area A.

Because he had given Ji Xingchen tickets for the front row, when the stage lights dimmed, he could clearly see the faces of the people in the front row.

He had thought he would spot Ji Xingchen at a glance, but after scanning almost the entire venue, he had searched every corner of area A and still hadn’t found Ji Xingchen’s shadow.

Fortunately, during the final talk segment, he spotted Ji Xingchen holding up a light board in area B. N7aTgE

Ran Feng hadn’t expected to find him in area B.

Ji Xingchen didn’t understand why Ran Feng suddenly brought this up, but he still explained the reason, “Boss Ink… He gave me two more tickets later, but one of them was for area B. I thought it would be more comfortable for Xin… Lan Xin and her friends, so I went to area B.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng nodded with a low laugh, but inwardly made a mental note to hold Mo Yuzhe, who meant well, accountable for causing trouble.

“So it was Mo Yuzhe.” rIz9nT

Ji Xingchen looked surprised. “You know Boss Ink is him?”

He had just said Boss Ink instead of Mo Yuzhe.

He had only learned about this person’s alternate identity on the day of the KPL performance, so it was surprising that Brother Feng also knew.

As Ji Xingchen was thinking about this, he immediately dismissed the speculation. iLDURJ

It seemed normal for Boss Ink and Brother Feng, who were good friends in real life, to know each other’s alternate identities, right?

While Ji Xingchen was pondering, Ran Feng spoke up, “When we were teaming up last time, I recognized him as soon as he spoke.”

Ji Xingchen frowned, feeling that Brother Feng’s words were somewhat different from what he had expected.

“Does he know that you’re Wanfeng Picks Star?” 7GuXxV

“No, he doesn’t.”

Ji Xingchen was surprised. “I thought you guys were pretending not to recognize each other…”

Now he finally understood. No wonder Boss Ink had mistaken Brother Feng for a girl before.

It seemed he had misunderstood Brother Feng all on his own. y9Vp5O

Speaking about it, Brother Feng’s disguise was really good.

Thinking of Brother Feng’s alternate identity as Wanfeng Picks Star, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but admire it.

He hadn’t recognized him, and if Mo Yuze hadn’t recognized him either… was that normal?

Seeing Ji Xingchen lost in thought again, Ran Feng took his phone and pushed him onto the bed. zitL9S

“It’s late, why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

Ran Feng’s warm breath sprayed on Ji Xingchen’s collarbone and neck, making him feel ticklish.

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Ji Xingchen turned over and rolled up in the blanket, covering his face.

“I’m… sleeping…” Sbf75J

His voice through the blanket changed slightly, and sounded somewhat cute.

Ran Feng looked at his big eyes peeking out from the blanket, resisting the urge to pinch his cheeks, and then went to take a shower.

Ji Xingchen listened to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, and rolled around on the big bed a few more times.

He couldn’t sleep at all right now. lhsXKj

Staring at the lamp on the bedside table for a long time, Ji Xingchen felt like he was dreaming.

He had shared a bed with Brother Feng before, but this time it felt completely different.

Before, he had been cautious, hiding his feelings for Brother Feng.

But tonight… he felt like he could legitimately share a bed with Brother Feng as his boyfriend? NPxclH

Thinking about it, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but feel nervous and excited.

He didn’t know how long had passed when Ran Feng, freshly showered, returned to the bedroom.

He was only wearing a pair of underwear, not even a bathrobe or pajamas.

Ji Xingchen lay on the bed, staring straight at Ran Feng’s abs, his blood pressure rising. 1bmEuy

Ran Feng got into bed, and lazily sat next to Ji Xingchen.

“Haven’t had enough from last time?”

Ji Xingchen, feeling embarrassed, moved his body downward, hiding his face under the blanket.

Sure enough, he was caught peeking at Brother Feng’s abs last time! cjriY3

Ji Xingchen’s shy reaction was just too cute, it makes people want to kiss him.

Ran Feng directly lifted the blanket, not letting him hide.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He pressed Ji Xingchen under him, his hands intertwined with his, holding them above their heads.

Their bodies overlapped, only separated by a layer of pajamas. Ji Xingchen could feel all the warmth emanating from Brother Feng’s body. PYOlU1

His broad chest, solid abs, and the vibrant…

Smelling the refreshing scent of shower gel from Brother Feng’s body, Ji Xingchen’s breath began to quicken.

“Peeking on me comes with a price.”

Ran Feng’s movements were assertive, but his words were particularly gentle. GsdjAh

Ji Xingchen blinked, and softly asked, “What price?”

Ran Feng lowered his head, getting closer to Ji Xingchen’s red lips. Finally, he stopped at a critical point and whispered, “You have to kiss me.”

Ji Xingchen’s pounding heart was filled with sweetness.

He slightly raised his head and lightly kissed Ran Feng’s lips. RBM8os

A brief yet tender kiss, warm and affectionate.

“What did the light board you held up for me at the concert say?”

What was written on the light board?

Ji Xingchen didn’t understand why Brother Feng suddenly asked this question. But since he did, Ji Xingchen began to recall. 28BEOY

After remembering the words on the light board, he stared into Ran Feng’s eyes and said to him, “I love Brother Feng?”

He remembered the light board Lan Xin gave him, and that’s exactly what was written on it.

Upon hearing these four words, Ran Feng’s beautiful eyes filled with a smile. The corners of his eyes lifted, continuing to tease Ji Xingchen.

“Well, say it again.” M voYO

Ji Xingchen obediently opened his mouth again, “I love…”

Just as he uttered two words, his voice abruptly stopped.

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The first time he didn’t understand, but when he repeated it again, he suddenly came to his senses.

Meeting Ran Feng’s gaze, Ji Xingchen was somewhat surprised and a bit taken aback. CY61rZ

Is Brother Feng trying to trick him…

Trick himself into saying he loves him.

Amused by Ji Xingchen’s belated reaction, Ran Feng asked in a soft voice, “Why aren’t you speaking?”

Ji Xingchen still didn’t speak, just staring wide-eyed at Ran Feng. 6jdU9n

Ran Feng nibbled on his jawline, “Don’t love Brother Feng anymore?”

Ji Xingchen shook his head, then shook it again.

How could he not love him, but he just felt suddenly unable to speak.

Ran Feng lowered his head and buried himself in Ji Xingchen’s neck, then softly blew air into his ear, “Be good, say it again.” DH2m7

“I want to hear it.”

Ji Xingchen found himself completely defenseless against Brother Feng.

As long as his warm breath sprayed on his ear, he felt all weak, surrendering.

He licked his lips, slightly opened his mouth, and whispered, “I love you.” pRy kQ

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, pretending not to have heard clearly, “Hmm?”

Ji Xingchen met his gaze, with his eyes full of love, “I love you.”

“I love you, brother Feng.”

In response to Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng gave a warm breath and a gentle kiss. uxGfyQ

It’s not as intense as a confession, but it was particularly tender and affectionate.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

Xin Xin – it’s two words…

Translator's Note

“Super Topic” (超话) on Weibo is a feature that creates specialized discussion forums for users to gather and discuss specific topics like celebrities, TV shows, and movies. Each Super Topic has its own dedicated page for posts and interactions, enhancing community engagement on Weibo.

Translator's Note

there’s two translation meaning of Feng:
– 枫 (fēng): This character means “maple,” referring to the type of tree.
– 风 (fēng): This character means “wind,” referring to the natural phenomenon.

The reason they share the same romanization but differ in characters and meanings is due to homophones in the Chinese language. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different written forms. Chinese, with its relatively small set of phonemes and reliance on tonal variations, has many such homophones.

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  1. awwww so sweet!! Also JustMeow, I actually love you for all your fast updates! Its super nice ending my day with the usually 5 chapters you’ve uploaded ☺️

  2. Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖