Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh6.2 - Brother Jungler King will take revenge for you

Ji Xingchen leveled up Yaria to level four and freed his hands to ride on Li Bai’s head, following him in the canyon to do as he pleased.

Li Bai’s rhythm was very good, his dragon initiation and team fights were all just right. With such a big shot around, they played this game smoothly. TGlL7h

Even Ji Xingchen, who played games with his feet as a support, benefited, getting a lot of assists and having a very impressive record.

With the two of them together, having control, shields, and mobility, whenever the enemy’s Han Xin appeared in the red or blue jungle, he would be instantly killed by the two lying in the bushes with just a few hits.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After being killed six times in a row by Li Bai, the enemy’s Han Xin became much more obedient, always asking the support to protect him and hiding under the turret to farm cautiously.

However, even so, Li Bai didn’t let him off. zmL1Pe

Wanfeng: Star, help me take some damage.


Before Ji Xingchen’s word “okay” could finish, Li Bai had already turret-dived and reduced Han Xin to a sliver of health.

Then, just like the first time Ji Xingchen played with him, Li Bai didn’t continue dealing damage, but instead gave the kill to Ji Xingchen.


Ji Xingchen quickly used his first skill, and the small ball automatically locked onto Han Xin, directly securing the kill with his Yaria.

After taking damage from the turret, Yaria jumped off Li Bai’s body and turned into a cute little deer. Ji Xingchen controlled Yaria to bounce away from Han Xin’s corpse lying under the turret.

At first, Ji Xingchen thought the boss was just playing more aggressively tonight, but now he suddenly realized something.

It seemed like the boss had been targeting the enemy’s Han Xin from the beginning, relentlessly focusing on him alone. Y82oLO

After the boss’s Li Bai once again took down Han Xin while outnumbered near the Dragon Pit, someone on the enemy team couldn’t hold back any longer.

[All] Guan Yu: You big boss, is it fun to bully girls?

It was obvious that this remark was aimed at Li Bai.

At first, Ji Xingchen didn’t think there was anything wrong with this sentence, but after thinking it over carefully, he realized that there was more to it than meets the eye! og2XcR

Calling Li Bai “boss” right away meant they knew who they were.

The clueless Ji Xingchen quickly opened the scoreboard to see the enemy’s IDs.

Sure enough, the Han Xin who had been constantly bullied by them was none other than the actor who had just called for a performance.

The account she was using was obviously a smurf, named “MeowMeowTV Little Sweetie “. jL7AUh

One difference between ranked matches and peak battles is that during the game, you can’t see anyone’s ID in the match, you only know who you played with after the game.

But in ranked matches, it’s the opposite, you can see anyone’s ID during the game!

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Normally, Ji Xingchen should have realized early on that he had run into Little Sweetie again.

But he didn’t have the habit of looking at teammates’ and opponents’ names, and coupled with playing Yaria just to ride on Li Bai and kill randomly, he also didn’t check the live stream’s barrage at the first time. So until now, he had no idea who they were facing. b79ozU

Ji Xingchen glanced at Han Xin’s corpse still on countdown and smiled faintly.

It really is a small world, running into each other several times in peak battles and ranked matches in one night. How deep is this karma?

“Brother Wanfeng, did you recognize her earlier?”

Wanfeng: Yeah Ptad6f

Seeing this short word, Ji Xingchen’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

So that’s why the boss was playing so aggressively this game, and why he kept focusing on Han Xin. It all makes sense now.

The boss was helping him get revenge…

As a small streamer with no popularity or fans, encountering this kind of situation often meant enduring it alone. xncoFj

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But tonight, the boss not only helped him save face in the live stream, but also ruthlessly bullied the opponent in the game.

Al Wlcumtfc mbeivc’a tfiq yea offi j ilaaif wbnfv.

Vfflcu atja Ol Djl lucbgfv tlw, atf bqqbcfca Xejc Te xfqa mbwqijlclcu.

Yc atf batfg tjcv, atf mbcrajcais xliifv Olaaif Vkffalf, klat j nfgs qlaloei rmbgf bo 1-12-1, kfjxis rjlv, “P’w bxjs.” ntdcx8

Al Wlcumtfc uijcmfv ja Olaaif Vkffalf’r gfmbgv jcv mbeivc’a tfiq yea mbwwfca, “Ktlr lr tfg agef ifnfi, lrc’a la?”

In peak battles, hiring actors to boost rankings, and playing by one’s true level in the Diamond rank, it’s a bit embarrassing for Little Sweetie’s face.

She rubbed her eyes and temples in front of the camera, sighed softly, “I’ve been streaming for twelve hours today, not in a very good condition.”

“I thought I could play as the jungle king after being killed by Han Xin in a few matches before, but it’s so embarrassing to play jungle, I won’t play it anymore in the future, it’s too shameful.” P duIJ

“Forget it, I won’t play anymore, I’m a bit tired, I’ll end the stream and rest first.”

“See you tomorrow, babies.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After Little Sweetie ended her stream, she didn’t go to sleep and rest as she said.

She logged into her smurf account and entered Ji Xingchen’s live stream. 8peNHs

Behind the camera, she rolled her eyes in anger.

What’s the use of these stupid, ridiculous, pathetic, and creepy guys just scolding the small streamer on the other side? Why don’t they learn from this rich boss and send her hundreds of thousands of gifts!

A bunch of useless people!!

Watching the small streamer and the big boss play another game together in the live stream, Little Sweetie quietly copied the homepage link and sent it to her main account. StKFRZ

Then she sent a private message to this big boss.

MeowMeow TV Little Sweetie : Hello, big brother~

MeowMeow TV Little Sweetie : Big brother, are you interested in playing games together in the future? You’re so amazing.

MeowMeow TV Little Sweetie : Can you help me rank up? Gd4YMn

After bumping into Little Sweetie with Ran Feng in the previous game, the two of them played another game together.

Playing duo queue was always sweet. They hadn’t played for long, but it was already half past eleven without them noticing.

Ji Xingchen originally wanted to play another game, but Ran Feng stopped him. l3UdXw

Wanfeng: It’s half past eleven, you should go to bed.

Ji Xingchen was reminded by Ran Feng and suddenly realized that he was a bit tired.

Ji Xingchen was puzzled. According to his biological clock, it should have been time to sleep, but he didn’t feel tired at all tonight.

Could it be that the feeling of winning while lying down with the boss was too good, and the joyous mood made his brain excited? qfi7Bd

Wanfeng: Go to sleep.

Prompted by the boss, Ji Xingchen rubbed his eyes, bid the audience goodnight, and ended the stream.

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He was indeed a bit sleepy when he ended the stream, but after taking a shower, he found that he couldn’t fall asleep no matter what.

Ji Xingchen tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. Helplessly, he took out his phone and started browsing aimlessly. BwR5r8

However, as soon as he opened his phone, his hands seemed to have a mind of their own, automatically opening WeChat and finding the boss’s profile picture.

Staring at the boss’s profile picture for a long time, Ji Xingchen’s thumb couldn’t help but move.

Star: Brother Wanfeng, thank you tonight.

Wanfeng: Why are you still not sleeping? aCIf75

As soon as Ji Xingchen sent the message, the other party almost immediately replied.

Seeing the message from the boss, Ji Xingchen shivered.

Did he just send a message to someone while half asleep?

Moonlight shone through the window onto Ji Xingchen’s face. 5LVChO

In the pitch-black night, he read through the faint light emitted by his phone screen the message the boss had sent him.

For some reason, even though it was just a message on the phone screen, Ji Xingchen felt a hint of concern from the boss in those few words.

Ji Xingchen patted his cheek, feeling a bit confused about himself late at night.

Star: Having trouble sleeping a bit. XEiGU5

Ji Xingchen honestly replied to the other party.

Wanfeng: Insomnia?

Just as Ji Xingchen was about to follow the boss’s words and reply, the other party immediately sent another message.

Wanfeng: Is it because of tonight’s events? zXCyd1

Suddenly struck by the heart of the matter, Ji Xingchen’s typing hand stopped.

How did he know…

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Was the boss a mind reader?

Star: Both. t2gQfG

Star: Just feel a bit sudden, like in a dream.

Ji Xingchen felt that this might not be appropriate, so he explained again.

Star: You spent a hundred thousand on me tonight, and yesterday too…

Star: I’ve never received so many gifts before. S8jEnP

Star: I don’t know how to repay you.

Ji Xingchen originally wanted to say that he would refund the part of his income to the other party, but he was afraid that saying so would make him seem insincere and hypocritical.

After all, everyone knows that being a streamer is for making money. If the boss spends money on you, there is no reason for you to actively refund it.

Wanfeng: You’ll receive more in the future, just get used to it for now. P8HbcQ

Ji Xingchen’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Was the boss comforting and encouraging him?

Wanfeng: You don’t need to repay me.

Wanfeng: As long as you’re doing well, I’ll be relieved. LKa7ch

Ji Xingchen: ???????

Ji Xingchen could understand half of what the boss said and couldn’t understand the other half.

He felt like he understood the boss’s meaning, but also felt like he didn’t completely understand it.

With a head full of question marks, Ji Xingchen really wanted to clarify, but he didn’t dare to ask randomly, afraid of boring the topic to death, so he started a new one. mN Vx4

Star: Brother Wanfeng, should I add you to the room management group?

He remembered that he had only added the boss on WeChat yesterday, but hadn’t yet added him to the management group.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wanfeng: No need.

The other party immediately rejected this proposal without even thinking about it. uQodTc

Seeing that the boss was unwilling, Ji Xingchen didn’t insist.

Star: Then just send me a WeChat message if you need anything in the future.

Wanfeng: Okay.

For the next few minutes, neither of them sent any more messages. 9WS1Jo

The late-night conversation seemed to come to an abrupt end.

Ji Xingchen waited for five minutes, seeing that there was indeed no movement from the boss’s side, he thought that the boss must have fallen asleep.

He lay down again, feeling suddenly full of warmth in his heart.

Buzz… qNQW0Y

The faint light of the phone lit up again.

A new message from the boss appeared on the screen.

Wanfeng: Over these years…

Star: Hmm? zNX7y2

Wanfeng: It’s nothing.

The other party’s abrupt and hesitant words left Ji Xingchen a bit puzzled.

Wanfeng: Why did you start streaming?

Other fans had asked this question countless times before, so Ji Xingchen immediately replied cheerfully. inxfAD

Star: I like playing games, and streaming can earn a living. The audience is very friendly, overall it feels pretty good.

The other party didn’t respond, and it took a long time before four words were sent over.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Wanfeng: That’s good then.

Holding his phone, Ji Xingchen realized that he had unconsciously been chatting with the boss for almost an hour. RMHylN

And during this hour, he didn’t feel sleepy at all, and even couldn’t help but smile.

In the game, he felt that the boss was a bit aloof, but now chatting with him, he felt that the other party was quite gentle.

Ji Xingchen looked at the message sent by the boss and fell asleep unconsciously, feeling extremely relieved.


Ran Feng leaned against the edge of the bed, resisting the urge to call Ji Xingchen, waiting for his reply for about half an hour.

Seeing that there was still no reply from the other party, he knew that he must have fallen asleep.

Reluctant to disturb him, Ran Feng exited WeChat, opened his own MeowMeow TV account.

The red dot in the lower right corner reminded him that someone had sent him a private message. sDPHlI

Ran Feng opened it and found that the one who had sent him a message was Little Sweetie.

Without even looking at what Little Sweetie had sent him, he clicked on the menu in the upper right corner.

Little Sweetie had been blocked by Ran Feng.


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  1. Mysterious ML, vut cute behaviour

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛