Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh42.1 - It Turns Out I Was Blind Before

Administrator No. 1 mentioned it, and Ji Xingchen suddenly realized!!

In the KPL finals, whether it’s professional players or entertainers, they are all directly facing the camera!!! BUPYc

He was previously solely focused on the game, and for him, participating in an exhibition match in the KPL was just a term and concept among the benefits of getting top three. He never imagined that scene!

Now suddenly realizing this issue, Ji Xingchen realized that not only would he be playing games live in front of tens of thousands of audience members, but his gameplay would also be synchronized to various platforms for millions of KPL viewers to see…

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On the WeChat interface, Administrator No. 1 just sent a cat emoji, squinting its eyes and smiling at him. 3m85FU

Star: Is it still possible to apply not to go to the scene now?

MeowMeow Admin 1: Of course, it’s too late.

MeowMeow Admin 1: [Cat wagging tail].jpg

MeowMeow Admin 1: But Star, don’t feel nervous. Just relax. Whether it’s performing on stage or live streaming with a camera, it’s all just like usual. How you used to play games before, just play like that.


MeowMeow Admin 1: You can do it.

MeowMeow Admin 1: [Cat wagging tail].jpg

In the WeChat chat history, the image of the cat wagging its tail was repeatedly sent by Administrator No. 1.

Following the rhythm of the cat’s swaying tail, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt like he had been led astray. 7DF9s6

Star: Alright…

Star: I’ll give it a try first.

Ji Xingchen told Administrator No. 1 so much, but in fact, it’s not that he’s afraid to perform on stage or show his face.

He’s just a bit hesitant, afraid of being seen by Ran Feng. sCW2Ec

Previously, the reason he started live streaming was simply to make ends meet. After his father had an accident, he didn’t even bother to pick up his high school diploma. Everyone understands that in today’s society, diplomas are like keys to open doors, and without an attractive diploma, it’s hard to find an ideal job.

So he decided to be a streamer for a while first, to ease his financial difficulties, gradually pay off his debts, and then make other plans.

When he first started streaming, Ji Xingchen planned to be at most a streamer with a guaranteed minimum wage.

But who knew his luck would be so good? He met Brother Wanfeng, this benefactor, seized the opportunity of the Honor Points Tournament, and now the popularity of his live stream room is much better than he expected, with viewership many times higher… 9OzxWa

When he was just a small streamer, Ji Xingchen didn’t think much about it. But now, with the sudden increase in popularity, it corresponds to the rise in his own fame. Ji Xingchen is actually a bit worried that after he becomes popular, Brother Feng might notice him.

But then he thinks, Brother Feng is the type who doesn’t care about streamers or the gaming community at all. And now he’s a big star, definitely very busy, with a social circle that has nothing to do with gaming streamers. He consoles himself, figuring Brother Feng probably wouldn’t even want to watch.

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After all, he hasn’t become the number one Honor of kings streamer, and even if he’s currently the most well-known Honor of kings streamer, his fame is incomparable to non-A-list celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Of course, if Brother Feng does see him, he’ll have to participate. caFMl8

After all, one must uphold contractual obligations. The official platform has provided him with such generous benefits, how could he just take the money and not fulfill other duties?

So, no matter what, he still has to participate in this exhibition match.

Thinking that he would have to show his face at the competition venue in two weeks anyway, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt that it wasn’t so difficult to accept the idea of livestreaming in advance.

After promising the admin, Ji Xingchen immediately went to prepare for turning on his camera. bXDkCP

He searched his room for about an hour before finally finding the webcam among the items in a corner of a box.

Originally, due to budget constraints, he bought a second-hand computer.

The seller was nice and even told him that the webcam was new and unused.

However, during his usual livestreams, he only screen-shared the game interface, so he never needed this device. When Ji Xingchen opened the box, the webcam was still wrapped in a layer of plastic. GToyZV

After some effort, Ji Xingchen finally installed the brand new webcam.

In order to test the livestreaming effect in advance, the practical-minded Ji Xingchen opened QQ and sent a video request to Jiang Mu.

The other party answered instantly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Wlcu!!!!” OojQbs

Ktf nlvfb mbccfmafv, yea lcrafjv bo Aljcu Ze, la kjr Jtfcu Te ktb jqqfjgfv bc atf rmgffc.

Lf kjr islcu bc atf ajyif, klat Aljcu Ze jcv j ofk bo tlr afjwwjafr kfjglcu VC afjw pfgrfsr rlaalcu abufatfg lc atf yjmxugbecv.

Vfflcu Jtfcu Te’r ojmf, Al Wlcumtfc atbeuta tf tjv jmmlvfcajiis milmxfv bc atf kgbcu mbcajma, rb tf ibbxfv eq ja atf cjwf ja atf abq bo atf HH mtja ybz jujlc.

[Mumu] aCgdF1

That was correct; he hadn’t contacted the wrong person. This was indeed Jiang Mu’s QQ.

“Surprised, huh?”

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Seeing Ji Xingchen’s astonished expression, Cheng Yu chuckled before explaining, “He’s playing practice matches with his teammates. We have the round of sixteen this week, right? He’s been busy preparing with his team, so his phone is mostly with me.”

The KPL finals are scheduled in two weeks, so this week, the competition must determine the two teams competing in the finals from the four remaining teams. FRq1GL

Since Jiang Mu’s SA team changed to its second team, they’ve been strong as a whole, advancing confidently all the way to the top four. Now that they’ve reached this stage, everyone is determined to win the championship.

Therefore, to secure the final spot in the finals, the entire SA team has been tirelessly practicing these days.

“Did my video call disturb him? Then I’ll hang up first.”

Compared to his own video call, Jiang Mu’s matches are naturally more important. MhP2gR

Just as he was about to hang up the call, Ji Xingchen was stopped by Cheng Yu.

“It’s okay, he’s fully immersed in the game and won’t hear us. Plus, we’re quite far away, so it won’t affect him. If you’re really worried about distracting him, I’ll go upstairs.” Cheng Yu finished speaking and got up to head to the second floor.

“Now that there’s no one around, do you need anything from him? I can pass on the message to you.”

“Well, actually, I just wanted to see if this webcam works well.” vp dyx

Cheng Yu looked puzzled, “Hmm???”

“I’m planning to turn on the webcam when I livestream.”

Cheng Yu was astonished, “What??? You’re going to turn on the webcam!!!!”

Ji Xingchen nodded calmly, but Cheng Yu continued to be surprised, “Oh no!” 84EJF7


Ji Xingchen didn’t understand. Would turning on the webcam cause trouble?

“The good-looking streamers in the beauty section will lose their jobs to you! How unfair!” Cheng Yu chuckled, “But it’s inevitable. You’re so handsome. With such looks, you should’ve turned on the webcam ages ago!”

Ji Xingchen: … MlFuCN

“I’m a streamer in the gaming section, so I won’t steal their jobs.”

Cheng Yu shook his head in disagreement, “That’s even worse in the gaming section!”

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Ji Xingchen raised an eyebrow, “Even worse?”

Cheng Yu said, “Song Peifeng is in trouble.” FSBf78

At this point, Cheng Yu couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“As soon as you turn it on, you’ll crush whatever little attractiveness he has left that deceives his fans.”

Hearing Cheng Yu say this, Ji Xingchen explained, “I didn’t turn it on to outshine him. The Admin said some rankings require the webcam to be on.”

“I know, I know, just kidding.” Cheng Yu chuckled, “But I’m really looking forward to it.” 4Qg9tG

“By the way, when are you going to turn it on? I’ll come and support you.”

“Not decided yet, still in testing… maybe tonight.”

After hearing about this test, Cheng Yu frowned with a hint of disdain, “Tonight? But if you want a good effect when showing your face, shouldn’t your webcam have better quality? Isn’t this one a bit blurry?”

“Blurry?” zqwoui

Ji Xingchen checked the screen on his computer and took a screenshot to send to Cheng Yu.

It looked quite clear on his end.

“Blurry, the quality I see is totally different from what you’re showing.”

So he closed the webpage and directly opened the gaming section to see how other gaming streamers were doing it. HSn7fG

At the top of the gaming section was the livestream of Li Tao, one of the two technical streamers who had unexpectedly been eliminated early from the Honor Points Tournament.

The name of the livestream room was “Let’s Play and Push for a Hundred Stars with Water Friends,” and the cover was set with Honor of Kings game records, currently with exactly one million viewers.

Seeing that the other party, like himself, was also an Honor of Kings streamer, and moreover, a technical streamer, Ji Xingchen immediately clicked on it.

Originally, Ji Xingchen had intended to see how technical streamers arranged their backgrounds to learn and reference from them. GYdT0X

However, he didn’t expect that the moment he clicked on it, the title of the livestream room, which had been perfectly normal just a second ago, immediately changed to “Online Seeking to Be Taken Away by Good Girlfriends and Sisters.”

Accompanying this bold theme that appeared in front of Ji Xingchen was a cross-dressing master with golden wavy hair, wearing a pink lace princess dress!

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Li Tao extended his right hand in a “orchid finger” gesture and touched the tangled wig on his head, “What? Where did I perm this hair? Do you even need to ask? It’s done by Master Wang at the village entrance.”

The barrage in Li Tao’s livestream room scrolled rapidly, filled with comments of disgust, vomiting emojis, and jokes about needing a pair of eyes that hadn’t seen this scene before. aJW2iY

[Damn it, Li Tao, your sweet cross-dressing almost took away my soul.]

Li Tao chuckled, deliberately pinched his voice, and pretended to be shy as he cupped his face and softly said, “Ah, do you think I’m sweet? I think so too. But I have a little sister who’s even sweeter. Wait for me, brothers, I’ll invite her to join the voice chat now.”

Two seconds later, the screen in the livestream room split in half.

On the left was Li Tao in a pink bubble-sleeve outfit, and on the right was another technical streamer, Wen Shuiping, in a light green twin ponytail hairstyle and a dark blue sailor suit. fv8aOI

Wen Shuiping clearly wasn’t as relaxed as Li Tao, but he quickly adapted to his new identity and said to Li Tao, “Here, sister. Don’t you all think we both look especially good tonight? Are we breaking through the top in terms of appearance?”

[Looks great, looks great, sister, your hair color looks even better.]

[Shuiping, you’d look even better with another hat in the same color as your hair.]

Watching the two streamers deliberately posing in the video, Ji Xingchen found it both funny and shocking. 1vQBL4

His heart was beating rapidly from the excitement.

He quickly shifted his gaze away from the mesmerizing outfits of the two streamers and tried to look at the background.

But the backgrounds of the two cross-dressing streamers…

Had nothing noteworthy! WjwgdD

With two big men with large faces and thick necks, only their faces and the wigs draped over their shoulders almost filled the entire screen.

Ji Xingchen tried hard to look for a while and finally, from the gap between Wen Shuiping’s green twin ponytails, he managed to see a bit of the shadow of a dark blue curtain.

Realizing that today might not be the best time for his visit, Ji Xingchen prepared to exit.

But just as he was about to click the “x,” he heard Li Tao speak up. xGEJdA

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go check it out. Hey, bros, who do you want me to check on? What? Check on Star? He just got first place, let’s give him a surprise celebration? No problem! Let’s go, brothers.”

Just as Li Tao finished speaking, Wen Shuiping stopped him, “Star hasn’t started streaming yet, what’s the point of checking now? Let’s check when he goes live tonight.”

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As soon as Wen Shuiping finished speaking, he heard Li Tao laugh.

“Hehe, bros, guess what I saw!!” hd ePg

Ji Xingchen’s hand holding the mouse suddenly trembled.

Li Tao continued, “I was too busy talking to you guys just now, I didn’t even notice the barrage notification. You might not believe it when I say it, but Star is actually in my livestream room!”

Ji Xingchen’s hand holding the mouse suddenly trembled.

Li Tao said, “I was too busy talking to you guys just now, I didn’t even notice the barrage notification. You might not believe it when I say it, but Star is actually in my livestream room!” acHlt4

The bullet screen assistant for MeowMeow TV streamers recently developed a new feature to facilitate friendly communication among streamers. As long as streamers from the same platform enter a livestream room, they can be displayed.

Although Ji Xingchen hadn’t started streaming, he had logged into his account, so he was immediately recognized by the MeowMeow TV livestream bullet screen assistant.

As soon as Li Tao mentioned Ji Xingchen’s name, the bullet screen went crazy.

[Ah ah ah Star!!!!] fNjh7I

[Star, this mom loves you!!!]

[Star, why are you watching these two weirdos cross-dress? Hurry up and start your own stream.]

Hearing Li Tao’s words, Wen Shuiping also laughed, “Hello, hello, Star, are you there? Do you want to join our voice chat group? Come on in and join my team.”

[Star, come join us!! Hurry up and turn on your webcam for me!!] U8QqM7

[Strongly agree with turning on the webcam]

[It would be best if you dressed up like them when you turn it on, also in cross-dressing]

[In friendship, sponsoring Star a set of black silk bunny maid outfit]

Seeing these strange requests from the audience, Ji Xingchen quickly typed on the public screen. GvSQ84

MeowMeow TV Star: No, no.

MeowMeow TV Star: I haven’t eaten yet, so I’ll take my leave.

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MeowMeow TV Star: Let’s play together next time.

Hastily finishing his barrage messages, Ji Xingchen lost interest in looking at how other streamers decorated their backgrounds and just shut down his computer altogether. iFreNf

A black silk bunny maid outfit??

It would be too scary to livestream in that outfit!

Ji Xingchen, while sipping his drink, shared his bizarre experience today with Boss Wanfeng.

Wanfeng: A black silk bunny maid outfit? TcLt6d

After reading what Ji Xingchen had typed, Ran Feng chuckled softly.

He pinched the red ears of the bunny plush toy with his left hand and sent a message to Ji Xingchen.

Wanfeng: The audience’s requests are really weird.

Star: More than weird! Lfh8rs

Star: You don’t even know, they even write…


Rang Feng’s fingers, pinching the bunny ears, paused, and suddenly a scene flashed through his mind.

He remembered the last time Ji Xingchen accidentally sent him that txt file, and it seemed like the first page was about Ji Xingchen wearing that kind of clothes being pressed against the sofa by him… 2LeDcu

He hadn’t deliberately looked at the content of that novel.

It’s just that when Ji Xingchen sent it to him, clicking to download automatically opened the app, and he accidentally scanned the title, notes, and the first few lines.

At the time, he didn’t think much of it, but now that Ji Xingchen mentioned it, he suddenly felt a dry throat and wanted some water.

Wanfeng: Are you sure you want to turn on the webcam? VOchXW

Star: Yeah

Wanfeng: When?

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Star: Tonight?

Star: I’ll try it out first, and if it doesn’t feel right, I’ll forget about it. mEyt2n

Translator's Note

“QQ” is a Chinese instant messaging app by Tencent, used for text, voice, and video communication, as well as file sharing and online gaming. It’s similar to WhatsApp or Skype.

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  1. Oh, consultation with his boyfriend

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖