Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh4 - MeowMeow TV Sweetie

Ji Xingchen woke up to find his phone bombarded with numerous messages.

Especially his room moderators, who sent him numerous links overnight, all about the gossip of the Jungler King giving him gifts last night. QMNVK7

Honor of Kings Game Forum: Stinky sisters who want the Jungler King to carry them and buy skins, come quickly to learn from MeowMeow TV Star’s amazing operations, guaranteed to earn you profit.

MeowMeow TV Cat Bar: Bros, who wants to share the game recording of MeowMeow TV Star and the big boss just now? Heard it’s very affectionate.

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Hupu Honor of Kings Forum: Who saw this operation and didn’t say “impressive”?

Bilibili… EysRxH

The overwhelming links made Ji Xingchen’s head spin.

He thought last night’s events were limited to his MeowMeow TV live stream room, after all, he was just a small-time streamer with only over three thousand followers, and hardly anyone knew him.

But he never expected that everyone would discuss the matter on various forums and social media sites, skyrocketing his popularity directly.

Indeed, he underestimated everyone’s love for gossip.


Ji Xingchen glanced roughly at the content, but the screen full of “hahaha” and words like “love” made him dare not continue reading the comments.

After changing the links, he started his computer as usual and began his livestream.

Upon opening the livestream room, Ji Xingchen found that his usually deserted room now had nearly a thousand people waiting. And these people weren’t just idle spectators; many of them were chatting lively.

[He’s here!] kplsmd

[Star is online]

[Star, I’ve been waiting for you for so long]

[Will today be like yesterday, witnessing love again?]

Ji Xingchen: ????? kNVu2T

Witnessing love? What’s that about?

[Star, will the boss appear today?]

Ji Xingchen picked a relatively normal barrage and replied, “I’m not too sure.”

[So you didn’t contact the boss yesterday?] dB9pNU

“We added each other on WeChat.”

[What did the boss say to you?]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Just normal chatting.”

[Ah, so disappointed…] sFr7JE

“Disappointed???” Ji Xingchen laughed, “What are you guys expecting?”

A bunch of inexplicable “hehehe” responses followed Ji Xingchen’s words.

After that, he selected a few viewers to join him in the game to gain some points. By seven in the evening, after playing with all the viewers, Ji Xingchen quickly ate some instant noodles and then started playing the Peak Match.

The Peak Match in Honor of Kings is different from ranked matches. Winning doesn’t give you stars, and losing doesn’t make you lose stars either. Despite this, the Peak Match is a favorite challenge platform for various streamers, professional players, and casual players alike. Anyone with over 2000 points is considered a gaming expert. lC98Gd

As a new streamer, Ji Xingchen wanted to gain more recognition and exposure, so breaking into the top ten in the Peak Match was a necessary activity.

Ji Xingchen checked the points on the Peak Match leaderboard. The first place had 2445 points, and the tenth place had 2364 points.

His current score was 2350 points, ranking eleventh, with everyone’s scores being very close.

As long as he won one game tonight, Ji Xingchen could enter the top ten of the Peak Match. H3oKde

Ji Xingchen turned on his microphone and jokingly said in the livestream room, “Tonight, let’s aim for the Peak Match again. If luck is good, let’s see if we can break into the top five.”

Although it was a joke, Ji Xingchen wasn’t bragging. After all, before becoming a streamer, he had reached the top of the Peak Match leaderboard with characters like Mai Shiranui and Xiao Qiao.

[Streamer, don’t set flags so early. There are many monsters in the Peak Match recently. Don’t even guarantee the eleventh place with one move.]

[Star, just keep the eleventh place, we don’t ask for much.] 5dwTDe

Ji Xingchen smiled, “With you guys saying that, I have a bad feeling…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After saying that, he entered the Peak Match. When the countdown ended, the familiar BP interface appeared.

Ktf Ufjx Zjamt kjr j yla vloofgfca ogbw gjcxfv wjamtfr. Pc gjcxfv wjamtfr, fjmt rlvf mjc bcis yjc akb tfgbfr, yea lc atf Ufjx Zjamt, atfs mjc yjc atgff fjmt.

Al Wlcumtfc’r qbrlalbc kjr bc atf atlgv ilcf. Coafg uijcmlcu ja tlr afjwwjafr’ mbwwbcis erfv tfgbfr, tf yjccfv Zjrafg Oe Djc. QTD0eG

The opponents followed by banning the support, Da Qiao.

When it was their turn to ban heroes on the fourth line, someone wanted to ban Mai Shiranui.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen quickly pre-selected Mai Shiranui, then displayed his win rate of 87%.

Although he usually helped fans gain points with mid-lane heroes like Princess Frost, Daji, and Angela in low-tier matches, those were just low-tier matches, and he could play any hero casually. 9PRAwQ

But the Peak Match was different. These heroes had their mechanisms, and their ability to carry was not strong, especially Princess Frost. Her role in the late game was basically just a high ground security, obviously not the best choice.

So Ji Xingchen generally chose heroes like Mai Shiranui or Shangguan, mages who were both flashy and capable of carrying, to play in the Peak Match.

Fortunately, the fourth line didn’t listen to the fifth line and chose to ban Ma Chao.

Then the opponents banned the marksman Arli and the mage Chang’e, while the fifth line teammate quickly banned Liang. iuZxnj

“Princess Frost is not good against Chang’e. The opponents actually helped me ban her.”

Ji Xingchen’s eyes were full of smiles as he spoke, clearly, the opponents’ BP was helping him.

“But our fifth-line Liang’s ban is a bit sloppy.”

After both sides banned heroes, Ji Xingchen’s first-line teammate started picking heroes. iVkvLs

Ji Xingchen chose Mai Shiranui and sent a request for help to secure her, while the fourth line simultaneously pre-selected Luna and requested assistance to secure her.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the commonly used heroes on the fourth line—Luna, Li Bai, and Xuance—and immediately understood that this was a skilled jungler.

“Daring to snatch Luna in the Peak Match are those who don’t play by the rules, looks like the fourth line is a Jungler King, this round I can just sit back and wait to be carried.”

After saying that, Ji Xingchen didn’t send any more requests for assistance and voluntarily gave up the position to secure Luna to the fourth line, saying, “Forget it, I won’t ask the first line to secure Mai for me, let Luna be secured instead.” Y Rrmd

[HAHAHA, Star is humbly gaining points.]

While the audience was laughing and waiting for the first line to secure Luna for the fourth line, the opponent unexpectedly chose Li Bai with punish.

Fourth line: ?????

Fourth line: What’s the meaning of this, first line? BtqdIL

The first line’s move left everyone puzzled.

Judging from the commonly used heroes on the fourth line, it is obvious that he often plays the jungle position. As a result, the first line not only did not help him grab the jungler, but also chose Li Bai to punish him. This obviously means that the fourth line will no longer be allowed to play jungle.

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[What is the first line doing?]

[Encountering this kind of teammate attitude in a 2000+ points match in the Peak Match???] u8dFeY

Facing the fourth line’s questioning, the first line remained silent, as if blind and unable to see anything.

Ji Xingchen stared at the first line and felt something was off.

Sure enough, what happened next confirmed his suspicions.

In the rules of Honor of Kings’ BP phase, after the first line selects their heroes, the second line, being the last to pick heroes, can choose two heroes in a row. hdEC n

The opponents didn’t hesitate at all; as soon as Li Bai was selected, they immediately locked in Luna and Mai Shiranui.


[Did the opponents suddenly gain divine insight? They just snatched away both of Star’s signature heroes!!!]

The situation suddenly became very unfavorable for Ji Xingchen’s side. u5MQzZ

Not only were his and the fourth line’s signature heroes snatched away, but when they were banning heroes earlier, the fifth line’s ban on Zhang Liang and the opponents’ ban on Chang’e were also customized to counter their picks, one countering Luna, and the other countering Mai Shiranui.

Now, with both heroes banned, it wouldn’t be easy to play them.

Ji Xingchen’s Mai Shiranui was taken by the opponents, so he settled for Shangguan instead.

The fourth line was forced to take a support role and ended up with Niumo. nCSaD1

After both sides selected heroes, Ji Xingchen’s team composition consisted of Li Bai, Lady Sun, Shangguan, Niumo, and Mulan.

The opponents’ composition was Luna, Mai Shiranui, Marco Polo, Ukyo Tachibana, and Zhang Fei.

As the game started, Ji Xingchen’s Shangguan and Niumo quickly cleared the mid lane minion wave, while the opponents’ Mai Shiranui and Zhang Fei rushed over.

Ji Xingchen’s clearing speed was slightly faster than Mai Shiranui’s. After leveling up her second skill, she and Niumo went to invade the opponents’ blue buff. MdYPnz

As everyone knows, Luna is a hero who heavily relies on blue buff. To hinder her development, she needs to control the opponent’s blue buff.

Ji Xingchen quickly arrived at the opponent’s blue buff area and indeed found Luna trying to take it.

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As Luna was a jungler with smite, it wasn’t easy to steal the blue buff from her.

But Ji Xingchen remained calm. 1nR3Qb

He watched the blue buff’s health and silently calculated in his mind, while Niumo bravely went to harass Luna.

Seeing the blue buff’s health about to disappear, he waited for the right moment before using his first and second skills, just before Luna could use Punish.

The audience in the livestream held their breath, then cheered.

Ji Xingchen successfully stole Luna’s blue buff! v fcUI


[To steal this, the streamer is awesome!]

In the game, the blue buff was on Shangguan. She twirled her pen, turned around gracefully, and returned to the mid lane.

This tricky move by Ji Xingchen took some time. After securing the blue buff, he intended to help Li Bai in the jungle area. eQ9dqO

However, when he arrived, he found Li Bai, like an old man, still struggling to clear the blue buff.

Not only that, but even when the blue buff was at low health, he didn’t use Punish and was smacked away by the opponent’s Mai Shiranui’s second skill.

Ji Xingchen frowned and opened the voice chat.

“What’s going on, Li Bai?” BnieTz

Li Bai heard and replied, “Sorry, bro, my hand slipped from sweating, I didn’t press Punish.”

[This Li Bai seems a bit weak.]

[Not just a bit, extremely.]

[Is this the Li Bai at 2300 points in high-tier matches??] b9wTD4

The thoughts of Ji Xingchen and the audience in the barrage were similar; this Li Bai was indeed weak.

But Honor of Kings is a game for five people, and winning requires everyone’s effort. Excessively blaming teammates will only make their mentality collapse. Ji Xingchen wasn’t the kind of person who liked to vent frustration and mess with his teammates’ mentality.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Li Bai’s mistake, he didn’t say much and just advised him, “Be more careful next time, signal me if you can’t handle it.”

Li Bai mumbled something and then went to level up in the jungle area by himself. WnZo5z

Although Niumo wasn’t skilled in playing support, he and Ji Xingchen cooperated quite well.

After pinning down Mai Shiranui and Zhang Fei in the middle lane under the tower, the two of them roamed around to provide support.

With the powerful Shangguan in the early game, Ji Xingchen could do as he pleased. Controlling Shangguan, Ji Xingchen soared through the air uncontested, quickly achieving a stunning record of 10-0-2.

In another team fight, Ji Xingchen’s Shangguan, surrounded by five enemies, swooped in from the side after using her ultimate. With a combination of her second and first skills, she directly took out Kula and severely damaged Luna. 4tF7aU

The remaining three enemies, all low on health, hastily retreated.

“This Mai Shiranui doesn’t seem to be playing very well.”

Because his hero was stolen, Ji Xingchen paid extra attention to how well the opponent’s Mai Shiranui was performing.

Seeing that the opponent’s Mai Shiranui frequently missed her second skill and made mistakes, Ji Xingchen concluded that her skill level was average. KkUmcs

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he sent a gathering request.

With two enemies killed and the remaining three lying on the ground and the team retreating to heal, Ji Xingchen noticed minion waves in the middle lane and called everyone over to quickly push the high ground tower.

However, despite sending the gather request three times, only one teammate, the low-damage Mai Shiranui, came to help push the high ground tower.

Ji Xingchen swiped the screen to switch his view to his teammates. OuCDlo

Li Bai was busy fighting the dragon in the pit, Lady Sun was taking the red buff at their base, and the only remaining teammate, Mulan, was doing who knows what in the side lane bushes.

[F***, are your teammates deaf? They don’t even come to push the top turret.]

[This Li Bai, with a 2-8-2 negative record, still dares to fight the dragon?]

[This Li Bai is nowhere near as good as yesterday’s big boss.] qPj3Ro

[Comparing him to the boss is an insult; he’s not even worth a single hair on the big boss’s Li Bai.]

With the teammates absent and the three opponents returning at full health, Ji Xingchen had no choice but to retreat with Niumo.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

While retreating, Ji Xingchen opened the equipment tab and saw that the opponents had already started building magic resist items.

Although Shangguan had strong burst damage, if the opponents all got magic resist items in the late game to counter her, she wouldn’t be able to kill anyone. dM6hsq

Five seconds later, the opponents revived. Ji Xingchen saw that Li Bai was still at the dragon pit and reminded him to leave quickly.

“Li Bai, stop fighting the dragon, they’re coming to contest it after reviving.”

Li Bai didn’t stop his actions and continued to stubbornly fight the dragon.

As Ji Xingchen expected, the first thing the opponents did after reviving was to come and contest Li Bai’s Dark Slayer. PNw7WD

Seeing that someone was about to contest the dragon, Mulan, who had been hiding in the bushes, immediately rushed to support, followed by Lady Sun with the red buff.

At this point, it was undoubtedly suicide for three teammates to fight against the five opponents at full health.

Ji Xingchen quickly sent them a retreat message and called out on the voice chat.

“Don’t fight the dragon, retreat quickly.” hpuf9O

Before Ji Xingchen finished speaking, Li Bai, Mulan, and Lady Sun were already surrounded by the opponents.

A few seconds later, Mai Shiranui from the opponent’s side got a triple kill.

Ji Xingchen fell silent.

Although he didn’t join the team fight, when he switched views, he clearly saw that these three teammates knew they were surrounded but still stayed in the dragon pit and didn’t even use their skills when Mai Shiranui attacked them. PCN9VS

The most ridiculous one was Lady Sun.

Seeing that Mai Shiranui’s second skill didn’t hit her, she even deliberately adjusted her position with a flash, making it easier for Mai Shiranui to hit her.

Ji Xingchen wasn’t new to the Peak Match; in such a situation, he naturally knew what was going on.

Mai Shiranui from the opponent’s side was the boss, while Li Bai, Mulan, and Lady Sun were the actors hired by her. DNEAc6

“We encountered actors, let’s just watch casually.”

Although the Peak Match was filled with top players, due to various reasons such as account boosting, hiring actors, and cheating, these things were not uncommon.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen was currently ranked eleventh, and as long as he climbed higher, he would naturally squeeze out some people’s rankings.

In such a situation, there would naturally be people blocking him from climbing up. B5Ofhx

When the audience in the livestream was arguing fervently, Ji Xingchen lost the game under the performances of his three teammates.

After the game ended, Ji Xingchen checked the profiles of his three teammates and found that they were all from the same team.

This team was called [GM] and was famous in the game.

However, their fame was negative because everyone knew that this was a team of hired players. Although there were many skilled players in the team, each of them could act as an actor. G07Pz1

As long as the boss paid enough money, they could help you win Oscars and get the boss into the top ten of the Peak Match, which was naturally easy.

After figuring out who had been acting, Ji Xingchen switched back to the performance page and looked at the opponent’s IDs.

Sure enough, the name of Mai Shiranui was, as the barrage said, called “MeowMeow TV Little Sweetie.”

Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that the person ranked tenth in the Peak Match points ahead of him seemed to be called by this name. vBONnQ

Translator's Note

“Peak Matches” – are special tournaments with unique rules and rewards, offering players a chance to compete at a higher level of skill and earn exclusive prizes.

Translator's Note

“Banning Phase (BP) – the team picking second gets to choose two heroes in a row after the first team has made their selections.

Translator's Note

Can only guard the highest turret/tower.

Translator's Note

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1 comment

  1. Cheating is boring, why are you planning in rang games if you don’t have abilities to it?

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛