Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh35.2 - My Friend Has Terminal Cancer

[Is he afraid of being surpassed by Song Peifeng if he plays another round? Fans don’t care about protecting points.]

[There’s no need to be happy so soon. You’re only nine points ahead of Song Peifeng. This round isn’t over yet, and you think you can keep your first place?] hFZATu

[Even if Song Peifeng loses this round, the MVP vote later could surpass you. Don’t be too proud too early.]

[Can certain someone’s fans roll back to your own live broadcast room? Coming here to spy every day, what’s the point?]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[A certain streamer can only rely on selling their face and licking rich fans to receive gifts and win MVP votes to beat Ji Xingchen.]

[Even with a 20-point boost, you still can’t surpass Ji Xingchen. It’s embarrassing to even say it out loud.] O8d Hh

The trolls, haters, and fans were arguing fiercely in the barrage, but Ji Xingchen didn’t see any of it.

He’s currently using his twenty-three years of single-handed speed to quickly open an app selling concert tickets, focusing on the page, preparing to grab tickets for Ran Feng’s concert next month.

The concert had been teased by the fans of iFeng for a long time in private, and everyone was eagerly waiting for ticket sales to start today.

Ji Xingchen had been quietly lurking in the fan group and naturally saw the news.


Ran Feng rarely holds concerts; the last one was three years ago. However, unlike other stars who can’t hold concerts due to insufficient offline fans, Ran Feng doesn’t have to worry about ticket sales at all.

iFeng’s fans message the studio every day, begging him to hold more concerts, but there hasn’t been any response from his side for years.

Finally, this year, they were willing to hold one concert, and fans were so excited that they couldn’t sleep. Some have been staring at the website since last night, waiting for ticket sales today!

Although Ji Xingchen doesn’t follow the fan circle closely, after lurking in the fan circle for so long, he knows that many people would be trying to grab tickets today. He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to access the website in time and end up missing out, so he deliberately ended today’s match ten minutes early. M8iZ3p

But even though he ended the match ten minutes early, he still couldn’t get in at the end.

With a star as popular as Ran Feng, there were simply too many fans trying to buy tickets at the same time, causing the server to crash.

With the website crashing, no matter how much Ji Xingchen tried to poke at it, he couldn’t successfully access the section for Ran Feng’s concert.

Ji Xingchen kept staring at the phone screen, not knowing how long he had been poking at it, but the page seemed frozen, refusing to budge. JP8NvM

At first, he thought it was due to his internet speed, so he exited the app and switched to using mobile data.

As a result, even after he exited, the app became unresponsive.

Ji Xingchen, who couldn’t grab the tickets, was sweating with anxiety, constantly switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data.

He didn’t know how many times he had switched, but finally, the app stopped lagging. aPNBlZ

Excitedly, he clicked into the ticket purchasing page, only to sadly discover that the section for Ran Feng’s concert tickets was already marked as sold out.

“What? So fast??”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xingchen was both surprised and disappointed.

He glanced at the time in the upper right corner of his phone. It was only 2 o’clock! VbpoJu

Tickets sold out as soon as they were available?

Were Ran Feng’s fans really that powerful???

Disheartened, Ji Xingchen put down his phone for ticket grabbing and looked at the other phone buzzing incessantly with messages from the fan group.

Fan 1: Ran Feng’s tickets sold out again, I’m crying fygb35

Fan 2: My phone usually runs smoothly, but it suddenly lagged when I needed it the most, it’s useless

Fan 3: Anyone in the group have spare tickets? I’m looking to buy

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fan 4: Even scalpers in my friend circle are crying over the difficulty in getting tickets, give up, who can be that strong

Coafg gfjvlcu atflg mbcnfgrjalbc, Al Wlcumtfc gfjilhfv atja fnfc jwbcu atf rfjrbcfv ojcr iegxlcu lc atlr ugbeq, ofk wjcjufv ab rcju almxfar abvjs. r7nMQB

Cr tf olclrtfv gfjvlcu atf ojcr’ mtja gfmbgvr, Ojc Wlc rfca tlw j nblmf wfrrjuf.

Vlcmf atf ijra alwf Al Wlcumtfc ofii lii, Ojc Wlc xcfk tf jirb ilxfv Ejc Mfcu, rb rtf fcpbsfv rtjglcu rbwf lcobgwjalbc jybea tlw klat tlw.

After Ji Xingchen helped her with her homework yesterday, the two chatted about the concert. So they agreed to try to grab tickets together today to increase their chances of success.

Ji Xingchen opened the voice message, and Lan Xin’s voice immediately came through. 8WrNBS

“Brother, did you manage to grab Ran Feng’s concert tickets?”

Ji Xingchen sighed, “Of course not…”

Lan Xin sighed as well, “Ah, me too. It’s really hard to get Ran Feng’s tickets.”

Seeing Lan Xin so disappointed, Ji Xingchen comforted her, “It’s okay, there will be another chance.” kE09to

Lan Xin replied, “It’s not okay. Who knows when the next chance will be? Ran Feng doesn’t often hold concerts.”

Ji Xingchen said, “But if he does, next time you won’t be a high school senior anymore. Maybe you’ll be able to grab front-row VIP tickets directly.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Upon hearing this, Lan Xin suddenly felt less discouraged.

“Brother, what you said makes sense! Let’s hope Ran Feng holds another concert next year!” erIkc8

After closing Lan Xin’s WeChat, Ji Xingchen collected himself and prepared to start the livestream again. However, he realized that his computer was still on, and the screen was still showing the page he had been trying to buy tickets from earlier.

Ji Xingchen panicked a bit, “Didn’t I close the livestream just now…”

[Star, let me tell you a cruel fact. Not only did you not close the livestream, but we also discovered that the thing you mentioned, which is apparently more important than the competition, is trying to grab tickets for Ran Feng’s concert]

[Be careful, even after frantically switching between Wi-Fi and data, still couldn’t grab any tickets.] lS2p1G

[Be more cautious, even teamed up with my sister in the end, but still couldn’t get any.]

[Hahaha, let’s stop, let’s stop, poor Star is really miserable!]

[He actually went chasing stars, just now I thought he was deliberately playing safe to maintain his score.]

[Can’t guys be crazy fans of male celebrities too? Why does it seem “gay”?] uD9 WB

[Why can’t guys like male celebrities?]

Seeing his secret ticket-grabbing exposed, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt like he was running naked in front of millions of viewers…

“You guys…”

After sending two syllables, Ji Xingchen suddenly didn’t know what else to say. CIa1Ur

[Star, if you have anything to say, just say it boldly, no need to be embarrassed.]

[We just accidentally found out that Ran Feng is more important to you than the competition, that’s all, really.]

Ji Xingchen realized that the more he dodged, the more they teased him, so he decided to be straightforward and admit it.

“Embarrassed? How could I be? I just wanted to ask if anyone has extra tickets, if so, please give me a couple. I’ll be really grateful.” Ji Xingchen finished with a smile, “But I’m not underestimating your speed, my intuition tells me you probably don’t have any.” U sBfA

[Asking for two tickets is like asking for the moon hahaha]

[No, no, even after trying for so long, I didn’t get a single one.]

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen, who witnessed firsthand how difficult it was to get tickets, of course knew that no one could afford to give them away. But he actually said it just to divert everyone’s attention. However, he didn’t expect that such a casual remark would actually get a response.

After asking for tickets, Ji Xingchen, the silent boss who had been in the livestream the whole time, called him on WeChat. rfhNGH

Ji Xingchen, who had forgotten to mute his livestream earlier, was now cautious and muted his microphone before answering the call.

“Star, give me your address.”

The familiar deep voice of the boss echoed in his ears, sending shivers down Ji Xingchen’s spine.

He touched his ears and then replied, “What’s up, Wanfeng?” unre4G

Initially, Ji Xingchen was wondering why the boss suddenly called him and asked for his address, but then he heard the boss saying,

“I have two tickets.”

“What?” Ji Xingchen thought he might have misheard or misunderstood and asked again uncertainly.

Lowering his head, Ran Feng smiled and waved two VIP tickets he just got from his agent, “Didn’t you fail to get them?” 6ZvVQq

“Tickets for Ran… Ran Feng’s concert?”


This time Ji Xingchen understood it clearly, it was tickets for Ran Feng’s concert, and what’s more, they were two incredibly luxurious ones!

“Two tickets?” Pde1aJ


With this definite confirmation, Ji Xingchen couldn’t ask any further.

Who was this boss Wanfeng?

He actually had two tickets that were impossible to get online! 6uSQD

Suppressing his excitement, Ji Xingchen tried to sound casual, “It’s hard to get these tickets, how did you manage to get so many?”

“My sister bought two tickets, but she has a scheduling conflict, so she’s not going.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen remembered this sister of Wanfeng, the one who gave him the rabbit plushie.

“Your sister is also an iFeng member?” 43viMI

Both giving rabbit plushies and being iFeng members, Ji Xingchen felt a strange connection with Wanfeng’s sister.


In Ran Feng’s voice, there was actually a hint of amusement, but Ji Xingchen didn’t catch it.

“Well then, thank you, Wanfeng. By the way, if you have time, please thank your sister for me as well.” eVClgf

Suddenly receiving two tickets, Ji Xingchen’s voice was filled with joy.

But despite having the tickets, he didn’t want Wanfeng to bear any loss.

Ji Xingchen immediately asked about the price, “How much, Wanfeng? I’ll transfer it to you.”

“No need, it’s a gift for you.” tvp4NY

“It’s not right to accept such a generous gift…”

Ran Feng chuckled, “It’s fine, it would be a waste if you don’t go.”

Initially, Ji Xingchen wanted to say that the tickets wouldn’t go to waste as many would want them if he resold them, but he was interrupted by Ran Feng’s sudden remark.

Ran Feng asked, “Star, do you like Ran Feng?” hQIL m

Ji Xingchen didn’t hesitate, almost blurting out, “Yes, I do…”

“What kind of like?” Ran Feng pressed on.

Upon hearing the boss’s question, Ji Xingchen finally realized something was amiss.

Wouldn’t most people default to thinking it’s the kind of liking associated with being a fan? d4KRuA

Why would Wanfeng ask that?

“Why are you asking this, Wanfeng… What other kind of like could there be? It’s just being a fan.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Feng naturally realized he misspoke and apologized, “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything else.”

The more Wanfeng explained, the more Ji Xingchen felt there was something else behind it. aSkH57

Suddenly, he remembered the comments in the chat earlier, saying that a guy liking a male star was a bit “gay.”


Could the boss really be thinking like that too?!

In fact, Ji Xingchen really wanted to explain to the boss that what those people said wasn’t quite right. He wasn’t gay for anyone else; he just wanted to be gay for Ran Feng! So, the boss shouldn’t misunderstand! ASZUV6

But in the end, he didn’t say anything and silently bore it all.

After hanging up the boss’s call, Ji Xingchen sent his address over. Although he had sent gifts before, that address wasn’t valid.

After sending the address, he transferred 3376 yuan to the boss, but it was refunded the next day.


Ran Feng had privately called Ji Xingchen to give him the tickets, so Mo Yuze, who was watching Ji Xingchen’s livestream during his break from filming, didn’t know that he had already received the tickets.

Three days later, when he had some free time during an event and met Ran Feng, he personally went to ask for the tickets.

“Ran Feng, are you having a concert?”

Ran Feng, who was reading, looked up at him. “Are you coming to watch?” IR OmF

Mo Yuze scratched his head and shook it directly. “No, no. I’d rather play a couple of games with this time.”

Ran Feng chuckled. “Good, I don’t want to see you there either.”

“You’re hurting my young and fragile heart by saying that.” Mo Yuze, who claimed to have a young and fragile heart, walked over to Ran Feng with a smile and directly reached out his hand. “Ran Feng, even though I’m not going, can you give me two tickets?”

“No.” rhlSDZ

Knowing Mo Yuze’s intention early on, Ran Feng closed the book decisively and refused without hesitation.

Mo Yuze was at a loss for words.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He had a belly full of excuses ready to scam the tickets, but to his surprise, he didn’t even get a chance to say a single one before being turned down.

“Why?” nL0Ii1

Mo Yuze, feeling indignant, approached Ran Feng wanting to know the reason. “How could you refuse without even hearing my reasons! What if it’s because I have a friend, oh no, a friend who’s terminally ill and wants to see you at the concert before they pass away?”

Ran Feng pushed his face away and stood up, taking a step.

“I already gave them away.”


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  1. He already gave it for your “terminally ill” friend

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. I saw the title and I killed one streamer (from another novel) HAHAHA lol 😂 and now I know it’s just because of the foolish Mo Yuse