Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh35.1 - My Friend Has Terminal Cancer

You can’t play without a full team of five, and with one spot empty, the game naturally can’t start.

After returning to the team interface, Ji Xingchen found that Mo Yuze, the boss, was missing, so he immediately asked in the team channel, “Where’s Boss Ink? Why did he leave?” i1P7ID

As he finished speaking, his gaze fell on the live broadcast room, where he immediately saw the pitiful barrage just sent by Mo Yuze.

[My fish got stolen]: Why leave? How could I bear to leave myself!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[My fish got stolen]: Sister Feng, did you go to the bathroom? Hurry and pull me back in.

“What’s going on with the boss?” nJ WAD

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s discovery, Mo Yuze quickly begged him for help.

[My fish got stolen]: Star, pull me back quickly. Sister Feng accidentally kicked me out just now.

Unaware, Mo Yuze harbored deep admiration for the aloof and sharp Sister Feng.

Even though she kicked him, he didn’t think about other aspects at all, and even helped himself come up with a reason for her to have accidentally slipped.


Mo Yuze, careless as he was, didn’t pay attention to these small details, but Ji Xingchen sensed that something was wrong.

“Boss, wait for me, I’ll pull you back right away.”

Ji Xingchen, about to pull him back, took out another phone not used for streaming, opened WeChat, and found the name of Boss Wanfeng.

Star: Boss, why did you kick Boss Mo? amvqDN

Wanfeng: Accidentally

Star: ???

In the team mode of Honor of kings, even if you want to kick someone, you have to carefully search for the little “X” to kick them out. It’s hard to believe that the boss’s slip was so accurate!

Although Boss Wanfeng didn’t say anything, Ji Xingchen could still sense that he was a bit different from before. ohmIQp

Unable to guess the reason and fearing any potential conflict between the two bosses, he worried that forcing them to play together might make both of them unhappy. So, he decided to explain for Mo Yuze.

Star: Boss Ink rarely comes to the live broadcast room. He thought you were a girl. I’ll explain to him later.

Wanfeng: It’s not about that.

Star: ??? MgXYQZ

Wanfeng: It’s nothing, just a slip. Go ahead and pull him in.

Ran Feng didn’t explain much further; he didn’t really have any real desire to play games with Mo Yuze, just felt annoyed by him.

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Oh, and he insisted on having a close relationship with Ji Xingchen, brushing that intimacy relationship.

So childish. brVfDn

Wanfeng relaxed a bit, seeing that Ji Xingchen didn’t seem to have any hostility towards Mo Yuze. Only then did Ji Xingchen go pull in Mo Yuze.

Mo Yuze finally returned to the five-person team, happily forgetting about the earlier drama, and quickly joined them for a ranked match.

Mo Yuze was a good person overall, but his temper could occasionally flare up.

He had no idea why he was kicked by Ran Feng the first time, and he started losing control of his mouth again. 7gdlZU

During the loading screen before a regular ranked match, there’s a buffer screen that shows each hero’s poster and each player’s in-game name. At the same time, the power cards of the players’ heroes and the intimate relationships between teammates are also displayed.

So when the five-person buffer screen appeared, Mo Yuze, who had playfully established a flashy friendship with Ji Xingchen, had a little character appear next to Ji Xingchen’s game name.

And their teammates Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu also had a heart icon next to their names.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf ilaaif mtjgjmafg gfqgfrfcar oglfcvrtlq, ktlif atf tfjga rluclolfr j gbwjcalm gfijalbcrtlq. zCrONX

Ciatbeut la kjr j olnf-qfgrbc gjcxfv wjamt, atf batfg obeg qijsfgr tjv jii obgwfv lcalwjaf gfijalbcrtlqr klat fjmt batfg.

Ycis Ejc Mfcu, ja atf ogbca, tjvc’a obgwfv jcs ybcvr klat jcsbcf.

Ktlr mbcagjra lwwfvljafis wjvf tlw jqqfjg qjgalmeijgis ibcfis.

This scene was quite obvious, actually, Ji Xingchen and the others had noticed it in their first game together, but no one mentioned it. 2UZDGx

It wasn’t until this game, when Mo Yuze, who had been slacking off in the previous round while on a bathroom break, now finally noticed this during the game’s loading screen.

Mo Yuze played games on his personal WeChat account, and he had only played with Ran Feng in real life. So, his other gaming friends were all strangers, and he didn’t often play with them, so he hadn’t formed any friendship bonds with anyone.

Seeing his name suddenly have this icon, he found it particularly fresh.

“Star, look! We have a relationship now!” Hi4ej7

Ji Xingchen felt that the boss’s words sounded odd, so he quickly corrected, “It’s a friendship bond.”

Mo Yuze didn’t care about these distinctions, he reached out and tapped the little character, and when he immediately saw “Veteran Driver” displayed above it, he looked over at Ran Feng again.

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“Sister Feng, why haven’t you bonded with anything? It makes you look so out of place. Hey, do you want to bond with me too? How about being ‘ear buddies’? It’s kinda cute, suitable for you girls.”

Upon hearing this, Cheng Yu couldn’t help but burst into laughter. QD96sG

Confused, Mo Yuze asked him, “Teacher Cheng, what are you laughing at?”

Cheng Yu replied, “Nothing, nothing. Boss, you don’t need to mind me, just carry on.”

As Cheng Yu finished speaking, everyone in the game reached 100% loading.

So, the five heroes immediately appeared in the Fountain of the King’s Canyon. 3Mhy7S

At this moment, many hearts appeared under the feet of Ji Xingchen and Mo Yuze, as well as under the feet of Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu.

Mo Yuze raised his voice and kept joking, “Star, look, after we formed this bond, we’re still spawning a lot of hearts at the beginning.”

All viewers in the live broadcast room saw that as soon as Mo Yuze finished speaking, Wanfeng, who had already left the fountain, stopped in his tracks.

[Formed this bond? Those words were used quite cleverly] I8dyQZ

[Wanfeng immediately stopped upon hearing this and gave Mo Yuze a fierce glare]

[Mo Yuze, shut up. Wanfeng is going to kick you out again later]

[Wanfeng: Let’s just let this one go]

The barrage was all guessing with laughter about whether Mo Yuze would be mercilessly kicked out of the live broadcast room by Ran Feng after this round. pbGVHw

But what they expected didn’t happen.

Ran Feng didn’t kick anyone this time; instead, he pulled out his phone and made a call.

Two minutes later.

Mo Yuze’s phone rang. t9jPwH

“Old man, what’s up with you again! Why are you calling me now? You’re disturbing my rest!”

Mo Yuze held the phone to his ear, forgetting to mute his microphone.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

While on the call, he didn’t even consider stopping playing, still fully focused on the game.

Seeing the boss on the phone, Ji Xingchen and the others remained silent. u3mq6Z

With no one speaking, the chat in the game instantly ceased, leaving only Mo Yuze’s irritable continuous output.

“Damn, how did you know I was playing a game?”

“What’s wrong with being a noob? Can’t a noob play a game?”

“We agreed on tomorrow, didn’t we?” 5XBLp6

“Are you that sneaky? That’s so despicable!”

“Alright, alright, after this round, I won’t play anymore.”

“Stop nagging, I got it.”

Mo Yuze, who was originally playing the game happily, hung up the phone grumbling. gBwG7D

“That old man is nagging again, it’s annoying.”

After finishing a round, Mo Yuze finally reluctantly quit the game.

After the broadcast ended in the evening, Ji Xingchen lay in bed holding his phone and chatted with Boss Wanfeng for a while.

As they chatted drowsily, almost falling asleep, Ji Xingchen suddenly saw the boss asking him to go online to play a game. a3CSt7

Wanfeng: Go online to play a game.

Ji Xingchen rubbed his eyes, suppressing his drowsiness to type a reply.

Star: Are we playing ranked now?

Wanfeng: No ranked. kvKDiy

Why go online to play if not for ranked games this late?

Filled with question marks, Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to ask more and immediately logged into the game.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But after waiting for several minutes, he didn’t see the boss come online.

Star: How much longer until you come online, Wanfeng? ptqFVv

After sending this message, which would usually receive an almost instant reply from the boss, Ji Xingchen had to wait for almost a minute for a response this time.

Wanfeng: Accept my request.

Star: What request?

The WeChat interface showed that the other party was typing, so Ji Xingchen didn’t ask further and waited obediently. 2yZjnP

After several seconds, there was no response from Boss Wanfeng’s side. Then, after a few more seconds, it showed that the other party was typing again.

After this back-and-forth for several minutes, the other party finally replied.

Wanfeng: Intimate relationship.

Star: ?????? uzqaLD

Seeing Boss Wanfeng mention an intimate relationship, Ji Xingchen didn’t think much of it at first.

But when he saw that Boss had actually requested to establish a romantic relationship with him, he instantly became alert.

Star: Boss… I’ve accepted it.

Star: But… q54wbI

Star: Did you apply for the wrong thing?

Facing Ji Xingchen’s question, Ran Feng’s face blushed slightly.

Wanfeng: Yes, I made a mistake in the operation and applied for the wrong thing.

Star: Should I delete it first and then reapply to you? huVg6C

Wanfeng: No need to bother, let’s just make do with it.

Ji Xingchen stared at this “make do with it” option, pondering deeply.

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Could two men like him and the boss really just “make do” with the romantic couple option, intended for couples?

As he thought about it, Ji Xingchen recalled the scene where Cheng Yu and Jiang Mu had also used this icon before. LB2qkU

Thinking about it like this… it didn’t seem impossible for two men to just “make do” with it, did it?

Mo Yuze was urged by his agent to go shoot a film, so he hadn’t watched Ji Xingchen’s livestream for some time.

When he tuned in again, he happened to catch Ji Xingchen playing the final day of the second stage’s competition. saUcfX

Separated from the chaos of the first stage, the polarization between the streamers in the second stage gradually became apparent.

The group of streamers with weaker abilities, after two weeks, had almost hit rock bottom in terms of points, waiting for their fate of elimination.

But on the other hand, strong streamers like Ji Xingchen seized every game, racing against time to earn points.

Finally, after the last week’s sprint, Ji Xingchen once again secured the top position in points. laZn6P

Just after today’s final game ended, Ji Xingchen, living up to expectations, earned another MVP.

“Brother Star, it’s 1:50 AM now, even with the last ten minutes left, can we still play one more game?”

Xing Cai, who had been teaming up with Ji Xingchen all along, wanted to take advantage of their good form to play another game and earn more points.

But just as Ji Xingchen had set down his phone to stretch and relax, upon hearing the time, he quickly picked it up again. ykplK5

At the same time, his other phone, which he had set an alarm on, also started ringing.

“I won’t play anymore, I have something important to attend to. I can’t play today.”

After saying this, Ji Xingchen hurriedly quit the game, without even lifting his head, and informed the audience in the live broadcast room, “Guys, I won’t stream for now, sorry for the delay, I’ll be back later.”

Seeing Ji Xingchen not continuing to play, Xing Cai also stopped. QBHUcC

But the trolls in the live chat weren’t having it.

[Even with just ten minutes left, you could still play another round. What’s up? Feeling secure in your first place?]

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[You’ve got something going on? You’re just trying to protect your points. Hurry back and play another game.]

[If you come back, I’ll gift you a magic meteor shower. Even if you lose and lose 10 points, so what? Immediately vote for MVP and get 20 points, isn’t that great?] L8iGHy

During the matches, the popularity of Ji Xingchen’s live broadcast room would double compared to usual. But at the same time, the composition of viewers attracted to watch the live broadcast became particularly complicated.

Many of those trolling Ji Xingchen weren’t necessarily haters; some were just disappointed fans who felt that Ji Xingchen wasn’t playing enough to their satisfaction.

Some were disappointed that Ji Xingchen, who usually played aggressively and fearlessly in the mid lane, seemed to be playing timidly today out of fear of losing fans.

Of course, apart from these viewers, there were also many fans of Song Peifeng who were watching Ji Xingchen’s every move closely. li8vtC

Seeing him secure the first place again after the match, it felt like he had eaten a hundred lemons, incredibly sour.

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  1. I just want to say: “Gonna cry?”

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖