Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh34.2 - Deleting Friends

Mo Yuze was using the voice changer while watching the barrage on his iPad.

Seeing everyone laughing, he didn’t get angry. 5UWxSt

Although he often had blind confidence, he also knew that he was indeed very bad at the game.

When he told Ji Xingchen that he wanted to use Yaria to regain his rank, deep down he was hoping to be carried by the Jungle King, just trying to mix up some points and get his stars back…

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But who knew he wouldn’t gain stars but only fall further into misery!

After turning on the voice changer and seeing everyone questioning how he climbed ranks, Mo Yuze spoke up again, “To be honest, I have a friend, a true Jungle King! He’s handsome and wild, like a beast.” 5vAZXM

When mentioning Ran Feng, Mo Yuze couldn’t help but sound a bit proud, “Whenever he’s free, he’ll either carry me or help me climb ranks. After each game, tons of people want to add him. Just recently, I deleted a bunch of them.”

Mo Yuze recalled a stranger named It’s Ruanruan who added him after Ran Feng helped him in a game. Seeing the name, he immediately thought it sounded suspicious and deleted and unfollowed the person right away, a complete removal!

After praising Ran Feng, Mo Yuze saw the barrage begging for contact information, so he added, “Forget it, he’s really aloof and won’t bother with you guys. By the way, he’s a bit like the Sister Wanfeng we played with last time, quiet but badass!”

Mo Yuze preferred gaming over watching streams. He usually didn’t pay attention to what was happening in the chat, only checking when Ji Xingchen was playing a match. So far, he didn’t know that the “Sister Wanfeng” he mentioned was actually a guy!


Hearing the sudden change in voice to a loli tone when he spoke, Mo Yuze excitedly changed the topic, “The voice changer is so cool!”

Ji Xingchen noticed Mo Yuze suddenly using the voice changer while speaking and immediately asked him why.

My fish got stolen: “So my teammates will think I’m a girl, and they won’t criticize me when I play support.”

[Boss, you’re overthinking it. Everyone criticize in games] uDMar9

[In esports, there’s no gender. The voice changer won’t really help, boss.]

Seeing the boss being so humble, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but chuckle and gave him some of his own advice.

“Boss, it’s not that complicated. Just change your name right away, I guarantee no one will dare to mess with you.”

My fish got stolen: “Isn’t my current name badass enough?” Z9YNTm

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “Too gentle, you need to change it.”

After that, Ji Xingchen sent him a name via WeChat.

Mo Yuze left the team room and returned a few minutes later.

Then his new name appeared again in front of over a million people — iHs3ug

Want Blue and Big Support


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[So cool, is it Ji Xingchen who’s cool or the name?]

[Can’t mess with that, supporting with this name, anyone who sees it will be scared] 6rdUlt

So Mo Yuze played with this name, joining Ji Xingchen for a ranked match.

In this match, Mo Yuze still picked Yaria, while Ji Xingchen filled in as an side lane.

As soon as the game started, Mo Yuze controlled his little support to the mid lane to help the mage clear a wave.

But just as he took a few steps… Y0w6q

Mage: Yaria, can you go with the jungler? I can handle myself alone! Really!!

Mo Yuze obediently turned around, planning to go to the blue buff area with the jungler.

Upon seeing Yaria approaching, the jungler Han Xin immediately started showering her with compliments to keep her calm.

Jungler: Yaria, you’re super cute and adorable! rzdLw7

Seeing Yaria still moving forward, Han Xin quickly typed another message.

Jungler: Sweetie, don’t rush! I’ll give you the blue later, can you go with the marksman now? Be a good girl.

Mo Yuze, who had never been treated so gently by a jungler in a solo queue, stopped in his tracks.

Just as he was about to turn around to go with the marksman, he heard the marksman turn on his mic. ikgnXu

Marksman: Don’t come over!!!

Marksman: Little sister, please don’t come over!!! Let’s talk about it!! As long as you don’t come over, even if you AFK online, I promise not to report you!!!

Want Blue and Big Support: ????

Want Blue and Big Support: Is everyone spoiling me like this? Shy~ Qtnohp

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Barrage: Hahahahahaha, I’m laughing my head off.]

Zb Tehf, rfflcu fnfgsbcf rb jogjlv bo tlw, uglccfv ilxf j obbi, “Ktlr cjwf lr lcvffv jkfrbwf.”

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Al Wlcumtfc jirb mtemxifv, “Rbk cb bcf vjgfr ab mglalmlhf sbe.”

Scpbslcu atf reqfg afjw’r ojnbg atgbeutbea atf ujwf, Zb Tehf, fnfc lo tlr ujwfqijs kjr yjv ijafg, vlvc’a tfjg j rlcuif mglalmlrw ogbw tlr afjwwjafr. 2ybpZ7

After a thoroughly enjoyable victory, he opened his backpack and immediately sent fifty deep red roses to Ji Xingchen.

“Star, accept our intimate relationship.”

Following Mo Yuze’s reminder, Ji Xingchen opened the intimacy request section in the game.

After clicking agree, he found that his intimacy with Mo Yuze was over five thousand points. 4PK3iz

Increasing intimacy in Honor of kings can be achieved through playing ranked games together or receiving roses.

Since Ji Xingchen and Mo Yuze hadn’t played ranked together many times, their intimacy wasn’t expected to be this high. So, without hesitation, Ji Xingchen opened his inbox and found many emails containing roses sent by Mo Yuze.

“How come you’re so good at saving roses, boss? Each email has 50 roses.”

The number of roses that can be sent to increase intimacy is limited each day. Intimate roses, which increase intimacy by 5 points, and deep red roses, which increase it by 10 points, can each only be sent in batches of 50 per day. uJjVbU

But Mo Yuze had sent him nearly seven hundred roses over the course of about a week!

Mo Yuze, who was about to clear his backpack to send all items that could increase intimacy to Ji Xingchen, paused with his hand in motion.

“Save them? How could I save them? I just bought them directly from the store, they’re not expensive…”

Ji Xingchen:… 0dODWr

“So you can buy roses. I’m sorry, it’s my poverty that doesn’t deserve it.”

Just as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he received another intimate gift from wealthy Mo Yuze.

This item could directly increase intimacy by 52 points and would show off their affection in the lobby when used, with the system automatically sending a barrage of messages.

Startled by the sudden barrage, Ji Xingchen exclaimed, “Why are you using this?” mYvZP1

“This one increases intimacy a lot and quickly!”

“Why do we need to increase intimacy so much?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

This question left Mo Yuze silent.

However, neither of them knew that just as Mo Yuze was triggering the affection boost. At the same time, Ran Feng, entered the live stream. xpFdsm

Seeing Mo Yuze’s actions to increase intimacy with Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng watched everything.

After emptying his backpack, Mo Yuze finally stopped obsessing over increasing intimacy and began to ponder what title to use for the close friendship he had with Ji Xingchen in the game.

There were six titles for friendships in the game: Best Friend, Veteran Driver, Tool Guy, Big Shot, Scapegoat, and Tag-along.

Mo Yuze quickly settled on Veteran Driver and selected it. 8YsoPi

“Veteran Driver, Veteran Driver, sounds like someone who knows what they’re doing, let’s go with that.”

Hearing Mo Yuze’s enthusiastic calls for “Veteran Driver,” Ji Xingchen teased him, “Boss, don’t get too excited. If the moderator hears this, they’ll think we’re up to something, and the livestream will be shut down.”

“I don’t want to be a Veteran Driver, let’s choose something else.”

After jokingly suggesting a different title, Ji Xingchen’s gaze fell on “Tool Guy,” intending to select it. However, before he could check the box, Ran Feng made a choice for him. Tavg0G

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Tag-along

Ji Xingchen looked up, finally noticing the message from Wanfeng.

“Tag-along… Wanfeng, when did you arrive?”

Realizing that he had been so focused on building intimacy with Mo Yuze that he hadn’t noticed Wanfeng entering the livestream, Ji Xingchen’s expression changed. dNGhDL

With a serious face, Ran Feng slowly typed a message on his phone—

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: I showed up when Mo Yuze was boosting your affection.


[Why do I feel like that’s so cheesy, haha.] q8LueX

[Wanfeng witnessed the entire process of Mo Yuze confessing his feelings to Star.]

[So, Wanfeng chose ‘Tag-along’ for Mo Yuze because he witnessed the whole confession?]

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Mo Yuze, unaware of what was happening in the livestream, focused on items in his backpack and spoke again, “What’s, Wanfeng? Oh, Star, I found another love letter here. It can also increase intimacy by 52 points. I’ll use it for you!”

As Mo Yuze finished speaking, another message appeared in the livestream chat. 0JimIq

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Suggest deleting friend.

[Goddamn, what a suggestion to delete a friend.]

[Hahaha, the boss is obviously jealous.]

[As soon as he hears that Star is getting love letters from Boss Fish, the vinegar jar is immediately overturned.] mjxsIu

[Top-ranked boss and second-ranked boss are jealous for Star! Let’s fight!]

Seeing Wanfeng seeming a bit displeased with Mo Yuze, Ji Xingchen quickly invited him, “Boss, want to play ranked together?”

Ran Feng agreed directly.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Okay. dnf0V2

However, when he agreed to Ji Xingchen, he glanced at Mo Yuze’s profile picture with great disdain.

Finally got to play a game with Star, and this idiot’s tagging along.

Two minutes later, extremely displeased Ran Feng logged into the game.

At this time, Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu also logged in with their smurf accounts. uMBw4b

So, the game of three people has now become five.

Ji Xingchen pulled everyone into a team and hastily formed a five-man team.

Because the room was reopened, Ran Feng became the host.

Seeing himself surrounded by four big shots, Mo Yuze had a whimsical idea and decided to have some fun. iaNLdl

“I want to play marksman in this game, can you pick a strong support for me?”

Hearing this, Ji Xingchen refused without hesitation, “Nope, sis, I never play support.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

My fish got stolen: “Sis???”

[Star’s sister, Star Sis, is online hahaha] EX8me1

[The boss probably doesn’t know, Star absolutely hates playing support.]

After being flatly rejected by Ji Xingchen, Mo Yuze stopped insisting and decided to be a passive support, quietly waiting for everyone to leave him a spot, then he’d pick whichever hero was left.

Among these five people, apart from Mo Yuze, who’s a noob, the remaining two jungler Kings and two Mage Kings have conflicting positions.

However, because this is a low-tier Star and Mythic game, nobody paid much attention when picking heroes. 1rDF8Q

Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu swapped positions; one played a mage, and the other practiced jungle.

Meanwhile, Ran Feng also gave up the jungle position and directly picked the marksman, Lady Sun.

Mo Yuze, seeing Wanfeng picking marksman, had initially planned to play support with Cai Yan.

But as he pre-selected, he saw Wanfeng type in the chat: exkuIW

Wanfeng: Star, support me.

Mo Yuze thought Ran Feng didn’t know that Ji Xingchen didn’t want to play support, so he kindly explained, “Wanfeng, Star just said he doesn’t play sup…”

However, before he finished, he saw the small streamer who had insisted he didn’t play support, instantly lock in Diao Chan, a support hero.

My fish got stolen: ???? i1ZHhB

My fish got stolen: “Didn’t you say you don’t play support?”

Ji Xingchen: “Under normal circumstances, I don’t play support, but… there are special circumstances.”

My fish got stolen: “What special circumstances????”

[Hahaha, Boss Fish is online, confused] ns4dNT

[Under normal circumstances, Star doesn’t play support, but when he’s playing sweet duo with boss Wanfeng, it’s not normal]

[Star treats the two bosses differently, truly an internationally renowned double standard]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that even the support position was taken by Ji Xingchen, Mo Yuze had no choice but to resort to his old ways and pick a top lane hero he used to play when solo queuing.

He glanced at Ji Xingchen’s Diao Chan and thought about their recently established intimacy in the game, so he chose Sun Ce, Diao Chan’s partner, hoping to strengthen their relationship in the game. yPS HD

“Star, I picked Sun Ce. Do you have that cat and dog skin? Let’s use that.”

As Mo Yuze finished speaking, another line appeared in the room.

Wanfeng: Shut up.

“What’s wrong, Sister Wanfeng?” mgUlWX

Wanfeng: …

After selecting their lineup, Mo Yuze waited for the game to begin.

When the game poster of the five people popped up, he belatedly realized that the streamer was using the cheapest 288 Companion Skin.

They weren’t using the couple skin with him! Wapgib

After entering the game, Mo Yuze immediately asked, “Why aren’t we using the couple skin?”

Ji Xingchen explained to him, “This skin feels better.”

Mo Yuze rubbed his nose in frustration, “Okay~ If it helps us win games.”

Just as Mo Yuze, who was solely focused on climbing ranks, finished saying this eagerly, he got obliterated by the opponent. CN5wXO

It was only then that he realized he seemed to have boarded a pirate ship!

He thought the four big shots who he thought could carry him would fly with him, but after the game started, each one of them turned out to be quite the performer.

All four of them were acting throughout the game, competing to see who could be the biggest liability!

Mo Yuze, with his head full of bandages from the enemy’s Mi Yue, begged the marksman closest to him for help. xFXqm

“Sister Wanfeng, help me!!!”

However, the other side completely ignored him, just watching him being chased and beaten up by Mi Yue.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mo Yuze forgot to use his summoner spells to escape and hastily took refuge under the defense tower.

Fortunately, when he was in low health, he was saved by Ji Xingchen’s Diao Chan’s second skill just in time to recall home, saving his sorry state. BFdh5G

Taking a breath of relief back at the fountain, Mo Yuze felt incredibly exhausted…

After enduring this game of chaos, Mo Yuze, upon returning to the fight, finally realized the “dangers of society.”

He sighed heavily, then said to Ji Xingchen, “Star, you’re still the best!”

Ji Xingchen didn’t quite understand why his boss suddenly said this, so he replied, confused, “Huh?” AkyrHW

Mo Yuze lowered his voice and softly said, “It’s nothing, I just feel like you’re really gentle.”

He said this sentence simply to express gratitude to Ji Xingchen.

After all, the other three were all heartless, each one better at acting than the next.

Especially the marksman, always leaving him to die! It’s as if they wished he’d get killed by the enemy! rJNInv

Poor him, with the worst skills, enduring a beating the entire time.

In the end, only Star, this kind little angel, was willing to help him in times of crisis, shielding him from harm and giving him a lift!

So when he said this, it was purely to praise Ji Xingchen’s excellent quality of saving lives and helping others in need!

However, he seemed to not understand the concept of speaking too soon. stvG9Q

Just as he finished saying this, and his finger moved to click “ready” to join Ji Xingchen and the others for another five-man match…

The game screen suddenly changed.

He was already out of the team interface, back in the lobby.

System: Wanfeng has kicked you out of the room. xsT3mI

Seeing this message, Mo Yuze was utterly confused.

He quickly tried to request an invitation again, but found he couldn’t get back in no matter what.

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My fish got stolen: ??????

What’s wrong with Sister Wanfeng?? X9vG86

Did she accidentally kick me out or something???

Translator's Note

“Best Friend” This is the closest and most trusted friend. It signifies a deep bond and mutual trust between two individuals.

Translator's Note

“Veteran Driver” This could refer to someone who is experienced and skilled in leading or guiding others, often in gameplay strategies or tactics. It implies a leadership role.

Translator's Note

“Tool Guy”This might denote someone who is resourceful and helpful, often providing assistance or support to others in various ways.

Translator's Note

“Big Shot” This usually refers to someone who is highly skilled, influential, or successful within the group. It suggests a prominent or respected position.

Translator's Note

“Scapegoat” This is someone who often takes the blame or responsibility for mistakes or failures within the group, whether deserved or not.

Translator's Note

“Tag-along” This could refer to someone who is less active or involved in group activities, often following along with others rather than taking a leading role. It may imply a more passive or peripheral role within the group.

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  1. Yes , accident, 100%

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. thanks for the translations

    during the chat barrage, Mo Yuze is referred to by his name which should not be the case bc they dont know who he is and if they did theyd be freaking out bc he’s a celebrity

  3. HAHAHAHA MO YUZE YOU’RE SUCH A TROUBLEMAKER 😭😭 thank you for the chapter