Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh32 - Your Market’s That Bad?

“You’re curious about this?”

Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng once had a similar conversation. nrb71I

Back in high school, most of the girls in the class liked to read novels about socialist brotherly love. Besides filling their phones with all sorts of strange TXT files, they also brought many physical books to class, secretly enjoying them hidden under their textbooks.

Once, a girl in the front borrowed Ji Xingchen’s homework to copy. When returning the book, she accidentally tucked a bonus picture that came with the newly bought book into Ji Xingchen’s exercise book.

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After placing the exercise book on Ji Xingchen’s desk, she went to PE class.

After class, unaware, Ji Xingchen followed Ran Feng back to his seat with a popsicle in his mouth. o9Ljb

However, the exercise book belonged to the girl, and somehow it got knocked over to Ran Feng’s side.

Ran Feng, who sat down first, casually tried to pass the exercise book to Ji Xingchen.

But then, that picture slid out right in front of him.

Thinking it was Ji Xingchen’s, Ran Feng picked it up.


When he saw what was drawn on the picture, Ji Xingchen, who turned his head, also saw.

Then, in a voice as quiet as a secret, he heard Ran Feng beside him.

“Brother Feng, how do you have this kind of picture?”

The exercise book was placed upside down, so Ji Xingchen didn’t see the name and assumed the picture belonged to Ran Feng. x3wNAM

Seeing the little yellow picture in Ran Feng’s hand, he was both shocked and incredulous.

His Brother Feng was the school’s handsome school grass, the dream lover of all the girls in the school, a real straight guy as solid as a steel pipe!

So, how could the steel straight guy Brother Feng collect such strange things?

Compared to Ji Xingchen’s lack of composure, Ran Feng remained much calmer. mrKJ83

He withdrew his gaze from the card and expressionlessly flipped it over on the desktop.

He lifted his head and saw Ji Xingchen’s face turning red, which looked kind of cute, so he felt like teasing him, “What kind of picture?”

Ran Feng asked knowingly.

Ji Xingchen, however, looked complex. a6WmpX

He glanced at the things on the table and whispered, “Just… I accidentally stumbled upon it, and it seemed like those two guys were kissing…”

He couldn’t bring himself to say the rest.

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That picture wasn’t just a kiss; the protagonists were also doing some unspeakable things…

Ji Xingchen liked Ran Feng, but it was a pure kind of liking. Even in his dreams, he only went as far as kissing. So, he had never seen such an explicit scene between two men before. TI6m0y

And now, not only had he seen it, but he saw it from the person he liked!

This made Ji Xingchen, who was already leaning towards a different direction, couldn’t help but start to wonder.

Could Brother Feng… accept boys liking boys?

So… did he have a chance? FITulj

“Uh, I found it on the ground.”

Ran Feng responded casually, glanced at Ji Xingchen, then put the card back into the drawer of the girl in front.

Oh well…

The tiny bit of hope that had just ignited in Ji Xingchen’s heart was directly extinguished. CU5cjd

After realizing it was all a misunderstanding, Ji Xingchen lowered his head and remained silent for several minutes.

It wasn’t until the bell rang for class that he remembered the scene on the picture again.

But this time, he brought it up to Ran Feng from a purely academic perspective.

Leaning over the edge of Ran Feng’s desk, he looked at Ran Feng’s face, his eyes full of curiosity, “Brother Feng, is that how two guys do it?” xCgvYk

Upon hearing this, Ran Feng paused for two seconds before bursting into another smile.

“How about you? Are you curious about this?”

Meeting Ran Feng’s quizzical gaze, Ji Xingchen felt a bit guilty under his scrutiny. Afraid of revealing his feelings for Brother Feng, he quickly denied, “No… I’m just curious.”

Ran Feng chuckled, “I can’t answer that question for you.” ZfL5do

At the moment when the bell rang quiet, his breath lightly brushed past Ji Xingchen’s ear.

“Unless… I try it myself.”

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Ji Xingchen really couldn’t answer his boss’s question, so he simply re-sent the contract. dF4gRy

Ran Feng, who said he would have legal advisors review the contract for Ji Xingchen, upon receiving the contract, immediately called the CEO of MeowMeow TV, Lin Boyuan.

Understanding Ran Feng’s intentions, Lin Boyuan chuckled.

“I only gave this A-level streamer contract because of his face. Otherwise, with his short time on air and lack of maturity, he would have at most received a B-level contract.”

Ran Feng, lazily holding the phone with one hand, but his tone was firm, “He deserves an S-level.” m3QLbc

“You want to give him an S-level contract? But Xiao Feng, do you know that we only have nine S-level contracts on our platform, all held by big streamers with nearly ten million followers. This streamer, while doing well now after only a few months of streaming, asking for an S-level, the gap between him and others is not small. Aren’t you afraid of overhyping him?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“You dare to offer an A-level contract to a streamer who has only been broadcasting for a few months? Lin, you accidentally let it slip.”

Lfjglcu Ejc Mfcu’r ibk ijeutafg bc atf batfg fcv, Olc Dbsejc mtemxifv jr kfii.

“Ct, sbe’gf ralii ubbv ja mjamtlcu ibulmji ibbqtbifr!” Bcbklcu tf tjv jmmlvfcajiis gfnfjifv abb wemt, Olc Dbsejc jvwlaafv ufcfgberis, “Pcvffv, tf’r nfgs ajifcafv.” 9Z7Mu8

Ktf gfjrbc tf boofgfv Al Wlcumtfc jc C-ifnfi mbcagjma kjr cba pera yfmjerf Ejc Mfcu tjv ajxfc rqfmlji mjgf bo tlw, yea jirb yfmjerf atf fcalgf qijaobgw tjv tlut tbqfr obg tlr oeaegf vfnfibqwfca.

In this Honor Points Tournament, among all the streamers from MeowMeow TV, he was the only one who seized the opportunity, instantly increasing the daily activity in his livestream room by more than ten times.

Not only that, but his real audience and revenue also made it into the top twenty across the platform, and he could still maintain his popularity even when not competing.

With such rapid progress in just a few months, if they continued at this pace, becoming a super big streamer was just a matter of time. QiZCW3

After receiving recognition for Ji Xingchen’s excellence from the cunning old fox Lin Boyuan, Ran Feng finally revealed his true intentions.

“S-level isn’t necessary, the current contract is fine.”

Ran Feng understood that S-level contracts couldn’t be given suddenly; it would raise suspicions.

“The current contract is fine, then why did you call me?” fdC FO

Ran Feng chuckled lightly, “The treatment can be slightly improved.”

He gave Lin Boyuan a number, then added, “And the duration of livestreaming needs to be shortened.”

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When streamers sign contracts with platforms, they’re usually required to livestream for a certain total number of hours per month. Typically, depending on the streamer’s popularity and the terms of the contract, they need to stream for about 4-10 hours per day on average.

So if a streamer falls behind in their streaming hours due to other commitments, they often end up streaming day and night to make up for it at the end of the month. CLGO3b

Raising an eyebrow, Lin Boyuan adopted a capitalist tone, “Hmm? Eight hours is still too long for this treatment.”

“Too long,” Ran Feng exhaled smoke rings leisurely, nonchalantly saying, “It’s seriously affecting my life.”

During the week when Ji Xingchen disappeared, Ran Feng learned to smoke.

After learning, he couldn’t quit for several years. 7lm0nW

He hardly ever smokes, but whenever he thinks about Ji Xingchen intensively, he lights one up.

Ran Feng’s excuse to Lin Boyuan was about his own well-being, but he was actually worried about Ji Xingchen’s health. Being a streamer and livestreaming for so long every day inevitably leads to health issues. Ran Feng had been particularly concerned since Ji Xingchen fell ill a few days ago due to excessive livestreaming.

That day, when he asked Ji Xingchen not to livestream, the latter thought he was joking. Since he couldn’t persuade him otherwise, he resorted to this method to ensure Ji Xingchen got some rest every day.

“Life? What life? Night life?” Lin Boyuan chuckled with a hint of meaning, “Xiao Feng has indeed grown up.” iKHbIu

When Ran Feng first came to him, he vaguely guessed their relationship through Ran Feng’s statement about having an important friend. Ran Feng, such a proud person, repeatedly called him for various trivial matters related to a small streamer. If they weren’t in a relationship, would he bother himself with these matters?

“No such thing,” Ran Feng stopped Lin Boyuan from delving further with just a sentence.

He leaned back on the sofa, “I just don’t have as much time to watch livestreams every day.”

Lin Boyuan didn’t believe him, “They showed you such an important contract, and you’re just sitting there watching livestreams?” Hv2tUZ

Ran Feng smiled easily, “Why can’t I just watch livestreams?”

“You can. But after all this time, if you still haven’t caught the person, isn’t it a bit embarrassing?” Lin Boyuan perked up at seeing Ran Feng eat humble pie for the first time, deliberately teasing him, “Come on, big star, is your market value really that low now?”

“My market value has always been low.” Ran Feng glanced at the time on his watch, “Brother, I need to go out for a while. Is it okay if Ji Xingchen’s livestream duration is reduced to four hours?”

“Four hours? Xiao Feng, why are you always trying to outsmart your old brother?” uPdZYJ

“Not at all.”

After hanging up with Ran Feng, Lin Boyuan couldn’t help but smile.

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Ran Feng said he didn’t want an S-tier contract, yet he directly halved the livestream duration for the streamers!

An A-tier contract with only four hours of streaming per day? What’s the difference between that and an S-tier contract! JujnUO

This kid Ran Feng always wants to give every advantage to the small streamers.

Despite his complaints, Lin Boyuan knew Ran Feng’s family well and owed him a debt of gratitude for saving his younger brother. Now that he had spoken up, despite accusing Ran Feng of scheming, Lin Boyuan immediately took matters into his own hands and personally arranged it.

Since the incident with Ji Lintian before, Lin Boyuan had known about Ji Xingchen’s existence. Now, with this call from Ran Feng, his curiosity was thoroughly piqued.

Because this contract was the website’s first exception for adjusting a contract for an A-tier streamer, Lin Boyuan’s subordinates cautiously sent him Ji Xingchen’s file for confirmation, to avoid any mistakes. Qvfxcp

Lin Boyuan opened the file on his computer, unable to resist his curiosity to look at the photos section, and carefully examined Ji Xingchen’s ID photo.

As everyone knows, ID photos are one of the most critical tests of a person’s appearance.

However, in the two-inch ID photo with a blue background in the upper right corner of the file, the streamer had rosy lips, clear eyes, and although dressed plainly, exuded a fresh and clean aura.

Lin Boyuan couldn’t help but chuckle. gZT58M

No wonder Ran Feng was so concerned; this person really was good-looking, the kind that’s hard to forget at first glance.

Just as Lin Boyuan had confirmed Ji Xingchen’s information and contract details with his subordinate, his phone suddenly rang.

It was his younger brother, Lin Bocheng, calling.

“Brother, can you give me the phone? I want to use my account to watch the livestream…” zjZ3PM

As soon as Lin Boyuan answered the phone, his younger brother’s plaintive voice came through.

He walked to the window and asked softly, “Can you move your hands?”

Lin Bocheng had attended a birthday party with an online friend two days ago, but that foolish friend got into a car accident that night, resulting in Lin Bocheng suffering severe fractures in both hands and feet.

Angered upon hearing about it, Lin Boyuan confiscated his brother’s phone, forbidding him from contacting those unreliable online friends and banning him from using the internet for three days, instructing the caregivers not to let him use his phone. nlvVX6

Shaking his head, Lin Bocheng, who called his elder brother through the caregiver’s phone, replied, “No! But I can have the caregiver prop my phone up on the bed for me, so I can use it like now when talking to you.”

“It’s not good for your eyes and affects your rest,” Lin Boyuan patiently persuaded.

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“But not being able to surf the internet will make me depressed! I wanted to watch Star’s match today,” complained his younger brother, mentioning the name of that streamer again, which reminded Lin Boyuan of the last time his brother had approached him because of this streamer.

So, he was curious why his younger brothers, one after another, liked this streamer so much. Paf SE

“Little Bro, let me ask you something. This streamer… the one you call Star, what do you like about him? Is he good-looking?” Lin Boyuan tentatively inquired.

“Good-looking? He never shows his face! I don’t even know what he looks like!” Lin Bocheng replied, finding his brother’s question strange and then asked him back, “Why are you asking this… Do you need a reason to like someone?”

Lin Boyuan: “Hmm? Can’t ask?”

Lin Bocheng backpedaled, “No, no… you can…” WAc4kR

“It’s just that his livestreams bring happiness to people,” Lin Bocheng replied half-heartedly, then remembered something else, “Oh, by the way, Brother, I donated thirty thousand to him last time…”

Lin Boyuan didn’t mind, “Why?”

“But why is my account balance still 9999999 after donating?”

“That’s because I gave you a special account with unlimited funds.” 9IS1JY

Lin Bocheng was immediately delighted upon hearing this, and then he had a sudden idea, “So, can’t I just casually donate millions of gifts to Star?”

Lin Boyuan chuckled, “You can, but your account balance will be adjusted to only 50,000 after a minute.”

“Forget it, make it five hundred then.”

Lin Bocheng almost cried after hearing this. jKBev9

“Seriously, bro! Do you have to be so stingy?”

Since he accidentally sent the wrong fan fiction and had an in-depth discussion with his boss about “Alpha male”, Ji Xingchen had been playing dead, not daring to say a word more to his boss.

In between, he had actually reached for his phone countless times, but every time he saw his boss’s message “Are you curious about that…?”, Ji Xingchen’s hesitate and quickly close his phone without saying a word. izZIj2

What would happen if he were curious about this strange thing?

During the break in the livestream, Ji Xingchen reached for his phone for the thirty-seventh time, contemplating how to naturally change the topic and move on from the awkward conversation earlier.

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But then, Boss Wanfeng took the initiative to send him a message.

Wanfeng: The lawyer reviewed it, the contract is fine. MrBT8A

Wanfeng: You can sign it.

This incredibly straightforward message from Boss Wanfeng prompted Ji Xingchen to quickly reply with a thank you.

Wanfeng: Busy with work.

Wanfeng: I’ll explain in detail later. q NRbU

Ji Xingchen checked the time and realized it was 7 p.m. Normally, everyone should be off work by now, but Boss Wanfeng was still working?

It suddenly occurred to Ji Xingchen that he had known his boss for so long, yet the boss had never told him what he did for a living.

Unlike his roommate Fangfang, who had told him everything about her job, interests, favorite idols, and even how many puppies her dog had recently given birth to, all within less than a day of meeting him.

Seeing that his boss had something to do, Ji Xingchen didn’t bother him further. fOw co

After closing his phone, he opened the peak competition game, ready to continue pushing his ranking tonight.

He had been playing matches and practicing heroes with his alternate account for a while now, and it had been a long time since he last played in the peak competition. When he logged in, he found that his account was no longer in the top ten.

“Everyone is so strong at the end of the season. I haven’t played for just a few days, and my ranking has dropped so much?”

[At the end of the season, everyone is pushing their ranking aggressively] BkmZzw

[Star, hold steady. Don’t make any unexpected moves tonight and lose points]

[I heard there’s a match tonight with eight actors and two bosses. Both sides are passionately performing, and their acting skills are comparable to the Oscars! Bless our Star to gain points smoothly tonight and not encounter any actors]

The previous incident where they encountered Little Sweetie actors had left a deep psychological shadow on everyone. Every time Ji Xingchen wanted to push his ranking in the peak competition, viewers would pray that he wouldn’t encounter any actors.

However, as if their mouths were cursed, Ji Xingchen encountered actors right from the first match, successfully “jinxed” by them, directly encountering actors! YTSp4L

In the Honor of kings national server rankings, there’s a ranking known as the “Rich Lady Ranking” for a certain hero, Yaria.

In the last ranking list, eight out of the top ten players for Yaria on the national server were known actors, and their accounts were directly banned.

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The reason for their bans was simple: they had hired actors to push their rankings on the national server.

In this match, Ji Xingchen had very bad luck. He encountered the Princess Yaria from the opposite side, who was a wealthy woman. She directly arranged for two actors to assist her in boosting her ranking by throwing the game on Ji Xingchen’s side. aIZstv

Encountering this situation, the result was naturally predictable. Ji Xingchen, even with his skilled performance as Bai Li, couldn’t beat the opponent.

By the end of the match, with all four teammates on his side dead, only he was left desperately defending the crystal.

In a 1v5 situation, of course, he couldn’t hold on.

However, with the spirit of never giving up, he kept trying. RgANBM

The opponents were already certain to win, so they kept taunting him at the fountain, and some even attempted to kill him under the tower.

In addition to this, there was another ridiculous character, Ji Xingchen’s teammate.

Before the crystal exploded, Xuance, who had fed three kills in early game, was already facing defeat. Instead of blaming the two actors for intentionally feeding, he typed insults at Ji Xingchen.

Xuance: You think you deserve to play as Bai Li in the mid lane? uBrsyU

[Does Star deserve it more than you do?]

[Damn it, give me all the information about this electric rat in one minute. I’m going to add him as a friend and curse him to death.]

Encountering actors was already infuriating, but being mocked by teammates like this made Ji Xingchen’s livestream viewers eagerly anticipate the end of the game, wanting to see what insults Xuance would spout so they could report him.

Everyone endured silently until the crystal exploded. VdxNrU

But just as this player’s name was about to appear, the livestream suddenly went black.

Not only did the livestream go black, but everything around Ji Xingchen also went dark.

There was a power outage!

The sudden power outage disrupted all of Ji Xingchen’s momentum. Afraid that his livestream viewers would wait too long, he hastily glanced at the enemy’s ID and exited the game. Por1wd

He pushed the door and happened to meet Lan Xin, whose family also opened the door, ready to go for a walk during the power outage.

From them, Ji Xingchen learned that the entire neighborhood was without electricity.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Back home, Ji Xingchen saw that it was almost eight o’clock, neither too early nor too late.

This timing was a bit awkward. Nu78tw

He calculated the time and realized that if he went out now to find an internet cafe for livestreaming, by the time he set everything up, he could at most stream for an hour.

Seeing that he couldn’t livestream for long, he decided to abandon the idea altogether.

Ji Xingchen accessed his livestream room on his phone and explained the situation on the public chat.

[Host][Star]: Power outage. aAuRxc

[Host][Star]: Won’t livestream today. Will make up for it when I have time later.

Leaving behind a group of protesting viewers, Ji Xingchen closed the MeowMeow TV app.

With the sudden power outage, and not knowing when it would come back, Ji Xingchen didn’t feel like going out for a walk, so he just took a cold shower and then lay in bed playing with his phone.

Only when he opened his phone did he realize that while he was showering, Admin 1 had sent him another message, saying there were changes to the contract and asked him to review the new contract. eETtQ

Ji Xingchen was puzzled as he opened the contract, and was shocked by its contents.

After reading it, he couldn’t help but wonder if MeowMeow TV was the most charitable platform in the entire livestreaming industry?

Giving him such a high salary, yet only allowing him to livestream for four hours a day???

Star: Admin, hello. Is there something wrong with this contract…? 3dKuQf

Uncertain, Ji Xingchen asked the administrator again.

The other party replied instantly, confirming that there was no mistake, and his contract was indeed like that.

The conditions offered by MeowMeow TV were simply too good, to the point that Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but suspect if the platform had dug a hole elsewhere.

After all, there had been too many contract issues between the broadcasters and the platform before, so he had to be cautious. PZrEHF

However, when he finished reading the contract, he found that it was almost identical to his previous contract, except that the livestreaming hours were shortened, and the salary was increased…

Ji Xingchen opened WeChat, feeling surprised, delighted, and puzzled, and sent a message to Boss Wanfeng.

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Star: Brother Wanfeng, MeowMeow TV re-signed a contract with me. After reading it, I’m starting to doubt life…

After sending this message, Ji Xingchen didn’t receive a reply from the other party. CWsJ7U

After waiting for more than half an hour without a response, Ji Xingchen guessed that the boss was probably still working overtime, so he turned off his phone and prepared to sleep early.

Around eleven o’clock, Ji Xingchen’s phone vibrated twice.

The vibration woke him up, so he opened his eyes and saw that the boss had sent him a message.

Wanfeng: If you think there’s a problem, send it over and I’ll take a look. LlXhZn

Wanfeng: Are you asleep?

The light from the phone in the dark night was a bit glaring. Ji Xingchen squinted his eyes and typed drowsily.

Star: Brother Wanfeng, have you just finished work?

After Ji Xingchen finished typing, the other side showed “typing,” obviously waiting for his reply. Hydso

Wanfeng: Yeah, just finished being busy.

Wanfeng: Feeling a bit tired.

Ji Xingchen slowly typed with the input method, wanting the boss to rest first and not worry about his contract issues.

But he wasn’t fully awake yet, typing as slowly as a grandmother. Before he could send the message, the other party sent another one. d4ZuWi

Wanfeng: Can we talk on voice call?

Ji Xingchen hesitated for a moment, then complied with the boss’s request and initiated a voice call.

After pressing the button, Ji Xingchen found a comfortable position and lay down on the pillow.

He listened to the phone ringing in his ear for about ten seconds, and finally, the other party answered the call. FIqUN0

However, after the call connected, he didn’t hear the familiar voice.

Feeling puzzled, Ji Xingchen suspected it was due to poor signal on his end, so he glanced at his phone.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then he realized, somehow, he had accidentally turned the voice call into a video call!


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  1. Face will be showed !!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖