Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh31 - Slip of the Hand

In the second week of the season, Ji Xingchen encountered some minor setbacks, but ultimately, as before, he led his teammates to a victorious start.

However, this victory was a bit different from before. hE3Iep

Because the opponent he defeated was none other than Song Peifeng, who previously stole his best mid-lane position and continuously dissed the security guards of the high ground when he was in trouble.

Before this match, the two had never played against each other, so in the eyes of the audience, their strengths should have been evenly matched.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In such a situation, it was natural that whoever lost would feel embarrassed.

As a result, when Ji Xingchen’s Xishi won this round, the esports flamers immediately flooded into his livestream, kneeling online and shouting, “Dad, you’re awesome.” 53dswW

After blowing Ji Xingchen up to the skies, this group of people turned to Song Peifeng’s side, passionately berating him, saying he was a trash dog who didn’t deserve to play mid-lane, and immediately deprived him of his right to breathe.

Song Peifeng, once praised highly by everyone, is now being heavily criticized.

Seeing the barrage of insults flooding the screen, Song Pei quickly messaged the moderators to immediately implement a full-screen ban on comments.

After finishing a game, Ji Xingchen opened the barrage as usual.


As soon as he opened it, the barrage and gift notifications flooded in so quickly that he couldn’t see what everyone was saying.

Unable to read the barrage, he gave up and checked the viewer count instead.

He remembered that at the start of the match, because he had skipped a day of games, the viewer count in the livestream was only around 100,000.

But now, after just one game in less than twenty minutes, the viewership had soared to 1.2 million! Ypk Ct

With such a massive increase in popularity, it’s no wonder he couldn’t keep up with the barrage.

“Why are there suddenly so many people?” Ji Xingchen took advantage of the few minutes of rest to interact with the audience over the microphone. “The barrage is scrolling so fast, I can’t even read it.”

As soon as Ji Xingchen turned on the microphone, the audience immediately started chatting with him.

[We came specifically to watch you shine. You mentioned before that you don’t play Xishi much. Is that true or false?] 40CDAq

“It’s true,” Ji Xingchen thought for a moment, afraid that people might think he was showing off too much, so he added, “Relatively speaking, I do play her less. This hero relies a lot on teamwork, so I usually don’t use her in ranked games.”

Upon hearing Ji Xingchen’s explanation, some viewers were immediately intrigued.

[Even though you play her less, you still shine. I wonder how amazing you are with the heroes you play well?]

[Brother upstairs, Ji Xingchen’s Mai Shiranui and Shangguan make opponents shut down. You should check them out.] dDg1jV

Seeing that new fans were unaware, old fans immediately started recommending.

[Is he really that good? I just watched the livestream today. Is there a video I can review?]

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[Since someone is asking for a video, I’ll reluctantly share my frequently reviewed Ji Xingchen’s amazing moments compilation! Here’s the link to Bilibili: xxoo. ‘MeowMeow TV Star, the man who can make his enemy bans four mages.’]

[Ah, I’ve seen this video before. Is it really this streamer?] 3AcvZ4

[Video? What video? Brothers, you’re scrolling too fast, can you share the link again?]

With so many people in the livestream, ordinary viewers’ comments were quickly overwhelmed. This recommendation link was no exception.

Today, Ji Xingchen had a big battle with Song Peifeng, attracting many new fans. They all wanted to know more about him, so they started asking for video links.

[Here it is, here it is!! Sisters, the link is here! Bilibili link: gayligayqi. “A more dreamlike encounter than a novel ~ A wealthy jungler boss x a cute little streamer’s beautiful love story”] HSbXdP

A few seconds later—


[This… isn’t this the amazing moments compilation? Why is it so…gay and flamboyant?]

[Hahaha, thanks for the invite, got gay vibes from the streamer] 35PdD2

Seeing the screen filled with question marks, the viewer who shared the link realized they had accidentally shared the wrong link!

[Ah, sorry, I accidentally shared a video of the StarFeng CP, please ignore it, let me share it again]

The mistakenly sent link happened to be clicked by Ran Feng, and after watching a few seconds of the video, he felt dissatisfied with the name of his and Ji Xingchen’s CP.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: ? WmbzQ2

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Why is it StarFeng?

While StarFeng looked good visually, it sounded unsettling.

While Ran Feng was typing to ask about CP fans, Ji Xingchen was talking to Xing Cai.

With divided attention, he didn’t pay much attention to what the barrage was saying. He vaguely knew that some fans had made a video compilation of his matches. 0Y5EO8

However, due to the sheer number of people in the livestream and the rapid barrage scrolling, he didn’t notice the other CP-oriented video link about him and Boss Wanfeng.

Although he couldn’t keep up with ordinary barrage messages, the messages from the VIP big bosses in the MeowMeow TV livestream were specially filtered by the system. Their messages scrolled slowly after being sent, and there would be special notifications for the streamer.

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So when Boss Wanfeng suddenly sent out that question mark, Ji Xingchen saw it clearly.

“What’s up with Brother Wanfeng?? Why did he suddenly send a question mark? What’s with StarFeng???” D9pwdJ

Completely unaware, Ji Xingchen, in front of so many viewers in the livestream, asked Boss Wanfeng directly like this.

Ran Feng was watching the CP video edited by fans on another phone while typing in Ji Xingchen’s livestream.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Nothing much, just watched a video by chance.

“A video??” twp2Lc

Ji Xingchen was a bit puzzled.

He had only talked to Xing Cai for a few seconds, so how come he suddenly couldn’t keep up with everyone’s pace?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Vajg, jgf sbe gfjvs?”

Wlcu Jjl, ktb tjv jigfjvs jvperafv tlr rajaf, jrxfv Al Wlcumtfc. bZ4drj

“Ofa’r ub.” Al Wlcumtfc vlvc’a vkfii bc atlr defralbc jcswbgf jcv obmerfv bc atf rfmbcv ujwf.

“Cigluta, ygbatfgr, P’w rajgalcu atf rfmbcv ujwf.”

Ktf gbbw bkcfg kjr Wlcu Jjl, jcv jr rbbc jr Al Wlcumtfc rjlv ab rajga, tf lwwfvljafis milmxfv ab yfulc.

Before Ji Xingchen could even close the barrage, he was already matched into the game by the system. enp7ZM

After his phone vibrated, the names of the opposing streamers all appeared.

Ji Xingchen didn’t bother to check if the barrage had been closed; he immediately focused on the names on the opposite side.

It wouldn’t have mattered if he hadn’t looked, but when he did, Ji Xingchen almost burst out laughing.

In this game, he was once again matched against Song Peifeng. 5ZmTO0

Seeing Song Peifeng’s name, Xing Cai immediately whistled.

“Oh, matched again, what a wonderful fate this is.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Xing Cai actually wanted to use the phrase “enemies on a narrow road,” but considering that there were so many people watching the livestream, he chose a different word.

Although he changed the wording, there was no hiding the playful tone in his voice. pECtwY

Ji Xingchen smiled lightly and followed up with, “Destiny, mysteriously ineffable.”

Seeing that the two archenemies from the previous game were matched together again by the system, the audience in the livestream, who enjoyed watching the excitement, immediately became excited.

[Hahaha, this is ridiculous!]

[Let’s go, let’s go, this game is going to be interesting again!!] 32oNcy

[Can Song Peifeng redeem himself? We’ll see in this game!]

Unlike Ji Xingchen’s relaxed demeanor, when Song Peifeng saw the four characters “MeowMeow Star” on the opposing side, he couldn’t contain himself and immediately frowned.

After a few seconds, he glanced at the barrage and saw everyone commenting on his bad mood, questioning if he was afraid of the opponent’s stars. So he quickly adjusted the camera and explained to the audience.

“How could I be in a bad mood? I’m just thinking about which hero to use this game to redeem myself.” OZa348

After suffering a heavy loss in the previous game, the popularity of his livestream suddenly dropped by over 200,000 viewers, and many fans with his badge in the barrage said they were going to watch the opposing streamer.

Now, unexpectedly matched against his opponent again, Song Peifeng, unwilling to be seen as inferior, was brimming with the desire to win. He planned to pick himself up from where he fell and show off a bit in this game to salvage some dignity.

Hearing his words, the audience in the livestream came up with a suggestion for him.

[Why even think about it? Just pick Xishi again and fight back!] EQao67

The viewer who suggested using Xishi quickly gained almost unanimous support from the entire livestream audience.

After all, judging the skill level of a streamer is more intuitive when using the same hero!

However, Song Peifeng claimed that Xishi was simple to play, but he himself was actually mediocre at her.

He didn’t dare to admit that he wasn’t good with Xishi, fearing that the audience would make fun of him and he would lose face, so he reluctantly agreed. UVZRD

“Alright, I also have that plan.”

Just as Song Peifeng agreed to use Xishi, viewers watching both streams ran to Ji Xingchen’s livestream to share the news with him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Streamer, Song Peifeng said he’s going to crush you with Xishi. Do you want to consider using Wu Ze Tian to dominate him?]

[Wow, are we going to have a double mage exchange this game? That sounds exciting!] 4uDrl1

Because he hadn’t closed the barrage, Ji Xingchen immediately saw everyone’s chat messages.

Seeing everyone suggesting he use Wu Ze Tian, he smiled and declined.

“Forget about Wu Ze Tian. I haven’t really played this wealthy lady hero much.”

Wu Ze Tian requires buying crystals to obtain, and as a pay-to-win hero, he still hadn’t acquired her. UlAT28

[Streamer, you’re lying through your teeth. You said the same thing when you chose Xishi just now!]

Seeing that nobody believed him, Ji Xingchen explained with a smile, “I’m so poor, you should know from watching my stream. I barely have any skins on my main and alternate accounts. Do you really think I’m worthy of this wealthy hero?”

He continued, “Honestly, when I bought Ying Zheng to climb ranks, I only got him at a 50% discount from the Mystery Shop. I had to tighten my belt and endure the pain of spending before I could afford him.”

[Hahahaha, this livestream is so tragic, it’s enough to make people cry] VYFwPy

[Ji Xingchen, you’re talking nonsense. You clearly have an alternate account swimming in riches, with 60,000 points. I’ve seen it with my own eyes]

[@Wanfeng Picks Star, Boss, make Ji Xingchen exchange the Wu Ze Tian on your account that he got with his points. I remember he got two crystals]

After Ji Xingchen and the audience had their share of jokes, both sides had finished banning heroes.

In this game, perhaps intentionally, both Xishi and Wu Ze Tian were left unbanned. qu5c 0

Seeing the opposing side intentionally leave Xishi unbanned, Song Peifeng’s audience urged him to pick her quickly.

However, upon seeing that Shen Mengxi was not banned in this game, Song Peifeng suddenly hesitated.

He really wanted to win this game because he had lost a game earlier, dropping 10 points, and he was no longer in the top spot.

So, rather than Xishi, he preferred to pick Shen Mengxi, a hero he was more comfortable playing, to secure points. nCJeq

Looking at Ji Xingchen, who hadn’t selected a hero yet, Song Peifeng inexplicably felt a bit apprehensive.

Since he had already arranged for a spy in the audience to observe the opponent’s situation, he also knew about Ji Xingchen telling the audience that he wouldn’t pick Wu Ze Tian.

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So he found an excuse for himself.

“Since the other side isn’t using Wu Ze Tian, there’s no point for me to pick Xishi either.” fKXOUb

Shifting the blame expertly, Song Peifeng dumped the responsibility for not picking Xishi onto Ji Xingchen, blaming him for not using Wu Ze Tian.

Afterwards, ignoring the booing from the audience in the livestream, he shamelessly picked Shen Mengxi with a clear conscience.

“Since Shen Mengxi is left unbanned, it’s a bit awkward if I don’t use her. Since they don’t value my Shen Mengxi, I have to prove her worth!”

Song Peifeng was full of confidence, thinking he could turn the tide with his Shen Mengxi. c1LVUq

Little did he know, in that game, Ji Xingchen picked Chang’e, a hero who was tanky, powerful, and could also absorb mana, and together with his jungle partner, Pei Qinhua, they executed a perfect jungle collaboration.

Right from the start, they stole the blue buff, leaving their opponents’ jungle completely dry!

With the jungle crumbling, Song Peifeng’s jungle area was completely overrun, with not a single blade of grass left.

Ten minutes later, Song Peifeng, who had mocked Ji Xingchen’s Xishi as a highland security guard earlier, found himself standing in front of his own turret with his teammate, Li Xin, holding down the fort with just one skill and ultimate, becoming the defenders of the top lane. XPQx 1

The tide had turned unexpectedly.

After Ji Xingchen’s Chang’e flashed and controlled for a tower dive kill, Song Peifeng was left speechless.

In the first game, he had blamed his teammates for being too weak, leading everyone to believe that it wasn’t his lack of skill.

But in the second game, even after picking one of his signature heroes, Shen Mengxi, he still couldn’t withstand the pressure from the opposing team, and they pushed down his turret in just eleven minutes. No matter how much he tried to shift the blame, no one believed him anymore. 5SbvuE

Watching himself lose 20 points in a row, while MeowMeow Star on the other side immediately gained around thirty points from getting MVP and consecutive wins in two games, he went from having a lead of over 60 points to being only a little ahead by ten points.

Song Peifeng felt nervous. If he ran into Ji Xingchen again in the next game, wouldn’t he just be surpassed directly?

Having lost two games in a row, Song Peifeng felt embarrassed to call it quits, but he was also afraid of facing Ji Xingchen again, so he cleared his throat.

His little brother immediately understood his meaning and stood up, covering his crotch area. 6IMpes

“Oh, my mom made a big bowl of pig trotter soup for me earlier. After drinking too much, I suddenly need to pee. Brother Song, wait for me, I’ll be quick.”

Man Jiu stood up with the excuse of needing to pee, and Song Peifeng finally felt relieved.

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But on the surface, he still pretended to be calm and composed.

“The King of Urine, huh? Hurry back, don’t delay the match.” PejABL

After saying this, he also stood up, “I’ll go pee as well.”

After throwing out this remark, Song Peifeng immediately ducked into the bathroom and logged into his alt account to spy on Ji Xingchen.

Knowing that they wouldn’t be able to match with each other until the next game started on the opponent’s side, they quickly returned to the livestream and started another game.


Ji Xingchen finished each game relatively quickly today and played four more games afterward. He had two losses and four wins in total. After gaining some points, his final ranking rose to sixth place.

Just after he finished playing, MeowMeow Admin No. 1 approached him to discuss contract renewal.

Unlike previous discussions, this time they came with a contract directly, showing an extremely sincere attitude.

Glancing over the contract, Ji Xingchen found that the contract offered by MeowMeow TV was actually an A-level contract. 9q1xou

At MeowMeow TV, the contracts for formally signed streamers vary. The platform divides contracts into S-level, A-level, B-level, C-level, D-level, and ordinary level based on the popularity of the streamer.

The higher the level, the better the benefits.

So, naturally, S-level contracts are top-notch, and basically only a few super popular streamers on the platform qualify for them.

However, there are very few S-level signed streamers, and even fewer A-level streamers. Currently, the number of streamers signed at the A-level on the entire platform has not exceeded three digits. WwMI16

So Ji Xingchen couldn’t imagine that as a new streamer who had only been broadcasting for two months, the platform would be willing to offer him such a high level of contract just to retain him.

Given the sincerity of the offer, Ji Xingchen, not one to overlook opportunities, didn’t directly refuse this time.

However, the terms of this contract were too good to be true, and Ji Xingchen found it hard to believe his luck. Moreover, as he wasn’t a legal professional, even if he carefully examined the contract, there might still be issues in the dozens of pages of legal jargon that he wouldn’t catch. So, he decided to have a professional lawyer review it before giving a response.

As his most trusted boss at the moment, Ji Xingchen shared this good news with Boss Wanfeng. However, just as he was discussing the contract with his boss, the moderator Fang Fang suddenly messaged him and sent a video link. SRXyuZ

Fang Fang: This is the video Boss Wanfeng mentioned in the livestream earlier. [chuckle][chuckle]

Ji Xingchen: ??? What video?

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Fang Fang: It seems you really haven’t seen it, no wonder you asked in front of over a million viewers. [laughs]

Seeing Fang Fang being so mysterious, Ji Xingchen clicked on the link out of curiosity. CdZfLl

The link seemed fine at first, but after watching for a few seconds, Ji Xingchen immediately realized something was wrong.

The video content turned out to be all about the ambiguous interactions between him and Boss Wanfeng?!

The editing showed everything from him flirting with Boss Wanfeng to their sweet duo queues, and even their casual banter during livestreams…

The video was accompanied by sweet background music throughout, and the words exchanged between the two were even adorned with pink subtitles by the editor. 3tCd1z

The entire atmosphere was overwhelmingly pink and romantic…

After watching the video, Ji Xingchen, as one of the parties involved, couldn’t help but feel that if he wasn’t the protagonist, he might have believed those two men in the video were real!

Five minutes later…

Ji Xingchen: …I’ve watched it. zNstCT

Ji Xingchen: Wasn’t it supposed to be a technical video? Why is it about me and Boss…

As he said this, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered, did Boss Wanfeng watch it too???

This is so embarrassing_(:3」∠)_

Fang Fang: It’s not just the video, you know? Do you have any idea how many people are shipping “StarFeng” now? 1eUmTc

Fang Fang: Also, there’s a fanfic written by a talented fan. Would you like to take a look?

Without waiting for Ji Xingchen’s consent, Fang Fang immediately sent him a txt file.

The file name was too long, and at first glance, Ji Xingchen couldn’t even see what the txt was called.

However, the string of information enclosed in parentheses at the end successfully caught his attention. ymIYtd

“Jungler King’s Priceless Little Wife, Traveled Thousands of Miles to Chase You” (BL\\High H\\Fanfiction\\Star Wanfeng\\Alpha Male CEO x Cross-dressing Seductive Beauty Small Streamer PS: Don’t let the name fool you, it’s really fitting and super sweet in reality. PPS: Contains all sorts of scenes like office, bathroom, cross-dressing, etc. Warning: Explicit content, involving Alpha, Bottom, etc.)

Although Ji Xingchen usually doesn’t read pure romance literature, but… he still understands what those letters translated into.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen: ????????

What kind of words are these! RtWhnH

The amount of information in the parentheses was so large that Ji Xingchen was shocked for several minutes after reading it.

At this moment, his phone vibrated again, and Wanfeng, one of the protagonists of the novel, sent him a message.

Wanfeng: I have a few friends who are lawyers. If you don’t mind, you can send the contract over, and I’ll have them take a look later.

Ji Xingchen snapped back to reality, trying hard not to think about the contents of those parentheses. L89cWn

Ji Xingchen: Alright, right away.

But the impact of that fanfic on Ji Xingchen was too great. Not only did he not forget that part of the content, but now when he saw Wanfeng’s name, those words automatically flashed through his mind.

Alpha Male… Bathroom… Explicit Content…

Ji Xingchen closed his eyes and shook his head, then hastily opened WeChat and sent the contract to Wanfeng. HPEU9n

Two minutes later.

Wanfeng: …

Wanfeng: Why does everyone say I’m an “Alpha Male”?

Ji Xingchen: ?? MZYdjL

Alpha Male??

Why did Boss suddenly mention these three words!!!

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s question marks, Ran Feng couldn’t help but chuckle and remind him.

Wanfeng: You just sent me KdkOLQ

Wanfeng: a txt

With Wanfeng’s kind reminder, Ji Xingchen suddenly realized!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then he sadly discovered that he had just sent the high-H fanfic to Boss instead of the contract!!

Sending a high-H fanfic with CP elements to one of the parties involved?? UHtd5

What kind of social death operation is this!!!

Ji Xingchen wished he could shut off his phone and bury his face in a hole.

Seeing Boss’s message “Why am I an Alpha Male again,” Ji Xingchen felt like he had no good options—replying or not, his face burned red.

Ji Xingchen: I don’t know either… RgZ8xT

Ji Xingchen: Maybe they think you’re pretty impressive.

Originally, Ji Xingchen wanted to casually move on from this.

But after sending that message, he felt like he might have lost his mind…

Why did he even discuss this issue with Boss??? WgJSNf

Ji Xingchen quickly tried to delete that text, but Boss replied before him!

Boss: They think?

Ji Xingchen: No, no

Ji Xingchen denied, frantically typing to explain… 5ir17J

But at that moment, he saw “Boss is typing…” at the top of his WeChat screen.

The next second—

Boss: What, you don’t think I am?

Seeing Boss’s response, Ji Xingchen was filled with question marks. bSm5gI

Not what? Not an Alpha Male??

As Ji Xingchen pondered this question, he accidentally pressed four words…

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Ji Xingchen: Are you, then?

Ran Feng saw it and chuckled meaningfully. mXeO4g

Then, this message appeared on Ji Xingchen’s WeChat.

Boss: Are you curious about that…?

Translator's Note

“Security guards of the high ground” metaphorically suggests Ji Xingchen’s role as a defender of his mid lane position in the game, akin to guarding a territory.

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  1. Too flirty!))

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖