Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh30.2 - Game Content Only

Originally, both sides were facing off in front of the high ground tower, thinking that the team fight would only erupt when the minion wave arrived.

But everything happened so suddenly. By the time Song Peifeng tried to react by casting his ultimate to control the three opponents and save Marco Polo, they were already wiped out, beyond redemption. fPSOwE

Wu Ze Tian’s ultimate was a powerful tool in team fights, with its wide range and control combined with damage.

As a result, now that he wasted an ultimate and the carry wasn’t secured yet, seeing the enemy Guan Yu about to respawn, even though they temporarily had one more player than the opponent, he didn’t dare to continue the fight.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Back off, back off, don’t engage for now. I don’t have my ultimate, let’s stabilize first before deciding.”

Song Peifeng’s tone lost its previous casualness as he quickly directed his teammates to retreat and avoid the fight. rmulcf

“They’re going to clear the minion wave this time. Let’s retreat, take the dragon first, and then engage them when Marco respawns.”

Before Marco Polo died, Song Peifeng’s plan seemed quite ideal.

He thought that with five of them against the enemy’s three, a strong initiation could directly wipe out the opposing trio, break the crystal, and win the game.

Even if they were unlucky and failed to kill anyone, they could at least take down a middle lane high ground tower.


In any case, they wouldn’t suffer a loss!

But no matter how much he calculated, he didn’t anticipate that the enemy Xishi would be so aggressive, risking being ganged up on by their five, recklessly initiating with her own body!

And damn, she actually pulled that stupid Marco!

While cursing Marco in his mind, Song Peifeng controlled Wu Ze Tian to retreat along with Lian Po, and they started falling back from the high ground tower. xwZ1G4

At this moment, their minion wave finally arrived, entering the high ground tower and starting to push it.

With the minion wave arriving, since Song Peifeng chose to avoid the fight, according to the normal routine, now would be the time for Ji Xingchen and his teammates to clear the minion waves in all three lanes, protect the high ground tower, and then let Song Peifeng’s team retreat.

To everyone’s surprise, Ji Xingchen’s team of three completely disregarded the usual tactics. After eliminating the main damage dealer Marco Polo, the three of them, with boosted morale, tightly stuck together, ignoring the high ground tower and accelerating to chase the opposing four players, aiming to turn the tide with a 3v4 counterattack.

“Are they crazy?” accompanied by Song Peifeng’s sarcastic remark. QoNxF8

Ji Xingchen left a command “Kuang Tie, you clear minions” and decisively flashed forward, pulling Wu Ze Tian back next to Lian Po.

Lady Sun immediately rolled forward with her first skill and followed up with normal attacks on Wu Ze Tian. Her damage, combined with Xishi’s second skill, quickly took down the squishy Wu Ze Tian.

With Wu Ze Tian falling, the situation on the field instantly changed drastically. The disadvantaged side, after Ji Xingchen accurately targeted the opposing two main damage dealers, witnessed an astonishing comeback.

The audience in the live stream widened their eyes at this scene. Because the reversal happened so quickly, many people didn’t even understand how Xishi pulled off this move! s9Nd2v

But that didn’t stop them from thinking Xishi was awesome. Even though they didn’t understand the mechanics, Xishi had effectively secured two kills!

In an instant, Ji Xingchen’s livestream chat was flooded with “6666666”, making it impossible to see any game screen.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen’s powerful play in cutting down the damage dealers and reversing the game silenced those who had previously said he could never turn the tide in such a situation.

“Dude, that’s impressive, daring to charge in such a situation!” WL0nTg

Even Kuang Tie, who was clearing the high ground minion wave after respawning, found the previous engagement thrilling.

Praised by Kuang Tie, Ji Xingchen followed Xingcai to the dragon pit to secure the Baron.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg klcclcu atf mbecafgjaajmx, tf mjrejiis pbxfv klat tlr afjwwjafr, agslcu ab iloa atflg rqlglar, “Mbgaecf ojnbgr atf ybiv, sbe ubaaj qijs fzmlalcu lo sbe kjca ab tla atf pjmxqba.”

Wlrtl’r rxlii mjc mbcagbi bqqbcfcar, qeiilcu fcfws tfgbfr lc vloofgfca vlgfmalbcr ys wjclqeijalcu tfg wbnfwfca xfsr, rb ktfc rtf qeiir rbwfbcf, fnfgsbcf pbxlcuis mjiir la “vgjklcu ibar.” oD15TS

Of course, whoever gets pulled becomes the lucky audience according to everyone’s jokes~

Master Lu Ban, “Bro, you’re quite skilled at drawing prizes, hitting the jackpot every time.”

Ji Xingchen: “Bro, your pulls are not bad either, it was all thanks to you for reacting in time just now.”

The two exchanged compliments, boosting Lu Ban’s confidence instantly. He felt like he was back on top! k2V9U6

With Ji Xingchen leading the way, his teammates finally regained their confidence. But on Song Peifeng’s side, the whole team was shrouded in gloom.

Having lost two damage dealers, the remaining three teammates dared not contest Ji Xingchen’s team taking the Dragon.

Song Peifeng, watching his team’s morale plummet after losing the Dragon and witnessing the sudden demise of Wu Ze Tian, couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the system announcement of the opposing team securing the Dragon.

“Why were you standing so far forward, Marco? Don’t you know to stay back a bit?” 0tJ8wp

Faced with Song Peifeng’s blame, Marco Polo felt aggrieved but couldn’t say anything.

“I was originally standing behind Lian Po and Liu Bang. Who knows how Xishi pulled me…”

Marco Polo complained with an unfriendly tone, but Man Jiu immediately interrupted him, “Stop talking nonsense! Even if you stood behind me, you still got caught? Stop making excuses and take the blame properly for your own mistakes! Just because of you, even our boss Song got caught!”

“So it’s my fault he got caught by Xishi?? Weren’t you next to him!” 9qba U

Seeing Marco Polo blaming himself, Song Peifeng immediately stopped him.

“Alright, Man Jiu, let’s drop it. Marco didn’t do it on purpose. Marco, next time, pay attention to your positioning. Lady Sun and Xishi are both active now, don’t take unnecessary risks.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

While Man Jiu scolded Marco Polo, Song Peifeng immediately took a different tone.

However, although his words seemed to console Marco Polo, in reality, he was afraid of being criticized by the audience, subtly shifting the blame onto Marco Polo. Xsj2DA

After a careless mistake, once Song Peifeng resurrected, he became much more cautious in his movements. He stayed close behind Lian Po and Liu Bang, fearing being pulled in by the opposing Xishi.

Although Song Peifeng was a bit hesitant, he still had overflowing confidence in his heart, feeling that there was a 90% chance of winning this round.

“Brothers, it’s okay, we still have the advantage in towers, and they can’t break our combo. Lian Po, when you get a chance, let’s initiate another round against them and try to take down the high ground.”

Song Peifeng’s confidence wasn’t blind. After all, they had won several team fights before by relying on this perfect combo. JTgYiz

So as long as the opponents couldn’t find a way to counter it or find a breakthrough, this combo was his assurance of victory.

Unfortunately, before Song Peifeng could fully swallow this assurance, the slap in the face arrived.

After Song Peifeng and his teammates resurrected, seeing their towers and minion waves having the advantage, he let Liu Bang, who could provide support, go solo to clear the minion waves.

Meanwhile, he and the other three teammates went to the enemy’s top lane, intending to take down a bottom lane high ground tower. lni VO

The four of them cautiously hid in the blue zone bushes, planning to ambush Xishi when she came for the blue buff.

But unexpectedly, they were ambushed by the opponents.

“Here they come, brothers, shall we engage Wu Ze Tian?” Kang Tie, seeing the bait taken, excitedly prepared to use his skills to charge forward.

Master Lu Ban also agreed with Kang Tie’s suggestion to target the enemy’s core hero first and was ready to charge with him. htjld

However, their decision was stopped by Ji Xingchen, who had previously made fierce cuts on core heroes.

“No, brothers, don’t target Wu Ze Tian, let’s target Lian Po.”

“Lian Po???!!”

Hearing this unappetizing hero name, teammates almost thought they misheard. aL41nD

Using such a precious ultimate skill on a tank support hero? Isn’t that a waste?

“If we use all our skills on Lian Po, how are we going to deal with the rest of their team?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Facing his teammates’ doubts, Ji Xingchen’s voice was full of confidence, “Trust me, brothers, targeting him will guarantee our victory. I have a plan.”

Ji Xingchen’s tone didn’t sound like boasting. T JiAE

Seeing his confidence and remembering how fierce he was in targeting core heroes before, teammates instantly felt an urge to trust him wholeheartedly.

The teammates were also open-minded, thinking that since they hadn’t won many times before with their previous strategies, it wouldn’t hurt to listen to Star’s advice and change their tactics this time.

“Let’s go, brothers, charge!”

Under the enthusiastic cheers of Xingcai, teammates no longer hesitated. They placed all their trust in Ji Xingchen. 9WolmB

At that moment, the previously disorganized team suddenly formed a small squad with Ji Xingchen as the core commander.

They followed his instructions implicitly.

“Lian Po and Wu Ze Tian are coming, Master Lu Ban, come with me to engage. Lady Sun, stay back and provide ranged support. Kang Tie, intercept Ma Chao. Prince of Lanling, target Marco Polo.”

As soon as Ji Xingchen voice fell, he leaped out of the bushes alone to engage Lian Po, who was walking alongside Wu Ze Tian. iDVdvP

Lady Sun landed a shot from afar, immediately reducing him to half health.

This time, Man Jiu was more vigilant, and his reaction was much faster than Marco Polo’s. Upon realizing he was targeted, he quickly activated his skill to resist control and mitigate damage.

Seeing his teammate targeted, Song Peifeng was initially nervous. However, when he saw that the target was the tank Lian Po, he instantly calmed down.

After using his ultimate, he didn’t even consider retreating but charged forward with Ma Chao and Marco Polo, ready to counterattack. f6SMWP

However, in the moment he activates his ultimate, Ji Xingchen anticipated his move and under his command, everyone dodged his control abilities.

Then, Ji Xingchen’s Xishi positioned herself at the back of the enemy team, simultaneously using her second skill for damage output and her first skill to pull Marco Polo, who had just activated his ultimate, away, leaving him to unleash his attacks into thin air.

In less than a second, Lu Ban’s ultimate landed on Lian Po. As a result, Lian Po, who could have had a chance to escape, was tossed around like a plaything and was instantly dragged back to Lady Sun to endure a beating.

Soon, the originally tough Lian Po was brutally beaten to death by the enemy team, while Ma Chao, who charged into the fray, was intercepted by Kang Tie and subsequently left heavily injured by Lady Sun. 3gxdkQ

Seeing the situation turning dire, Liu Bang, who was supposed to be split-pushing, immediately used his ultimate to join the fight and support the injured Ma Chao.

However, as soon as he landed, Ma Chao was swiftly eliminated by Xishi.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Although Xishi was considered a utility mid-laner, her damage output in the late game was explosive, akin to Lady Sun’s.

After securing two kills in a row, Ji Xingchen used his first skill to pull Marco Polo, who attempted to flee, back into Lady Sun’s range. CLOd4A

Xingcai’s Lady Sun was ecstatic, landing shots one after another, reducing Marco Polo to tears.

Seeing the situation turning sour, Song Peifeng swiftly secured a kill on Prince of Lanling with his first skill, then promptly abandoned his teammate Liu Bang and fled.

Soon, Man Jiu, lying on the ground, could only watch helplessly as Liu Bang and Master Lu Ban perished before him, isolated and doomed.

Feeling utterly helpless under Xishi’s control, Man Jiu’s frustration reached its peak. He was usually the one causing frustration in others during games, but today, he was completely outplayed by Xishi. APvf8K

Yet, before he could regain his composure from this discomfort, he found himself directionless once again under Xishi’s control upon respawning.

On Ji Xingchen side, after winning the previous team fight with a 2-for-4 exchange, they quickly turned the tide back in their favor. Taking advantage of the enemy’s long respawn time, they pushed straight to their high ground tower.

Pushing the tower and dealing with the minions took a lot of time, so by the time they reached this point, the enemy team had all respawned and seemed eager to fight back fiercely.

Ji Xingchen adjusted his positioning, constantly using his second skill to harass the enemy. But regardless of how both sides postured, he kept his ultimate ready, focusing on Lian Po from the enemy team. d2m6b1

Finally, as the minions approached the enemy’s high ground tower, he preemptively controlled Lian Po before he could engage, using the same tactic as before to create an opportunity for Lady Sun’s damage output.

While Lian Po had high health, he couldn’t withstand the damage output of a well-fed Lady Sun.

With Lian Po’s sudden demise, Song Peifeng and his teammates immediately lost their footing. The previously flawless combo was disrupted, and they scattered like loose sand. Without Wu Ze Tian’s control, Marco Polo entered the fray only to meet his demise.

Watching as Song Peifeng’s team completely lost their coordination after Lian Po’s death, blindly engaging in chaotic combat, Ji Xingchen teammates and the audience finally understood why he insisted on targeting Lian Po twice in a row. hIwq4N

They had been in a misconception, assuming that in Song Peifeng’s combo chain, the central figure, Wu Ze Tian, was crucial for crowd control and damage output.

Little did they know, they had all been deceived. The overlooked support, Lian Po, was actually the linchpin for initiating team fights.

Only he could draw fire, endure crowd control and damage, and attract enemies into a clustered group, allowing for effective follow-up crowd control from his teammates.

Now that Lian Po was gone, Ji Xingchen’s Xishi shattered Song Peifeng’s supposedly flawless combo! Pnarg1

Watching his teammates fall one by one, Song Peifeng, low on health, could only retreat to the fountain in despair. He planned to recuperate briefly before using his second skill to push the enemy team away from their crystal.

Unfortunately, before he could even touch the fountain, his control panel suddenly went out of control.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xishi unleashed her ultimate, forcefully pulling him out of the fountain without giving him a chance to heal, showing no mercy.

As Xishi secured her triple kill, Song Peifeng, with his life, helped Ji Xingchen achieve a quadra kill in this match. zoJgCA

At the moment of the crystal’s explosion, the audience, excited by the miracle created by Star, applauded and cheered wildly.

For the viewers who had previously deemed the game unwinnable, Star had led them to a comeback against all odds!!

After witnessing Ji Xingchen’s brilliant play, even Mo Yuze, who was watching from his phone, excitedly sent six gifts.

It seemed as though by securing a quadra kill, he had become extremely arrogant, leaving a bold message in the livestream chat— sX0HMu

[My fish got stolen]: Anyone who previously criticized Star should apologize on their knees and get out of here!!!

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  1. well played, Star (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪

    thank you for the chapter ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡

  2. Good job!!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖