Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh30.1 - Game Content Only

In the game, Wu Ze Tian stands before the high ground tower, wearing the noble and majestic attire of the Nyx Oracle. As she gazes towards the enemy, her sleeves flutter, seemingly showing a hint of disdain towards the opponents.

The mid lane minions have not arrived yet, so the bored Song Peifeng controls Wu Ze Tian to take a few steps forward. As he reaches the edge of the high ground tower’s attack range, he activates his first skill. After obtaining the empowered orb, he throws it towards the enemy high ground tower, aiming directly at Xishi’s position. Ubc1mL

However, although the empowered orb had a considerable range, it failed to hit Xishi.

Xishi maintained an absolute safe distance from him; he had to enter the tower’s range to hit her.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Song Peifeng naturally knew that his first skill wouldn’t reach the opponent, but he deliberately made this move to provoke Ji Xingchen.

His teammate, who was duo queuing with Song Peifeng, was named Man Jiu, playing as support Lian Po. MkoHEC

After placing Lian Po next to Wu Ze Tian, he continuously pressed the recall button to taunt the opponents.

“Is this the mid lane mage that everyone praises so much? Why does he look more like a high ground security guard?”

Man Jiu deliberately emphasized the phrase “high ground security guard,” not hiding his mockery of Ji Xingchen’s current situation, where he could only use Xishi to defend the high ground towers.

Song Peifeng chuckled at Man Jiu’s words, pretending not to understand and asked, “Mid lane mage? Are the standards for mid lane so low now that someone who only knows how to play three or four mages deserves such a title? And doesn’t this so-called mid lane mage have too shallow of a hero pool?”


Seeing Song Peifeng joining in with the banter, Man Jiu became even more spirited, immediately joining in and relentlessly dissing Ji Xingchen.

Hero pool? More like a hero spoon.”

After openly mocking Ji Xingchen for only being good at playing a few heroes, Man Jiu suddenly spoke again, his tone dripping with disdain and contempt.

“Oops, my apologies. I wasn’t careful enough just now. The other streamer over there doesn’t just have three or four mages in his arsenal. I heard he also knows how to play heroes like Mai Shiranui, Angela, and Princess Frost, those bush lurkers… Don’t his fans always hype him as the King Frost of the national server? Hey, Song, since he’s so famous on the national server, why didn’t he pick Princess Frost today to show off a bit?” gs3aYr

Anyone who’s played the game knows that while Princess Frost is strong in the early game, her damage output in the late game, aside from clearing minions, is basically like tickling opponents.

So, although Princess Frost might be brought out in non-professional matches to dominate and rampage in low-level games without coordination, in relatively high-level matches among streamers, no one would even think of picking her.

In this deliberate attempt to feign madness and ignorance and diss Ji Xingchen for his shallow hero pool, Song Peifeng immediately joined in with his sarcastic remarks.

Glancing at Ji Xingchen’s Xishi pacing back and forth, Song Peifeng smirked disdainfully, “Princess Frost, huh… Isn’t she just another high ground security guard? Picking her is just asking to get beaten up, hahaha…” hR79B5

Song Peifeng is one of the most popular Honor of Kings streamers on Mengjing TV.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Because he’s considered somewhat handsome among male streamers, he’s attracted quite a few wealthy female fans since he started streaming.

Jbwylcfv klat tlr vfmfca rxliir, vfrqlaf ogfdefcais rqbealcu rjgmjralm gfwjgxr jcv mglalmlhlcu afjwwjafr jcv bqqbcfcar veglcu tlr vjlis ragfjwr, tf’r ufcelcfis rtbkc rbwf lwqgfrrlnf wbwfcar klat j ofk wlv ijcf tfgbfr ujcxlcu fcfws pecuifgr lc tlr nlvfbr.

Vb, ktlif tf’r boafc ajgufafv klat mglalmlrw, tf ralii tjr j mbcrlvfgjyif cewyfg bo ojcr. Zjcs qfbqif fcpbs tlr rtjgq-abcuefv sfa rxliifv rasif, wjxlcu tlw oiemaejaf yfakffc lcojws jcv qbqeijglas, klat nfgs tlut qbqeijglas bnfgjii. GeYHNR

Of course, fans who like this kind of streamer naturally have quite skewed moral values.

So in the live stream chat, as soon as they saw him leading the mockery along with Man Jiu against Ji Xingchen, his fans immediately followed suit.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[MeowMeow TV’s Star, is this all you’ve got? You used to boast so much, but as soon as you encounter our Boss Song, all you can do is huddle as a high ground security guard.]

[Last week, boasting about playing mid lane Bai Li was blown out of proportion, but it turned out to be a flop, because other mid laners couldn’t handle it.] 0W3Nl8

[Xishi is so simple, can’t even play her properly. Last week, he also tried to compete with our Boss Song for MVP? Shouldn’t he weigh his own abilities first?]

[Just stop pretending, pick such a simple Xishi, but end up playing like crap.]

[Ridicule with respect, Xishi isn’t as simple as you all say, and the opponent’s streamer this time actually has pretty accurate skill usage, it’s just that his teammates are too bad to keep up.]

[Agree, doesn’t MeowMeow Star’s Xishi seem as bad as everyone says? I feel like it’s quite impressive.] OPciU0

[Are these brainless fans coming here to defend their daddy? Go back to your shemale streamer’s stream, okay?]

[This idiotic play is considered impressive? Our Boss Song would make him cry in no time.]

Although Song Peifeng has many fans, not all in the live stream chat are blindly following. Seeing Ji Xingchen being trampled by his fans like this, occasionally some sober-minded viewers would speak up for him.

But this is Song Peifeng’s territory, and his fans wouldn’t tolerate such comments. Immediately, there was a wave of mindless output, and even those who spoke up for Ji Xingchen were bashed. jBr 5O

The audience started arguing, and Song Peifeng naturally noticed these barrage comments.

He rolled his eyes in silence, then chuckled.

“Alright, brothers, let’s have a harmonious discussion and avoid quarrels. The enemy mage is indeed quite formidable, and what they said is not wrong. So let’s see together how this ‘impressive’ Xishi turns the tide against adversity and leads the enemy to victory.”

Song Peifeng’s praise and sarcasm were both overt and covert, quite ambiguous. b0WpJq

But the reason he dared to say so was his confidence that the game would soon end.

Glancing at his skills, Song Peifeng told his teammates, “Brothers, my ultimate is ready. When the minions arrive, we’ll engage. When you engage, be conservative. The opponents are also respected streamers, so let’s give them some face.”

Hearing Song Peifeng’s command, Xiao Gou and Man Jiu immediately complied. After storing all of Lu Ban’s skills, they waited for the minions to arrive, then used Lu Ban’s ultimate to initiate teamfights.

The reason why Song Peifeng’s team gained such a huge advantage in this match was because they had been using a routine. b1JTCD

This routine was actually quite simple: Lu Ban initiates teamfights with his ultimate to absorb damage, then Wu Ze Tian immediately follows up with her ultimate to control enemies.

After executing this combo and immobilizing the opponents, Marco Polo immediately engages with his ultimate, alongside Ma Chao, to deal damage and secure kills.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Additionally, their lineup had a nasty feature revolving around Liu Bang.

During teamfights, Liu Bang could use his ultimate to shield allies, reducing the damage they receive and providing defense and shields. euiQz0

If they made a mistake during teamfights and the opponents attempted a counterattack, Liu Bang would provide a crucial shield.

So after winning a teamfight, although the opponents lost two or three members, Song Peifeng’s team had minimal casualties.

They had practiced this lineup countless times in private, and every time it proved highly effective, never losing a single match.

Thus, in today’s stream match, Song Peifeng continued to use this routine, and so far, the opponents hadn’t found a solution. a MBN8

With confidence gleaming in his eyes as he watched the game, Song Peifeng appeared as if victory was already in his grasp.

Seeing the opponents arrogantly standing at their doorstep, playing as Lu Ban’s teammate felt a bit disheartening.

“I said before, don’t go wandering around like Prince of Lanling. Don’t go wandering around. Come back to defend the minions. But you didn’t listen. Now, the crystal is about to be destroyed.”

The Prince of Lanling, who perished in the bushes, realized it was his fault and quickly apologized online, “Sorry, I just wanted to clear a wave of minions, didn’t expect their support to arrive so quickly.” B5d9Xe

Master Lu Ban sighed heavily. Seeing Prince of Lanling’s good attitude in admitting his mistake, he couldn’t really criticize him, but he still felt uneasy inside.

Faced with such a huge disadvantage, the atmosphere within the team was extremely tense. Seeing his teammates on the verge of collapsing mentally, Ji Xingchen suddenly opened the mic and said to them in a relaxed tone, “Brothers, don’t lose heart. As long as we hold the high ground, it’s not a big problem. They won’t be able to break through this wave, we still have a chance.”

In Honor of kings matches, there’s a strange phenomenon: the more popular and carrying a player is, the more likely flamers will blame them when encountering adversity, regardless of their performance. They’ll blame them for not carrying their teammates.

Ji Xingchen was the most anticipated player on their team, and as soon as he opened the mic to comfort his teammates, the flamers immediately targeted him when they saw him still looking relaxed. hZSYv

“There’s no chance at all. You’ll lose as soon as the opponents make a move.”

“What’s the point of boasting? Trying to win 3v5? Dream on.”

“Can you even handle the opponents’ combo? You haven’t taken down a single tower or dragon in this match. If you can turn the game around without any towers or dragons, I’ll eat my keyboard live on stream.”

Ji Xingchen didn’t pay attention to the flamers’ messages. Instead, he glanced at Xingcai’s Lady Sun’s equipment in the item list. mBa8u4

Seeing that his core items were almost complete and estimating his damage, he quietly asked him, “Are you ready, Xiangxiang?”

The audience didn’t understand what Ji Xingchen meant, but Xingcai understood.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Brother Star thought it was about time to make a move, to initiate a fight against the opponents. As a devoted fan, Xingcai naturally had full confidence in Ji Xingchen’s decision.

Upon hearing Ji Xingchen’s words, Xingcai immediately adjusted his position to a safer spot and replied, “I’m ready.” hUq3O8

Ji Xingchen nodded and then started communicating with Master Lu Ban, the support.

“Bro, didn’t you mention before about coordinating to pull someone? I’m about to initiate now. Let’s see who’s the lucky one to be pulled by me next.”

Master Lu Ban just responded with an affirmative.

Suddenly, Ji Xingchen’s Xishi moved forward recklessly, pushing to the limit of her skill range, and unleashed her ultimate and first skill. XCnL92

In an instant, the opponent’s Marco Polo dashed into the high ground tower as if he’d gone mad!

Marco Polo was pulled by Xishi!

Ji Xingchen’s speed was astonishing. Almost before anyone could react, he had passed through both Lian Po and Liu Bang, accurately targeting Marco Polo, the opponent’s main damage dealer!

Master Lu Ban, witnessing Xishi pulling someone off in plain sight, barely had time to be astonished. He quickly took over Marco Polo from Xishi’s hands and pushed him into the crystal. oKCtX0

It was as if he had activated a cheat code this time, finally syncing his skills with Xishi.

With their seamless cooperation, Marco Polo couldn’t even cast his skills.

Xingcai had already prepared everything in front of the crystal, and as soon as Marco Polo was pulled in by Xishi, he unleashed his full combo of abilities with Lady Sun.


Translator's Note

“Hero pool” refers to the variety of heroes a player can effectively use.

Translator's Note

“Hero spoon” is a humorous way to suggest that someone’s hero pool is very limited or shallow, akin to having just a spoonful of options.

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  1. Every sport is about flexible mind

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖