Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh29.1 - Xishi

Alone at home, Ji Xingchen slept for an entire afternoon and woke up again at eight in the evening.

He gently shook his head and found that the dizziness had almost disappeared. ka4dzM

Sure enough, what the nurse said was correct. Just resting quietly for an afternoon made his body much more comfortable.

Getting up from the bed, Ji Xingchen’s stomach immediately growled as soon as he stood up, reminding him of his hunger.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He had slept for almost the whole day, except for drinking some hot water when taking medicine in the morning, he hadn’t eaten anything all day.

Feeling lazy and not wanting to move much, Ji Xingchen decided to quickly prepare instant noodles to satisfy his hunger. pfhIZD

After preparing the instant noodles, when Ji Xingchen went to throw away the seasoning packet, he noticed that it was drizzling outside.

Looking at the wet windowsill, Ji Xingchen remembered the umbrella Lan Xin had lent him in the morning, which he hadn’t returned yet.

Ignoring his hunger, Ji Xingchen immediately picked up the flower-patterned umbrella that had already dried at the door. Then, he grabbed the fruits he had bought on his way home in the morning and decided to bring both the umbrella and the fruits to Lan Xin’s family.

As Ji Xingchen reached the door and opened it, he ran into Lan Xin and her mother directly.


“Hey, big brother?” She smiled at Ji Xingchen while holding a bowl of rice in her hand.

Standing behind her with a smile, her mother also held two plates, one with a meat dish and the other with a vegetable dish.

“I noticed before that you seemed to be living alone. Today, when I heard from Lan Xin that you were sick, I made some food and prepared to bring it to you. Young man, are you… planning to go out?”

Lan Xin’s mother was also not very articulate, but she was actually worried about Ji Xingchen being sick and having no one to take care of him. As soon as dinner was ready, she immediately portioned some out to send to him. J0S1sg

The goodwill of the mother and daughter was like a warm beam of light, shining deeply into Ji Xingchen’s heart at that moment.

He smiled at the two of them, “No, I’m actually planning to return the umbrella to Lan Xin.”

Seeing this, Lan Xin’s mother warmly invited Ji Xingchen to their home, “Ah, that’s perfect! Have you eaten yet? We’re just about to have dinner. If you don’t mind, you can join us.”

Ji Xingchen hesitated to decline but was pulled by Lan Xin’s empty hand, “Come on, come on, big brother. Don’t be shy. Let’s eat together. We’re neighbors, so we should visit each other more often.” PQJV3w

Unable to resist the enthusiastic invitation from the family, Ji Xingchen eventually went to Lan Xin’s house and enjoyed a meal with them.

Ever since his parents passed away, Ji Xingchen had been alone. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had such a lively dinner.

While eating, Ji Xingchen looked at Lan Xin’s innocent smile and envied her for having such a happy family.

Even if life was a bit tough, as long as Mom and Dad were still here, it would be fine… dUfW9t

After dinner, Ji Xingchen stood up to help Auntie clean up the dishes, but she stopped him.

“You’re a rare guest. There’s no reason for you to help with the dishes. Go to the living room, have some fruit, and watch TV. No need to help…”

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Feeling awkward about leaving right after eating, Ji Xingchen went to the corner of the living room and sat down to watch TV.

“Ahhh, why does math have to be such a weird subject? I’m exhausted. It’s killing all my brain cells…” Li4e5

Lan Xin, who had been frantically doing homework after dinner, pulled at her twin ponytails and wailed in frustration.

“Xin Xin, we have a guest. Why are you shouting so loudly?”

Lan Xin’s dad, who was watching TV with Ji Xingchen, quietly scolded her.

“Oh…” Lan Xin released her hair and glanced mischievously at Ji Xingchen. “Sorry, brother Xing,It’s judt that, I was really in too much pain and couldn’t help it…” czISd

“It’s okay.”

Ji Xingchen smiled and walked over to her.

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Seeing Lan Xin in such agony, he lowered his head to glance at the problem she was working on.

Coafg jybea atgff wlceafr bo mbcafwqijalbc, Al Wlcumtfc rqbxf eq… evD73F

“Tbeg jqqgbjmt ab atlr qgbyifw lr kgbcu. Tbe mjc ags j vloofgfca jqqgbjmt ab rbinf la.”

Al Wlcumtfc’r rifcvfg olcufgr qblcafv ja atf qgbyifw jr tf qjalfcais fzqijlcfv la ab Ojc Wlc.

Fcilxf afjmtlcu batfgr, tf vlvc’a vlgfmais ulnf tfg atf jcrkfg yea lcrafjv uelvfv tfg bc tbk ab olcv miefr ab rbinf atf qgbyifw jcv tbk ab rbinf la ogbw vloofgfca qfgrqfmalnfr.

Ten minutes later, Lan Xin finally managed to solve the most challenging problem on the test! pVMC51

Proudly looking at the answers on her paper, Lan Xin’s eyes were filled with admiration for Ji Xingchen.

Before she could shower him with praise, Ji Xingchen pointed to another problem in front of her.

“For this problem, double-check it.”

“Huh?” dsQnoz

Lan Xin was surprised and leaned back, recalculating it on her scratch paper.

Seeing a different answer, she realized she had made a mistake earlier due to carelessness.

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“Wow, big brother, you’re amazing! You just glanced at it and found my mistake? And for this last problem, our teacher said at most three students in our class could solve it. How did you figure it out so quickly!!? Was it mental calculation??”

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “I just thought of the approach, but you solved the problem.” atUXNv

Lan Xin shook her head in amazement.

After all, everyone knows that the problem-solving approach is the most impressive; anyone can do calculations, they’re just elementary school-level!

Lan Xin looked at Ji Xingchen again, feeling increasingly impressed by this big brother.

After all, she used to think he was just good-looking, but it turned out he wasn’t just handsome; he was also an exceptionally talented student! CGR cS

“Big brother, you’re really amazing. Which university did you graduate from? Let me worship you!”

Hearing this, Ji Xingchen’s smile faded slightly.

He turned his head slightly to conceal this slight unnaturalness before calmly saying, “I didn’t attend university.”

“Huh?” pKvo3C

Upon hearing these words, Lan Xin was suddenly dumbfounded.

This brother, who was so talented that he could solve problems without even using a pen…

Based on the top students she had encountered so far, he seemed like the kind of top-notch student who would have dominated during high school.

But… he hadn’t attended university??? Y5VyMn

Realizing her mistake, Lan Xin quickly covered her mouth, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, big brother… I didn’t know, I just…”

Just found it too unbelievable…

Lan Xin hurriedly apologized, but she found that no matter how she explained it, she couldn’t salvage this awkward situation.

Ji Xingchen smiled at her, signaling her not to worry. PMwKVy

“It’s okay. My family had some issues before, couldn’t afford the tuition, and I didn’t have the time, so I didn’t make it.”

Lan Xin had originally speculated that there must be some hidden reason why her big brother hadn’t attended university, but who could have guessed it was due to financial reasons?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

She had initially wanted to suggest that there were student loans available for those without money…

But in the end, she didn’t say anything. qEPa3H

Her brother was so outstanding; he must have had a better understanding of these policies than she did.

But since he hadn’t taken advantage of them at the time, she believed that he must have encountered very, very difficult circumstances to give up the opportunity to go to university.

Thinking about how her brother, who was so outstanding, couldn’t attend university and might have experienced some difficult times, Lan Xin felt extremely sorry for him.

“Brother, in the future, please come over often to help me with my homework…” sM2mHP

Lan Xin looked at Ji Xingchen and silently added in her heart, “Our family can provide you with meals!”

After Ji Xingchen finished tutoring Lan Xin’s homework, he stayed for just two minutes before returning home.

Earlier, he had turned off his phone completely to ensure absolute quiet for sleeping.

Now, upon turning it back on, he was greeted with hundreds of messages from fans and friends. 3Y9WXe

The content of these messages was mostly the same, all wishing him a speedy recovery and to take care of himself.

Ji Xingchen replied to each one, but he noticed that even Xing Cai from Mengjing TV had sent him a message at noon.

He remembered Xing Cai.

They had been matched together as teammates during a point match before, and he even won the Best Bottom Lane of the first week. ah8kH7

At that time, he thought this person was pretty good, so when the other person asked for his WeChat, he gave it directly.

Of course, it wasn’t just this streamer who asked for Ji Xingchen’s WeChat; he added quite a few other streamers as well.

But this time when he was sick, out of all the streamers who had added him on WeChat, only this one took the initiative to ask about his health.

Even those streamers who had begged him to play with them didn’t bother to ask about his health today; they just asked if he could team up with them. 9pesJw

Ji Xingchen appreciated Xing Cai’s concern but also didn’t mind whether other streamers cared about him or not.

He understood that this was a competition, and it was normal for streamers to prioritize their own interests.

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According to the analysis of the audience who analyzed the situation, in fact, all the streamers were opponents; his absence from today’s match was actually a good thing for many people, especially for those streamers who were ranked higher.

After all, since he didn’t play today, others firmly left him behind. 4C1nOV

Ji Xingchen happened to have seen the match points summary compiled by the guys on Hupu. Just because he didn’t play today, his ranking dropped directly from second to twelfth in just one day.

Meanwhile, the original first place, Song Peifeng, had an exceptionally smooth day today, achieving a perfect record and increasing his points from 377 to 439, maintaining his top position.

In just one day, he was now more than 60 points behind Song Peifeng.

If he still wanted to aim for first place, it would indeed be extremely difficult. aCUy5T

Ji Xingchen returned to the WeChat page and saw Xing Cai’s message: “Brother, I heard you’re sick. Are you feeling better now?”

He immediately replied, “Thanks for your concern, I’m much better now.”

After replying, he noticed that Xing Cai was typing.

Seeing that Xing Cai had more to say, Ji Xingchen waited patiently. jx5Hp4

A few seconds later, Xing Cai’s message came through:

Xing Cai: That’s great! Remember to take your medication on time and get plenty of rest.

Xing Cai: The weather has been changing a lot recently, so make sure to cover yourself well when sleeping.

Xing Cai: Also! Bro, are you participating in tomorrow’s point match? If you are, can you please let me join your team? RPOM61

Xing Cai: Today I didn’t have any teammates; I ended up solo, and I got crushed by the opponents.

Xing Cai: Feeling_miserable.jpg

This Xing Cai, who kept claiming to be a lone wolf and selling misery, actually ranked seventh in reality and was one of the sought-after golden thighs for many people looking to team up.

After all, he was the man who won the Best Bottom Lane last week, so his skills were undeniable. TztjMP

Xing Cai actually had a bit of a temper; despite his young age, he could see through people quite well.

He didn’t like those streamers who approached him with obvious motives, solely aiming for their own gains.

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Since he knew he could team up for matches, his ideal teammate was only Ji Xingchen.

There was no choice; after all, Ji Xingchen’s earth-shattering performance that day had directly struck a chord in his heart. XJAwsU

So from that day on, his admiration for Ji Xingchen was akin to that of a devoted fan for an idol.

Xing Cai: Brother Star, can you? QAQ I really like you so much.

Xing Cai: Please, QAQ.

Who could bear to refuse such a cute boy~ hYFgQe

So Ji Xingchen agreed.

The next morning, Ji Xingchen still hadn’t started his broadcast.

It wasn’t until half-past eleven that he leisurely turned on his computer and mirrored his phone screen.

Because of his outstanding performance in the first week, many people were quietly watching his every move. nl38dW

As soon as they found out he hadn’t played due to illness yesterday, these people immediately concocted several versions to mock him.

As soon as he started his stream today, aside from his fans, the haters also flocked in sensing blood.

Internet hater: [Trash streamer, didn’t even play for two hours yesterday, is there a death in the family?]

Fan of a certain streamer: [You refused to team up with this and that before, now you’re getting your just deserts] HFEOxg

Hater: [Coward didn’t play yesterday to protect his points, didn’t expect to be overtaken by so many, continue being a coward today!]

Fan of Song Peifeng: [Heard you didn’t accept Song Peifeng’s first place before? But now he’s ahead of you by sixty or seventy points, don’t worry, you won’t catch up even if you work yourself to death]

Weird fan: [The stupid streamer is finally streaming]

Although Ji Xingchen’s popularity wasn’t high before, the majority of his fans were lovely girls, and the barrage in his live broadcast room was usually quite mild. cRMK1A

But now that he had played in the match, coupled with the platform giving him many featured spots on the homepage, his exposure had increased compared to before, which also attracted many haters to click in.

These haters don’t care about your situation at all. They just want to rant without any logic or reason, solely aiming to mess with the streamers’ minds.

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Streamers are also ordinary people, and indeed most people would feel uncomfortable seeing these barrage comments.

However, Ji Xingchen doesn’t care at all. 0CdvSp

Seeing these people ranting at him, he even opens his mic and chats with them, laughing lightly.

“Yeah, brothers, I’m live, surprised, huh?”

As he said this, he logged into the game and even started a game of Sichuan Mahjong.


Translator's Note

“Hupu” is a popular Chinese online sports community and forum where users discuss various sports topics, including basketball, football, tennis, and more.

Translator's Note

“Sichuan Mahjong” is a regional version of the traditional Chinese tile-based game Mahjong, popular in Sichuan province and southwestern China. It has unique rules and gameplay compared to other variants, featuring special scoring systems, tiles, and strategies.

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  1. Cool boy

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖