Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh28.1 - Are you suggesting that I come over to your place for meals?

After playing games with Ran Feng last night, Ji Xingchen continued to play four more rounds with Mo Yuze. It wasn’t until he brought him to Master IV to satisfy his wish that he went offline to sleep.

However, because Mo Yuze came to the live broadcast room after ten o’clock last night, Ji Xingchen finished playing with him and went offline, and by then it was already midnight. JShfbP

The next morning, he was awakened by the sound of rain outside the window punctually at the break of dawn.

A cool breeze blew in from the window, and Ji Xingchen, feeling cold all over, suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to close the window when he went to bed last night due to exhaustion. He turned over to get up and close it.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, as soon as he sat on the edge of the bed, he immediately felt dizzy. Then came a strong spasm in his stomach, making him feel nauseous almost to the point of vomiting.

Ji Xingchen fell back onto the bed, realizing that he had just broken out in a cold sweat, and now he had no strength left in his body. 60y3Ka

He actually caught a cold…

Realizing that he was feeling unwell due to catching a cold, Ji Xingchen lay on the bed immediately without daring to move, closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths, trying to ease the discomfort in his body.

After several minutes passed, when the urge to vomit finally subsided slightly, Ji Xingchen tried to get up slowly, intending to get out of bed and go to the hospital for treatment.

However, as soon as he moved, the whole world started spinning again, just like before. Unable to see anything clearly in front of him, and with his head feeling as heavy as if it were filled with iron blocks, he just wanted to sink down.


The discomfort in Ji Xingchen’s body far exceeded the physiological limit he could bear. He couldn’t help but vomit uncontrollably.

Ji Xingchen belonged to the type of person who hardly ever got sick all year round. He hadn’t even taken a single packet of cold medicine for several years.

But although he hadn’t caught a cold for several years, if he did catch one occasionally, the symptoms would be particularly severe.

The last time Ji Xingchen caught a cold was in his third year of high school. IBQXl2

That time, he had a fever of nearly forty degrees at five in the morning, vomiting and diarrhea, and was delirious with fever.

Fortunately, his father heard the noise in the middle of the night and sensed that something was wrong, immediately kicking open his door and carrying him to the hospital in the middle of the night.

Ji Xingchen remembered that he had opened his eyes drowsily at that time and saw his father guarding him closely by his side.

In the dead of winter, his father was afraid that his hands would get cold from the IV, so he held onto the tube and didn’t let go. KG0z E

However, that illness became the last and most intimate time between him and his father.

Before, when his father was alive, there was someone to take care of him when he was sick.

Now he was alone, and even if he felt unwell, he had to bear it on his own.

After vomiting, Ji Xingchen felt slightly better and carefully sat up straight. TjskUM

He leaned on the bed, took a piece of clothing from the wardrobe, held his phone, and slowly moved towards the door, intending to go to the hospital for emergency treatment.

First, his body was really uncomfortable, and he was afraid that if he fell asleep again, the condition would worsen.

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Second, today was the first day of the second week of the Honor Point Tournament, and he had to recover quickly because he had a match at noon.

The points from the weekly matches wouldn’t reset; although he came in second place in the first week, the top twenty players were very close in points. If he didn’t play today, others could overtake him by dozens of points. Plus, there was the uncertain factor of earning an additional 20 points for the weekly MVP, making it particularly difficult for him to aim for first place later on. xP4eF

Leaning against the wall, Ji Xingchen took ten minutes to reach the door.

Getting out of the house was easy enough, but when he reached the staircase, he hesitated.

When he rented the house, he didn’t have extra money, so he chose a relatively remote and dilapidated old neighborhood where elevators weren’t installed.

Moreover, to save money, Ji Xingchen rented the cheapest apartment on the highest floor, the sixth floor. wHNDQo

Normally, when he was healthy, he didn’t find it inconvenient, but now that he was sick, he realized how difficult it was to go downstairs.

Ji Xingchen felt extremely dizzy; every time he lowered his head, he felt nauseous and dizzy, making it impossible for him to go downstairs alone.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ifjcfv jujlcra atf kjii ja atf rajlgmjrf ijcvlcu obg j ofk rfmbcvr, uglaafv tlr affat, jcv qgfqjgfv ab ribkis vfrmfcv atf rajlgr.

Ca atja wbwfca, atf vbbg bo atf bqqbrlaf jqjgawfca bqfcfv. JnPqHY

C rfnfcaffc bg flutaffc-sfjg-biv ulgi rjk j wjc rajcvlcu ja tfg vbbg jcv rmgfjwfv lc ogluta.

Ktf bglulcjiis vjhfv Al Wlcumtfc kjr revvfcis rajgaifv ys atf rmgfjw, ktlmt mifjgfv tlr tfjv j yla.

He turned to look at the other person and weakly said, “Sorry for scaring you.”

In the dim light of the corridor, the girl finally managed to see the person in front of her. BWGYx0

She found that the guy in front of her was tall and handsome.

His nose was straight, and he had long eyelashes.

After seeing his face clearly, she realized that she knew this person!

He was the new tenant next door. She had seen him once from a distance on a weekend morning when she was going to tutoring. drc53B

The girl was about to greet him but noticed that he didn’t seem to be in good condition.

Seeing that he was pale and had no color in his lips, the young girl shook her head gently, “N-nothing…”

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She lightly tugged at the backpack behind her, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Ji Xingchen sideways.

“Brother, are you feeling unwell?” wdoMb

The girl spoke softly, afraid that she might disturb the weak guy.

Ji Xingchen nodded slightly, “I have a cold and feel dizzy.”

The girl suddenly realized, “Are you going to the hospital now?”

“Yes.” j6wF9D

The girl looked at Ji Xingchen and noticed that he was leaning against the wall, looking exhausted as he spoke. She took the initiative to ask, “Brother, do you have trouble going downstairs? Do you need help?”

The girl’s words touched Ji Xingchen’s heart.

He really needed help right now because even standing felt exhausting for him.

And he dared not make any big movements with his head right now because every time he tilted or lowered it, everything in front of him would start spinning and become blurry. OqJ v0

Ji Xingchen glanced at the thin but enthusiastic girl in front of him and managed to force a smile, “Can you?”

The girl was dazzled by Ji Xingchen’s smile, which she had never seen such a beautiful smile before, and she stood there slightly dazed for a moment.

Then she quickly nodded, “Of course, brother, don’t move, wait for me.”

After saying that, she turned and hurried back into the room, shouting loudly towards the house, “Dad, Dad!! Have you finished eating yet? Hurry up, don’t eat, come quickly, our neighbor brother is sick, come and help him.” xpLcPW

A minute later, the girl’s father ran out.

Then the father and daughter helped Ji Xingchen walk, with one supporting him and the other holding an umbrella for him.

Finally, with their joint efforts, they safely took the weak Ji Xingchen to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, the two of them didn’t leave Ji Xingchen alone. At yGz

The father took the initiative to help him register and find a doctor, then took him to get his blood drawn and helped him collect the test results.

The younger sister stayed with him the whole time, helping him with hot water.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

For the past five years, Ji Xingchen had always been taking care of others. Today, suddenly being cared for by two strangers from the neighborhood made him feel warm and touched.

After an hour of fussing, Ji Xingchen was finally arranged to be in the infusion room, lying on the bed and starting the infusion. YClsSe

The doctor told him that he had a cold accompanied by dizziness, caused by overwork and mental strain.

“You should rest here for a while and take a good rest after the infusion. It’s best not to do anything today after you go home, find a quiet place where there are no people and rest for a day, you’ll feel better soon. But remember not to overwork in the future, you’re still young and need to take care of your health.” The nurse carefully reminded him while inserting the needle.

“Okay, thank you.”

Ji Xingchen lay on the hospital bed and thanked the nurse. hfKHZd

“Brother, take care and rest well.”

After listening to the nurse’s words, the younger sister sat down by Ji Xingchen’s bedside and helped him straighten out the tangled IV tubes.

As she leaned forward, her student card hanging around her neck suddenly fell out and spun in the air.

When Ji Xingchen opened his eyes, he happened to see her student card. m7pYPB

The younger sister’s student card had two sides, one side with a Ran Feng sticker, and the other side with her information printed on it.

The student card showed that the younger sister’s name was Lan Xin, and she was a student at a certain high school.

Seeing the Ran Feng sticker on the back, Ji Xingchen realized that the person who had helped him so kindly today was actually a fan of Ran Feng.

“The person on your student card sticker, is it Ran Feng?” 2dR76P

Ji Xingchen, lying on the bed, had recovered some energy and felt bored with the younger sister staying here to take care of him, so he took the initiative to chat with her.

When she heard her idol’s name from the younger brother’s mouth, Lan Xin’s eyes instantly lit up, and a hint of innocent and radiant smile appeared on her face.

“Yes! I’m Ifeng! Brother, do you also know Brother Feng?”

“I do, he’s… quite popular. I usually enjoy listening to his songs.” vkbowT

Most of Ran Feng’s fans were girls, so Lan Xin was thrilled to hear the handsome brother in front of her also listens to Brother Feng’s songs.

“Wow, brother, you have such great taste! Brother Feng’s songs are amazing!!”

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When talking about her idol, Lan Xin instantly switched to fangirl mode. She clasped her hands under her chin, her eyes sparkling with stars.

“Brother, what songs of Brother Feng do you like listening to?” 8KEgbL

Seeing Lan Xin’s anticipation, Ji Xingchen mentioned a few songs to her.

Upon hearing that Ji Xingchen had even listened to Brother Feng’s songs from years ago, Lan Xin enthusiastically recommended many other songs by Ran Feng to him.

Ji Xingchen didn’t interrupt her, but smiled and listened quietly.

“In short… Brother Feng is a super invincible perfect man, he’s my faith!” sP Qv2


“Yeah! Brother Feng is not only handsome and capable, but more importantly, he has excellent academic achievements!! Brother, do you know? Many idols debut very early, and many of them give up the opportunity to go to school directly to become trainees, so many idols haven’t even completed their nine-year compulsory education.” Lan Xin paused for a moment, slightly raising her voice, “But my Brother Feng is different, he is a graduate from Z University, a prestigious university! He’s the pride of idol education! He’s amazing!”

After hearing Lan Xin’s words, Ji Xingchen didn’t react as enthusiastically as before. Instead, he furrowed his brows slightly, “Z University?”

Ran Feng actually attended Z University??? Pcbp90

“Yeah, brother… what’s wrong? Do you think Z University is not good?”

Lan Xin was very puzzled to see her brother on the sickbed suddenly frowning.

“No, Z University is very good, I’m just a bit surprised, after all, he used to have such good grades, I thought he would go to QH or B University…”

Ji Xingchen used to spend almost all his time taking care of his mother, so he only occasionally had time to learn a little bit about Ran Feng’s news. CrlDuz

Moreover, he always remembered that Ran Feng had mentioned wanting to apply to B University, so he subconsciously assumed that after Ran Feng finished the college entrance examination, he would definitely apply to that university. Therefore, he didn’t specifically pay attention to his school afterwards.

But… why Z University??

Based on Ran Feng’s previous academic performance, it’s not possible!

After listening to Ji Xingchen’s explanation, Lan Xin immediately became excited again. aR2vFm

“Yeah, yeah, brother, you also know! Brother Feng’s grades used to be really good, even his high school classmates said that he was basically in the top three of the grade, so everyone assumed that he would either go to QH or B University after the college entrance examination.” Here, Lan Xin’s face flashed with some regret, “But there are always unexpected things… it seems like something happened at Brother Feng’s house on the day of the college entrance examination. According to his classmates, he almost arrived late for the English exam, and then… I guess this incident affected his performance, so he ended up studying at Z University.”

“But brother, don’t you think Brother Feng is amazing? Even after messing up the exam, he could still go to Z University!!!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lan Xin’s eyes were full of admiration for Ran Feng.

But after hearing her explanation, Ji Xingchen’s heart suddenly felt like it was being squeezed, with a sharp, tingling sensation. His breath paused for a few seconds, and then the scene of the college entrance examination flashed through his mind. G7lj4H

He remembered that after finishing the science comprehensive exam that day, Ran Feng was waiting for him directly at the entrance of the examination room.

As soon as he walked out of the examination room, Ran Feng handed him an umbrella.

“I knew you wouldn’t bring an umbrella.”

Ran Feng spoke and even reached out his hands to help him zip up his school uniform jacket that had been spread out. “Cover yourself well when you nap at noon today. It’s the last exam, don’t catch a cold.” eLUFP3

After saying that, he looked down at himself, smiled suddenly, and said, “Don’t lose, and fail to become my fellow alumnus at B University.”

“How could that happen? Even if I don’t write the English essay, I could still easily pass. You’re dreaming if you think you can ditch me as your fellow alumnus, Brother Feng!”

Ji Xingchen remembered that at that time, he had boasted to the other party with a big smile, and then threw the umbrella back into Ran Feng’s hands.

“You’re taller, so you hold the umbrella.” Then he put both hands in his pockets, walked to Ran Feng’s side, and walked alongside him, feeling perfectly justified in being a freeloader under the umbrella. 3xgfNl

Ran Feng didn’t say anything, he just opened the umbrella and escorted him all the way to the school gate, where his parents were waiting.

Ran Feng: “See you at two o’clock.”

Ji Xing nodded, said goodbye to Ran Feng, turned around to leave, and then, when Ran Feng bent down and whispered something in his ear, “Clear some time after the English exam, I have something to tell you.”

At that time, Ran Feng had said they would meet at two o’clock, and he also said he had something to tell him after the exam… gkcT7K

But in the afternoon, he didn’t go to the college entrance examination, and in the end, he stood him up.

Thinking of what Lan Xin said about Ran Feng being late in the afternoon, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but have a terrible association.

Was Ran Feng almost late because he was waiting for him?

“So even if Brother Feng didn’t do well in the exam, he still went to Z University! That’s Z University!!! A prestigious university!!!” Lan Xin’s voice pulled Ji Xingchen back from his memories. wfj8kp

“Oh, the more I think about it, the more amazing Brother Feng seems! Z University is my dream school. I hope I can be as good as Brother Feng next year in the college entrance examination and get directly admitted.” After saying this, Lan Xin clapped her hands vigorously. “Following my idol!”

Ji Xingchen looked at the excited Lan Xin. “Are you going to be a senior soon?”

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Lan Xin replied, “Yes! I’ll be a senior when school starts in September.”

Ji Xingchen was puzzled. “Aren’t you supposed to be taking summer classes during this summer vacation in your sophomore year?” XLbqdk

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  1. Fan culture can helps many people

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛