Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh27.2 - Sister Wanfeng

“I checked those few streamers, their rankings are quite low, around 60 to 50. They’re probably afraid of getting eliminated in the second round, so they want you to carry them to the next round.” Ran Feng took out another phone and checked the rankings of the streamers.

Ji Xingchen nodded, “Seems like it.” 6nmtyO

“Yeah,” Ran Feng responded, suddenly sounding a bit serious. “But this is a competition, not charity.”

Ji Xingchen thought the boss would ask him about his plans for the next round or something similar.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But he was so direct!

“You’re competing for the total monthly points. If you want to take first place, every match point is crucial.” Ran Feng’s gaze focused on several top-ranked streamers who main jungle and marksman roles. “A reliable and strong teammate suits you better.” v6DORn

Boss Wanfeng’s words hit Ji Xingchen right in the heart. Of course, he thought the same thing!

But alas, among streamers, it’s like a small society. Regardless of size or platform, as long as there’s no deep-seated hatred, they’ll always interact. Moreover, with several top streamers humbling themselves to ask him for help, it would damage his pride not to lend a hand.

Ji Xingchen: “Honestly, I’m quite annoyed. I don’t want to carry, but I have to. Forget it, I’ll just carry them all. It’s not a big deal.”

Wanfeng: “No need to carry, I’ll handle this for you.”


“I’ll handle it for you?”

Ji Xingchen was curious, but Ran Feng didn’t elaborate.

Ten minutes later, all the streamers who had come to give gifts suddenly received a 10,000 yuan gift from a user named (Wanfeng). Without saying a word, the user sent the gifts and left, as free and easy as could be, as if they were watering plants rather than spending money.

At first, nobody realized what was happening, thinking it was just a bored rich person playing a money-spraying game. BjvuiF

It wasn’t until someone pointed out the similarity between this Wanfeng and the big boss of MeowMeow TV, Wanfeng’s “Wanfeng Picks Star,” that people began to suspect.

Subsequently, some curious individuals checked the streamers who had received gifts, comparing them to those who had visited Ji Xingchen’s livestream that evening.

Turns out, they all matched up perfectly!

Now everyone finally understood, Boss Wanfeng did this intentionally! v1d0tO

Clear-eyed individuals could see it all. These broadcasters went to Star’s livestream and immediately sent hundreds or thousands of gifts, clearly trying to pressure Star into carrying them.

Now, without a second thought, the boss sent back gifts several times larger.

This way, Star doesn’t owe these people any favors, and even if it’s just the basic courtesy among broadcasters—mutually sending gifts to show respect—the top-ranked boss has taken care of Star.

So now, those people can forget about trying to team up with Star using this method! ivCdeL

Originally, a few other streamers also wanted to come and send gifts to get closer.

But upon seeing the top-ranked boss’s actions, these streamers were all scared to move…

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Afraid of being criticized for trying to take advantage of the top-ranked boss’s 10,000 yuan gift.

[Is this the legendary wealth power?!!!!] pVMYUT

[Boss is amazing, I’m tired of saying it!]

[This is love, right? It’s love! Boss even gave gifts back to these people using a newly registered account, and this account only ever sends gifts to Star!]

Finally understanding how the boss helped him, Ji Xingchen felt both grateful and heartbroken.

Why should they try to trick him, only to benefit from the boss’s generosity in the end! 017BCE

Thinking about how the boss freely gave away so much money, Ji Xingchen’s heart ached.

Star: “Wanfeng, I’ll transfer the money to you, to cover your expenses.”

Star: “They really got a bargain tonight.”

Star: “My heart hurts.” L4oZSB


Transferring to you.

Looking at the 50,000 yuan transferred by Star, Ran Feng did not click to accept.

Wanfeng: No need. PaUks5

Wanfeng: I’m not short of money.

Wanfeng: My heart aches, just play a couple of games with me.

Wanfeng: If we don’t play soon, I’ll fall asleep.

Seeing the messages repeatedly sent by the boss, Ji Xingchen felt uneasy when the boss refused to accept the money. I0Sl 5

What should he do? It seemed like he owed the boss more and more…

And… How would he repay the favors from the boss and these people in the future?

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Wanfeng: Shall we play?

Star: Let’s play. bNSxOh

After sending away those streamers, Ji Xingchen finally felt calm. He logged back into the game and returned to the team room, inviting the boss to play ranked games together.

However, tonight, as if the heavens were against him playing with Wanfeng, just as he was about to click start, the livestream room suddenly received two magic meteor showers from a stranger.

Ji Xingchen’s hand trembled, his breath suddenly paused.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Damn, another streamer?] H5Qngt

[Why is that streamer so blind? Why come to send gifts!!]

[Please don’t come to send gifts anymore. Star just team up with the boss!]

[The boss rarely sweetly teams up with Star, can’t you let them have some privacy!]

“Fw… Ktjcx sbe obg atf uloa rfca ys ybrr Zs Xba Vabifc Mlrt. Jjc P jrx… Cgf sbe j ragfjwfg?” NGms98

Coafg jrxlcu, Al Wlcumtfc uijcmfv ja atf erfg’r cjwf jcv gfjilhfv atfgf kjr cb remt qfgrbc jwbcu atf ragfjwfgr.

[My fish got stolen]: Misunderstanding, I’m not a streamer, I’m your fan. I watched your game yesterday and thought you were really skilled, so I wanted to ask for help ranking up.


[Ranking up? I’m kind of traumatized by the words “ranking up” now…] Va8zCM

[My fish got stolen]: Streamer, can you carry me in duo queue to rank up?

[My fish got stolen]: If you carry me to rank up, will two gifts be enough?

Al Wlcumtfc ibbxfv ja atlr ues ktb kjr vfafgwlcfv ab veb defef klat tlw, offilcu agbeyifv.

“But I’ve already promised another boss to duo queue with them…” z9Edxn

[My fish got stolen]: Please, please, bro, let me join your team tonight. If you don’t mind, can you carry me in a trio queue? I’m only five stars away from reaching Master IV. Please help me rank up! I can’t sleep tonight if I don’t reach Master IV.

As this guy kept talking, he sent another 20,000 yuan worth of gifts to Ji Xingchen.

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[My fish got stolen]: Can you, streamer, please?

Ji Xingchen: … wP2IZ6

[Another boss with a strong financial ability has arrived!!!]

[Hahaha, but this boss with deep pockets is a bit too humble.]

[He’s sent so many gifts just to reach five stars???]

[Our Star Child is indeed on fire now, his value skyrocketing overnight.] dY4Vlz

Ji Xingchen looked at the words of this humble guy trying to rank up, feeling a pang of sadness for him.

Normally, with someone sending so many gifts, wanting to team up with him to rank up, he should immediately arrange it, but now…

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Take him with us, it’s pitiful.

Just as Ji Xingchen was about to refuse, Ran Feng agreed. Y5qfET

After confirming that Wanfeng had no objections, Ji Xingchen relaxed a bit and said to the new boss, “Boss, send me your account, I’ll add you on WeChat, and you can log in now.”

The other person quickly sent over their WeChat ID.

After Ji Xingchen added his account, he also opened the chat with Wanfeng and sent him a message of apology.

Star: Brother Wanfeng, I’m really sorry for tonight, I didn’t expect so many complications. eHkcqp

Wanfeng: No problem.

Wanfeng: We can duo in the future as well.

The new boss was very quick, and soon there was one more person in the team room Ji Xingchen had opened.

Ji Xingchen’s alternate account and Wanfeng’s account were both in the Master Star, perfect for three-man ranked games. lSTmu8

“Hey hey!! Can you hear my voice, bro?”

As soon as the new boss entered the room, he immediately turned on his mic.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Is the streamer ready? I’m all set!” There was a hint of excitement in his tone that he couldn’t quite conceal.

However… when Ran Feng heard the voice of the new team member, his facial expression suddenly stiffened. 3a10J

This idiot who talks too much turned out to be Mo Yuze!

Ran Feng added Ji Xingchen’s account as his personal account, only adding Ji Xingchen and no one else, so he didn’t recognize Mo Yuze when he played games before.

Mo Yuze’s voice was immediately recognized by Ran Feng when he spoke, but that’s because they were very familiar with each other. However, the audience in the livestream had no idea, and upon hearing the voice of the new boss, they couldn’t help but praise it.

[Wow, this boss’s voice is surprisingly nice…] sVXaJR

[It’s nice, but why do I feel like I’ve heard the boss’s voice somewhere before?]

[Feels like a certain celebrity’s voice…]

Ji Xingchen felt the same as everyone else.

“Everyone says your voice is nice, boss. Are you a voice actor? Your voice sounds so familiar.” eSTiBu

Mo Yuze was taken aback, realizing he got too excited and spoke too candidly just now, so he quickly cleared his throat to disguise it. “My voice is pretty generic, I guess. A generic voice sounds familiar to everyone, I suppose.”

Then he quickly changed the subject. “Are we starting, streamer?”

“Let’s go.”

Ji Xingchen clicked on the ranked match button, and the three entered the ban-pick phase. do7qvD

After banning heroes on both sides, Mo Yuze excitedly opened his mic again.

“Streamer, are you using Shouyue for this match? I’ll support you with Ming! Shall we showcase like yesterday’s match?”

With that said, he pre-selected Ming, wanting to replay the brilliant moment when Ji Xingchen used Shouyue in the mid lane and carried with Ming.

However, reality turned out differently— gpS5 T

Wanfeng: …

Wanfeng: Are you sure about your Ming?

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When Wanfeng typed this, Ran Feng’s face was full of disdain.

He knew very well about Mo Yuze’s Ming skills, or the lack thereof. Despite playing dozens of matches, he couldn’t even maintain a decent win rate in ranked. m2QOIy

Feeling a sudden pang of guilt under Wanfeng’s questioning, Mo Yuze replied hesitantly, “It should be okay…”

Wanfeng: Play as Yaria.

After assigning Mo Yuze a hero that could easily carry, Wanfeng himself chose Liang.

Ji Xingchen also chimed in at the right moment, “Boss, I’m not feeling good with Shouyue today. I’m afraid of losing if I play him. How about picking another hero?” trLMfh

Under the combined pressure of Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng, Mo Yuze immediately obeyed and swiftly picked Yaria.

Ink Squid: “Forget about showcasing! Just pick a hero you’re comfortable with. Winning is all that matters!”

[Hahaha, look at that speed! The new boss just got smashed by the team’s decision!]

Seeing the new boss so nonchalantly picking Yaria, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but laugh. fHxIta

He had played with many casual players and bosses before, but encountering someone as obedient as this new boss was a first.

After picking Han Xin, Ji Xingchen equipped the hero with the White Dragon’s Cry, a skin gift from Wanfeng.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he said to the new boss, “Um… actually, you can hire someone to boost your rank if you want. There’s no need to send so many gifts.”

Even if reaching Platinum from Master could be solved with just a few hundred bucks, this boss ended up receiving thirty thousand worth of gifts just for five stars… pd 3ml

Ji Xingchen felt a pang of guilt at the thought.

Little did he know, his well-intentioned suggestion was immediately rejected by the other party.

“No, no, I can’t have someone else play on my account. Besides… reaching Master by my own efforts is what gives it meaning.”

Listening to Mo Yuze’s shameless words, Ran Feng was tempted to open his mic and confront him directly. rHOFsB

Reaching Master by his own efforts?

He suspected Mo Yuze might have obtained his previous Master rank through boosting.

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And, was there really a difference between reaching Master by boosting and reaching it through personal effort?

Once the game started, Mo Yuze controlled the adorable Yaria to the middle lane against Ran Feng’s Liang. Mda4qN

Although he wasn’t accustomed to playing support, he still had some basic understanding.

The enemy mages were Angela and Guiguzi, with faster wave-clearing capabilities.

Working together, they cleared the mid lane and then attempted to invade Ran Feng’s jungle.

Instead of immediately retreating under the tower, Ran Feng waited until Angela had weakened the jungle monster before using his first skill to steal it. W5aXBZ

However, just as Ran Feng successfully stole the jungle monster, chaos erupted in the river.

The enemy Sun Wukong landed a decisive blow, securing a kill on Mo Yuze’s Yaria.

Watching Mo Yuze’s corpse lying near the jungle monster pit, Ran Feng was at a loss for words.

Wanfeng: ?? Y7kya3

Ji Xingchen, who was in the jungle, also witnessed the scene.

“Boss, Liang wasn’t even there. Why did you go alone to steal their jungle monsters?”

Mo Yuze, feeling wronged after giving up first blood, rubbed his nose.

“Look at my name.” QRdzPh

He even sent a message in the game to make it easier for everyone to see his name.

[All] Jungle Thief Mid Lane: I’m terrifying when I get mad! Monkey, you’re in for it!

[All]Wukong: Trembling

Wanfeng:… tW31uX

Wanfeng: I don’t need you to feed

Ji Xingchen laughed helplessly. “But now you’ve lost both your jungle monsters and your life.”

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Mo Yuze replied, “It’s okay, the next jungle camp will respawn soon.”

After dying once, Mo Yuze became much more cautious. He obediently followed Ran Feng’s Liang and finally reached level four. p9 eta

Once Yaria reached level four, she could use her ultimate to ride on her teammates.

As soon as Mo Yuze leveled up this skill, he immediately flew onto Liang’s head and said, “sister, I’ll give you a shield.”

Wanfeng: Get down, don’t dirty my clothes

Being rejected, Mo Yuze obediently got off. “Then should I ride the streamer?” lI46hn

[Ride the streamer???]

[I suspect Yaria is up to something dirty.]

Hearing Mo Yuze’s cheerful voice, Ran Feng stopped his actions.

Watching Yaria Princess rushing towards Ji Xingchen’s Han Xin, he immediately typed out a message. ZHyiK

Wanfeng: Come back

“Huh???” Mo Yuze stopped in his tracks.

Wanfeng: Go with the marksman

Ink Squid: “??? Why am I going with the marksman again? Who am I supposed to follow?” UWcKPF

[Hahaha, why do I feel like Boss Wanfeng is worried that Star will be ridden by Yaria? Wait, what am I saying? Hahaha]

[Boss Wanfeng’s full disdain towards the new boss is hilarious]

Although Yaria is a bit inexperienced, she’s still their boss. As a streamer, Ji Xingchen naturally wants to lead her to victory.

Seeing the boss looking confused and not sure who to follow, Ji Xingchen tells him to stick with him. ia6ehA

“Boss, stick with me. Yaria should naturally follow the Jungle King, and I’ll take you on a flight in the Rift.”

Just as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, Ran Feng chimed in.

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Wanfeng: No, Yaria, come with me.

Ink Squid: “Huh? Me again??? ” 0lLoED

Wanfeng: I’m going to steal the dragon.

“Stealing dragon is exciting!!” Hearing the thrilling activity of stealing dragon, Mo Yuze didn’t hesitate. He immediately bounced to Ran Feng’s Liang, used his ultimate to shield him, and then kept his hands off.

Wanfeng: Use your second skill if you have it.

Wanfeng: Save your first skill for crowd control. 8JWkcv

Wanfeng: Remember to help me eat Angela’s crowd control.

Wanfeng: When the shield is about to expire, come down and refresh it.

Wanfeng: Also,

Wanfeng: Get the big support item in 10 minutes! XMZwtO

Before reaching the dragon pit, Ran Feng briefly explained some tricks to Mo Yuze, then together with Ji Xingchen’s Han Xin, they confronted the enemy Sun Wukong and Angela head-on at the dragon pit.

Ran Feng’s Liang also showcased his skills, dodging damage with displacements, using his second skill to stack his passive, and securing kills with his ultimate.

After a series of team fights, Liang scored a double kill.

Yaria, riding on his head, also secured two assists. 5dVrMU

Feeling inexplicably pleased with the two assists, Mo Yuze immediately sent a “well done” message to Ran Feng in the game.

“Wow, Sister Wanfeng, you’re amazing! Honestly, I feel like we’ve known each other for ages. Your name, the way you talk, and even how you play games, it all reminds me of a friend of mine! Let’s remember to add each other as friends after this game.”

Wanfeng: …

[Hahaha, Sister Wanfeng is legendary!] Na5jGA

[Who would’ve thought our fierce Boss Wanfeng would one day be mistaken for a sister!]

Eighteen minutes later, the game ended.

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Feeling a bit tired, Ran Feng logged out of the game to rest.

The next morning, he opened another messaging app, and the first message that popped up was from Mo Yuze, sent in the early hours of the morning. edSC3b

He sent two screenshots of his performance.

Ink Squid: Brother Feng, check out my performance from yesterday! 3-2-27!!!

Ink Squid: Gold tier support, awesome, right?!!!

Ran Feng took a look. Kl5NPu

Jungle Han Xin, Mage Liang, Support Yaria…

The splendid performance Mo Yuze was boasting about was from the game he played with Ji Xingchen and him last night.

Ran Feng didn’t reply. Expressionless, he opened his friend circle.

Yesterday at midnight, Mo Yuze updated a status— 7R5M4g

Ink Squid: Yaria, I love you so much!!!!

[Performance screenshot][Gold tier support rating screenshot]

Ran Feng: …


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1 comment

  1. He’s a little dumb, but super cute

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛