Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh25.2 - Too cool!!

It’s not that they didn’t believe in Ji Xingchen’s Shouyue, it’s just that the mechanics of this hero here, although the second skill had high damage, it needed to be accurate to be effective.

You see, in the Honor of kings, those confident in playing Shouyue, each imagined themselves as sharpshooters, picking off opponents one by one. r9vDI3

But out of a hundred people, ninety-nine would only end up being outline masters.

They’d aim with the second skill for ages, but when the bullet finally shot, it’d be a lonely hit.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

So in everyone’s eyes, players who picked Shouyue in ranked were either toxic or just putting on an act.

“What… what’s this strategy, bro?” LDQlOm

His teammates felt like Xingxing’s luck seemed pretty good, so he wouldn’t deliberately mess with them, but seeing this pick of Shouyue, they still felt a bit uneasy.

“Hope it didn’t lag again???!!”

Looking at the sharpshooter Shouyue in the game, Ji Xingchen smiled faintly, “No lag, I just picked this, guys trust me!!”

“I’ll go mid this game.” Ji Xingchen added.


Seeing Ji Xingchen’s confidence, any doubts in his teammates’ minds were instantly dispelled, and they became cheerful again.

If Xingxing dares to pick it at this moment, there must be a reason for it!

“Okay, okay, I’m fine with you jungle.”

“Star, we still need a support, what do you want?” hmLes1

“Anything.” Ji Xingchen had no specific requirements for support, leaving it up to his teammates to choose.

“How about Ming? I’ll boost your damage!”


After Ji Xingchen agreed, the fifth-line teammate immediately locked in a Ming. 3PTzwp

Seeing the bizarre lineup on Ji Xingchen’s side, the audience was shocked!!

[What? Shouyue going mid??? Quite confident!!!]

[Not only Shouyue going mid, but also picking Ming, one dares to pick, the other dares to select, I’m not daring enough…]

Ming, this support, was not well-received in everyone’s eyes. On one hand, his skills were too simple, playing this hero had no gaming experience. On the other hand, he was very annoying, making opponents have no gaming experience. EML8 0

Ming’s first and second skills were both a chain, able to tether teammates or opponents.

When tethered to a teammate, his first skill would significantly boost their damage, hence he was called a mobile buff.

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Seeing Ji Xingchen picking Shouyue, the opposing streamer quickly picked up a Arli with several stages of displacement that was not easily targeted.

Once the game started, Ming used his first skill to tether to Ji Xingchen’s Shouyue and happily went to the mid lane together. VFQXpE

With the damage boost from Ming, Ji Xingchen quickly took control of the mid lane. Later, while clearing minions with Diao Chan, the two quietly hid in the brush in the middle of the lane.

“Bro, shall we invade their blue buff?” Ming asked Ji Xingchen from the brush.

“No, let’s just camp here.”

As Ji Xingchen spoke, he controlled Shouyue to stick to the wall and maintain a good stealth state. eZmpB1

With his back turned to Diao Chan, he activated his second skill, instantly opening up a lot of vision in the game.

When Shouyue’s second skill was activated, three red skill lines appeared. He waited until the red lines merged into one, then swayed left and right in the brush, rapidly moving the red line around to make it difficult to track.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Dgb, Gljb Jtjc lr ublcu obg atf yief yeoo.”

Zlcu, jr atf ogbcailcf rmbea, gfqbgafv atf ijafra lcobgwjalbc ab Al Wlcumtfc. ZDJ39x

Cr rbbc jr tf olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, Gljb Jtjc tbqqfv bnfg ab ktfgf Fxsb Kjmtlyjcj kjr ajxlcu atf yief yeoo klat Vec Dlc.

Gljb Jtjc lr j tfgb ktb mjc rtbk boo lc atf fjgis ujwf klat yief yeoo.

So, the opposing jungle, Ukyo Tachibana, went to the blue area at the start to prepare to hand over the blue buff to Diao Chan when it was low on health, helping her develop quickly.

Sun Bin on the opposing side was also cautious. He knew that Shouyue on the other side could steal the blue buff from a distance. IkP 1b

Worried that the blue buff would be sniped by the opponents, he stood in front of the blue buff, intending to help block any incoming attacks.

When Diao Chan reached the blue buff, she quickly used her second skill, hoping to quickly take down the low-health blue buff.

However, at this moment, the silence of the Valley of Kings was broken by the sound of a gunshot.

The Shouyue, who had previously had his back to Diao Chan, had turned around unnoticed. G1ihSZ

His bullet grazed past Sun Bin at an extremely precise angle, hitting the opposing blue buff stably just before Diao Chan’s second skill.

The shot was fast and accurate, the sound of the bullet leaving the chamber making people’s hearts jump!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Beautiful shot by Shou Yue!!!” Ming exclaimed with joy.

Diao Chan stood still for a moment, apparently not expecting Shouyue to be able to snipe the blue buff like that. ty5c8Y

Diao Chan: 6

Whether Shouyue is a master of outlines or a sharpshooter can often be seen with just one shot.

The streamer who ranked 73rd and willingly chose Ming to support Ji Xingchen felt instantly delighted upon seeing this shot.

“Bro, I’m not going anywhere today. I’ll just stay behind you and leash you.” 7K5Cgq

Ji Xingchen, upon hearing this, suddenly paused his in-game character under the tower. “I suspect you’re cursing at me… Although I have no evidence.”

It is well known that when Ming’s first skill leashes onto a teammate, it’s like a red dog leash.

Therefore, every time people see Ming leashing a teammate to rampage around, they call this behavior “walking the dog”!

Although being called “walking the dog” while leashed by Ming isn’t pleasant, with his damage boost, playing Shouyue becomes enjoyable. 2If5zS

After reaching level four, the two of them went to contest the dragon.

Shouyue activated his second skill, seemingly casually spinning in place.

When he completed a 360-degree rotation and returned to his original position, the dragon that the opposing Ukyo Tachibana was about to secure suddenly flew away!

[Stealing dragon and blue buff, Shou Yue is awesome!!!] UOgLZn

[I didn’t even see how it was done, but it’s already secured…]

Having the dragon stolen by a sniper shot from Shouyue naturally left the opposing team feeling frustrated.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Luna, from Ji Xingchen’s team, took the blue buff and happened to encounter the Ukyo Tachibana who hadn’t managed to punish the dragon at the dragon pit.

With the commotion caused by the dragon being stolen, the nearby Arli and Sun Bin from the opposing team immediately rushed to support from the bottom lane. h1qCKW

Relying on their superior numbers, the opposing team attempted to focus Luna.

“Oh, brothers, help, help, help!!! I’m getting focused!!”

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Luna was hit by Sun Bin’s crowd control and then pushed by Arli, directly cutting off her escape route.

“Brothers, coming right away.” hs1zEo

Seeing Luna in a dire situation, Dharma, Meng Ya, and Ming rushed to rescue her.

There’s no way around it, “Honor of king” is such a game full of human touch.

Whenever a teammate is being focused, most people can’t bear to leave them alone to take a beating, so they rush in to help share the damage and suffer together.

After the teammates joined the battlefield, Luna’s situation improved a lot, and with both sides in a 4v4 standoff, the situation wasn’t so dire. GWLUZ1

Ji Xingchen hid by the wall in the middle lane’s grass, not going up to support.

“Shouyue, help, help!!! Snipe once, quickly, snipe one shot.”

Luna, who was being beaten up by the opponents, quickly pleaded for help from Ji Xingchen, feeling extremely anxious when he didn’t shoot for a while.

“Okay, hold on a little longer.” fFjqrJ

Ji Xingchen calmly activated his second skill, scanning the surroundings, but kept holding onto the skill without releasing it.

“I can’t hold on anymore, bro.”

Before Luna could finish her sentence, Diao Chan, who was hiding in the bushes next to the dragon pit and preparing to enter the fight, suddenly shoot by a sniper, losing nearly half of her health instantly.

This shot woke Luna up instantly, but then she closed her mouth immediately. KDSapZ

They were all so engrossed in the 4v4 fight that they didn’t even notice Diao Chan approaching!

If it weren’t for Shouyue just now…

He was so close to Diao Chan, wouldn’t he have lost his head?

Diao Chan, feeling the situation was unfavorable after being exposed by Shouyuee, immediately relocated, and after activating her second skill in place, she took a step forward to prepare to enter the battle for a big show. 861ftH

However, as soon as her ultimate was cast, only her second skill was activated.

In the instant of teleportation, another bullet flew out, swiftly hitting her.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Diao Chan fell to the ground instantly, showcasing to everyone a technique of disappearing health bars online…

[Report: Diao Chan instantly teleports to evade enemy skills!!!] H524GS

[Whoa, am I seeing this right? That last shot from Xingxing was a blind sniper shot, wasn’t it!!!]

[So this is the legendary blind snipe??? Awesome!!!]

[He could even predict Diao Chan’s movements? Incredible!!!]

[Diao Chan activates her ultimate, ready to dominate the battlefield → Time for me to shine!!! → Huh? Where’s my head? How did I die???] m4R3Th

In the game, Ji Xingchen’s teammates showered him with praise.

Even the defeated Diao Chan couldn’t resist typing in the global chat, sending a 6 to Ji Xingchen.

[All]Diao Chan: Brother Xingxing, spare me, don’t snipe me, I’m just a fragile little girl

[All]Shouyue: Okay dYG9RT

[All]Diao Chan: Bro, I love you!! You’re such a good person!!

At first, everyone thought Ji Xingchen was just being polite and joking with the opponents.

It wasn’t until later that they realized the significance of his “good”.

During the contest for the Lord in the Dragon Pit, the enemy Sun Bin was slapped away by the Dragon. Shouyue somehow managed to instantly activate his second skill from some obscure corner. OVcf28

Sun Bin: While in mid-air, suddenly dies.

During the late game teamfights, the enemy Xiang Yu, clad in the Radiance of the Firmament and with the aura of the Hegemon of Western Chu, fearlessly uses his first skill, overwhelmed Luna and Meng Ya.

But then Shouyue fires three consecutive shots, deliberately bypassing the frontmost Diao Chan, swiftly taking down Xiang Yu, her heavily armored teammate, with precision.

Every shot hit its mark, no misses, explosive damage, sending you to the grave! VGL2vU

When Xiang Yu fell, the audience in the live chat got excited, especially when Ji Xingchen’s Shouyue deliberately bypassed Diao Chan and stylishly aimed at Xiang Yu…

[All]Diao Chan: Brother Xingxing, is it too late to take back what I said earlier…

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[Too late, too late hahaha]

[Xingxing: I won’t snipe you, but I’ll snipe your teammates] cKqXIU

[Diao Chan: Don’t ask, asking leads to regrets]

[Diao Chan: This is even worse than just sniping me alone!]

[Xingxing’s Shouyue and mine are completely different heroes!! When I play Shouyue and see Xiang Yu: Sorry to disturb, the snipe wasn’t meant for me. When he plays Shouyue and sees Xiang Yu: The enemy is too squishy, bro, I think you’re more handsome]

After Ji Xingchen scored a double kill with consecutive snipes, even the audience in the live chat, if they weren’t skilled players, could tell how impressive his Shouyue was. UGMExZ

In the game, when the opponent suddenly lost two members, the teammates seized the opportunity to chase down the enemy marksman.

Initially confident, Arli hastily activated her second skill to escape when she saw two of her teammates suddenly vanish.

Seeing this, Meng Ya immediately activated his ultimate to try to keep her, while Dharma rushed over with a flying kick to prevent her escape.

Cornered by the two, Arli had to use her ultimate to push back Dharma and then quickly use her first skill to dodge Meng Ya’s damage. 7e0g6P

Arli’s first skill is a displacement ability that allows her to leave her original position to evade attacks, leaving her umbrella behind. She can return to the umbrella’s location at any time.

Arli’s combination of three skills was flawless, perfectly dodging Dharma and Meng Ya’s attacks, and it seemed like her escape plan was about to succeed!

However, the next moment, just as Arli thought she had successfully evaded the magic claw, she found herself lying on the cold grass as she returned to her umbrella’s position.

The Shouyue, without its second skill, had silently approached her from behind, landing a basic attack before leaping back and stylishly throwing a ultimate at her. epoix9

The bullet fired by the ultimate seemed to have an auto-tracking system installed, relentlessly chasing after the low-health Arli, hitting her squarely on her escape path!


[Is this bullet recognizing targets??]

[Arli: Brutal!] JUWdCG

[That ultimate was way too cool!!!!]

[Damn, can he even predict Arli’s movements??]

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[Incredible!! I’m going to report this Shouyue for cheating!!]

That day, all the opposing streamers fell into a collective fear of being dominated by the mid-lane Shouyue… UFm9r5

Translator's Note

“6” typing it in the chat to express praise or admiration for a good play or performance in a game, similar to saying “well done” or “nice job.”

Translator's Note

“Clad Radiance of the Firmament and with the aura of the Hegemon of Western Chu” is a poetic and descriptive way of saying that Xiang Yu has celestial light or aura, suggesting majesty or divine presence, dominant and authoritative figure. It’s also prefer that Xiang Yu can overwhelmed other characters especially for Luna and Meng Yu on the late game teamfights but because of Shouyuee his skills become nothing.

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  1. Ah, so many chapters! I love them so much. Save your chapters though, translator-nim! Only one extra is enough, or no extra, or whatever you like. (⁠ʃ⁠♡⁠ƪ⁠^‿^)

    You’re doing a great job! Gaming language isn’t easy!

  2. What can I say? 66666

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛