Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh25.1 - Too cool!!


The Honor Points Tournament is divided into three stages: the first week’s preliminary selection, individual competition; the second and third weeks’ free combination, team competition; and the fourth week’s Winner’s Free-for-All, competing for the top three in the final.

Currently, the competition has entered the last day of the first stage. dJ0dZj

As long as the clock strikes two today, the system will rank the points earned by the streamers this week. Streamers ranked in the bottom thirty will be directly eliminated, missing out on the next round of competition.

Therefore, today’s round of competition is crucial for the streamers.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Especially for the top twenty and the streamers ranked between 80 and 60, it is the most critical time for scoring.

Whether they are willing or not, today’s competition is a must for them. vlDOxF

However, the mindset of the streamers beyond rank 70 and those before rank 70 will be somewhat different.

Streamers beyond rank 70 are eager to take risks and turn the tables.

But those before rank 70 must face the challenge head-on, unwilling to give away their spots in the second round so easily.

With each streamer having their own thoughts and goals, the audience can anticipate how exciting today’s midday battle will be.


So they arrived early in the streamers’ rooms, eager to see the spectacle, causing the viewership of each streamer to double compared to usual.

However, although the battles among these streamers vying to maintain their rankings are entertaining, today the audience’s attention is focused more on a certain mid-lane mage.

That person is none other than MeowMeow TV’s Xingxing.

The man who seized nine consecutive victories and kicked over four opponents with Mai Shiranui! qI2gUz

On Wednesday afternoon, the viewership in MeowMeow TV Xingxing’s livestream room reached an impressive two million, living up to expectations.

As the current top-ranked streamer in terms of points, everyone rushed to his livestream room as soon as possible to join in the excitement.

However, among those joining the fun, besides the audience, there were various curious screen peepers—

“Come on, let’s place our bets! He’s already on a three-game winning streak today. Let’s see if Xingxing can maintain his position as the mid-lane mage king and hold onto the top spot in points, or if he’ll stumble at the last hurdle and get overtaken in the second curve.” FhCJ6A

For the sake of maintaining their own points, some people refrained from playing matches today but cut to the livestream room of Ji Xingchen, a certain streamer.

“Oh my god, are you all that confident? You’ve pretty much bet on winning everything, huh? Isn’t that risky? What if you lose? If I lose, wouldn’t I win big by betting on the loser now?”

After saying this, the streamer immediately made a bold move and bet all his ten thousand beans on MeowMeow TV Xingxing winning.

Ea Ns3

“Wow, Xingxing, you’ve got another three-game winning streak today? Impressive! Lately, many people have mentioned wanting to add him on WeChat and play with him. Oh, isn’t this the last game of the week? He’ll probably be heavily targeted, and banning him from the mid-lane is a possibility.”

This is Real Prophecy Master Cheng Yu, leaning on Jiang Mu’s shoulder and watching Ji Xingchen’s match together.

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“Please let me get matched with Xingxing for the last game! I want to be carried to victory!!” cUXV J

This is a streamer peeking in between ranks 80 and 71, but secretly hoping to be carried to victory by Ji Xingchen.

“Oh my god!! Why am I so unlucky to have my timing clash with Xingxing’s? No, no, I need to start the match quickly. Xingxing is about to be matched, and I don’t want to face him, I don’t want to end up getting eliminated in one round!”

This is an African streamer who, despite being at the bottom of the rankings, couldn’t resist peeking at the screen. Afraid of having bad luck and ending up facing Ji Xingchen, this devil incarnate, as an opponent.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

So, in the midst of all this attention, at 1:59, Ji Xingchen finally started the last match of today’s Honor Points Competition. c9CKnM

Cmmbgvlcu ab atf geifr, jr ibcu jr atf ragfjwfg milmxr yfobgf akb b’mibmx, atfs mjc ralii ufa wjamtfv.

Coafg j yglfo kjla bo pera bnfg afc rfmbcvr, jcv j nlygjalbc ogbw atf qtbcf, atf afjwr kfgf olcjiis rfa.

Ycf ragfjwfg, gjcxfv 73gv, kjr fmrajalm ktfc tf rjk tlr afjwwjafr.

“Gjwc, uesr, vlv sbe rff atja? Glv sbe rff la!!! P’w wjamtfv klat Wlcuzlcu!! Vajgalcu cbk, ifa’r jii mtjguf! Mloaffc wlceafr ijafg, kjamt wf milwy ab 70at qijmf!!” Jz7hAd

On the other side—

A streamer ranked 69th was crestfallen, pounding his chest in frustration.

“Damn, what garbage luck is this? Is the stupid system bugged or something? I deliberately waited for him to click for over ten seconds before clicking, and yet this still happened. Ridiculous.”

The system didn’t care whether the streamers were happy or complaining. BMOPDx

Ten seconds later, the ban-pick phase officially began.

“Xingxing, bro, what mage do you want to play this match? We’ll save it for you! Do you want Mai Shiranui, Wan’er, Liang Zhuge or Yang Yuhuan? I’ll jungle this game, and you can just come and take my blue later. I’ll farm the jungle with your help, no need to be polite.”

This guy was clearly a fan, willing to do anything to break into the top 70. He was practically clinging to Ji Xingchen’s leg, willing to give up his resources just to support him.

However, his dreams were shattered by reality. OKIYVb

Two minutes later, the four mages he had picked for Ji Xingchen were all banned by the opposing team.

Ji Xingchen made quite a name for himself this week, so he did his homework, knowing well that the opposing streamers weren’t fools either.

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In such a crucial moment of life and death, of course, all the ban slots should be aimed at the most outstanding player on the opposing team.

However, their astonishing ban picks truly shocked everyone. i9YdLt

Although based on past match experiences, the audience knew that as soon as Ji Xingchen appeared, there was no chance for his Mai Shiranui and Wan’er to make an appearance.

But usually, they only banned two, right?

Today, the opposing streamer actually banned four mages in one go…

It was a bit too much! I6ElH

The audience who witnessed the whole scene were both shocked and found it extremely amusing.

[Guys, put Xingxing’s face on the screen for me! No objections to the first-ranked streamer being targeted in the ranking match, right?!]

[Hahaha, I’m dying laughing. Isn’t this too cowardly? They actually banned four mid-laners in one go. I can see that the opposing team’s strength is not bad either. How scared are they of Xingxing?]

[Why bother banning mages? They directly banned Xingxing, and that’s it.] 3dPwKD

[Do you think they don’t want to? If they could ban streamers, Xingxing would probably be permanently stuck in the ban slot and never be released.]

Besides causing the barrage to burst into laughter, this slick move from the opposing side also left Ji Xingchen’s teammates speechless.

Teammate: “Let’s have some dignity. They can come up with such a sinister ban-pick phase. Can’t they bring out something more straightforward…”

Opponent: “If there were eight ban slots, whether it’s sinister or straightforward, I can still ban four mages!” Tx2QlW

Teammate: “Uh oh, they’ve banned all four trump cards. What heroes will Xingxing play next?”

Opponent: “We’ve only banned four mid-laners; I wonder if the opposing streamer still has any tricks up their sleeve…”

Both streamers were complaining to themselves, but deep down, they were all guessing what mage Ji Xingchen would pick next to continue his showcase. Everyone was just staring at his name, eagerly waiting for his hero selection.

Ji Xingchen’s position was on the fourth floor, and after both sides finished banning their second round of heroes, it was his turn to pick. FfW0tn

He took a glance at the current situation on the field—

His teammates had picked Luna, Meng Ya, and Dharma.

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While the opponents had picked Ukyo Tachibana, Xiang Yu, Diao Chan, and Sun Bin.

They were missing a marksman. 7E9lLR

After roughly estimating both sides’ lineups, Ji Xingchen felt somewhat confident and prepared to open the hero selection screen in the game to pick his desired hero.

But as luck would have it, his connection lagged the moment he clicked.

So, next thing everyone saw, the streamer Xingxing picked Xiao Qiao in the game.

The audience was excited when they saw Ji Xingchen pick Xiao Qiao. vNdb29

[Wow, is he going to use Xiao Qiao this round? Can he handle it?]

[I heard fans say the streamer has used Xiao Qiao on the Chinese server before, so there shouldn’t be a problem.]

[Another trump card? Looking forward to it.]

[Awesome, I’m a rainbow fart machine with no emotions. No matter what he plays, Xingxing is awesome, Vans!] tIvQD4

Just when everyone thought Ji Xingchen was going to show off with Xiao Qiao, but he suddenly switched to another hero in the game.

Xiao Qiao turned into Gan & Mo.

Now, his teammates were thrilled.

After all, a streamer of Ji Xingchen’s caliber daring to pick Gan & Mo made them assume he was a master with the Four Swords Through the Heart. f2SJb6

Imagining Ji Xingchen’s Gan & Mo piercing through the opponents, his teammates quickly spoke up, “Bro, come to the top lane later. We’ll feed you the economy, you hurry up and farm, use your sword to pierce through them!”

But before his teammates could finish, Gan & Mo was replaced by Yi Xing.

Teammates: “??????”

[Not only Gan & Mo, but even Yi Xing is also a trump card???] efc16s

[Whoa, he keeps changing, and then changing again, even the Go prodigy do it! How many heroes does this streamer know!]

However, just as the audience started praising him with rainbow farts, they saw Ji Xingchen’s mage roster changing one after another.

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Shen Mengxi, Daji, Angela, Princess Frost, Milady, Xishi, Guitarist, Dr. Bian…

Ji Xingchen seemed to have a case of indecision, constantly switching between mid lane heroes, back and forth, back and forth. IPixdg

Unaware opponents would tremble nervously each time he changed a hero. They couldn’t help but hold their breath, their heartbeats nearly stopping.

They were completely clueless, like headless flies, unable to guess what hero the streamer Xingxing would ultimately choose to counter them.

“Whoa, his hero pool is too deep… How can he know everything?”

The opponent’s mindset was almost shattered by the variety show of heroes. cD4zgw

“Hero pool? Speak respectfully to streamer Xingxing, that’s called a hero ocean!”

Perhaps because Ji Xingchen’s previous records were too impressive, the audience was now blindly praising him. Even if he picked Dr. Bian, they believed he could carry the whole game with his poison.

However, just when everyone thought streamer Xingxing was going to lock in Dr. Bian, his voice suddenly sounded in the game.

“Hey hey hey, can you guys hear me?” 1soceW

“Yes, we can hear you.”

Ji Xingchen sighed in relief, “Finally, you can hear me. I was lagging just now… I couldn’t even see my game screen. Did I pick a hero?”

For about ten seconds just now, Ji Xingchen’s game suddenly spiked to a 460ms delay, and after that, he couldn’t hear his teammates talking or see any game information.

After hearing Ji Xingchen’s words, both teammates and viewers were stunned. G7wQXN


[Wait, is this not a hero showcase???]

[This is so embarrassing, I was just hyping Xingxing as a hero ocean, and it turns out he’s just lagging???]

[Hahaha, just now I saw Xingxing pick a hero, and the opposing streamer immediately started discussing how to counter. Looks like they were worried for nothing.] DeJ25P

Ji Xingchen was afraid he wouldn’t be able to pick a hero due to the lag just now, so he had no idea what was happening. Seeing that there were only ten seconds left to pick a hero, he quickly spoke up.

“Guys, if you trust me this game, can I play something different?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen hesitated, “I want to… play that…”

Hearing Ji Xingchen’s panicked tone due to the lag, his teammates quickly responded, “We trust you, of course we do. I mean, how could I not trust your skills? You can play whatever you want, I believe you can carry.” 6URC02

“Thanks, bro! In that case, I’ll pick it.” Ji Xingchen closed the mage tab and opened the page with all the heroes.

“Hurry up, what mage are you planning to play? Oh, by the way, are you still lagging?”

“Not anymore, the internet is fine now.”

Ji Xingchen scrolled down a few lines and, as the game’s countdown reached the final three seconds, his gaze locked onto a hero. Gh5dYb

Meanwhile, in the livestream, everyone dared not blink, eager to see what hero streamer Xingxing would showcase this time.

Then, accompanied by the system’s resounding prompt tone, in the last second of the countdown, Ji Xingchen finally pulled out his trump card—



When Ji Xingchen locked in this hero, the barrage of comments from the viewers went crazy. 8zlRLO

[What the heck????]


[Am I seeing this right? Didn’t they already have a Meng Ya? Why did Xingxing pick Shouyue?]

[Don’t tell me the internet lagged again when it was time to pick heroes!!!!] oZhC2

Ji Xingchen’s pick of Shouyue completely caught everyone off guard.

Who would have thought that while everyone was guessing he would showcase various mages to dominate the mid lane, he would actually pick this hero??

His teammates were clearly a bit confused.


Translator's Note

Special mention to VitaB ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠). Here’s your 10 chapters! Anyway, I got scared that all the latest chapters I’m translating will disappeared so for now. I’ll just followed my schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

Translator's Note

“Four Swords Through the Heart” is a metaphorical phrase indicating exceptional skill or dominance in a particular area. It suggests mastery and superiority, likening the individual to someone who wields four swords capable of defeating their opponents effortlessly.

Translator's Note

“Go prodigy” implies that the action being described is so simple or straightforward that even someone highly skilled or talented in a complex field like Go (a strategic board game) could accomplish it. It’s like the action of constantly changing heroes is not particularly difficult or remarkable, despite the implication that it might be due to the streamer’s expertise in another area.

Translator's Note

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1 comment

  1. Fan culture is really funny

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛